Balance In All [boku no hero...

By minjecakie

22.6K 624 96

[y/n], the younger twin sister of Midoriya Izuku, was born and then raised by the hands of their father, stri... More

[CH. 0]: Origins Pt. 1
[CH. 1]: Origins Pt. 2
[CH. 2]: Origins Pt. 3
[CH. 3]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 1
[CH. 4]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 2
[CH. 5]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 3
[CH. 6]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 4
[CH. 7]: Battle Training Pt. 1
[CH. 8]: Battle Training Pt. 2
[CH. 9]: Battle Training Pt. 3
[CH. 10]: Battle Training Pt. 4
[CH. 11]: Battle Training Pt. 5
[CH. 12]: Confrontation Pt. 1
[CH. 13]: Confrontation Pt. 2
[CH. 14]: USJ Pt. 1
[CH. 15]: USJ Pt. 2
[CH. 16]: USJ Pt. 3
[CH. 17]: USJ Pt. 4
[CH. 18]: USJ Pt. 5
[CH. 19]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 1
[CH. 20]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 2
[CH. 21]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 3
[CH. 22]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 4
[CH. 23]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 5
[CH. 24]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 6
[CH. 25]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 7
[CH. 27]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 9
[CH. 28]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 10
[CH. 29]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 11
[CH. 30]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 12
[CH. 31]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 13
[CH. 32]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 14
[?]: Resurface
[CH. 33]: Hero Names Pt. 1
[CH. 34]: Hero Names Pt. 2
[CH. 35]: Internships Pt. 1
[CH. 36]: Internships Pt. 2
[CH. 37]: Internships Pt. 3
[CH. 38]: Internships Pt. 4
[CH. 39]: Internships Pt. 5
[CH. 40]: Rescue Training Race
[CH. 41]: Exams
[CH. 42]: Practical Exam Pt. 1
[CH. 43]: Practical Exam Pt. 2
[CH. 44]: Practical Exam Pt. 3
[CH. 45]: Practical Exam Pt. 4
[CH. 46]: Preparations
[CH. 46.5]: Team Names
[CH. 47]: Aftermath
[CH. 48]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 1
[CH. 49]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 2
[CH. 50]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 3
[CH. 51]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 4
[CH. 52]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 5
[CH. 53]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 6
[CH. 54]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 7
[CH. 55]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 8
[CH. 56]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 9
[CH. 57]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 10
[CH. 58]: Hideout Raid Pt. 1
[CH. 59]: Hideout Raid Pt. 2
[CH. 60]: Hideout Raid Pt. 3
[CH. 61]: Hideout Raid Pt. 4
[CH. 62]: Hideout Raid Pt. 5
[CH. 63]: Hideout Raid Pt. 6
[CH. 64]: Hideout Raid Pt. 7
[CH. 65]: Home at Last?
[CH. 66]: Home Visits
[CH. 67]: New Place to Call Home... Maybe
[CH. 68]: U.A. Dorms Pt. 1
[CH. 69]: U.A. Dorms Pt. 2
[CH. 70]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 1
[CH. 71]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 2
[CH. 72]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 3
[CH. 73]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 4
[CH. 74]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 5
[CH. 75]: Cloud Nine
[CH. 76]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 1
[CH. 77]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 2
[CH. 77.5]: One Five Night
[CH. 78]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 3
[CH. 79]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 4
[CH. 80]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 5
[CH. 81]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 6
[CH. 82]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 7
[CH. 83]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 8
[CH. 84]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 9
[CH. 85]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 10
[CH. 86]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 11
[BK. 2 CH. 1]: Evasive Encounters
[BK. 2 CH. 2]: Rising Tension
[BK. 2 CH. 3]: Coming Into Terms, or Not
[BK. 2 CH. 4]: Mutual Understanding
[BK. 2 CH. 5]: Resolution Rising
[BK. 2 CH. 6]: Lockdown Discovery
[BK. 2 CH. 7]: Easy
[BK. 2 CH. 8]: Visit
[BK. 2 CH. 9]: Brotherless Day
[BK. 2 CH. 10]: Scheduled Visit
[BK. 2 CH. 11]: Looking Back
[BK. 2 CH. 12]: Encounters and Revisits
[BK. 2 CH. 13]: Reason for a Rendezvous
[BK. 2 CH. 14]: The Devil in the Details
[BK. 2 CH. 15]: At Bane's End
[OVA 1]: To Study or Not to Study

[CH. 26]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 8

158 4 0
By minjecakie

"Midoriya moves to the second round!!"

Cheering and shouting ensued as the first battle was over. Denki on the other hand nudged Bakugo's shoulder and gave a side remark, "He also got you with that shoulder toss, right, Bakugo?"

"Shut up, dunce face..." Bakugo growls without looking at Denki. He continues as he cursed under his breath, "That jerk...!"

