He's Her Business | Jeffrey D...

By Dixon_Reedus

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๐Ÿ“–This will be a (very) short-story ๐Ÿ“– Athena met her new business partner. And that man is a business himsel... More

[Chaper One]
[Chapter Two]
[Chapter Three]
[Chapter Five]
[Final Chapter]

[Chapter Four]

103 4 29
By Dixon_Reedus


This two month flew by faster than Athena wanted. Tomorrow she'll have her meeting and after that she'll meet Nathan again. By that thought her heart starts to beat faster and her cheeks heat up.

The last months they wrote back and forward and they talked over the many calls they had. They flirted, teased and told each other about their lifes. Athena learned a lot about Nathan. His past, present and what he wants to do with his future. She even told him they should forget their rule. They are both adults and definitely old enough for handling business and pleasure at the same time with the SAME person.

You can wear something comfy for dinner 🍽 😋 we'll be eating at my place 😉

I said I'm gonna pay 🤨

You will pay. Trust me 😌

Even if he doesn't mean it that way, Athena feels a tickle in her whole body. Just the thought of it makes her breathing faster.

Oh, will I? How dou you think I could pay you? 😏

With cooking for me 🍳 👩‍🍳

Athena is kinda disappointed by that answer. She wants to lock her phone, when she gets another message from Nathan.

Only in a cooking apron 🥼

Now Athena has to gulp. Overwhelmed from the second message, she isn't able to answer. Her fingers are at another place than her phone right now.


In the airplane, Athena takes out her sleep mask. Just as she wants to put it on, the steward starts to perform the safety instructions. Athena has seen those for at least a thousand times in her life, but this steward literally performs it like it's a dancing routine. He even does some jokes. The whole time Athena has a smile on her face.

When someone loves their job, they can't only show, they can even let the people around them feel it.

As soon as the engine starts, Athena puts in her earphones listening to "Golden Age" from Michael Patrick Kelly, her favourite song at the moment, and puts on the sleeping mask. She leans back and sighs. Athena thinks she will need some sleep, because it will be a short night. Or better: she hopes that she will need it.


After the successful meeting, Athena still has some time before she has to leave for the dinner with Nathan. She decides to take a bubble bath. She puts on "Stranger Things" because everyone is talking about it lately.

After twenty minutes, she gets a message from Rita.

I hope you're resting your body right now. 'Cause you gonna need it later for some action 😏🍆💦

Fingers crossed 🤞

For a little freaky deaky 😌

And you don't think it won't be awkward? I mean I have seen him once 🤨

Why haven't you guys see each other over FaceTime? You could have done naughty things there already 💦

We are both not the type for that. Picture and calls were enough for both of us. Keeps the fantasy alive ✨️ 🙏

What does he look like?????? 😏

You know how he looks like 😅

Not him... HIM 🍆



Not gonna tell ya 🙅‍♀️

If it's as big as your dad's.. you're gonna have so much fun riding it 🐎



I'm gotta go..

Have FUN 🍆💦🐎😌


"Your home is amazing!", Athena says as she enters Nathan's Penthouse. "So modern.", she adds as she moves her hand over the clean white cardboard right next to the entrance door.

"It has to be amazing. It costs someone a lot of money.", Nathan says amused.

"I can imagine."

"I really would want to show you the rest, but I'm so damn hungry.", he says, closes and locks the door. "Don't you think it's time for some cooking?", he asks licking his lips.

Athena smirks. "You're right.", she says as she takes a step closer to Nathan. She puts her hands on his chest and looks up at him smiling. "I have to change first. I can't ruin this cloth, right? You have something for me what can get dirty, right?"

"You can bet on it." Without looking, he grabs next to Athena and gives her a cooking apron. It's white and in the front is written: "Let's have dessert in bed."

Athena takes it without breaking the eye contact with Nathan. "Your eyes seem even darker today."

"It's because they want to see you in that apron so bad."

"Do they?", Athena asks smirking and raises an eyebrow. Nathan just nods gulping. "So where can I change? I don't want your hungry eyes to wait any longer."

"It's the second door on the right."

"I'll be back in two minutes.", Athena says as she walks to the appointed door. She looks at the walls next to her. On them are some photos of a younger Nathan and some new ones. On one of them she sees Nathan with his twin brother Bradley. They're standing smiling next to each other and Bradley has an arm hanging over Nathan's shoulder. Nathan wears, as usual, a suit and Bradley is in his army uniform. They look exactly alike on the first look. The only thing that separates the two is that Bradley is a little bit taller and built a little bit more sporty than Nathan. Bradley has a small scar on his cheek as well. He got it when he saved Nathan from a tree.

