Into The World

By RookWri78

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February 8th, 2018 is yet another ordinary day in the isolated residence of Pearl Manor. Everything's been sa... More

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Dramatis Personae
#1 - More Than A Knock
#2 - Abominable Beasts
#3 - Timeout
#4 - EVAC
#5 - The Invisible Man
#6 - Covert Operations
#7 - Terra incognita
#8 - The Rogue Pilot
#9 - The Good Samaritans
#10 - Damage Control
#11 - Restoration
#12 - Reunion
#13 - Rickety Psyche
#14 - Discoveries
#15 - Elizabeth
#16 - A Trip Down Memory Lane
#17 - Loose Cannon
#18 - The Rusty Telepath
#20 - Quality Time
#21 - Hidden Connections
#22 - The Guardian and The Key
#23 - Connecting the Dots
#24 - The Final Game
# 25 - Epilogue
Brainstorming: Ch 1 Outline
Brainstorming: Ch 2 Outline

#19 - Compos Mentis

83 74 14
By RookWri78

"They're okay," the jaded physician says, glancing at the dormant Smith siblings, through the pellucid drapes. He rests his hands on the doorframe, drooping his head to catch his breath. Then where's Eliza? 

The father straightens, eyes scanning the hybrid room. "Eliza?" he calls, entering the capacious ward. Turning to his left, Anthony halts when he faces a blue haze. "It's coming from the alcove," he says, swaying his hands to push away the cloudy veil.

"This is a telepathic procedure," he realizes when he notices numerous blue specks, trapped under the hem of his sweatshirt sleeves. He slowly approaches the shrouded alcove.


The physician almost skids when he hears the raucous voice, gaze landing on the radiant, blue streak across the ligneous flooring. "Don't cross the line," the disembodied voice warns.

Anthony lifts his head, staggering when he sees the mystical mirror before him. "She's permitted me to perform the Peak Procedure," Sue says, viewing her distraught grandson through her neon blue eyes. "She?" Anthony darts his gaze to the now clear alcove, eyes widening upon the sight of his unconscious daughter, who emanates an azure aura. No.

"Stop this procedure immediately," the physician demands, glowering gaze on the encased general. "It's been, what, twenty years since you last performed this procedure?"

"Seventeen," Sue replies. "And keep quiet. You're distracting me." She sways her illuminated hands around, eyes riveted on the novice shapeshifter.

Anthony tries to relax his creased forehead as he glances at his daughter. Why did she consent to this?  He muses, watching the green blemishes swirl on her forehead. She just came out of it. The rusty telepath sighs, "I know." She closes her eyes, clasping her hands to form a small, purple ball. "But the Xenos gang awaits for none. They've come to claim what they've lost."

The Xenos gang? Alarms blare in his ears as flashes of the flagrant mob zap across his mind. The physician raises his crinkled brows, when the baby chronokinetic appears before his eyes. Fred's teamed up with them.

"Who called Fred?" Tom demands, eyes on his unconscious brother, who holds Eliza's glowing hand."I-i-it was Macy," Sue answers, the glass encasing her beginning to crack as she clasps her radiant, indigo hands. She darts her perplexed gaze to the shapeshifter who transmutes into Popkin. "I'll take over," he says, rubbing his palms as he assess the purple fog around his family.

Sue rubs the back of her neck, irises restoring to its hazel hue. She steps back, glancing at her pocket-watch, "I wish I could explain everything to her."

The shapeshifter exhales sharply as he crouches to the floor, tracing the gleaming indigo streak with his wizened fingers.


"Dad?!" Eliza says, stupefied by the bizarre spectacle in the atrium below. A glowering horde of red-eyed EBs swarm around Anthony, trying to break the glass dome he's in with their twisted pitchforks. His powers are back?

"You both need to get out of here," the memory guide says, retrieving a bisque scroll from her pocket. She glances at her boss who stands, dumbstruck. Why don't I know anything? Eliza muses, staring at the wan physician. Why did he hide so much from me?