[y/n] then jumps out of her seat with Uraraka as they cheered on Izuku while Iida pumped his fists in the air enthusiastically. "He won! He actually won! I can't believe it, he won! Did I mention that he won?!" 

[y/n] was giddy as she sat back to her seat while Uraraka tries to calm her down, "Yeah, he won! This is off to a good start!" Iida joins the hype, "Right on!"

"Oh, right! Todoroki's next!" [y/n] stood up as she left her seat. 

"Where are you headed, [y/n]?" Uraraka and Iida asked as they see their friend fleeting. With a confident reply, "It's Todoroki next! I bet they'll be finished on a whim anyway," she then walks away but she stopped in her stroll and went back.

She then went to a seat right above hers with a few more bleacher chairs away earlier, "Good luck to us later, Denki!" With a thumbs up, she finally left for her preparation room. 

Denki was left speechless he wasn't able to give back his reply, "I... sure..!" but [y/n] was not able to hear it.

He then sighs as he brings his palms to his face and groaned, "This is why I'm still single." Bakugo retorted with a scoff, "Maybe if you took things a little more seriously, it could have gone better for you. I'm surprised you even passed the written portion of the entrance exam here."

"Oi, Bakubro...!" Kirishima places his arm on Bakugo's shoulder, "Why you gotta be mean, man... that's un-heroic!" 

Bakugo looked away, "Tch!" 

Denki then replied with a sulking face, "This is why no one likes you...!"

"Enough!" He swats away Kirishima's arm, "As if I didn't see yall's faces when talking to a girl, you guys seem pretty weak, anyway!"

Kirishima denies, "You don't know what you're talking about..." 

"I know what I'm talking about, I'm not dumb like that pika boy over here!!" 

"Don't drag me into this!"

Izuku then approached the bleachers, Iida waved at the green-haired boy, "Izuku, we saved a seat for you!" 

Izuku, clutching his injured fingers, went to the seat and sat down as he looked around, "Where's [y/n]? It's not her match yet." 

Uraraka replied, "Oh, she guessed that the match after yours would end up quicker than we expected." 

"Why so?" 

Uraraka then puts a finger on her chin, thinking hard to recall their conversation earlier, "Ah...! All [y/n] said was 'they'll be finished on a whim'..." 

"But, does she not have plans on watching their match?" 

Iida replies this time, "I don't think so, she seems to be in a hurry."


[y/n] actually skipped into staying at the preparation room and headed to the entrance to the field instead as she leans against the wall, facing Sero's back as the match began, "I wonder if they could see me from here..."

At the start of the whistle the battle between Todoroki and Sero began, and so does her habit of yawning when she does nothing.

Before she could even blink, a large chunk of ice was already up and running as it occupied an immense part of the stadium, leaving the audience shivering and in awe at the massive piece of ice.

PresentMic screams through the microphone, "Isn't that an overkill?!"

Midnight's body was frozen as well but only her half part as she was on the same ground as them, "Sero, can you move?" she asks as she shivered from the cold.

Sero shakily replies while his body was almost completely covered with ice, "Y-you're kidding, right?!"

PresentMic then announces Todoroki as the winner of the second match.

Todoroki looked at the bleachers as if he was scanning and searching for a certain person, only to be in vain with his onlook, he unfroze Sero along with the ice behind him, "Sorry, I overdid it..."

He said without looking at him, "...I was just annoyed."

As [y/n] overheard the conversation despite the noises and cheers, "What even is he annoyed for? He won...!" She furrowed her eyebrows while her arms were crossed as she looked at the chunk of ice slowly melting away revealing the other side of the battlefield.

As the two opponents turned their heels after they did their salutatory bow after the match, they headed down to the openings. 

Sero then saw [y/n] on his path, waving at him with a smile, "Hey, Sero-san! You did a great job out there with your tape!" 

With a shy response, he flashed a smile, "Thanks, [y/n]! I didn't even notice you were actually here! You could've gotten with his ice!" 

"I know, but it was too far away since it went up, right?" 

"I know but still..." Sero sighed, " should be more careful, [y/n]."

[y/n] imitates his sigh as she looked up to him, "Alright, I will!", she spoke up again, "Oh wait! I have a question!" 

As soon as he was about to walk into a blind corner, "What is it...?" She then followed to where he is. As she got closer to him, she spoke in an enthusiastic tone, "Is it possible to make your tape stickier? How about heavier? Can you control its weight? Or can you control its path regardless of its length? Wait... how long can you shoot your tapes from your elbow? Does it hurt when you did it for the first time?"

Sero was dumbfounded as sweat dropped as he chuckles, "I thought it was only a 'question'..." 

[y/n] paused her sentences with a surprised look on her face, "I-I am so sorry. I got ahead of myself!" She then bowed multiple times in front of him, he then halted her bowing by holding her shoulders in a firm yet gentle grip. 

