
By motherguts

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You can hear it. Everyone else can too. Stranger Things 1-5 / Lucas Sinclair More

I grew up mean, ugly and knotted.
Part 𝕴.
i. sea, swallow me
ii. kids
iii. starability
iv. old memories
v. the flea and the acrobat
vi. your own good
vii. the bad
viii. the upside down
ix. a way to say goodbye
Part 𝕴𝕴.
x. starfailure
xi. alone
xii. cabin in the woods
xiii. starpuberty - I
xiv. she
xv. if i could be her
xvi. liquid smooth
xviii. a mother's cut
xix. premonition
xx. moonlight on the river
xxi. the burn
xxii. green eyes
Part 𝕴𝕴𝕴.
xxiii. infrunami

xvii. family

456 26 5
By motherguts

Whoever created the emotion of emptiness is the person that Vee loathed, that is if a person created it.

Most likely not, well at least Vee thought they couldn't be normal. Normal people didn't create emotions and assign names to him. Much like normal people didn't turn orange and set forest fires. Or have green glowing eyes whenever they felt a high emotion.

   Normal people didn't have gifts. They definitely didn't burn things either or have visions of a darkskin woman who has ginger hair and green eyes like him—no, normal people didn't do that. And that was because Vee wasn't normal. He never had been.

   Even if he was normal, normal boys didn't have girl parts. Normal boys didn't act like girls. And they sure didn't want to wear girl clothes either: at least that's what Vee thought.

   But Vee wasn't normal. He had never been normal: he was a abnormality in the form of a child. He could finally come to terms with the fact he was not normal—but that did not mean he liked not being normal. He wished every day he was normal. Like the pretty ginger girl in the gym, her blue eyes & long ginger hair. Her skin color gave her power over him, and he wished for that power.

   So, actually, maybe Vee didn't accept he wasn't normal.

   Maybe he just...knew he wasn't normal but he would never like that.

   So it wasn't acceptance.

   It was anger.

   He was angry as he walked down the street way right next to the forest, luckily no one had seen or driven by, angry because of his orange skin. His green glowing eyes, his body, his gifts, just everything. He hated absolutely everything. But felt nothing.

   He felt nothing as he walked. Nothing at all. What else could he feel? Other than that anger.

   But he had someone to find.

He opened up the document again. PRISONER 002: RON. He wondered what the word prisoner meant, but maybe he could ask him once he seen him.

And then there was the file of 000. A file of a black woman with bright orange hair. His mother.

It was weird how that worked — the way he felt nothing but anger at the same time: he wished he hadn't. He wish to feel anything else because feeling anything else but numbness was better. Anything was better than this.

He dragged his dirtied converses on the concrete, not noticing how far he'd actually gone. The blankness on his face had said enough for anyone that could have seen him. But luckily, no one had seen him. At least no one he could feel or sense from afar. As his gifts were on edge the entire time.

For a moment, a chill ran down his spine. Then he proceeded to snap out of the daze he was in.

The blank state. The numbness, the empty. Just got a moment but what he felt was something much more chilling.

Sia . . . She called, he turned to see who spoke from behind him.

No one was there.

Sia . . . Again she echoed, her voice boomed off the trees and through the air. Come home.

Vee then felt as if his body wasn't his own, his limps twisted in a weird way, he felt a fire light inside him before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

   It's you! It's you . . . It's . . .

   In the eyes of darkskin woman with green eyes; he seen. He saw it all.

   The blood, the test, the needle, the samples, the crash, the results, the tattoo, the fight, the fire, the tears, the pain—he seen everything in flashes. He could taste the metallic liquid in his mouth and smell the smoke, almost entrapping his lungs, in the air. He could see the bright white walls . . . remembering what this was.

   The lab.

   What could it all mean? He hadn't known. But he did know. He always had known, he just couldn't remember.

   The woman was crying with a young boy, a caramel colored boy who had a blood all over him. His eyes bright green and slight whimpers escaping from his mouth.

