The Dragon King

By StromEyes

32.7K 572 280

Monkey D Kai was born in the land of Want along with a girl named Yamato. They both were mistreated alot as t... More

The Dragon Boy and The Fox
The Adventure Begins
Pirate Hunter Zoro
Cat Burglar Nami
Buggy The Clown
The Great Usopp
Black Foot Sanji
Fights to Remember
Final Harem
Freeing Nami

Arlong Park

1.4K 30 16
By StromEyes

I don't own anything, but my oc.


3rd Person POV

We catch up with the crew it's been a few hours since they head towards Nami's direction. Kai was sitting down as Yamato laid her head on his lap. Luffy was laying down on as well. Sanji was sitting down across from Yokasu.

Luffy: This weather is perfect! So which is the Grand Line? Is it this way? Or is it this way?

As Luffy was running to each side of the ship back and forth.

Kai: Luffy calm down will you. First let's focus on one thing okay. Obviously we're just as excited as you, but we have to wait just a bit longer.

Luffy: Right, sorry. I'm just excited we have a cook on board. Now, we just need Nami and then nothing can stand between us and the Grand Line!

Sanji: Ah, Nami. I can sit down and think about how beautiful she is all day. I can't wait to I'll see her again.

This comment annoyed Kai. Lately, he has realized that Nami is one of his mate. Yamato noticed this too and she told him to trust his instincts. Besides she had a conversation between Nami and herself. Yamato also knows that Nami likes Kai, but it was this that was holding her back.

Yamato: So are we getting close to where Nami is? You know the Island.

Yosaku: You three are way to naive and way to young! Don't y'all get it! You know that every second that passes brings us to the infamous Arlong, Megla, and Aqua! Nami couldn't stop staring at thier pictures. And it wasn't a normal kind of stare. It was something different by the way she was staring. Something focused. I'm telling you Nami is planning on taking down Arlong and collecting the 20,000,000 bounty. For all we know we're just sitting here and she's already making her way through his compound.

Luffy: *Yawn* Sounds nice let's eat.

Sanji: Sounds good.

Yamato: I am kinda of hungry.

Kai: Mmm it's been a few hours since we ate anything.

Yosaku: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell me all of you are so clueless! That you don't know who the evil Arlong, Megla and Aqua are!

Sanji: Ah, no. So who is he?

Luffy: Yeah.

Yamato: I've been busy.

Kai: Don't know much since we just left out home town 2 months ago.

Yosaku is in shocked. He then pulls out a whistle and blows on it.

Yosaku: Listen up class. Time for you eduction of the sharks known as Arlong, Megla and Aqua! Arlong, Megla and Aqua are fishman that use to destroy everything in their path up and down the Grand Line.

Sanji: Fishman.

Luffy: That's cool.

Yamato: Oh. Kai and I only heard of them.

Sanji: I've heard that the woman on Fishman island are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world to behold.

Kai:( Thoughts 💭: I wonder what a kid between a Fishman and Human would look like.)

Luffy: Fishman sounds wierd. Do they look like this.

As Luffy shows a picture of a regular fish with hands sticking out it's body. As the rest began to laugh.

Yosaku: Heeeeeey! Can't you all focus for one minute please!  Alright I will start from the very beginning! The reason why they call the Grand Line the pirate grave yard in the first place. Is, beacuse Arlong and the two other two powers rule over it. The first of the powers are known as the Seven Warlords at Sea.

Kai: Seven Warlords? I remembered hearing about it, but I never knew what they were.

Yosaku: The 7 Warlords are pirates authorized by the government.

Sanji: Seriously? Why would anyone pirate want approval from the government.

Yosaku: For protection. The government looks the other way for a cut of their treasure and they are aloud to exist. Of course to other pirates their just government dogs. But they didn't get to where they are for being weak. These guys are powerful. The guy who defeated Zoro is one of these guys. His name is Hawkeye Mihawk.

Luffy: That sounds cool! I can't wait to meet all Seven of them!

Kai:(Thoughts 💭: Yeah, but even they don't compare to Yanko's and Admirals.)

Yosaku: Yeah. The first one of the Warlords. Or the first one you should know about is Jimbie captain of the Fishmen. He is dangerous like no one you've never known.

Yamato:( Thought 💭: I can think of a few people more dangerous.)

Yousaku: Easily causing destruction on the Grand Line like Arlong, Megla and Aqua. Arlong, Megla and Aqua have taken over at least 20 towns since coming to the East blue. Their strength easily surpasses anyone you guys face including Don Krieg's. He's devastating.

Sanji: So why do you think Nami would go after these all by herself? Huh.

Kai: Well I might know the full story, but I'm guessing is why she hates most pirates. They did something to her and whatever it was it must of been horrible.

Yamato: You're right. They did something horrible. She told me everything, but that's not my story to tell. Just know they did horrible things.