"You gotta stop apologizing, really. It's totally fine, [y/n]!"

"But still I-"

"There you are."

[y/n] was once again interrupted by that person... how many times was she interrupted today?

"Todoroki? Wasn't your exit over the opposite side?" 

She looked at him with intrigue, "And what do you mean by 'There you are.'? Were you looking for someone?" 

He saw Sero with his usual expression on his face. Sero then paced backward as he sensed awkward tension in the air, "Erm... I'll get going! Good luck [y/n]!" 

With a wave, Sero went. [y/n] returned the gesture as her voice resonated by the walls, "Thank you, I'll do my best!"

She then looks at Todoroki with a serious face, "You didn't answer my question and you just glared at Sero-san." 

"Alright, I'll answer your question..." He then moves closer, "...but you have to answer mine first." 

Unfazed, [y/n] stood firm on her ground, "Fine, what is it?" 

"Why weren't you at the bleachers?"

After tilting her head, thinking it was a dumb question, "Ah, that's why you said 'There you are.'! You were looking for me, weren't you? Why though?" 

Unsatisfied with her answer, Todoroki closes the distance between the two, to her surprise, her back was met by the wall, "Answer me properly." [y/n] flinched as she could feel his breath, "Alright, fine..."

"...because I was here, duh." She shrugged while looking away, trying to make light of the situation. 


"Fine. Fine! I assumed your match would be over quickly, so I just came down here." [y/n] reluctantly replies as she puts both her hands in front of her, looking like she doesn't want Todoroki to come any closer. "Since I answered your question, why were you looking for me then?" She spoke up while avoiding eye contact as she finds him intimidating right now.

After a long pause, Todoroki turned his back on [y/n],

"So you really couldn't remember." 




"It's Class 1-A's Angel of Darkness! With her baby face, who can say no to her?! It's Midoriya [y/n]!"

I was expecting him to roast me but... oh well. [y/n] thought as she climbed up the stairs to the arena.

"Versus...! The sparkling boy, Kaminari Denki!"

At the whistle, the battle starts.

Out of the blue, Denki spoke up, "Wanna grab something to eat when we're done here?..." It made [y/n] look at him with glee, "Sure, I'd love to!..."

[y/n]'s face then switched from smiling to uncheery and full of drear, as she turns her body to face her, "...only if your wits won't flip out this time."

Denki gritted his teeth and grinned, "Sure, I won't! Because this match..." He then surrounds himself with electricity as he charges forward.

"...will be over in an instant!" He sends a large wave of electricity in her direction. Thanks to her alertness, she used her wings to keep some distance, while at the same time she fired her hardening liquid his way.

At the slightest contact with his skin regardless of the high voltage, he surrounds himself with. The so-called liquid made him stiff and frozen solid as he turned dumb for overcharging his quirk. With that, he was completely immobilized.

"It's already over!!" PresentMic shouted once again, "That has gotta be the fastest one-on-one battle I have ever witnessed! in case y'all didn't hear me, it's already over!"

[y/n] sighs as she flew back down, "I only did the bare minimum."


"Her ability to unleash two moves at once is something else," Izuku spoke up as he starts to murmur while taking down notes to his notebook, "It has been two weeks and she has improved this much. Kaminari's quirk was useless against her. She countered him well. If only he could have controlled the path of his electricity though... She seems to be the real deal. I mean, she can do lots of stuff with her quirk. I can't find any similar ones in my notebooks... so dealing with her in a match would be a pain in the neck... unless you would be able to tire her out from overusing her own quirk which is still possible... unless she figured out a way to balance them out... but to be able to improve over a short time might have a low chance... but it's not at zero percent..." 

He begins his non-stop muttering while writing ferociously in his notebook, which it caught Uraraka's attention, "Y-your match just ended not too long ago, yet you're already coming up with a strategy?"

He flinched, almost dropping his pen in the process as he looks at her, "I'm just, well... you could call this a hobby of mine... we finally have a chance to see the quirks of people outside our own class in action."

He continues, "Oh, right! I've also got everything you'd need to know about Class A in here." He whips out the page after one flip as if he memorized every page and knew what was in it, "Even your 'Zero Gravity' is here!" he points out the exact page in front of Uraraka.

Uraraka then sweatdropped, "I can't help but think, Deku..." 

"H-huh?" almost dropping his notebook, he stuttered. 

"You and [y/n].... argh! Nevermind!" She then slowly looks away as she covers her face, feeling confused at her own reaction, she thought, "I'm so conflicted right now."

Just as Izuku was about to ask Uraraka what was wrong, the distinct signal sounded off, declaring the start of the fourth match.

"The first round of matches is about to be half over!! Next up is Iida Tenya from Hero Course!..."

"... Versus... Covered head-to-toe in Support items... Hatsume Mei of the Support Course!!!"

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