Accursed Wars of Immortalis

By DavidIslander

692 80 49

Every so often, demons from the Realm of Chaos invade the realm of the living, claiming many victims with cla... More

Introduction to "Fate or Luck"
Chapter 1: Flickering Chaos
Chapter 2: Ashes to Ashes
Chapter 3: The Realm of Chaos
Chapter 4: Fate of the Cursed
Chapter 5: Damnation and Salvation
Introduction to "Mirth Amidst War"
Chapter 1: Chaos Effect
Chapter 2: Aftermath
Chapter 3: Final Efforts
Chapter 4: Hunting the Rogue
Chapter 5: Lone Wolf to Cornered Rat
Chapter 6: Second Wind
Chapter 8: A Ray of Hope
Chapter 9: The Journey North
Chapter 10: The Battle of Hellpit Lair
Chapter 11: Brutal, Bloody Battle
Chapter 12: Resolution

Chapter 7: Preparation

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By DavidIslander

Night had fallen, yet the group still had many hours of travelling ahead of them. They had decided to travel along the southern side of the river, in case there were more roaming Maledicti coming from the north; the south had nearly been completely ridden of demons during the last year. They could only hope that there were no more rogue Maledicti wandering around.

They kept a slower pace and occasionally stopped to drink water from the river, whenever the bank was shallow enough. They arrived at Kriesgrab the next morning, hours before the rise of the sun.

The town, what was left of it, was quiet. They arrived in the southern half, where the reconstruction of buildings had begun. The moon was high and full, giving the group a good deal of visibility. The war-band certainly had patrols north of the town who would benefit from this, but they could not rely on celestial bodies for light. The Maledicti had often waited for lightless nights before attacking, as they could cast fire when illumination became necessary.

When they arrived, the street was empty; all had taken refuge indoors. They found their tents and got a few hours of sleep. The next morning, they were still tired from their journey. They nevertheless rose with the others, turned in their armour and weapons for repair and maintenance and reported their success to Cadleder Kemp. He was out in the fields to the north, at the top of the thin battlements of a newly-repaired wall. He gave them a curt greeting. His eyes were dull-looking, and he would have appeared dead were they any more lifeless. His stern features looked more worn than Flann remembered, as if he had aged during their hunt of the rogue.

"That's an impressive scar you have, young priestess," he observed.

Flann put a hand to her neck and felt the long horizontal mark. She remained silent and indifferent.

"I see you are not the only one with new scars," he added as he surveyed the group. 

He glanced at Ragnhild's face, and noticed the torn and bloodied tabards that Walgen and Kurt wore. Tabards were not essential to survival, as they did little to protect the wearer, so they are not repaired as long as they do not hang in tatters and the wearer's allegiance is still easily identifiable. 

"But I suppose that this means you have succeeded. Good work," he drawled, dismissively. "Return to your duties. There is much work to be done fortifying the town further. We are also expecting reinforcements soon, so do lend a hand when they arrive."

He waved them off, returning his attention to the horizon.

"He seems quite worn from the last day, doesn't he," said Kurt as they reached the town. "I would say he's aged five years since we left. Some people are just not meant for war."

"Is anyone truly suited for war? Is anyone suited to see such atrocities?" mused Colton.

They could not help but look at Ragnhild's impressive physique. She simply shrugged.

"Perhaps no one is suited for war, but there are certainly some suited to protect others," stated Flann.

They met an officer within the town who gave them their tasks for the day. They parted ways. Preparation for a journey north was being made. Weapons and armour needed to be repaired, and there were many supplies to keep track of. Messengers were sent to the major cities, now that the south was safe, and they needed lists of resources required for the journey. After over fourteen years of warfare, some villages had been reclaimed by Luxurite armies and were repopulated and able to contribute in supplies small quantities. Luxurum had effectively recovered control of the country, aside for the ever-perilous north, which had many small groups of demons roaming in the highlands. Any human in the north could be attacked from all directions, simultaneously.

Flann helped with the distribution and assessment of supplies. They had enough to remain in Kriesgrab a few days, but if their numbers increased, they would need much more. Flann was told that, according to a messenger, the total force of Luxurite army was 1250 strong, a mere shadow of its former self. The number was rounded as some of the wounded risked dying, and it was difficult to keep track of all soldiers. Soon, they would gather in Kriesgrab, a town that once almost had that many inhabitants, and they would salvage what they could from the town before departing.

Flann was surprised with a sudden request for supplies, even though she had seen to the needs of all under her care. It was a member of the Steel Brigade, clad in the unusual armour she had seen at the crossing.

"Pard'n ma'am. We're 'bout fifty who just arrived. Rather low on supplies and could use a little more. Was told by the Cad'der to come here," he said.

By his accent, Flann could tell that he was from far to the south, where a few nomadic people still travelled like those of ages long past, despite the inherent danger. They were hardy folk that feared little – even the Maledicti – which made them ideal for the frontline. She wondered a moment if there was anything left of the nomads, due to the Outbreak.

"How many rations do you need?" she asked.

"Hmm... I'd say thirty, for sure."

"Try to manage with twenty five. I cannot be too generous until more supplies arrive." Flann began stocking a crate with the rations as she said: "It's rather surprising to see you here. We did not expect mercenaries to join the fight."

The man shifted in his armour, which clinked and jingled softly.

"See, Wittenburg's hired us. Things went well in Valand, so we came here. Found good pay up north. Can't complain when we're payed in iron sigils. Light, but pricey."

Wittenburg was a mining town along the Spinas Range. They produced almost as much metal as Prosperia, despite their significantly smaller population. They had been the first to be attacked by demons, shortly followed by Kriesgrab. They had thoughtfully prepared their mines as a shelter rather than building large walls as were customary of Luxurite cities. The demons were never able to take the mines, and were eventually sent elsewhere during the war. It was one of two small settlements that had not been destroyed, the other being Stilshor, which was far to the east, too far and too small to be bothered with, it seemed.

"Well, and help we can have is appreciated," she said, "And you seem well equipped." 

"Got the best sigils can buy," he claimed proudly.

He left with a crate of rations. Flann returned to her tent before sunset and had a meal with Walgen. After the sun set, they remained out under the clear sky and watched the stars and the moon. 

"I heard that Luxurum sent people to begin the reconstruction of villages," informed Walgen.

"We could go back to Mirthenhelm... once this is over," suggested Flann.

"We can, if you are less reckless. Promise me that you won't be reckless anymore."

"Only if you promise to keep your head down. You're in as much danger as I am."

They made their promises and went to bed.

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