Caught in a Mousetrap OVA: Mi...

By Gameboycolor242

2K 26 12

Nine years after the tower rose into the sky. Sarah Garcia is called by a familiar name to help Odin out wi... More

A Wild Goose Chase
The Blind sheep
The Might Of The Subconscious
Deep Breaths
Bad Memories
Wake up
The Last Straw
Accept it
Hold your grudges

Old wounds

97 2 2
By Gameboycolor242

A yellow-haired individual is pacing laps around his room with his hand pulling his chin hairs. The anchor worked, but what just flew across his bedroom, and weirdest of all? It was able to grab her. Thomas leaves his room, and heads downstairs for something. He opens the tv stand drawer and grabs small photo. Thomas has been confused about this photo for years, now that Doctor's if he is even up. Someone might be able to answer his question. The photo shows someone sleeping on a couch with a red shirt, and another person wearing a blue shirt. He can clearly tell the one in the sky-blue tint is Lily. The other one, he doesn't know. Thomas collects the photo and goes back into his room. 

Thomas: Anton?

Doctor: Its Doctor

Doctor replies to his question still with his eyes close and sitting down.

Thomas: You can still hear me?

Doctor: All demons can hear when you call their name. 

Thomas: Oh, so that's actually true........ anyway, did you see Kyle yet?

Doctor: No....., I did meet your father.

Thomas: No shit? Where is he?

Doctor: He's right next to me. Well, not technically.

Thomas: Can I speak to him?

Doctor: That's not a good idea. Unlike me and Kyle, we haven't been in here to long for her to use the mind reading thing. Luther on the other hand, if he even thinks about contacting anyone outside. She's appearing right in front of us.

Thomas: Damn....... Can you tell me something real quick? It's about this photo, you notice anything about it.

Thomas shows Doctor the photo.

Doctor: Hmmmm, say Tom. Did you ever find it strange Luther gave so much money to Lily.

Thomas: How did you..... He didn't had no one to go to after Mom divorced him. I didn't find it strange because they seemed to be good friends.

Doctor: Right...... But friends don't give each other money at the end of the month at the same time.

Thomas: Maybe he was paying her back for something.

Doctor: For you believe so. No, I don't notice anything strange with this picture.

Thomas: You don't know? There has to be something. Like who is that girl Kyle's mother is talking to?

Doctor: It could be a random person Thomas.

Thomas: No, she just looks familiar. Same face structure, strong body, same................... Hairstyle.............

Thomas thanks doctor and goes to the attic. He grabs the box with dad's stuff on it. He digs through it to find any pictures. He does come up with an album book. Thomas wipes the dust off the book cover, he opens it and pulls out a photo called the fun group 1963. The image shows four individuals standing together each with name written above them. However, one person catches him offguard. The Sarah in this image looks very similar to....... Thomas brings the other photo he had and put them together. It's like something had gotten stuck in his throat. The sudden realization that.

Thomas: No, no it can't be. That means she's.....

Doctor and Luther is walking through an old factory to get the others. Rust and mold is all over the building, leaky pipes, and sneaky valves. Doctor grabs an image off of the conveyor belt, one that has Sarah looks towards a camera over a lake. Nice photo he thought to himself. Doctor rests the photo back and carries on with his journey.

Luther: We shouldn't be far.

Doctor: We couldn't just teleport?

Luther: A barrier is around it, and I barely got out of it.

Doctor: I guess so.

Something causes Doctor to stop. His heartbeat speeds up. Luther is confused by What Doctor is on the offense for.

Doctor: Don't move, something is coming.

The pair stand silently in the factory awaiting for an attack.

Luther: See your mind is playing trick on you.

Doctor: Look out!

A hand slams into the wall behind Luther. Not a human one, but one of mechanical hardware. The hand pulls itself out of the wall. The organism hidden in the corner twitches. Then it lets a song.

?: How much is that doggie in the window?

Doctor: Oh no.

Luther: What is that?

A tall blue rabbit animatronic scrolls out of the corner. Unfortunately, this is one of the worse place for Doctor to meet him like this.

Doctor: Mr. Walten, I didn't expect to see you in a place like this.

