The Odd One Out

By AnimePhysicist

606K 18.2K 7.5K

In this timeline, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, masterpiece of the White Room, attends Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High Sc... More

Before you read
Prologue - Opportunity
Chapter 1.1 - Dilemma
Chapter 1.2 - First impressions
Chapter 1.3 - Deception
SS.1 - Ignorance
SS. 2 - Sakayanagi Arisu: Reunion
SS. 3 - Ichinose Honami: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2.2 - A Tempting Invitation
Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master
Chapter 2.4 - The Magician Reveals his Secrets
SS. 4 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
SS. 5 - Horikita Manabu's Soliloquy
Chapter 3.1 - Classroom of The Poor
Chapter 3.2 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 3.3 - Class D's Masked Angel
Chapter 3.4 - Inexplicable Curiosity
SS. 6 - Conflict And Reconciliation
SS. 7 - A New Beginning
SS. 8 - Sudou Ken: Saved From Suspension
Chapter 4. 1 - Forecast Of The Future
Chapter 4.2 - Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 4.3 - The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 4.4 - The Stage Is Set
Chapter 4.5 - Declaration Of War And Love
SS. 9 - The Aftermath
SS. 10 - Sakayanagi Arisu - Helping Hand
SS. 11 - A Genius' Considerate Contemplation
Chapter 5.1 - The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 5.2 - A Bizarre Encounter
Chapter 5.3 - To Hide In Plain Sight
Chapter 5.4 - Let There Be Chaos
Chapter 5.5 - All Eyes On Me
SS. 12 - Shiina Hiyori: Book Buddies
Chapter 6.1 - Different Atmosphere
Chapter 6.2 - Delicate Preparations
Chapter 6.3 - Clash of Classes
Chapter 6.4 - Passing The Torch
Chapter 6.5 - A New Era
SS. 13 - A Single Wish
Chapter 7.1 - Intellectual Duels
Chapter 7.2 - Contradicting Truths
SS. 14 - President Ayanokouji
SS. 15 - A Christmas Date
Chapter 8.1 - Starting Over
Chapter 8.2 - Limitless Growth
Chapter 8.3 - Brand New Determination
SS. 16 - Kushida Kikyou: Changing Times
SS. 17 - Cupid's Favorite
Chapter 9.1 - Against The Odds
Chapter 9.2 - So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 9.3 - Closing The Curtains
SS. 18 - The Calm Before The Storm
SS. 19 - Youth Is About To Bloom
Chapter 10.1 - New Year, New Faces
Chapter 10.2 - A Genius' Experiment
Chapter 10.3 - Becoming Human
Chapter 10.4 - To Live Life
Epilogue - Warmth

Chapter 2.1 - A Somewhat Normal School Life

16.5K 498 197
By AnimePhysicist

It was the second day of school, and I was sitting in my chair. I arrived right on time so that I wouldn't have to participate in any unnecessary conversations, but I still couldn't avoid curious looks from my classmates.

We spent most of our time running over the course objectives. Many students were genuinely surprised by how warm and friendly the teachers at this school looked. During class, I heard many students chit chatting, playing around with their phone, or even sleeping. Sudou already decided to make a spectacle of himself by spending most of the class sleeping. The teachers showed no sign of stopping them though. Therefore, they are probably letting us behave like this, to then deduct points from our class points the following month.

Looking around the classroom, I noticed four cameras, one in each corner. Although they were in obvious places, I'm surprised most of the class didn't even notice. But knowing them, they were probably just happy they could do whatever they want in class.


My seat neighbor seemed utterly concentrated though. I looked at Horikita as I saw her pen effortlessly glided on top of her notebook. She had already filled four full pages by the time lunch came by. Considering all we did was talk about the course, that's somewhat impressive. Talk about determination.

As for me, I did have my notebook open, but let's just say I was too lazy to take notes.

After all, I already knew everything. These were things I had learned in the White Room, and trust me, I couldn't forget anything that happened in that place, even if I wanted to.

It was then time for lunch break, so most of the class head outside to eat with their friends. I haven't quite decided what I'll do yet, but right now, I should probably thank Horikita for giving me half of the points she got from those upperclassmen.

"Hey Horikita, thanks for the points yesterday," I told her.

