Can you escape the night vari...

بواسطة bloodrosesXD

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Y/n is a YouTuber making videos with her sister being ldshadowlady and bestie of lele Pons. One day joey invi... المزيد

unexpected letter (1)
an unexpected letter pt.2
(MUST READ) ((closed))
Question (not An Update)

The ungodly machine

127 4 2
بواسطة bloodrosesXD

* previously on escape the night narrators POV*

I hosted a party that only existed in the year 1920. They're a friend who were murdered by an evil force that haunts it. We now need to recover four mysterious artifacts if we want to get back to 2016


A figure with a crow like mask walked in the shop of a mad scientist. The scientist flicked a switch that caused a little spark and then heard a cry of a man "Please don't do this Please the young man cried out "shut up" he responded with "we didn't do anything" the women wailed "SHUT UP I NEED I need to think" the mad scientist said as he slammed his hands on the table. "It's time the figure with a crow masked said. The scientist looked behind him and almost jumped. He then picked up a syringe and stabbed it into the young man's chest, then did the same to the women. He then grabbed the girl and shoved her into the tube, then did the same with the man.

He walked back over to where he was before he pressed a button and then flipped a switch which caused the machine to turn on and sparks started to fly everywhere and the tubes filled up with a deadly black smoke draining the life force out of the man and women and was pulled into a pipe the led to a huge glass box with a skeleton inside of it, the skeleton then started to regain it's flesh and muscles, once the process was done the skeleton that now looked like a monster jolted up and screamed

"We'll need more" the dark figure said "but the machine will need to be recharge" the scientist said the monster started to stand up "it requires more electricity then a small city" the scientist said "try using this" the figure said while placing a ancient artifact on the table "once I place the object in the machine it may be impossible to retrieve" the scientist fought "it's better that way" the figure said

Author's POV

"BOOM! The car then blows up, and you see thus guy"

"Loud cracking noise, everybody screams."

"What if we were actually in that car?"

Y/n: "That... that could have been up.. WE COULD'VE GOT BLOW UP! i really hope everyone's okay. "

Everyone walks inside when y/n gets inside she immediately clings on lele hugging her as tight as possible and lele hugs her back "I don't understand what just happed" oli said "I can't believe it" glozell cried out "what do we do" three girls say at the same time "who was that guy was he the driver" Ijusten asked "yeah" ava answered "yes he's laying on the ground" Sierra says then people started to talk over eachother y/n let go of lele and walked to the back if the group not wanting to be crowded, Joey looks over at Y/n

"Hey Y/n" Joey call and everyone turns the their attention towards you" and you blush "why did you walk away" he asked suspiciously "oh uh" y/n stutters lele then looked over to Joey "what are you trying to Imply here." lele ask "it just seems a bit suspicious I'm not trying to accuse her" Joey answered "ok uh how do I put this" Y/n says shyly "I just don't like being crowded it just makes me jumpy so I try to back up before anything get out of hand" Y/n says meekly. "I can back her up on that one I've known y/n for a long time she does have social anxiety," lele responds everyone expect lele and Joey has a sorta jealous look on there face

"Ok sorry n/n" Joey says "it's fine J" y/n responds and everyone goes back to discussing Aruther then comes over to y/ns hand and squeezes it and smiles at her kindly but that smile hide the evil thoughts in his head about y/n being his and Sarah's alone

(Yeah, I decided to make all of the villains in all seasons yandere because I love yandere stories, so I'm trying it)

Y/n smiles back and holds his hand also so he won't figure out she's suspicious of him. Everyone goes back to arguing

Matt: "People are going to die, and all I'm thinking about is I need to make sure it isn't me. And I'll try to keep
Y/n alive as long as possible, but if it comes down to me or her, I'm sorry, my darling, but it's gonna be me."

"Here here's the thing I'm trying to get back to 2016 we've gotta find the four artifacts or we can't go home" Matt says they all start talking over eachother and then glozell speaks up "well somebody gonna dye maybe we can pick who's gonna die" everyone started yelling again "people are gonna die regardless it Said we have to vote people in for who is gonna do the challenges" matt spoke "I wanna get the hell outta her I don't know about you guys I haven't checked my email in like 48 hours" Ijusten says "what do we know?" Glozell asks Joey, then steps in and says "ok well we know in Shane's pocket he had that symbol that's on that square is what's gonna lead us to our next clue says.