"Doesn't look like you would hurry, madame.", Nathan says smirking. "You can look at those pictures the next you're here. Today we won't have the time to go through my past and I really don't want to talk about my brother right now. The cooking will take a lot of time."

Athena turns around to Nathan who leans against the wall with his hands his front pockets of his grey sweatpants. "Don't say something you can't promise.", she says and winks at him as she enters the bathroom.

In the bathroom she takes off her clothes, folds them together and puts them on the closed toilet seat. After that, she wraps around the bands of the apron and laces them on her front. Now she's only wearing the apron. Athena steps in front of the mirror. "Okay, Teens, you got it. You waited two month for this moment. Put yourself together and go out there!", she says to herself as a peptalk.

"I don't know your dad or your mom, but right now I'm thanking them for making you all those years ago.", Nathan says as Athena steps out of the bathroom. He bites his bottom lip and his eyes looks Athena up and down for a few times.

"I thought you were hungry. Doesn't seem your THAT hungry.", Athena says resting her hands on her hips. "If you would be, you would come over here right now and heat up my oven."

"Your wish is my command, madame!", Nathan says and starts to walk to Athena. On the way he takes off his shirt. "I don't want to waste any time." When he gets to Athena, who was literally just five steps away from him, he takes Athena's face between his hands and smashes his lips on hers.


Athena lays in Nathan's arms. They lie on the floor of the living room sweating and breathing like they just run a marathon. "The- the sun starts to rise.", Athena says breathing heavily. Her head and one hand rests on Nathan's chest which lifts up and down fast, her leg is on his and their bodies are just covered with a thin blanket.

Nathan chuckles. "We haven't even eat yet."

"Oh, you know we did.", Athena says, kisses his chest and stands up. "But I have to get ready and go back to my hotel."

Nathan sits up and leans against the couch. "Can't you stay for the day? I really don't want to let you go.", he says looking at her with puppy eyes.

"Those eyes doesn't work, Nathan. I have to get back to my office."

He stands up and steps in front of Athena. He takes her hands in his and rubs the back of her hand with his thumbs. "How about a vacation together? Not now, but soon. I'll take you wherever you want and we'll do whatever you want. Tell me when and I'll arrange it."

"Let me think about it, okay?", she says smiling. "Let's eat breakfast first." She pulls her hands out of Nathan's grip and turns around. Athena takes the apron and wraps it back around her body.

Nathan puts on the grey sweatpants and follows her into the kitchen. As Athena stands in front of the stove top, Nathan wraps his arms around Athena and lays his chin on her shoulder. "This already smells amazing."

"It's just some eggs and bacon. Nothing special."

"But you are.", Nathan says calm smiling.

Athena's movement stops for a second, then she continues. "Thank you.", she says shy and she feels that her cheeks heat up.

"Don't be shy, Athena.", Nathan says and squezzes her softly. "You should hear that every day. You know what? From this day on, I'll write you those words every day. That's a promise." Athena smiles and a tear runs down her cheek. She sniffs. Nathan looks at her face. "I'm sorry.", he says and steps away from her. "I'm sorry if I said something wrong."

Athena turns around and wipes away the tears on her cheeks. "No, you didn't. It's just that my mom always told me that." Nathan takes Athena into a hug. Athena opens her hand and the spatula fells on the ground. Athena wraps her arms around Nathan and rests her head on his chest. "Thank you."


Four weeks past by. In that time, Athena and Nathan haven't seen each other face to face, but in two days they will see each other again. It didn't took Athena too long to decide if she should go on vacation with Nathan or not. She decided to fly with him to the black forest in Germany. She found a sweet cabin there. It has a fire place and is not too far from the next town.

Athena feels a little ill the last few days. She feels sick and has stomach cramps. Because of that, she decides to work from home. Or better, from bed.

"Just go to a doctor, Teens.", Rita tells her over Facetime.

"No, it's not necessary. It's just the flu.", Athena says as she feels her food rising up her esophagus. "I gotta go!" She jumps up and runs into the bathroom.

"GO TO THE DAMN DOCTOR!", Rita screams.