"You're welcome. Now if you don't have anything to say, you can leave," she said as she took out her bento box from her bag.

Just as I thought her character development started. Sigh.

"Hey Ayanokouji, mind if we eat lunch together?"

I turn around to see Hirata inviting me for lunch alongside a few girls from our class. I guess that's what happens when you're popular.

How come I'm "popular", but this type of thing doesn't happen to me?

"Sure, where are we going?" I replied.

The reason I agreed was so that I could gather more information about my classmates. Information, as they say, is key. For example, in war, a lack of intel basically just means defeat. Information is a game changer in anything, be it sports, conflicts, or even school. Memorizing a lot of information is like having a cheat sheet in your head. At least that's how I see it.

"I was thinking of grabbing a lunch set from the cafeteria. Sounds good to you?"

"Sounds good."

With that, I started heading towards the cafeteria with Hirata, Karuizawa, Satou and Matsushita. I noticed Karuizawa walking extremely close to Hirata, while the other two girls stayed back to have a small talk with me.

"So... Ayanokouji-kun, how do you like this school so far?" Satou asked me.

"Mhm. It's okay, I guess. Nothing has happened so far so it's still a bit early to say," I replied.

"You know, when I hear your monotonous voice, I somehow feel 10 times smarter," Matsushita pointed out.

"I know right! Not only is he smart, but he's also really cool! You know, Ayanokouji-kun, ever since the big news broke out, I always wondered what you were like and in truth, you're way cooler than I expected!"

"I agree! Maybe the rumors are way too exaggerated."

"Who knows," I simply said.

"You do need to work on your social skills though... how can someone as smart as you be so bad at conversations!"

"If only you were as good as Hirata or Kushida when it comes to talking, then every girl in school would fall for you!"

I feel like this is becoming a conversation where the two of them insult my social skills.

"Anyway, Ayanokouji-kun, did you know you placed first in the hottest first-year boy ranking? Look at this! The first-year girls voted in all kinds of rankings and these were the results!"

Satou showed me her phone. There really were all sorts of rankings. In the hottest ranking, I really did place in first. It seems like Hirata was third, with a Class A student called Hashimoto placing second. There was a gloomiest ranking, a cutest ranking, and a strongest ranking. There was also a pervert ranking, but I guess I don't even have to look to know who finished in the top two.

"Interesting," was the least I could say in this situation.

As our conversation continued, we quickly arrived at the cafeteria. I decided to try out the free vegetable set, but the others tried out other more expensive sets. I wanted to see how the vegetable set tasted, for future reference. In the future, there may come a time where I would have to save up points. After we all got our food, we sat down around a big table, and everyone started chatting.

"I wonder what I should spend my points on next!" Satou said.

"Same! I mean, we have 100,000 points per month, so it would be a waste not to use them all! What do you think, Hirata?" Karuizawa agreed.

"Well, I'm not a big spender, so I'm basically only buying the minimum at the moment. I don't think it's bad to spend your points though, everyone should do as they please! What are your thoughts, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"I agree with you, Hirata. It might be best if we don't spend that many points, but that's just my intuition."

"Come on, Ayanokouji-kun! Look at you and your vegetable set, aren't you boring! Now that you have a new life, you should enjoy it to the fullest, with us!"

"Yeah, as long as we're in this school, there's nothing to worry about!"

When there's nothing to worry about, that's probably when you should be worried.


As lunchtime was almost over, we quickly finished eating and head back to the classroom.

Not long after I sat down on my chair, an announcement played through the speakers.

"At five PM Japan Standard Time today, we will be holding a student club fair in Gymnasium No. 1. Students interested in joining a club, please gather in Gymnasium No. 1. I repeat, at-"

Club activites, huh? I've never joined a club before. Since I have nothing to do, I guess it won't hurt to check out the club fair. I should invite Horikita, maybe I'll learn something about her that could prove useful in the future.

"Horikita, are you going to the cl-"

"I'm not interested in joining a club."

"Shouldn't you at least go check it out?"

"I said I'm not interested in joining a club."

What a pain.

"Well, I guess I'll just go there myself."

"I suppose, if it's only for a little while after school, I'll go with you," she muttered.

"Sure. I never planned to stick around."