   "Come baby, come on," she cooed to her child—who had to be about seven years old. "Hij' öfa. I've got you, my stäi."

   The woman runs, with incredible speed, down the white halls. Not seeing an exit anywhere, or at least, she couldn't think of where it was. Vee could hear every thought of her and dread was everywhere in her mind. It sent chills through him.

   While she carried her child, she turned a corner hoping to find an exit.

   Only to discover a man in all white with a gun. He smirked at the sight of them, but something was sinister about it. If the woman hadn't known better then it looked like his face was going to split in half in he smiled harder.

   Just then she yelped and turned to run.

   A gunshot blasted through her gut. A orange, but amber, liquid spraying from her open wound.

   As soon as her body hit the ground she could—

   It's you, my stäi.

   Vee's body stiffen back up and he finally could feel his bones again. His lungs, his eyes, his lips, his hands. He could feel like himself again—well almost there.

   He panted loudly, and felt a bile come from throat. Immediately he let out anything he'd eaten from the pass 24 hours onto the concrete. After he was done, he wiped his mouth and coughed up anything else that wasn't staying down.

   What was that? What the fuck was that?

   He looked up and found himself in front of a sign that said: Leaving Hawkins!

   He blinked for a moment before processing that he'd must've had a vision. From somewhere in his past that was planted deep in the earth in his head.

   But he'd never walked when he had these visions? So why was—

   Just then the same chill from earlier hit him, but worse. It was more violent and warm. Something that made him almost yelp—and he then felt the sudden sense that something was calling him. Something had been pulling him. Away from Hawkins. Very, very, very far away.

   He glanced behind him, should he really go? He didn't want to leave, he never wanted to leave but . . . his past was calling him. Something had been for a long time and he had just now felt it. It settled in his bones and made its way across his skin, flickering at his tiny hairs and triggering ever sense he had.

He glanced at the files in his hands, and he then nodded. He needed to go.

Maybe someone who knew him would be there? Someone who could understand him. Maybe even . . . His mom? Family?

   Maybe the woman he was seeing was someone important to him . . . maybe the boy he'd seen was . . . him.

   There were many maybes but those maybes could be determined if he found out the truth about himself. About who he was, or what he was.

   And it made sense for him to go: he always had a feeling he hadn't belonged here.

   He always had.

   So, he began to walk. (He knew his feet would hurt eventually)


By the time his feet started to hurt, he began to sit on the pavement for a while. His feet were particularly sore from the long walk and almost numb in his shoes.

At least the shoes he had were bigger than his actual size so he could crack his toes every now and then.

This isn't gonna work, he realized as he could still feel the tug on his body. Almost forcing itself up. So he did what he had done best.

He searched.

Trying to find a person who's thoughts overwhelmed them, for a while he searched that is until he found someone. Their thoughts were rapid and erratic but he seemed to have a grip on their mind already. His face strained itself but he kept pushing, but he was able to control her completely. Unlike before. It wasn't hard to lead them towards him—and make the woman pick him up in her car.

"Drive," he said, and the woman started to drive as if she was his master.

The woman drove far, her eyes all white as she did. Each mile caused Vee more and more exhaustion but he kept on; he couldn't let his body get weak.

Sometimes he'd let go of her mind for a moment to let himself breathe but the woman couldn't get enough time to react or stop him because by the time he did that: he made her fall asleep. Then he would fall asleep himself, trying to gain stamina for when he needed to control her again.

Eventually, after a long road trip, (if you could call it that as it was all in silence) the vitiligo covered boy left the rather burnt out vehicle and glanced at the woman one last time before he gave her a sad glance. "Sorry, lady," the pretty lady was still under his control as he talked to her. Her skin was darkskin but covered in freckles and she had a large afro on her head. She was very beautiful, and vulnerable. He could feel it in her mind as he held it.