Bon's head shakes as through it talking to him.

Doctor: Sophie? Ahh Sophie is doing just fine.


Doctor: What are you about? Pills, don't be silly. Those were painkillers they can't make you forget things.


Doctor: I'm not lying, kids get old and eventually they forget about you naturally. Look, I told you already. I'm trying my best to help you and your family.

Bon moves closer to them.

Luther: I don't think talking is working.

Doctor: Jack, don't this now. Your going to make me do I'm going to regret later.


Doctor: Think about Rosemary, Ed, Molly. I know what Felix did, and I know your angry about that, but there's other ways to resolve this. Damn, I thought they turned that code off.

The robot runs towards them. Both of them move out of the way. Doctor fires a round into the Bon's head and it doesn't stop him. The robot turns around and black liquid starts draining from it's eyes. Doctor grabs Luther and heads into one of the nearby factory rooms. Luther grabs a plank and jam in between the door to stop Bon from getting in.

Doctor: Good thinking.

?: Well, Well, Well. It isn't everyday I get to meet the man who ruined my business. Who ruined my perfect TOY!

Doctor: Greywinder....... How has your demonic family been holding up.

A white mannequin with a doll face and dog ears stand behind the clown. A huge slice on the stomach of the mannequin has blue fur over it.

Doctor: This is going great, but I think it's time for me to go.

Greywinder: Avzo, go get them.

The toy runs towards them. However they aren't able to get away from it. Avzo kicks Doctor in his chest sending back into Luther knocking both of them out a window.

Luther: There can't be anymore of them right.

?: Mr. Gibson? To think I was meet you here. You have alot nerve showing your face after shutting us down.

Doctor: Your "cult" was kidnapping children, and telling them to commit not alive anymore. I don't see why anyone else wouldn't, Jade?

?: Gi.....bso...n

Doctor: Who's next this time.

?: You don't remember me? You promised you were going to fix this, when is that going to happen?

Doctor: Sarah?

Luther: What!

Doctor: No, no. It's another person. Sarah is a common name after all. That's still being discussed about Sarah.

Sarah-chezzkids: Still being discussed, it's been 19 years!

Martin Greywinder: There he is.

Before Martin can exit the room window. Bon gives his hand.

Martin: Fascinating, you must be another toy, but I don't remember creating you.

Jade Green pulls out a ritual knife to stab Luther, but Sarah grabs her hand.

Jade Green: Hey, pendejo. I was here first. This guy owes me big time.

Martin Greywinder: Oh so you have a problem with him as well.

Luther: Doc? Who the fuck are these people?

Doctor: I recommend you just get up and hold on that axe as tight as possible.

Sarah-chezzkids: You people know about him and Odin?

Jade Green: No shit, this Cabrón burned the entire Los Solitarios to the ground. Everything was fine until you showed up.

Doctor: People going missing every forty seconds is fine? In your book, and I thought I was crazy.

Martin Greywinder: Really, he seems to have a habit of burning things to the ground. My toy store, my faculty, and my house. What did he do to bunny?


Martin Greywinder: Oh...... That's fucked man.

Doctor: You murdered your entire family including your three year old daughter, killed your business partner and brother, perform rituals on them, and put them in an endless cycle of torture. You really should not be saying anything.

Jade Green: And what did he do to you?

Sarah Chezzkids: Well, He shut down my website........

Jade Green: That's...... that's it?

Sarah Chezzkids: I mean my dead soul was inside of it, so it hurt like a bitch.

Martin Greywinder: So.....

It seems we have a common enemy.

Doctor's Mind: Luther?

Luther: How are you doing that?

Doctor's Mind: Don't mind that right now. I need to say "Release" as sooner as I say three. Got it.

Luther: I guess so.

Martin sends the white mannequin after them again.


Jade spins the ritual knife in her hand before throwing it.


Bon jumps over them to ground pound Anton.


Doctor and Luther: Release!

A tower of holy papers shoot up around them, the papers also blind and knock back the other experiments. Doctor and Luther fly through them wise everyone is blind and head into the inner city.

Luther: Alright, what's next?

Doctor: I really don't know.

Luther: Your kidding, okay. Do they have any weaknesses.