"Wait once again. Does anyone want to come out as a secret society against evil members? Anyone?" Joey asks."Maybe we'll meet them later on?" Lele answers."Yeah, so we have to look for more of those symbols threw out the house, " Matt say "shit,my wallet was in the car. " tim complains."Okay?" Joey says "ok you know what? I think that we should start looking now, " lele says."So should we just split up or?" Ava ask."I think we should split up, " Joey says."omg splitting up is never a good option, kay. " Sierra says,"How much time do we have?" Lele asks."we have until the sun comes up, " Andrea answers "WHAT" glozell says

And guess what, everyone yelling over each other again, "Why are we standing here? Let's do it." Sierra says, "we need a clue." glozell whines, and then Sarah came in and placed a box on the table

"So sketchy Sarah walks in with a box and last time she walked in with something it was a head sooo I'm not feeling to great this"

"This arrived in the post earlier," Sarah says with a thick (Russian?) accent. She then slowly opened the box, and it revealed a severed hand. Everyone started screaming y/n, then clung onto Aruthers arm and yelped the marked cut onto the arm, which started to glow

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" one of the girls yelled. lele turned to y/n and pulled her away from Aruther, not trusting him

"There was a fliping hand in there

All tated up. Tryna figure out what's going on. Maybe these tattoos are clues for something

Glozell picked up a note, and Joey asked. "What did it say?" "'Her essence can speak to you threw the spirit bored'" glozell read out everyone then again started yelling over each other then Ava repeated " 'Her essence can speak to you threw the spirit bored in the library giving you clues however whatever power it requires great strength to speak across the grave and can only occur once an hour' so it's kinda like a life line"

"Ok" Joey says Aruther then walks over to the group "may I make a suggestion someone should act as the voice and read the invocation" he suggests y/n walks over and picks up the card and reads out " we call you now to bless our meeting heaven promise ir spirits thrive now for the living let the dead come alive" everyone started chanting 'oh no' and is squealing

"I stay away frome all spirit bored I don't mess with it I don't wanna open up that door and give a ghosts to peak his way in and then haunt my life forever and I can't marry someone who is possessed so doll be very careful"

"Greetings spirit speak to up" y/n reads out loud she then look back at the bord "OH MY GOD" y/n yelled and lele came next to her and pulled her away from it and Ijusten walked towards it "it just lit up" y/n said "wait B O O K S" oli called "books?" "Wait we need to look at the books," Joey suggested

"The spirit bored spells out books we're in the library that could mean anything books are everywhere here"

Joey and the group start looking around for something that looks out of the ordinary

"I just hope I come out of this alive,"

Everyone started looking around and Joey finds a book with a black leather cover "so i don't know if I was supposed to open a cabinet but there's a symbol here and a look with the same symbol" and the others surround him "ok so maybe the code is on the book" tim suggest and everyone started yelling over each other "yeah this has a number on it" oli agreed ok so get the other book and y/n grabs another book that had the same symbol of the hand and lele and Ijusten came over "guys y/n found 5" Ijusten said out loud and oli gently took the book from her with aa kind smile and said "thank you honey" and y/n face turned into a dustey pink color and tim, lele, and Ijusten looked back with a bit of jealousy

The group started to talk about it and ava brought another book and said "hey I also found one" ava then puts an arm around y/ns waist and smiled and y/n smiled back and lele held her hand. Joey then walked back to where he left the black book " I found a book as well" he said with a smile y/n felt like someone was staring into her soul so she turned around and saw Arthur and Sarah glaring daggers and lele and ava who is still hanging off her and Arthur and Sarah then made a quick glance at y/n and they smiled kindly so kindly that it caused shivers to go up her spine

"Why do they keep glancing at me it's creeping me out, and I feel vulnerable. At least we're one step closer to getting back to 2016"

"This is some demon stuff," Ava said, tighting her grip on y/n.