Luffy: Well we just have to see when we get there.

Yosaku: Have either of y'all morons have been listening to what I've said.

Kai: Yeah, Jimbe is strong. Arlong and his two friends are also strong. Also Seven Warlords.

Yamato: We get it.

Yosaku: No you don't get it. You guys have never faced a Fishmen.

Luffy: We will when we get on that island.

Sanji: Anyways, I'll get lunch started.

Kai: Yosh.

Sanji: What are you guys in the mood for?

Luffy: Meat!

Yosaku: Bean Sprouts!

Kai: I want Pizza!

Yamato: I want burgers!

Sanji: Meat, Beans Sprouts, Pizza and Burgers this should be a piece of cake.

Luffy: Having a cook is the best.

Yosaku: It sure is!

After sometimes Sanji has fished and now they were all eating.

Yosaku: I hope you guys get Nami to join again she's the best.

Yamato: Of course we will she's our navigator.

As then Yosaku and Luffy began to find fight about the meat. As they began to run around as Kai and Yamato just kept eating. After finally sitting down. They counting eating, but still fighting. Then Kai and Yamato heard something.

Kai: Guys, be quiet I hear something. There's something down there and it's big.

Until a giant sea creature emerges that looks like a cow and serpent.

Luffy: It's a cow.

Sanji: It's not a cow. Cows don't swim.

Yousaku: Whatever it is. You can tell it's from the Grand Line. What is doing all the out here in the East blue.

As the Sea cow just keep staring at them.

Yamato: Why is it starting at us?

Yosaku: He wants the food.

Kai: What?!

Yosaku: Quick give it to him before he eats us.

Luffy: Gum Gum pistol!

As Luffy punched the Sea cow. As it emerge once again and it was angry. Sanji tried to feat it, but it also tried to eat him. Having enough Yamato knock it out in one blow.

Scene Change

Kai: There it is Arlong Park!

Luffy: Hey keep up the pace cow!

Yosaku: I feel sorry for it. Yamato club myst have really taken their toll.

Kai: Not that way. To the building stupid!

As the Sea cow crash in a rock sending the ship flying.

Kai/Yamato/ Luffy: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Yamato: It's almost like we are flying.

Yosaku: Almost?

Sanji: We are flying.

Yosaku: No we're falling.

Luffy: Landing successful.

Then Kai noticed someone in front of them.

Kai: Hey, Zoro..

Zoro: Ahhhhhhhh!

As they Zoro is hit by the boat as they crash into a mountain.

Yamato: We're here guys.

Zoro: What the hell where you doing?

Luffy: What do you mean? We are here to pick up Nami, duh. How come you haven't found her yet. Where's Johnny and Usopp?

Zoro: Usopp! We have to hurry. Arlong has captured him. They are going to kill him.

Johnny: His already dead. We're to late. Big bro Usopp is dead. Nami murder him.

Yosaku: You can't be serious.

Johnny: Yeah. It's true. She was a traitor all along. She's be winning Arlong favor so she could have the treasure buried in Kokoyashi village all along. That woman is just a cold blooded killer. That woman won't until she gets want she wants. Nami has us fooled the entire.

Kai: That's enough! Say another word and you'll regret it!

Zoro: Easy this doesn't have anything to do with Johnny.

Johnny: Believe what you want? But I know what I saw. Nami killed big bro Usopp.

Luffy: Shut your mouth! Never in a million years will Nami kill Usopp! She wouldn't do that to her friends!

Nami: What was that about friends Luffy. What are you all doing here?

Yamato: You are friend we came here to get you.

Nami: What a pest. Friends huh don't make me laugh. Your just pathetic to deserve each other.

Johnny: You killed him! I watched you do it! And now big bro Usopp is gone.

Nami: That's right. So why don't you kill me. Word to wise all of you. Because of you friend actions. Arlong, Megla and Aqua are trying to kill Zoro along with his entire crew. And I don't care you monstrous you guys think you are. You are not match for the real monsters. I promise you if you stay on this Island you will die. You have a choice to make between life or death.

As the crew stood there Zoro with anger, Sanji being mesmerized

Kai: Hahahahahahhaha! Oh Nami, Nami, Nami. You maybe be able to fool most of them. However, not Yamato, Luffy and I. You see Nami I know you more than you think. You may act like you don't care about us, but that's far from the truth. I think I know what's going on, beacuse deep down I know what you're feeling. And you feel it to don't you. We both have for a while now. As for Arlong, Megla and Aqua being monstrous. That may true, but there is a reason they came here. They are not as big and  bad them make themselves to be. In reality their just big fish in a small pond. But go ahead if you so much don't care about us, why don't tell Arlong and his friends where we at will be waiting. Or if you want our help just let us know.