"I'm sure you'll not find answers here," Elizabeth says, scrunching up the empty scroll. "That's why you need to get out." She tosses it to the floor. The shapeshifter leans forward, noticing the young girls glitch as they march around the dome. "They're different," she says, turning to face the memory guide, "Who are they?"

Elizabeth peers into the atrium as she digs her hands into her overalls' pockets, "They are replacements, for the erased memories." The shapeshifter rubs her forehead, trying not to dent her regained composure. She glances at the distorted seven and eight-year-olds that try to climb her father's dome, "Where do they have to go now?"

"The incinerator," the guide answers, shrugging her shoulders. Eliza closes her eyes, contemplating a way of getting out. Wait. I have the locket. So I can- "It won't be easy to control," Elizabeth cuts in, crossing her arms. She glances at the gilded accessory around her boss's neck, "Without the locket, things here would've been much worse."

Eliza slams her eyes open, letting out a frustrated sigh. She glances at her ten-year old self, "What should we do then?" Her gaze falls on the scrunched up scroll, "And what was that supposed to contain?" Elizabeth turns back, "That was supposed to be an interface."

"With whom?" She flinches, when she hears a faint hum in her earpiece. "How," She mutters, stroking her now buzzing earpiece. Tech doesn't work here. The guide casts a grin, "The telepath is trying to contact you."

Sue. Eliza immediately taps her earpiece. "Sue," she gasps, glancing at the atrium. "The ball melted out of my hand. And how did Dad come here?" She bites her lip when she watches Anthony slowly collapse to the floor, the dome around him faltering. "Get us out of here, Sue. Dad's getting defeated here-"

"Liz, slow down."

Eliza gawks upon hearing the clear voice, "Uncle?" The memory guide chokes in reaction, "What?"

"Everything was fine with the procedure," Tom apprises. "Well, until your dad barged in." He lets out a nervous chuckle, "Don't worry now, Liz-"

"What do I do to get us out of here?" The shapeshifter blurts out, biting back her tears as her mom appears before her eyes. "Quick, Dad's running out of time." She glances at the guide who retrieves something from her small pocket. After a prolonged moment of silence, her uncle answers, "Ask the memory guide for her pocket-watch."

The ten-year-old Elizabeth lifts her head, "What? No." She steps back, clasping her bronze pocket-watch. She crinkles her forehead when the shapeshifter nods, "How are you agreeing to this?" She takes a huge step back when her boss turns to face her. "No, Eliza," the guide shakes her head. "Don't even think of doing that."

A deadbeat Anthony succumbs to the inclement floor, using what's left of his might to maintain the durability of his domed forcefield. "Eliza, where are you?" He murmurs, watching the gazillion EBs poke the dome with their inflamed pitchforks.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The pallid vanisher remains transfixed in his crouched pose, eyes trailing the red-eyed devils who begin to recede from his protective dome. "What was that sound?" he mutters, trying to sit up. He glances at the glitching EBs who scan the dusky surroundings.

"Hey." The horde spin around, lifting their heads to track the amiable voice. "Searching for this?" A figure emerges from the shadowy expanse, her face slightly visible under the moonlight. One of the EBs step forward, "That's the key to the memory hub!" She cries, pointing to the bronze accessory the brunette dangles, with her left hand.

Anthony relaxes his squinted eyes when he recognizes the speaking contour, on the far end of the atrium, "Eliza." He struggles to stand up. "What is she doing there?" He jerks back when a face appears before him, brows furrowed as she examines the translucent barrier. The memory guide places her stubby finger over her lips, eyes glowing violet.

The EBs closest to the dome, don't notice their archenemy behind, as their gaze affixes on the their last, glimmering hope. "So that's what it's called?" The shapeshifter says, glancing at the pocket-watch. The eight-year-olds nod in unison. "Give it to us." The hissed whisper reverberates across the atrium.

"Come on," Elizabeth moans as she helps the exhausted physician get up. "Stop her," Anthony mutters, trying to focus his wavering gaze. The memory guide sighs, "We need to go there." She points to a distant door on her right. He shakes his head, eyes widened by the abrupt transformation before him.