"Family comes first." He told her but all she had done was stayed staring straight at the windshield with her eyes deadly white. It's not like he expected her to speak but, if she could hear him, he wanted to give her a reason why he took her freedom away.

But he needed to get to his possible family. He couldn't let anyone or anything stop that. Even if it meant manipulating people's mind like he'd never done before.

Manipulation of emotions and the mind was his specialty and he used it to his advantage.

He closed the car door, getting far away from her as he let go of her mind, feeling the October wind hit his pokadoted skin. He noticed the glances people gave him as he passed, feeling their disgust from afar but he couldn't care less.

He was on a mission.

To find his family once and for all.

   Chicago, he read on a billboard. Far from home.

   He started walking down the street as tall buildings loomed over him and the stars that dotted the sky sparkled on his skin. Vee had a rather blank face as he surveyed the city: he'd never seen anything like this. To the streets crowed with people to the cars the cramped up the streets. It's not that this was boring to him, it was just the fact that he really hadn't had emotion to feel anything as of now.

   Maybe that'd been a bad thing, it definitely was, and maybe he wanted to feel.

   But he knew that this emptiness was the cause of what was pulling him here. So, he couldn't be distracted by the city. He had to find his origin. The reason for these dreams that haunted him.

   Vee walked past businessmen, officers, mothers, lawyers, and sometimes just regular people. Each one had their own set of thoughts and emotions as they all were rapid. Rapid to the point of a dog with rabies. Vee payed no attention to them though, but it still annoyed him from time to time.

   Eventually the pulling became stronger and the voice in his head was amplified. You're close . . . she spoke with a hushed tone. Very close . . . the more she spoke the more he felt his feet walk on their own and soon he found himself at a large building.

   The building was giant filled with red bricks everywhere and many staircases to lead upwards into a long hall with many doors. Each door had a assigned number on it. Much like the lab.

He started to walk up the stairs, each step was slow but urgent, moving his fingers across the railing. When he got on the floor where all the doors where, he glanced at every single one. He realized that the pull could only take him so far, so he did what he done best.

He searched.

His eyes closed, and his face softened turning calmer. Lights flickered above him and a white noise echoed throughout the building. His eyes moved under his eyelids rapidly as he searched through the place he was looking for.

Blood trickled underneath his nose and eventually he found a familiar feeling in one of those rooms.

That's it. The voice confirmed.

As she did, he opened his eyes and let out a pant. The lights stopped flickering and the noise stopped. 1212, he remembered the room number like the back of his hand.

He stomped through the long hall of the building until he was met of the door that had 1212 stamped on it. He squinted his eyes at the door as he raised his fist to knock: his stomach had terrible knots in them. Nervously, he knocked.

No answer.

He knocked again lightly.

No answer.

This time he knocked against the door hard & loud. Loud enough to echo through the building. And hard enough to leave a dent on the door.

This time he heard a muffled voice from behind and before he knew it; a man swung open the door.

And the man was Ron.

   "Ron?" Vee called out, his voice cracking as he said it. He could feel his eyes water.

   A flurry of emotions were coming from the both of them, and Vee could feel Ron get emotional as he saw him stand right in front of him. It was crazy how they thought they would've never seen each other again but it seemed that something ties them together. Something strong.

   Something Vee has never felt before.

   Before Vee could say anything, Ron embraced the small preteen. Giving him a kiss on his head.

   Vee cried into the older's shoulder, he stained the white tee the man wore with those hot tears and bright green eyes.

   He could've swore Ron had died.


   Wiping the blood from under his nose before it fell onto the paper, he started to investigate through the home. Well, more like ransack it.

   As vee had genuinely no idea what exactly he was looking for but he knew it had something to do with the Lab. And it was definitely inside of this....small house thing.

   Ron helped as much as he could, though he had no idea what he was looking for he tried his best.

   "What the hell are you doing here kid, I told you to get far away from here." Ron questioned, but Vee kept his attention glued to his searching.

