Motivated to be lazy

By pl_obsidian

578K 23.9K 16.1K

Ayanokouji X Ichinose Adopted by the Sakayanagi family at a young age. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka wants nothing more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
SS Leadership
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
SS Public Humiliation
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
SS The day my life flashed before my eyes
SS A lesson from a perfect being
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
SS Puzzles
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
SS The dragons empty victory
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
SS Now I sit broken hearted
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
SS Who knows
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
SS my time to shine
SS There's no such thing as loyalty
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
SS The Bet
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
SS The Article
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
SS Why didn't I choose you?
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
SS Hiding in plain sight
SS A deal with a devil
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
SS King's Gambit
SS You're my friend
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
SS "Dirty" Tactics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
SS Unlikely Alliances
Chapter 55

SS The worth of a soul

6K 276 206
By pl_obsidian

Thanks to Zook again for reading over this and editing. It's always nice to get opinions before the upload to make sure it's as good as it's going to get and the people who read over the chapters before the upload do it without asking for anything in return.

Regardless... Enjoy!

"You once told me that you'd sell your soul to reach Class A. The question is, Chabashira-sensei, would you sell mine?"

That little brat. Why would he ask me something like that?

I was surprised when he told me that he had all the names of all the VIP's. I shouldn't have been, I know that he's a generational talent. It's why I wasn't shocked at all when nine names were submitted and they were all correct; Class D had submitted every single name. It was exactly what I was hoping for.

Never in my life had I got what I hoped for and felt so... Empty. Ashamed. Embarrassed.

It's why I was completely discombobulated when another three names were submitted. In mere hours, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had finished the Zodiac Special Test after only the first meeting. I was curious, had he given the names to Class A to benefit his sister? Perhaps he had given them to his girlfriend in Class B.

Instead, when we looked over the submitted names, I could see that Class C had submitted the incorrect names. A cleansweep for my students and not only that, we were now Class C. I couldn't move, I barely remembered to breathe. When the exam had ended on the island, I asked him to take over the class and that the gap was widening to a degree that we'd never be able to come back from.

In one exam, he had completely bridged the gap and we were now within striking range.

But at what cost?

I read over the results once more and then where the current standings would be after the results were announced.

Class A - 854

Class B - 651

Class D - 600

Class C - 442

The half empty glass of whiskey that I was sipping was becoming far too diluted. Instead, I motioned the bartender to pour me another and continued to sit in contemplative silence. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has had a torturous life, suffered far more than any human being should have to suffer. He was happy now, with a beautiful girlfriend and friends who adored him. I could leave him now, he'd done more than enough just to bridge the gap. I could let him live a normal life.

It was so early on in their tenure at this school. Just as the tides had turned in our favor in just one exam, all of that could be gone in another instance. I wanted to let him be, let him be a child. I wanted to be nurturing. I wanted to do the right thing.

Despite all of this... I wanted them to get to Class A more, so much more.

A lifetime of regrets is something that can't be denied, it's something that can not be let go after three months. No matter how fond I've grown of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, I simply can not bring myself to let that goal go. Especially now that I have someone who is probably the most capable I'll ever have. There will NEVER be another opportunity like this.

"Well, well, well... I was expecting celebratory drinks. Not something boring like whiskey. Where are the Pina Coladas and party poppers?" Hoshinomiya joked while poking me in the ribs.

I couldn't help but grimace and swatted at her hand as soon after Sakagami and Mashima both entered the rooftop bar. I didn't want a social gathering but this was the only bar and Hoshinomiya was a notorious drunkard.

"This is unjustly unfair," Sakagami spat. "The school shouldn't allow him to even be here. It's utterly ridiculous that Ayanokouji is allowed to attend, he doesn't even need this school. How are any of the rest of us supposed to go up against that monster?"

"Oh Sakagami-kun, don't be bitter. You weren't so humble when you were the one who had been the clear winner on the island, leave Kiyotaka-kun alone," Hoshinomiya chided him playfully.