I was surprised by her sudden change of opinion. As the bell rang indicating that lunchtime was over, our teacher entered the classroom. With that, the afternoon classes started, as Horikita concentrated in taking notes once again.

As for me, I spent most of class staring through the window.


"There are a lot more people here than I expected."

After class had ended for the day, Horikita and I went to the gymnasium. Nearly all the students assembled here were freshmen. There were about a hundred people waiting around. We stood near the back and waited for the fair to begin. While waiting, we glanced over the pamphlet that students received upon entering the gymnasium. The pamphlet contained detailed information about club activities.

"Thank you all for waiting, first-year students. We will now begin the club fair. A representative from each club will explain their function. My name is Tachibana, the student council secretary and the club fair's organizer. It's nice to meet you all."

After Tachibana delivered the opening remarks, representatives from each club quickly lined up on a stage. The club representatives included everything from burly athletes in judo uniforms to students dressed in beautiful kimonos. The representatives were way to motivated in comparison to the first-year students, making the situation quite awkward for most of us. I think I speak for most students and I say the club fair was quite boring.

As upperclassmen finished their presentations, they walked off the stage, all except one. Everyone focused their attention on him, and I noticed Horikita staring at him intensively. He appeared about 170 centimeters in height, so he wasn't very tall. He had black hair, wore sharp glasses and had a piercing glaze. Standing in front of the microphone, the atmosphere immediately changed from the relaxed atmosphere from before. It was as if some chemical reaction had taken place.

"I'm the student council president. My name is Horikita Manabu," he started his speech.

Horikita? So that's her brother from what it looks like.

He then went on to talk about the student council and how they're looking to recruit potential candidates among the first-years to replace the third-years. I've thought about joining the student council, but I still haven't decided. I should probably give it more thought soon.

He didn't even pause once during his speech. Immediately after finishing, he hopped off the stage and left the gymnasium, leaving most of us speechless and unable to utter a single word.

Horikita remained still as a statue even after the club fair ended. I asked her what's wrong, but it seems like my words didn't even reach her.

Judging from her reaction, the student council president is her brother, and she definitely doesn't have a good relationship with him.

Of course, I could never know what it's like to have a sibling, let alone an older sibling. However, I do remember reading somewhere that younger siblings tend to want to prove themselves to their older siblings. Perhaps that was the case here. Horikita, who desperately wanted to be acknowledged by her older brother, decided to become stronger, so she slowly but surely started developing a superiority complex. But that's just my guess.

Anyways, I left her alone and head towards the dormitory where I came across Kushida of all people.

"Hey, Ayanokouji! Were you at the club fair?"

"Yeah, I didn't join a club though, what about you?"

"You didn't join a club? Since you're so talented, I thought many clubs would try to recruit you. As for me, I just wanted to check out the club fair, I wasn't planning on joining any clubs."

"Same here."

"Say, Ayanokouji, are you in the class group chat?"

"The class group chat?"

"Yeah! Our class recently made a group chat. Not everyone is in it yet though, so I wanted you to join as well."

"Sure, but couldn't you have simply added me since you have my number?"

"Well yeah, but I figured it would be best if I asked you first."

"Makes sense."

Seems like Kushida wants to get on my good side and wants to make me trust her. I guess I should just play along for now, since I haven't found a use for her yet.

"You know, Ayanokouji, you're a nice guy. I guess I totally had the wrong image of you!" Kushida told me with a bright smile.

This two-faced girl sure knows how to put on a fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm also glad we're getting along. Anyway, I'll be heading back now. See you, Kushida."

"Later, Ayanokouji!"

Kushida might prove to be a problem for the future of Class D should she ever decide to betray the class, but if that ever happens...

I won't be there anymore to witness it.


Author's Notes

Hey guys!

Nothing much happened in this part. And as a heads up, this next part will stay somewhat close to the original plot (with the iconic swimming class).

Big things coming up for Chapters 2.3 and 2.4 though! Hope you guys are looking forward to it!

Also, it was about time my boy Kiyotaka got what he deserved. Let's be honest, ain't nobody hotter than him at this school. Top 1 100% deserved.

I don't have much else to say, hope you guys like the fan fiction so far!

If you do, do know that votes and comments are extremely appreciated!

Take care!

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