As Luffy lays down and takes a nap along with Kai sitting down and Yamato laying here head on his lap.

Nami: Fine whatever just go ahead and die!

Small Timeskip

Our main trio are asleep as Zoro is sitting down near them as Sanji is sitting under a tree.

Johnny: Big bro Zoro what are you thinking? Are you forgetting Arlong is out to kill us. We should be running away. Now that we know what Nami is like. There isn't a real good reason to stay on this Island.

Zoro: My reasons for staying here are there.

He pointed at the three sleeping figures.

Zoro: I'm staying, because they are staying.

Yosaku: Don't be stupid big bro Zoro. Are you saying you want to bring her back too.

Zoro: What I want has nothing to do with this. We don't decided who the navigator is Luffy and Kai do.

Johnny: Big bro? Right understood. You're not leaving. Sorry to cut our reunion short, but I won't stay.

Yosaku: Yeah I'm with him. I don't want to deliberate get myself killed.

Zoro: Fine, I'll see you around.

With that Johnny and Yosaku left. Leaving just the crew.

Sanji: So why do you think? Why was she crying?

Zoro: I don't know was she crying?

Sanji: She was in her heart.

Zoro:Tch if there where. They were tears of guilty for killing Usopp.

Sanji: Yeah, right. Are you serious? You really are dense. Do you honestly still believe Nami could've killed Usopp? I mean seriously the three of them saw through that facade real quick.

Zoro: So Nami didn't kill him? Is that what your saying.

Sanji: Am I wrong?

Zoro: Well who knows. I always thought of her as a small time shrimp. Who couldn't even watch a guy die. Let alone kill them. Maybe she just snapped.

Sanji: Wait. What you say? She's not small time.

As they both went to hit each other, but were stopped as Usopp got ran in between them and got hit.

Sanji: He's alive.

Zoro: Well he was. I hope he still is.

Kai, Yamato and Luffy soon wake up and they look at Usopp.

Luffy: Usopp did Nami did this to you?

Sanji: No we did it.

Zoro: It was your fault.

Usopp: Luffy. Kai. Yamato. You are all here now.

Yamato: Yup.

Sanji: I'm here too. Hi there.

Usopp instantly got up from the floor.

Usopp: One of this days I'll kill you.

Sanji: Oh you just made a full recovery.

Usopp: Shut up.

Zoro: And by the way we kind of heard you were killed by Nami.

Kai: Yup. Johnny said he saw, but I'm guessing its more complicated than that.

Usopp: In a way she did kill me, but she actually say my life.

Scene Change

We see Nami in a house that is trashed as she lays her head on her hands. The door opens to see her sister Nojiko.

Nojiko: Jeez Nami. You sure know hot to trash a place. Hey what's wrong.

Nami: Nothing. I'm just resting a bit that's all.

Nojiko: You're telling sulking over a treasure map after trashing up the house is how you relax. You're not fooling me just fess up already. What's bothering you?

Nami: Something happened that made me mad it's nothing.

Nojiko: Those people who are they?

Nami quickly looks up.

Nami: You know?

Nojiko: I've meet this captain guy. He seems kinda liarish though. Nami I heard you smiled with them. We both know that's rare for you. As a matter a fact I haven't seen you smile in years. Come on tell me who these people are?

Nami: I've plan to forget about them. I thought I just I could erase them from my mind. But the more I tried to erase them the more I remembered. The truth is when I was with them the only thing I forgot about about is the pain I carried. Especially with Kai and Yamato. They made me feel things I've never felt before. They know how I feel. No matter what they know what I'm thinking. They made me feel like nothing else matters in the world, but us. If it were possible I would join up with those guys and even confess my feelings to Kai and travel around the world.

Soon Nami had fallen asleep from exhaustion as Nojiko looked at her. Now I see. Yeah that would hit her heart to think someone would show up for her. Friends and Love. Those words means pain. It breaks her heart.

Scene Change

Usopp: So that's it. That's how Nami pretend to kill me and made sure I escaped Arlong Park. Look like she has some life of motive to hang out with some renegade Fishmen.

Sanji: Obviously.

Zoro: Fine what next? We're going to destroy Arlong Park?

Usopp: Don't you think we should find out what's going on with Nami.

???: it's no use either way.

As they all turned around to see Nojiko.

Usopp: Nojiko.

Luffy: Who is she? Nami's big sister.

Sanji: Nami's sister. No wonder she's so hot.

Zoro: What do you mean? It's no use.

Nojiko: Don't get yourself involved in what you don't know. And leave poor Nami alone. I'll explain the situation.

Usopp: Does that mean you can tell us why she's with Arlong?

Kai: I'll pass. I don't care about her past. I know Nami is a good person. She's with Arlong, but I trust there's a reason why she can't leave yet.

Luffy: Same I don't care about it.

