Httyd the hidden world x Male...

By Hauntez

24.5K 406 65

Having become the head of the village, Y/n and Bahamut have to leave Berk, which is threatened by an unpreced... More

Love Interests
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Finale
Homecoming kids bio

Chapter 2

1.6K 34 7
By Hauntez

Open sky

(Pulling through a flurry of wings -- a curtain of swirling color unveiling you and the rescue team returning from the raid, leading the group of freed dragons. You turn in the saddle, revealing bustling berk in the background -- a hive of activity. Literally hundreds of dragons in movement)

Y/n: This... is berk! Your new home away from home. A stunning one-stop, all-expense-paid dream destination!

(They fly into the clustered, overbuilt village skyline. Dragons are perched on every available rooftop, greeting the arriving newbies with excitement. They take flight, following the returning rescue party in a parade of color)

Y/n: So settle in and let your worries melt away! The service here soars, the cuisine's fiery...

(A dragon roasts a rack of meat for a viking cook. The whole hut catches fire. A scauldron flies by and douses it with a blast of water. Gothi cuts across their path, riding her staff like a witch's broom carried by terrible terrors)

Y/n: ...And the locals are as colorful as you get!

(The ground is crawling with dragons of every kind. So many that no actual ground is visible. Vikings travel to and from by hopping from dragon to dragon, like a giant game of frogger)

Y/n: Any run-of-the-mill paradise boasts beaches and sunshine. Well, not us. We've got something no one else can touch. We, my friend, have dragons! Lots and lots of dragons!

(They land on the dragon elevator in the center of the upper plaza. The crowd of vikings scatter, moving out of the way of the new dragon arrivals. Two sheep dressed as dragons continue grazing as the shadow of the gigantic new dragons comes across them. They panic and run off, leaving their dragon costumes behind. Bahamut and you hop off of the elevator and onto the crowded plaza)

Y/n: Gang, meet out latest berkians!

(OOHS and AHHS sound from the crowd. The crimson goregutter surveys his new surroundings as berkians put their hands out to greet it)

Viking: Welcome to paradise, mate!

(The rescue team lands, followed by the overwhelmed newbies. Berkians and dragons alike surround the new dragons, giving them a heroes' welcome)

Viking #2: Aren't you a beauty!

Snotlout: Oh, you're welcome. You're welcome. I took on, like a hundred trappers, a thousand trappers.

Ruff: All with burning undies.

(She snickers. Tuff pops off his helmet. Surrounding vikings and dragons recoil from the stench)

Tuff: My thick, full beard almost caught on fire.

(He strokes his ''beard,'' which is actually his hair, braided around his face)

Ruff: Ugh. Just... just stop.

(Snotlout saunters up to valka, puffing his chest out)

Snotlout: So, hicca's mom, any notes on my bone-crushing assault, or was it pretty much perfect?

Valka: Oh, it was... indescribable. And please call me valka. It has been a year.

(She walks off to inspect the newly freed dragons, leaving snotlout grinning from ear to ear)

Snotlout: First name basis.

(You mash bahamut's cheeks)

Y/n: I think the real hero of the day was bahamut. Isn't that right, bud? What would we do without you, oh king of dragons? What would we do?

(Astrid and hicca hop out of stormfly's and toothlee' saddles, astrid rolling her neck)

Astrid: Well, we could train a lot harder, for one. That was pretty sloppy.

Hicca: I have to agree with astrid on this one.

(Valka looks over smiling)

Valka: Astrid does have a point. Perhaps you all relay a little bit too much on your dragons... and not enough on one another.

Snotlout: See, that's exactly what i was saying! Just listen up, guys.

(Astrid rolls her eyes)

Y/n: Aren't you the one always complaining when we are going to train.

Snotlout: What?! That's nowhere near the truth and you know it!

Astrid: Yeah y/n is right.

(Snotlout grumbles and says ''shut up y/n and astrid'' under his breath and saunters up to hicca)

Snotlout: Yep, your mom's super impressed with me. I'm like the son she never had.

(The baby gronckle named fishmeat hops out of fishlegs' pouch and scurries over to the giant crimson goregutter)

Fishlegs: Fishmeat! You found a new friend!

(Fishmeat dances at the goregutter's feet. In response, the dragon ponces playfully, clumsily slamming into the towering totem)

Vikings: Mind your heads!

(It cracks, teeters, and collapses. Vikings holler and dive for cover. Dragons take to the air. The totem smashes into a bird house structure, creating a chain effect of collapsing buildings. The last to topple goes over the cliff. You and bahamut cringe, as gobber pushes through the crowd, looking more disheveled than ever)

Gobber: What good is having the king of dragons around if he can't keep the order?

(You turn to bahamut)

Y/n: Hey, bud? You wanna... do something here, or...?

(Bahamut calls the goregutter into line with a roar. He bows respectfully. The baby gronckle scurries off, intimidated)

Gobber: And where do you suppose we put these ones?!

Y/n: Oh, we'll make room.