"Everyone is finding these books that have the same marking, and we realize we need to take all of these. Put them on the table and figure out what they need to do with them. "

Ava let's go of y/n and goes to pick up the rest of the books "wait maybe it has something to do with this" Joey points to the numbers on the table next to him he then starts counting "so there another one" lele says "no we need three more" Joey says "I found one more" matt say "Alright we need one more

"So we're searching everywhere looking for this book with a symbol, so I'm looking at this grandfather that no one is looking in. I opened up the door, and I found it."

"I FOUND IT," Andrea yells "where" oli asks. "It was in the clock," she said

"So we found all these books, and they're all numbers, and they all have different numbers, and they all have different arrows, and there's different dials on the box where the hand is. And the books tell us where the dials have to turn"

Ava then start turning the dials in the order the arrows on the book points when she finishes the lights turn on and everyone starts cheering and someone was whispering numbers and the lights started flashing y/n wispers to lele what she heard and asked if she could say it out loud "y/n said she heard 3 5 4 7" lele let go of y/n hand and walked towards the mystery box Sierra then picked it up and put it on the table y/n walked over and put the code in and it opened. Tim came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist (if you can't tell, I simp for lele and tim the most in escape the night lol) "chess pieces" three people said

(And I don't know who because I don't remember alot 🥲 all i know is tim was one of them)

"I'm so confused because I don't know what's going on."

"Why is everyone clinging to me? I wanna focus, but it's so hard because I get flustered easily, and I barely know anyone here except Joey and lele. Joeys gay so i'm fine with him hugging, and lele is my best friend, so of course she can, but other than that, no, i need to focus. I swear to God, I'm gonna start slitting throats if this keeps happening. " she stops for a second and looks behind the camera."What?" And then says "oh I'm not aloud to say that?" She looks at them dumbfounded and say once again "i'm trapped in the goddamn 1920s to participate in deadly games AND YOU THINK ONLY SAYING I'M GONNA SLIT SOMEONE THROAT IS THE WORST OF OUR PROBLEMS?!" She asked jokingly

Y/n picks up the note and and everyone starts talking over her "hey let her read the note," Tim yells. "Thirty men and only two women. But they hold the most power. Dressed in black and white. Could fight for hours. The ladies need to find a perfect pair. " she paused as Sierra and iJustine sat down, and then she continued,"A handsome night on their right with a flare. "

"Who knows we had to play chess? I wished we had a dumber ghost, " glozell says


"We'd probably be out of the house by now,"

Tim takes the note slowly out of it and gives her a wink. And she blushes. "Yet one if these ladies is in deep sorrow. Her bearded husband will not have his home tomorrow. A vicious Bishop" tim paused "those are kings" y/n points to the kings

"Chess isn't really my game. I'm more of a yatze (I think that's how you spell it) or guess who that's my shit."

"I used to play chess all the time with lizzie. I'm a bit rusty, though sadly." she laughs awkwardly afterward

"So you need to move Bishop over here." ava shows the blonde and brunette. "Took his house a beautiful medieval castle" tim says "so would these be considered the castle" matt asked "Uh I used to play chess with my sister all the time if one you wants to switch I'll be happy to" y/n state "Uh no thanks. But I do appreciate it, cutie. " Ijusten replies and winked at y/n

I stare at the cameraman with an annoyed look. He then says "alright fair enough."

(I've decided that with every book I post about etn there is gonna be one or two points where y/n breaks the fourth wall)

After Matt explains what they needed to do, then with a loud snap, a drawer popped open. Oli grabs the paper and starts to read, "Today's experiment was a success. The machine was able to consume the life force of two college students and produce an ungodly monster. However, the machine's endless demand for power is endless." He pauses

"As bad as this sounds, better than me,"

("Why'd you pause?" Y/n asks "because the writer doesn't know how to discreetly make the make the p.o.v with someone also talking through it out of p.o.v")

He then continues, "I'm using an ancient artifact with an artifact." "Okay" Joey replies, "That's what we need to find," oli said, and then continued once again.

"With an origin, I do not wish to know as a source, but it it has come with a price. My mind can no longer distinguish between reality and nightmare. I've locked the keys to the machine inside the green cabinet in the ballroom, but my scattered mind can not recall where I left the combination on the first floor. All I can hold are the four elements of triangles as a boy. Fire, water, air, and earth"


"We find this leaflet with four different elements on, and we decided to split up."