Yamato: I agree with them. Even though I do know her story. Even if I didn't I trust Nami.

When Nami was a little girl, she and her older sister Nojiko lived with their adoptive mother, Bell-mère. Although they were poor, they were happy, before Arlong came. Upon his arrival, he demanded that the citizens of the island pay him for their lives - Beli.png 100,000 per adult, and Beli.png 50,000 per child. Needless to say, Bell-mère could not pay this fee, only being able to come up with Beli.png 100,000. And, although the two little girls were hiding, she decided to sacrifice her own life so that they could live freely. Arlong agreed to Bell-mère's terms, and killed her in front of the two little girls. Not only that, but Arlong decided to take Nami with him, deciding her cartography skills would be useful. Later, Nojiko found Nami at Bell-mère's grave as she revealed to Nojiko that she made a deal with Arlong to buy back Cocoyasi Village for Beli.png 100,000,000.

Scene Change

We see Nami after she has confronted Arlong, Megla and Aqua. She see her entire town getting ready to attack Arlong Park.

Nami: Everybody, wait! Hahaha. Calm down it's not that much money. I can make it back in no time. I'll take care of it don't worry. It will be easy this time. I'm used to it. I'll be fine relax everything is okay. It's not that difficult compared to back then. Come on everyone I'm perfectly fine.

Genzo then walks up to her and hugs her.

Genzo: You've done enough. You have to know there is no point now. You've struggle so hard carrying our lives on your back for so long time. I can only imagine joining them must have been more painful than stabbed through the arm. You've fought very well.

Nami: Genzo.

She began to tear up.

Genzo: Set your self free form this village.

Nami: Genzo...

Nojiko: Nami do it. You're an amazing young woman and you have a dream.

Nami: Everyone listen I won't let you get past me. I won't let anyone else get hurt by these monsters. You'll die.

As she holds up a knife at them.

Genzo: We know that.

Genzo grabs the knife.

Old man: Nami it's not use we made up our minds.

Genzo: Move out the way.

As he looks at the crowd.

Genzo: We may not win, but we will give them hell.

As they all run past her as Nami fall on her knees. As all she could her is Arlong and Megla's laugh. Nami looks at the mark in her shoulder which was Arlong mark. As she then gets her knife and begins to stab her shoulder.

Nami: Arlong! Arlong! Arlong! Arlong! Arlong! Arlong!

As then she is stopped by a hand which turn out to be Kai. As Nami looks to see him.

Nami: Kai.... What do you want? You don't know anything about this. You don't know what's been happening in this Island for the past 8 years.

Kai: Your right I don't have a clue!

Nami: This doesn't have nothing to do with you. I told you leave.

Kai: Yup, you did.

Nami: So go! Go away! Go! Go! Go!

She begins to cry as Kai just stands there.

Kai: Nami.... Remember I also told you something as well.

Nami: Kai ....Help me.

As Kai hair covers his eyes. As he then grabs his scarf and places it on her.

Kai: Of course, Nami. That's why we are all here for.

As Kai begins to walk away.

Kai: We're going to kick thier asses!!!!!

Nami holds the scarf as she then remembers that Kai would only let his Mates hold on to it.

Nami: Kai.....

We see the rest of the crew is ready and waiting.

Kai/Luffy: Let's go.

All: Right!

We then see the town has finally arrived to Arlong Park. However, Johnny and Yosaku are outside beat up.

Man: Are you guys alright?

Genzo: Did Arlong did this to you? Move aside. We have a score to settle with the Fishmen.

Johnny: When we finally found out the truth about Big Sis Nami. We realized the only thing we could do is defeat Arlong in battle. So we decided to come back here and challenge him.

Yosaku: Yeah,then we lost, but only by a hair.

Johnny: I'm sorry, but I can't let you through you have no chance in victory.

Genzo: What's that.

Yosaku:Be patient. It won't be long now. You see we're waiting for the arrival of certain people.

Genzo: Don't worry. They'll be here soon I bet my life on it.

As we see the crew walking closer to Arlong Park.

Johnny/ Yosaku: There!

The crowd turns around to see the crew walking towards them.

Nojiko: It's them.

Genzo: But why would they come to defend our village.

Yosaku: If those people can't handle Arlong and his gang. Then there really is no hope. Not only for this village, but the entire East Blue.

Johnny: Those are the faces of the six people that will change your destiny. Burn their images into your memory.

As the crew walk closer with determine look in their faces.

Kai: Step aside.

As Luffy began to punch the doors and the he breaks through.

Luffy/ Kai/ Yamato: Now which one of you is Arlong/ Megla/ Aqua?


Next is Arlong Park and training will begin after Logue Town. As for the Lemons it will be Yamato first and Nami will be a bit before the Final fights in Alabasta

Peace ✌️✌️✌️

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