(He turns to see the beachball-sized hobgobbler staring blankly at him. He gasps)

Gobber: Ah! You brought back a hobgobbler?! They're a bad omen. We're cursed!

(Valka scoops up the hobgobbler, looking it over affectionately)

Valka: Nonsense. What harm could he do?

(It never takes its eyes off of gobber)

Valka: No injuries. They're all a little shaken but otherwise healthy. Now who's hungry?

Great hall

(The berk equivalent to a crowded cafeteria. Dragons and vikings crammed in together, filling every space, sprawled out on tables, hanging off of chandeliers. You and bahamut enter last, with gobber hobbling alongside, exasperated)

Gobber: Point is, you can't keep bringing dragons back here.

(As gobber and you make your way through the crowd of dragons and people, snotlout runs by with his dragon)

Snotlout: Come on boy!

(You and gobber wait for them to pass, then continue walking)

Gobber: You're just asking for trouble.

(You throw a hand in front of gobber, stopping him from stepping forward. A mischievous dragon scampers past, with a burly viking in close pursuit)

Viking: No you don't you little tief!

(You and gobber continue walking after they pass)

Gobber: These trappers are getting closer by the day.

Y/n: I understand your point gobber. But we can handle them. We have the alpha. Isn't that right bud? Would you look at how happy they are?

(Gobber grumbles as they navigate the chaotic hall, dodging gothi as she flies by, carried by dragons. Valka is arm wrestling the brawny spitelout. She wins. Snotlout watches slack-jawed)

Snotlout: She's... awesome.

(You throw an arm around gobber as you join the lunch-line. Stew is ladled into heaping bowls and handed off to the hungry arrivals)

Y/n: Gobber! Relax, we did it. The world's first dragon-viking utopia. We made the dream a reality!

Gobber: Your and hicca's dream, maybe. Mine's less crowded and more -- AGHH!

(The hobgobbler bobs up, basking in the steaming cauldron of stew)

Gobber: Sanitary.

Y/n: Gobber! You're not fooling anybody. I know you love them.

(Bahamut calls the young dragon out of the stew pot with a low growl. The newbie crawls out and slinks off, sheepishly. You and gobber carry your filled bowls to the head table and squeeze in between astrid, valka and hicca)

Gobber: You're supposed to be the generation that leads us into the future.

(He looks around at the Gang. Tuffnut picks his teeth while Belch steals his food. Snotlout starts a food fight with Hookfang)

Snotlout: Ha! Food fight!

(Ruffnut vapidly gazes at her reflection in a tankard...)

Ruff: Gor-ge-ous.

(... then gets hit with a turkey leg. She joins the food fight)

Ruff: Watch the hair!

(All the while, Fishlegs feeds Fishmeat in a highchair, making dragon sounds as he flies in a spoonful of stew to its open mouth)

Fishlegs: Good fishmeat! On-nom-nom-nom.

(Gobber gets hit with a lump of food. He wipes it off, glowering)

Gobber: Ugh. Thor help us.

(He grabs You, astrid and hicca, pulling you together in a headlock)

Gobber: Time to stop worrying about problems out there and start sorting out the ones right here.

Astrid: Gobber...

Hicca: Can you stop gobber.

Y/n: Okay, okay,i'll think about it.

Gobber: Hang up those saddles and get married.

(A pregnant pause. The gang gawk at the mention of marriage)

Tuff: The M word.

Ruff: Gross. Unless its me.

Gobber: Start ruling like a proper royal lovers.

(Hicca grimaces, his face pressed into Gobber's armpit. Gobber whispers into your ear)

Gobber: Marry them, please. If all three of you rule we might have hope to survive.

(You peel away, awkwardly recoiling at the proposition but you do have a little blush on your cheeks)

Y/n: Wow! Not awkward at all. Thanks for that, gobber! I think i have some duties i need to get to.

(You start to walk away from the great hall)

Gobber: Y/n... don't be like that!

(Astrid gets out of gobber's hold with hicca who is gasping for air. Tuff comes up behind hicca and astrid)

Tuff: Whoa. That is a definitive no.

(Astrid glares at him and hicca just stares little annoyed)

Tuff: Look, if either of you need a shoulder or a beard to cry on, just lean on my shoulder and you can cry into my full, thick beard.

(Both hicca and astrid roll their eyes at him)

Hicca: Oh, thank you, tuffnut. Thank you... so much.

(Eret approaches and coughs awkwardly gaining their attention)

Hicca: Eret, son of eret!

Eret: Where might the chief be? I have a report for him.

Hicca: Oh. He just left to do something. But you can tell me i will pass it onto him after.

Eret: Okay well. Two more trapper barges spotted in the strait.

Hicca: So we go after them!

(Hicca turns to gobber, leering back, judgmentally)

Hicca: What?

Gobber: One day, you and y/n are going to pick a fight you can't win.

(Hicca grimaces back. While this is happening astrid is deep in thought thinking about waht gobber said about marriage and your reaction to it)


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