Doctor: For Jack a bucket of water maybe. The rest of them, I don't know.

Luther: Can you just shoot them and...

Doctor: Their already dead Luther. What is killing them again going to do?

Luther: Use a spell or something.

Doctor: Did you forgot about, your psycho friend is still around her. Damn it, where's is that girl when you need her.

stop the music. It's a scene transition

Kyle: This is it.

Athena: You weren't kidding.

Kyle: I've been here for a few weeks and this is the normal around here.

Athena: Compare to what I used to do. This is pretty tame.

Kyle walks over to the cross and hits an invisible barrier around the crosses.

Kyle: Of course she would put this up.

Athena: Step aside.

Athena rests her hand on the barrier and it breaks instantly. The two exes fall off of the cross.

Michael: Kyle?

Martin: You again? didn't we tell you to stay put.

Kyle: Yeah, but.

Michael: Ease up on the boy Martin.

Kyle: I'm twenty.

Martin: Like he said, boy.......... That sounds racist.

Athena: Yes, it does.

Michael: Hey, who are you?

Athena: Athena........ Michael, I assume.

Martin: Wait, how are you out of your vessel.

Athena: I was never placed into one. I'll explain everything, just follow me for a second.

Sarah: Hmmm, well this is..... New. I've never seen you before. Mind telling how did you get in here.

Athena doesn't even pay any attention to Sarah. She continues to speak with Michael, Martin, and Kyle. They are utterly terrified by this woman, the fear from Sarah just casually there.

Athena: Where's the main frame.

Martin: Um, um, Sarah?

Athena: The main frame?

Sarah clears her throat yet Athena still doesn't pay her any attention. It's obvious Athena is ignoring her, and it's starting to get on her nerve.

Michael: Aaaa, aaa.

Kyle: Um, She standing behind you.

Athena: Who?

Martin: Sarah.

Athena: Sarah? *Turns around, turns back around* Who are you talking about?

Sarah laughs at this reaction.

Sarah: I think, I like you already. Tell me, what brings you here?

Athena: You guys can still teleport right? I think it's best for you too leave.

Martin: Your not planning on fighting her, she'll

Athena: Leave.

The three vessels are at a lost of words. Someone besides Luther and Kyle is standing up to Sarah. They leave Athena to her business. Athena looks at her hand and creates a orange Katana. The same one her follower, Lucia carried.

Athena: Now, let's make this easier for the both of us. You have two options. Tell me where the main frame is and leave unharmed.... Or

I'm going to beat it out of you.

Sarah: You really think, you stand a chan-


Before Sarah could even blink half of her right hand was cut in half. Blood comes flying out of it. Sarah holds her her left hand to a tree branch it extends and cuts a mark on her face. Athena heals the wound with no problem. However, it seems Sarah cannot regenerate her limbs.

Athena: Hmm, you can heal your own wounds yet.

Sarah: Who the fuck are you?

Athena: God, does that ring a bell.

Sarah: Don't be foolish, only I can control this place.

Athena changes the sky from blue to red and right back to its original color. Sarah is shocked by this.

Sarah: How did you even do that?

Athena: Guess your not the only person who can control this place.

Sarah: Shut up!

Athena: How is turning into Sonic going to help you?

Sarah: Who's Sonic?

Athena: Your joking right?

Sarah: Yeah, Who the fuck is that?

Athena: Your telling me all this time. You've been in here you never look at the file name of your character.

Sarah: Does it even matter?

Athena's Mind: Jesus, was I really this stupid years ago. Well, if she didn't bother to even check the file name. Then that probably means...... No, it's not wise to bring that up now.

A blow to the right of Athena's head knocks her out of her inner monologue. Sarah picks Athena and throws her through multiple buildings. Athena flight ends when she slams into a lamp pole. Nearly snapping her back in half. She goes knocks unconscious by this.

Luther: Move!

Doctor nearly avoids being hit by Bon's right hand.

Doctor: It would be helpful if you use that axe Luther.

Luther: What do you mean?

Luther deflects Kate's ritual knife aiming for his throat.

Doctor: Be creative? Your not going to get anything done if you stay on the defensive.