"Kiyotaka-kun? Is there something you're not telling us?" Mashima frowned in disdain.

"Who knows,"

"Not you too," I scoffed in annoyance.

"Honami-chan has started saying it all the time, it grows on you," Hoshinomiya grinned

"Well, I suppose you're endearing yourself to him and thinking that you'll be able to recruit him to your class. Don't bother, he'll never abandon our class. He's too loyal."

"One never knows what the future will hold. I'm confident in my classes abilities."

"Your class hasn't had a significant win since the midterms." Mashima said.

"And your class hasn't had a significant win since... Oh, that's right. They haven't had one yet, have they? If only Sakayanagi weren't so notoriously against having him in Class A. You'd be a shoe in to have him transfer into your class." Hoshinomiya teased gloatingly.

It was one of the things I was incredibly grateful for, she was a hundred percent correct. I'd seen first hand just how much Ayanokouji cares for her, if she asked he would be in Class A immediately. The boy was so against having to do anything outside of what was required and yet he brought her between camps, cared for her in the middle of the night and made sure that she was included in everything.

He almost had a complete meltdown when he found out that she was sick because of his actions.

It was manipulative but I hadn't told him the severity of her illness on purpose. If he knew that she had contracted Pneumonia I was positive that he would have found a way to get back to the school. Another of my many sins but I needed him here. It was good fortune that it all panned out to be in our favor but it could have gone wrong and I would have lost any rapport with him immediately.

"There's still plenty of time for that. Sakayanagi is a genius. From what I understand, all it would take is one significant win for her and she'll be satiated. She'll be at the forefront to recruit him."

"You're both talking about stealing my student right in front of me as if I'm not even here," I seethed angrily. "At least have a little bit of tact and have this conversation behind closed doors."

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a troubled child who deserves a normal childhood. We should all stop and leave him alone, he should at least be allowed that." I said bitterly.

What a hypocrite I am.

"Troubled child who deserves a normal childhood," Sakagami repeated. "He told Ryuen to submit the incorrect names and threatened one of my students. That child is a monster, he should be expelled."

"Do you have proof?"

"If I did he'd be expelled immediately!"

"Then you will keep your mouth shut! You know better than anyone else that unless you have proof, it didn't happen. Your own students framed one of mine for a fight he didn't even start and I said nothing, because there was no proof. So you will do the same and you will leave Ayanokouji Kiyotaka alone!" I spat while slamming my now empty glass on the bar.

"Okay let's all calm down here," Mashima said diplomatically, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Our Sae-chan is awfully protective over Kiyotaka-kun. Has he brought out your maternal side?" Hoshinomiya said playfully.

I glared at her angrily before throwing down my previous diluted whiskey and ordering another. I wanted to get as drunk as possible and try to sleep. Hopefully by morning, this weak and sickening side to me will be long gone.

"You should really slow down with that, you're going too fast." Mashima frowned.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just need to drink."

"Why do you look so down when this was the best result you could have hoped for?"

"Yes... it was. But at what cost? You didn't see him. He looked like he was a dead man walking. If I didn't know him so well it wouldn't have bothered me but he was so different to how he normally is... I don't think I want to see him like that again."

"You can't treat him with favoritism, they all deserve your attention. A class can only go far if they're working together giving their best effort."

"We all play favorites, Mashima-kun. I'm just honest enough to admit that Ayanokouji is mine."

"Don't you think you're relying too much on Kiyotaka-kun? What if he chooses love over results? Surely you would know something about that, wouldn't you?" Hoshinomiya asked.

While it may seem like we were having our usual back and forth, the change in tension in the air was noticeable. Sakagami, who had previously been angry and then silent suddenly stood and tried to placate us. Mashima sat quietly just observing how things would unfold.