Arthur then walks into the room, not believing in personal boundaries and steps way too close into y/n personal bubble, and she tries to move away, but Arthur grabs her arm and sorta glares but quickly like a cheetah on drugs covers it up with a kind smile. However, y/n did not miss it, and got a little scared and tried to pull her arm out of his hand. But he still doesn't let go, giving her a knowing look 'i take it you know who's really the game master here' it was almost like she read his thoughts. But he gave a quick and noticeable fake smile.

Andrea, being the queen she is senses something is off and starts to look around while oli is talking, and finally landing on y/n and Arthur. noticing how uncomfortable y/n looks. Arthur looks over to Andrea as soon as he gets the feeling of being watched. Andrea then walks calmly over to y/n lightly grabbing her arm "hey pretty girl, your dress looks amazing. Where'd you get it?" Andrea ask. Y/n realized Andrea is trying to help. "oh me and my sisters made it" y/n say quickly blushing a little bit, Arthur quickly tightens his grip digging his nails into her a bit, just to leave a slight mark and then let's go of her arm all together displeased bye the blush in your face which Andrea caused and not him, Sarah or Marvin

"I love Andrea so much right now,"

"My question is why did he grab her like that, something off with this man. No one should grab anyone like that, especially not people like y/n who did nothing to deserve it. Even if they deserve it, no one should be"

Arthur finally speaks up "please everyone" Arthur says

"So we cover more ground and try and find them all as quickly at possible."


*a few minutes earlier*

Sarah comes over to me and and wispers "master she is smarter than she looks." "I know it won't be long until she figures us out. I think the best thing we can do is try and take her when no one is looking. Though that might prove difficult. The other pawns can't seem to take their filthy and disgusting eyes off of her"

* warning the next part contains a small lime,some torture, and a very slight noncon if you have a weak stomach or something like that, please. I beg you, skip*

Sarah's P.O.V:
'I can't stand to see them eye fucking our goddess of beauty, innocent , and unknown chaos, we should be the only ones touching, loving, and hurting her just to hear her cry out of pleasure and pain from lightly cutting her while arthur gets her off or fingering her while killing one of her friends'

I sit lost in thought, thinking of all the things we could do.

(I promise i promise this really isn't important I just wrote this part because I was bored)

* daydream but still sarah pov*

I'm sitting there holding her on my lap, a knife against her throat. She kisses me willingly while me,her, and Arthur are naked, marvin making sure no one comes to the shed outside, promising he'll get his turn with her later. I pull away and start to kiss the side of her neck and Arthur sticks a finger in her cunt. She let's out a cute wimper and tries to pull away from his finger. I lightly press the knife against her thoart reminding her who is in charge. He sticks a second finger inside of her and she moans so quietly. I lightly press the side of the blade to her breast and start sucking on her neck. Arthur then starts to suck on her clit making her jump a little and yelp "you're gonna look so beautiful with you stomach filled with our baby" Arthur says in a low groan and starts speeding up his fingers while sucking harder on her clit she finally cums and tries to move out of my arms away from the over bearing pleasure Arthur is giving her forcefully "stop it's to much" she whimpers "shhh we gotta make sure you're ready for him angel, it's gonna hurt if we don't" I say in a sadistic yet calming voice. She nods and tries to sit still but keeps jerking. I think she was about to cum again "sarah~" she moans out "that's not my name right now angel" I say calmly but still in a sadistic manner Arthur fingers and mouth start to speed up again causing our little y/n to start losing her mind to the lasting clouds around her mind "mistress please" she manages to wimpers out before she screams and cuts for a second time. Arthur then picks her up and lays her on a bed and ties her down with a rope "such a good little slut for us" Arthur says and she wimpers. Arthur climbs onto the bed and position his cock infront of her slit. I also climb onto the bed and move my legs to each side of her head "are you ready for the main course slut?" He doesn't give her time to answer before he slammed into her and I lightly sat on her face moaning as she got to work

*warning over*

*back to the present no ones p.o.v*

"Okay so we're looking for air, water, earth and

(I'm sorry the rest of this is in bold) I'm gonna post another chapter of this but I need to get done with this one bc it's too laggy I love you all

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