Doctor catches Avzo's right hand and throws them over his shoulder. Martin fires a bullet right into Doctor's head, but it bounces it off because of tough skin.

Luther: I have an idea.

Doctor replies "what" after nearly having his face pulled off Bon.
Luther runs away from them. Doctor being confused gets kicked in his back for Bon. Knocking him on to the ground. They all surround him. Before he can even start a spell. Jade throws her knife in his throat to stop him from speaking.

Jade: Finally, it's about time he shut up.

A blue scarf wraps around the leg of Doctor and pulls his away before the rest of the experiments even see him. He disappears in the shadows of a old building. Luther pulls the knife out of Doctor's throat, but yet he still can't speak.

Doctor's Mind: That knife was spell bounded. It's going to take awhile for this to heal.

Luther: What are we going to do.

Doctor's Mind: I can perform a spell, but it takes a lot time to get it ready. Your going to have to hold them off until then.

Luther: How?! I can hardly handle one of them.

Doctor's Mind: Here's a small secret. In order for magic to work, you have to believe it's going to. That's why your body or even that axe isn't working at it's full potential. You have believe every move you, any action you take is going to hit. That's why Sarah became so powerful in the first place. Human emotion can do alot of things.

Luther: Ok.

Luther holds up his axe and waits for them to approach him. Doctor is drawing some kind of ritual markings on the street. Using the Jane's ritual knife as a base. Strangely, something flies through the buildings nearby from them.

Doctor's Mind: Was that Sarah?

Athena gets up from her nap and is greeted by Needlemouse who is standing right in front of her.

Sarah: Did you sleep well....... Good.

Sarah's Entity: Now, try that shit again.

Sarah proceeds to do the exact same thing she did the first time her and Kyle fought. Athena can't even catch her breath before getting hit again. Blow after blow, yet she still stands. Sarah drives her left hand through Sarah's chest and grabs onto heart, or is that what she thought it was. What Sarah pulls out is a bright red orb. The orb goes right back into Athena's chest, and a blue eyeball forms from it. Sarah can't make out who is underneath the hoodie yet. A horn shoots out at the sides Athena's head, and mouths start to appear all over here skin. Sarah grows out her claws and muscles to prepare for whatever Athena is turning into.

The yellow fox gets slammed into the ground by Martin, Luther tries to swing his axe but Sarah takes it out of his hand.

Martin Greywinder: You know, are Anton is dead. It would be interesting to see how your pulling this trick off.

Luther: What trick?

Martin Greywinder: You really think we don't notice?

Jade Green: Your inside of a vessel, but how did you end up in it? Did someone put you there by chance?

Sarah Chezzkids: Yeah, it is strange for Tails to have such a masculine voice.

Luther: Shit...... How am I getting out of this one.

A boulder hits Bon pinning him on the building's wall. The rest of them are confused from this surprising event. The rock seemed to come from a red hedgehog with green eyes.

Michael: You alright?

Jade Green: There's more of you?

Kyle: Who are you people?

Martin Greywinder: A kid is in here. Now, I need to see what makes all of you tick. My dear Angel, Here my call.

Kyle punches Martin with his yellow transparent hand before he can even finish his sentence. Bon sneaks up Kyle and grabs him slowly crushing whatever metal surrounds his body. Jade throws multiple ritual knives into Kyle to stop him from moving around in the bunnies grasp. The knives burn though his skin because their enchanted with spells. Kyle jumps and carries Bon with him high into the sky. However, Avzo jumps onto Kyle's leg taking off with them. Wise, Martin Greywinder is distracted by this, Luther slams his axe into Mr.Greywinders stomach. Jade tries to ambush him but Michael's fist sends her through one of the glass windows on the skyscraper. Sarah sends hallucinations into Michael's head to disoriente him causing to slow down his assault. Kyle being crushed by Bon and Avzo isn't getting away better. Kyle comes up with a wreck less idea, but it might just work. Kyle flips himself upside down and zooms towards the pavement. Bon tries to let go of Kyle realizing his course of action. Unexpectedly, Kyle grabs him before he can make his escape. Bon goes in front of Kyle in their fall, and Avzo slips off of him.