"I could say the same about you. Your one significant win was because of Ayanokouji, is that why you asked Mashima-kun to switch? So that you could try to pull him over to Class B? I'm disappointed in you, Mashima-kun. What did she give you to make you swap?"

"I think we should change subjects, this is getting a little out of hand. Our role as educators is to guide them. Petty squabbles like this are not becoming of this institution." Sakagami cut in.

"You think I'm finished with you? How dare you call him a monster. Did you see the articles? Do you know what that boy has been through?"

"That does not excuse his actions." Sakagami frowned. "This school has rules. Regardless of his family or circumstances, there is no excuse for breaking them."

"So report him, have an investigation take place and have him expelled. But you won't, will you? Because you know that he has the points to overturn the expulsion and you don't want him continuing to come after your class. You're afraid of a child, how pathetic."

"Alright Chabashira, that's enough." Mashima snapped.

I continued to drink, ignoring the others. I didn't want to be around them at the moment, I didn't want to be on this ship. I just wanted to drink alone in silence. Perhaps if I drank enough, this guilt that continued to grip at my heart would go away and I could finally sleep.

The others started talking amongst themselves, now ignoring me completely. I could see sidelong glares coming from Sakagami and Hoshinomiya continued to look at me with calculating eyes momentarily but Mashima let me be.

I was certain that Ayanokouji wouldn't leave, he would never leave Matsuo behind. They were a strange duo but they got along well. Matsuo is desperate for his approval, it couldn't have been easy for him. When your best friend is a genius with no weaknesses it's obvious to see why he has an inferiority complex.

He'd also made a number of friends in Class D. I was grateful for that, not only because of my own interests. That boy had slowly wormed his way into my heart. I'd never been attached to any particular student but what I said to the others wasn't a lie.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was my favorite student. I wanted him to succeed but I also wanted him to be happy.

When I left I didn't say anything to them, no parting words or anything. I just got up from my seat and stumbled down the steps towards my room. As I reached the landing down the bottom, I felt it. Mashima was right, I drank far too much too quickly.

Rather than look for a toilet I ran out the doors to the port side of the ship and vomited over the side railing. I could instantly feel my head start to clear and I felt a little better. The hand that was rubbing my back and another holding my hair out of my face was doing wonders for me.

Hands? What?

"Chabashira-sensei, please don't drink so much. I know you're in celebration mode but you'll never find a boyfriend if you drink and smoke so much."

This brat. What the hell was he doing up at two in the morning?

"I'll have you know that if I wanted to find a boyfriend it wouldn't be difficult. I rather enjoy being single."

"Spoken like a true middle aged woman without any options." Ayanokouji grinned.

Good, he was back to normal. Still, regardless of how relieved I felt I had appearances to keep. So instead, I put on the sternest look that I could muster and glared at him with reproach.

"How many times must I tell you that I am still your teacher and you my student? There are limits to how you can speak to me, Ayanokouji."

"Okay, okay. You'd think I didn't just win a special test for you or something. At least thank me or something."

Ayanokouji slipped himself under my arm before walking me over to the bench that he must have been sitting on. It was sweet but unnecessary and yet for some reason I didn't point this out. I just allowed him to walk me over to the bench before taking a seat and pulling out my packet of cigarettes before shaking the packet tauntingly at him.

"Want one?" I teased him.

"Absolutely not!" Ayanokouji said quickly with his hands raised in surrender.

I lit my cigarette while continuing to chuckle to myself. After a moment, Ayanokouji got up and left quickly before returning with a bottle of water without my asking. The taste of vomit was still in my mouth so I gratefully accepted before drinking generously and sitting in silence with him.

Ayanokouji looked troubled. While he was acting normally there was something different about him, he didn't look happy. Perhaps we both had the same issue, perhaps this win was bittersweet for him too.

Remembering what Sakagami had said at the bar, I couldn't help but believe that it was true. That Ayanokouji must have threatened one of Class C's students if they didn't submit the names that he'd given them. As long as the admission never came from his mouth though, I would do nothing.