"What are they doing?" Eliza whispers, placing the bronze watch in her pocket. The distorted EBs coalesce into each other, forming a glitching goo. "Liz, you need to commence with the next step now," her uncle chimes in. 

Lure them to the Grand Hall. She muses, glancing at the now erect blue mass before her. "Liz-" Eliza taps her earpiece when the call abruptly disconnects, "Uncle?" She peers over the blue mass, at her distant dad. He'll get out soon. She steps back when the mass begins to take shape.

The transforming blue mass follows the shapeshifter who sprints across the spurious hallway. Eliza turns a corner, tapping her earpiece. "Uncle?" She exhales sharply as she runs faster. What happened to him?

She stops, her quaky legs unable to carry her further. The shapeshifter plops on the ground, dabbing her forehead as she catches her breath. I can't stop now. She lifts her head, gazing at the distant Grand Hall. "Come on, Eliza," she says, mustering strength to get up. "We're almost there."

"Liz," the shapeshifter freezes upon hearing a familiar voice. No, don't turn back. She clenches her fist, resisting to see the figure behind. "Lizzy," the voice says. Eliza bites her lip, placing her trembling hand in her pocket. Need-to-go-to-Grand-Hall. "Don't you miss me?" 

Eliza slowly turns back, her heart shattering upon seeing the figure before her. "Mom?" She croaks, eyes filled with tears. Christina Wright casts an angelic grin, her long, auburn hair let down. Turn back now. The shapeshifter sobs, scanning her mother who stands a few feet away. Turn now...

"An-thu-nee," the memory guide squeaks as she races behind the plodding physician. "You need to get out of here first." The vanisher halts, glancing at the two women who face each other.

"Aargh," Elizabeth says, gritting her teeth when she sees the duo. "I knew it. I told her it won't work." She glances at the memory amalgam, "And since when did replacements become so crafty?" She darts her bemused gaze to the dumbfounded physician, retrieving something from her pocket, "You know this is all your fault."

Anthony sighs, "It doesn't matter now." He flits his gaze to the guide, "Do you have an energy replenisher?" Elizabeth hesitates, digging her hands into her pocket, "Maybe." She glances at her unguarded boss, "Ah, forget it." 

The physician glances at the silver box the guide offers. "It will only last for eight minutes," she says. Anthony flashes a small grin, "That'll be more than enough." Elizabeth sighs, rolling her eyes.

Eliza wipes off her uncontrollable tears as she glances at the transmuted memory amalgam. This isn't real. Christina grins, straightening her white turtleneck sweater. "It must have been really tough for you," she says, slowly approaching her. "That's why I need that. So that I'll be able to support you." The shapeshifter sobs, retrieving the bronze pocket-watch. Don't do it.

She drops her head a bit to glance at the five-foot-two lady who stands right before her, her soft, blue eyes glistening with tears. Christina extends her hands, "You must have been so afraid." Eliza hiccups when she glances at her mother's hands. She's real. She muses, as she holds her warm hands. "Thank you," Christina says, squeezing the shapeshifter's arms. "For being so strong."

The shapeshifter smiles, oblivious of the red-head who takes the pocket-watch from her hand. The memory amalgam turns back, squealing as she caresses her ticket out of here. "This was easy." She mutters, transmuting to an eight-year-old EB. She clasps on to the pocket-watch, flashing a victorious smile. "Now, it's time to kick those bastards out," she hisses, eyes glowing red.

"For that, you need to have the key." The EB's smile falters upon hearing the voice. Turning back, she sees the grinning brunette, her ebony eyes sparkling. "What?" she says. Eliza steps forward, scrunching her ruddy nose, "Hats off to you." She bends down, squinting her eyes to see the red-eyed EB. "You were smart, playing the Mom card." She pauses, "But I'm the boss here."

The EB flinches when a transparent barrier encloses her. The shapeshifter grins, clasping on to her locket.

"No, Eliza," the guide shakes her head. "Don't even think of doing that." The novice shapeshifter knits her brows when a doubt arises. "You said that we need to destroy them in order to get out." She strokes her earpiece, "Won't they know that, since they're all me?"