"NOT NES-", Athena starts but has to vomit. Luckily everything lands inside the toilette. She cleans herself up and brushes her teeth afterwards. As she lays down back in her bed, Rita already ended the call. "Of course." Athena sighs. "Nobody likes to hear someone vomit." She puts her laptop back on her lap and answers some E-Mails.

Twenty minutes later the door bell rings. Athena puts the laptop aside, stands up and walks to the door. She looks on the display next to the door and sees Rita with another person. "Come on. Open up, Teens." Athena shakes her head and opens the door. "Athena Gordon. Gordon Athena.", Rita says quickly she enters Athena's Apartment. "He's a doc. As long as you don't want go to the doctor, I thought the doctor has to come to you."

"I'm sorry. She kidnapped me from my first day of vacation.", Gordon says scratching the back of his head when they walk to the kitchen where they all sit down.

"I'm sorry that you have to waste your vacation on me.", Athena says and stares angrily at Rita.

"I would cancel everything for a beauty like you.", Gordon says smiling.

Athena's hair are put into a messy bun, she wears dirty sweatpants and pullover. She's thinks she's everything but a beauty right now.

Rita hits his shoulder. "Gordie! I told you she's in a relationship."

"I-", Athena wants to start.

"Right. I apologize.", Gordon says, puts his right hand on his chest and lowers his head as if he he takes a bow.

"It's okay. Really.", Athena says amused and smiles at him.

"Sooooo.", Gordon says and claps with his hands. "Rita said you vomitted? When was it and was it the first time in the last few days?"

"Like thirty minutes ago and yes."

"What was the last thing you ate before the symptoms started?"

"I ordered in. I ate sushi."

"With or without raw fish?"


"Where did you order from?"

"Ehm. The sushi restaurant down the street. Why?"

"You mean the 'Sushi Castle'?"


Gordon takes out his phone and shows Athena an article about the restaurant. "They found parasatic worms in their fish after a lot of their customers had the same symptoms like you and reported that to the restaurant."

"So I have food poisoning?"

"Yeah. Your body will get rid of it on it's own. Might be better tomorrow already.", Gordon says and winks at her.

"Phew. Thanks, Gordon. And thank you, Rita, for bringing him here."

"You're welcome.", they both say at the same time.

"I could give you the contact for another Doctor as long as I'm on vacation. His name's Doctor Schimmelreich."

"Doctor who?"

"Schimmelreich. He's from Austria. Came here three years ago for his wife.", he says and hands her the contact card from the doctor.

"Well, thank you. Can I of-", Athena wants to start again when she gets a call over facetime. She quickly looks at the clock in the kitchen. "Shit, I forgot about the meeting. As much as I would love to chat with you and offer you some drinks, but I really have to hurry! It was nice to meeting you, Gordon. Rita, I'll see you in two weeks in the office." She gives them a quick hug and runs into the bedroom to answer the call after she quickly put on a different shirt.


"Look around. Do you see me?", Athena asks Nathan over a call.

"I see you! I'm coming to you right now.", Nathan says and ends the call. Nathan fights his way through the crowd at the airport to get to Athena. As soon as he stands in front of her, he dropps his baggs and pulls her into a kiss. "I missed you so much.", he says after they end the kiss.

"I missed you too.", Athena says smiling.

"Flight A3532 to BER, Berlin, Germany starts boarding. First and Business Class will board first.", sounds the voice through the speakers.

"First class, that's us.", Nathan says, takes his bags and starts walking to their gate.

Athena takes her rolling suitcase and follows him. When they arrive at the gate, Athena takes out her ticket and gives it the lady at the check in. "Have a nice flight, Miss Burnell.", the brunette says smiling and hands Athena the ticket.

"Thank you.", she says smiling and takes back the ticket. She turns to Nathan who struggles with his stuff. In his one hand he has the ticket. "Give me your ticket. I'll help you to check in."

He droppes his bags. "No, it's fine. You can get in. I'm right behind you.", he says smiling.

Athena nods, takes her stuff and enters the airplane. One Stewardess shows Athena her seat and like Nathan said, he's right behind her and joins her just a minute later. Another Stewardess offers them a champagne which both of them take. Nathan holds up his glass and says: "To an unforgettable vacation."


How did you like this chapter? 😏

What was your favorite part? 😋

Any guesses what happens next? 🤔

I know... those references are getting weaker with each chapter 🙈 but did you still found them?

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