Well... Perhaps I'm lying to myself once again. If he told me the truth I'd pretend I didn't hear it.

I really did want to know how he did it and so I asked him.

"How did you pull it off?"

He hesitated and continued to stare out into the abyss of the ocean in front of the bench. After a while, he reluctantly began to speak.

"I told Ryuen that if he didn't submit the names that I'd given him that I'd be inclined to pay points to expel each of his classmates one by one on a monthly basis. I'm guessing that it worked then?"

I wasn't expecting that and I was confused as I took the cigarette from my mouth and ashed on the ground while turning to him.

"I thought I told you that that isn't possible? You can only overturn expulsions, you can't pay to have someone removed."

For once I felt relieved, he turned to me with a wide grin. He really is handsome, if only I were about ten years younger...

"Yes but you also said that you've never been asked that question, I figured no one else has either. He thinks BUDDY is mine, it's a question he'd never ask and I leveraged that. I asked you to announce that Class D was meeting at the pool to put him on a timer hoping that he'd make a rash decision.

"Either way we would have won. If Eiichiro made a deal with Class A or B to pay points in exchange for our names we'd still win with four hundred and fifty points and we'd get private points in exchange. The rules were specific, we lose Class Points for having our VIP's guessed. I figured that it wouldn't come out of the points that we got from guessing the VIP's, the deductions would come from our current Class Points and we're at zero. You told me we can't drop below that.

"In the best case scenario, Ryuen submits the wrong names and we get the Private Points and the Class Points. Either we finish with 600 points and we become Class C or we end up with 450 and either my girlfriend or my sister increased their Class Points. Either way it was a win, I had us covered regardless so you can rest easy now. The gap has been bridged. Just don't expect too much from me from now on."

This child was incredible. The difference between him and the rest was absurd. Unlike Matsuo who had struggled with the island, he had contingencies. Judging by the fact that he only told me a small portion and I knew that he wasn't telling me everything, he had contingencies for his contingencies as well.

So why wasn't I happy? Why wasn't I free from guilt now that my student had returned to normalcy?

"You far exceeded my expectations. I'm very proud of you, Ayanokouji."

"...Thank you, Chabashira-sensei." He said quietly, staring at a book in his hands.

The body in the library by Agatha Christie.

I'd never read the book before. I wondered what the significance of it was as Ayanokouji seemed to look at the cover sadly.

"Is that all that you did?"

It was probably a poor choice to ask him outright like that as I saw him flinch violently, his hands started shaking and I watched the book quivering in his hands. He didn't answer, he simply sat there in silence.

"Do you think I'm a good person, Chabashira-sensei?" He asked suddenly.

It was a loaded question, something that had a deeper meaning than the simplicity of a yes or no question. No doubt, my student was in turmoil. Perhaps whatever state I had seen him in had lingering effects.

I do believe that Ayanokouji is a good person but only he knows the answer to that question. Regardless of what others think, in a situation like this the only thing that matters is what you believe. I could give Ayanokouji a speech and point out all his good points and minimize his bad ones just so that he would feel better in this situation but it would do little for him.

Loathe as I am to admit it, this child is far smarter than I am. Any lies or false praise wouldn't be able to fool him. It also would do little to help him right now. So instead, I simply took a page from Hoshinomiya and repeated what she had said earlier.

"Who knows,"

The guilt in my heart was lessened just a little bit as I heard Ayanokouji chuckle at my answer.

Updated A/N:

I forgot to put this but I've been curious since I haven't done this in quite some time but now that we have quite a few SS' written I was curious if your favourite has changed or if you still like your original. Please comment on your choice and for the love of god please do not vote for the cursed chapter


Public Humiliation

The day my life flashed before my eyes

A lesson from a perfect being


The dragons empty victory

Now I sit broken hearted

Who knows

my time to shine (Please don't)

There's no such thing as loyalty

The bet

The worth of a soul

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