   Something was telling him to just kill Ron, though he never wanted to hurt him, it was like the woman was trying to get her two sense in Vee's decisions. Like she was invading his mind or whatever, but she was nothing more than an itch telling him where to go. Though luckily something snapped him out of being heartless as he didn't kill him.

   "Family." Vee answered simply. "She brought me here."

   "She?" Ron asked.

   Vee nodded. "Yes," he pointed to his mind. "She."

   Ron gave a curt nod but emitted a nervous laugh.

   There were thousands of documents and papers all over the man's coffee table in what could be assumed to be his living room as there was a tv and two couches. And . . . trash everywhere.


   But that wasn't the point. Point was: Vee was looking for something that could satisfy the itch in the back of his head. Something that could tell him more about what he was & where he came from. Just . . . anything.

   And eventually as he looked he found something out of the ordinary.

   "You find it?"

Vee nodded as he came upon a white folder, labeled, Unnamed specimen: Experiment 000 and Subject [RETRACTED]. Vee furrowed his brows, opening the folder with urgency. It was a fat folder that had tons of papers & photos inside. He began to empty it and he pulled out one titled: Sighting One of the feminine extraterrestrial.

"Extra-rest-rial?" He sampled the word on his tongue.


t h e f e m i n i n e e x t r a t e r r e s t r i a l w a s f i r s t s i g h t e d o u t s i d e o f h a w k i n s l a b o r a t o r y o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f t h e f e n c e l
i n e,  i t  w a s  f o u n d  u n c o n s c i o u s  b y  a  s u r v e y  o f f i c e r. 

i t s k i n  i s  o r a n g e  a n d  i t's  e y e s  a r e  b r i g h t  g r e e n  a n d  i t's  s k i n  w a s a l m o s t r o u g h l i k e t i t a n i u m. i t's h a i r w a s b r i g h t r e d, w i t h r e d b r o w s. s e e m s t o b e i t's n a t u r a l h a i r t e x t u r e a n d c o l o r.

i t's  n e v e r  a n y t h i n g  l i k e  w h a t  w e'v e  s e e n  b e f o r e  s o  m o r e  r e s e a r c h  w i l l  b e  d o n e.

   A picture of a tall orange skinned lady was shown. She looked beat up with bright red blood coming from her head wounds with a mix of a white liquid. Her eyes were much like Vee's, all green, and her skin was about the same color as his only darker in appearance. He was confused at first but then he saw a side picture a normal looking darkskin woman who looked exactly like . . . the extraterrestrial in the other picture.

   But more importantly: she looked exactly like the woman in his dreams.

As soon as he seen her his eyes soften, his breathing began to become labored, and he felt an attachment to her like he'd never felt with nobody else.


   He felt if he was about to cry but he held it in for a bit, he looked at his potential Mom's mugshot from the Lab. Maybe he could see what happened? Maybe she was alive . . . ? Maybe he could use his visions to his advantage?

   Ron put his arm over the boy's shoulder as a way to comfort him. Vee wanted to shove it off but he couldn't—he was weak for some odd reason. He could feel the tears trail down his cheek.

   But then he thought of an idea.

   He switched the static channel, he then grabbed a blindfold. He began to focus on the static in the back as he tuned everything else out. The lights flickered above him & the tv started to flicker as well.

   "You sure this'll work, Lil' Menace?"

   Vee nodded. "Found you. I find her."

   "Okay well just don't explode or anything. You need anything, I'll here." Ron tried to offer for help as he patted the boy's back.

   Vee only scrunched his face in irritation.

   Everything in the room started to heat up as the gifts he had started to conflict with each other.

   Come on . . . come on.

   He focused more than he ever had before. Straining his face. He had to gain control over his gifts, otherwise what would they do if he weren't?

   Come on, come on.

   Just then he opened his eyes to a burst of colors.


author's notes:  ron is here and i love him

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