"Well, it all depends on you," Tom replies. The guide shakes her head, "Your uncle has gone nuts. Don't listen to him." Eliza turns to see the grouchy horde. "Just because Fred tampered with your memories, doesn't mean that you have no control over yourself," Her uncle says. "So even if something happens, you have the power to change things."

"As it's all in my head," The shapeshifter whispers, her pale visage now brightening.

The real Elizabeth Banks steps back when the memory amalgam begins to bang on the barrier. "You can't do this," She says, eyes a fiery red. She drops the counterfeit pocket-watch.

"Thank you," Eliza says. "For keeping me sane till today." She retrieves a small black device from her trousers' pocket. "To hell with your gratitude," the crabby eight-year-old scoffs. "Everyone will hate you."

"We'll see," The shapeshifter says, pressing the sole button on the tiny controller. The memory amalgam freezes when she hears a beep. She sags her head, glancing at the gleaming counterfeit. "Sh-"

Eliza turns back when the chamber illuminates, burning the amalgam inside. Tears roll down her pale cheeks as she hears the cries of the eight-year-old. I need to move on. She closes her eyes, interlacing her hands. Thank you for keeping me stable all this time.

"Oi!" The shapeshifter opens her eyes, seeing the memory guide who flashes a thumbs-up. "That," she steps away from the pillar she stood behind. "Was awesome." Eliza flashes a victorious grin. "Thanks." She crinkles her brows when the guide's jaw drops. She turns back, startled to see the erect eight-year-old, in bright red flames.

Eliza steps back when her forcefield melts into the air. "You think everything will be hunky-dory once you get out?" The seven-foot-EB sneers, rubbing her ignited fists. She glances at the dumbstruck shapeshifter and her accomplice, "Why do you think I was created?"

"You can't exist without me," she says, stepping forward. Eliza fumbles with the words with her mouth, "T-that was a long time ago." The fiery monster shakes her head, "You are nothing without me." She lets out a ridiculing guffaw. "Really, who are you without me?"

"She's Elizabeth Banks," Anthony intercedes, stepping into the wide hallway, hands glowing lilac. He pushes the giant away with his forcefield. "She's an adept technician." The fiery giant growls as she tries to push away the enclosing barrier. Eliza sniffs as she glances at her dad. "She's a loyal friend," he chuckles, shoving the evil eight-year-old to a corner. 

"She's the most efficient, and warmhearted owner Pearl Manor has ever seen." He pauses, looking into the entrapped menace's gleaming eyes. "And, she's my ingenious daughter." He turns his head to his right, reeling back when he sees the empty space. Where did she go?

The fiery giant smiles, pushing the barrier toward the distracted vanisher. Anthony begins to get pushed by his own shield, blood trickling from his forehead. Eliza? He darts his gaze to the figure that appears on his left. "Do you think I can be a good shapeshifter," Tony says, placing his illuminated hands on the barrier. The memory amalgam fails to free itself, as the shapeshifter pushes the barrier forward. Anthony smiles at his doppelganger, "You're already using your powers."

Tony chuckles, eyes riveted on the defeated giant who begins to disappear. "But this is in my head," The shapeshifter says in her original voice. The father grins, maintaining his force on the shield. "You've already figured this bit, that too on your own." He glances at his other self, "So, with training, I can guarantee that you'll be an adept shapeshifter in no time."

Tony nods, flashing a smile as he looks at the fading memory amalgam, who grumbles an indecipherable sentence. "Goodbye."

The two Anthonys dust their hands as the EB vanishes, the hallway now illuminated by the incoming daylight.

"Encore!" The memory guide yells, approaching the duo. Eliza smiles, reverting to her original form. She glances at her dad, "You know I'm not letting you off the hook." Anthony nods, rubbing the back of his head. The ten-year-old EB chuckles, retrieving the original pocket-watch.

"Don't ever come back here," Elizabeth says, glancing at the physician as she snaps her fingers.

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