Sarah: What the fuck? Your a demon!

Sarah is freaked out by what Athena has become, but quickly snaps out of it.

Sarah: Hmpf, What is a demon to a Go-

Sarah gets knocked into wall head first. The rest of her body is sticking out of it. Athena gets to pull Sarah out of the wall, but a loud boom catches her attention.

Athena: Doctor?

Jade sighs out of embarrassment from seeing both Avzo and Bon after slamming straight into the ground.

Jade: Surrounded by fools. I always have to do things myself.

Jade chants a spell around Kyle, yet it doesn't do anything to him. Jade is confused by this. How can anyone not be affected by the same spell that took so many lives in Tryred? Is he immune to it?
Nevertheless, Jade pulls off her mask and rushes towards Kyle. Her face is completely tore off only black decay flesh is around it. If that mask gets on Kyle. The Los Solitarios would have complete control over him.

Jade: Sarah, keep him still!

Sarah Chezzkids: Right!

A small hole forms under Kyle. He falls into it and the hole closes at his neck. Trapping his entire lower body inside of it. Kyle can nothing but watch as Jade's horrific white mask approaches his face. That's when, A sword flies through her chest. It catches her offguard, but she doesn't seem to be worried about it. After all she is already dead. This corpse is nothing but a vessel for her cult. Jade believes that Doctor threw the knife at her by when she turns around she finds something surprising.

Jade: Is that you?

Athena stands in front of Jade towering her. Jade bows her head to the beast.

Jade: I didn't know you would be here, master.

Athena is confused by this worship. Martin slowly back from the group entirely after seeing a demon. Well, considering his line of work. He holds a huge debt to the devil, so the smart thing for him to do is run.

Jade: How can I be a side to you.

Athena: What are you people talking about? I'm not a demon.


Jade: Your so hilarious.

Athena: Huh? And why is a clown over there? Who is this rabbit? Where is your face, and who the fuck are you!?

Sarah Chezzkids: Ummm, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you Satan.

Athena: Is this some kind of joke.

Doctor: Move!

A huge blast hits all of them in the street. Nothing but white fills their eyes. The ringing is the only thing left in Sarah's after the explosion. All the other experiments are gone. Only sand left in their spots. However, this goes over Athena's head when she sees doctor.

Athena: Anton, You dumbass! I was still standing here.

Doctor: I did say move.

Athena: One second before blowing us to shit. Did you forget, I'm still kind a demon you idiot. Those things can still kill me!

Doctor: Yet it didn't. You really think I didn't know what I was doing. I did that to remove the demon on you. You don't want that core to take a full control of you.

Luther: My ears!

Doctor: Quit being a bitch. You'll be already.

Luther: I didn't heard a thing, you just said.

Kyle: What's up with you guys and explosions.

Doctor: It did the trick right? The problem has been resolved.

Kyle: Hold on, not quite. Who were those guys? I've seen those things around before

Doctor: It's best if you don't know.

Luther: You blew us up to kill, not to mention I almost got eaten by a dog. I think you kinda owe us an explanation.

Doctor: You won't understand.

Kyle: You can at least try.

Doctor: TRY?! Do you have any idea how many of those things you just saw pop up everyday? As we speak, there's some child serial killer still alive in a mascot somewhere Utah. There's a giant alien virus living in the Marianna Trench. There's a news channel that keeps getting hijacked to tell people to look at the moon. The statue of freedom is running in the forest cutting people's head off, and did I mention if you take one wrong step you could no clip out of reality, and the list keeps on going. 

Luther: Jesus...... that many?

Doctor: Yes....... 

Martin: and you brought them here knowing how dangerous were.

Doctor: I didn't.

Martin: Yet, they still ended up here. 

Athena tries to jump in to defend Doctor, but he signals Athena to not get involved.

Doctor: Listen here, If this wasn't affecting our business. All of you would be getting your insides ripped to pieces. Now, like I said I didn't bring them here. However, I might know the person.

To Be Continued 

Jack Walten: The Walten Files

Martin Greywinder and Avzo: Harmony and Horror

Jade Green: Tryred Witness Archieves

Sarah: Chezzkids

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