Speculative Park (Season 1)

By Edeemer17

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After the events of No Such Luck most of the Loud's are in Jail except for Lori who agrees to become Lincoln... More

Opening theme
Rescuing Prehistoric & Mountain Dragons
A Neanderthal Undertaking
Saving Big Al (Allosaurus)
Rescuing the Dodo Bird
Reviving the Scorpios Rex/Isla Nublar adventure
Abandoned Mantahcorp Island
The Amazon Savannah
Dragons of the past & future part 1
Dragons of the past & future part 2
Dragons of the past & future part 3
A notice

Ice age Paris, Mediterranean & Kansas

101 5 5
By Edeemer17

Narrator: there is something missing from our world..........amazing animals that time has left behind or never existed

But what if we could bring them back? What if extinction didn't have to be forever?

*Toothless roars*

Narrator: we are traveling across the multiverse on a safari with a difference as Lincoln Loud and his friends plunge into different universes to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction

Their plan is to bring them back to the safety of their universe and give them a second chance

Their next mission is once again

They're next adventure is back to the Future is Wild universe to separate continents to rescue more of this worlds unique creatures

Welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary............Welcome to Speculative Park

Narrator: speculative park has become a thriving wildlife refuge for wildlife from......

*We see Ash & The Mountain Dragons* Dragons........... *The Mammoth herd* Ice age creatures.......... *We see The male Tyrannosaurus eating a horse carcass* some dinosaurs........... *we see the Neanderthals fast asleep relaxing in the sun*

to even our closest extinct relative. The Neanderthal...........and just  a few weeks ago the park had successfully rescued its very first speculative animal inhabitants from a future Amazon

*We see Lincoln as he arrives to the meeting room alongside Stella*

Stella: so what is our next mission exactly?

Lincoln: who knows? Sid called us alongside Lisa so we're going to find out, and needless to say I'm excited I mean what are we gonna save next?!

More dragons? Aliens? More dinosaurs? What else could we ask for

*we cut to the meeting room as Sid speaks*

Sid: thank you for coming guys, now my mom is currently in Great Lake City, Adelaide has a very severe case of the flu

But before she left she's given us our next mission

Lisa: well spill the beans!

Sid: our mission is once again to the Future is wild universe

Lincoln: why?

Sid: to rescue the animals from the 5 million year mark, during its ice age period, we've already been to South America

So we're gonna to go, *she shows a Hologram of each area*

Sid: the American Northwest, more specifically Kansas

Lincoln: man I remember the episode this was from, it has Deathgleaners which are diurnal bats, North American Rattlebacks, and Spinx

Sid: and hopefully The North American Probotherie

*The Second hologram appears*

Sid: then Ice Age Europe

*The Third & Final hologram appears*

Sid: and Finally mediterranean Salt desert

Lisa: fascinating these biomes, seem so unique

Lincoln: indeed I can't wait-

Sid: well I've got two more things to say, 1. Mom has allowed us to take one creature from the park we've befriended to help us with this mission and 2. We have to split up and head to each habitat

Lincoln: we can take one creature we've befriended?

Sid: yes

Lincoln: why?

Sid: to make things a tad bit easier, and for us to give them fresh air every once and a while, now it will not be a common occurrence so don't expect to take them every mission

Stella: okay okay, we won't expect it Sid

Sid: good, now let's go pick or creature and head to the portal

Narrator: for this mission the group is heading back to the future is wild to rescue more of its unique wildlife from the brink of extinction

Alongside the the animals they have befriended, but will they succeed? We have to wait and find out, but for now they're heading to the future is wild universe 5 million years A.D

*We see the portal opening as we see the group with partners, Lincoln is with Ash the Prehistoric Dragon, Stella with Bumpy The Ankylosaurus, Sid with Martha the woolly mammoth, and Lisa with Dolly the Megaraptor*

As the eight head through the portal, we see Lincoln & Ash in the Kansas desert alongside Stella & Bumpy*

Lincoln: okay we're in the Kansas desert, fortunately I picked Ash we have flight on our side alongside bulky defense isn't that correct ash

Ash: *screeches*

Stella: yeah that's a good thing for us, ain't it bumper car


Stella: I knew you'd agree with us,

*Soon the two people, the dragon & the dinosaur see something in the sky*

Stella: what are those?

Lincoln: Deathgleaners, future bats

Lincoln: let's follow them! Come on Ash, try to follow Stella!

*The Prehistoric Dragon nods and flies & the Ankylosaurus with Stella on her back follows the dragon as we cut to Sid with winter clothing & Martha in Ice Age Paris*

Sid: alright Martha, let's go find the animals on the list,

[List of creatures: Gannetwhale, Snowstalker, & Shagrat*]

Sid: how about we find a herd of Shagrats?

*The Mammoth sniffs in the air and follows the scent unbeknownst to the two, Martha inadvertently sniffed out a Snowstalker with her trunk

As they arrive near a clearing, Martha finds juicy grass and begins to eat as Sid gets off*

Sid: strange? Shagrats wouldn't be in a clearing like this, these herds are constantly on the move

*as she says this the Snowstalker Martha smelled comes out and angrily charges towards Lisa & the Mammoth*

Martha: *trumpets*

Sid: run!!

*Sid & Martha run from the Snowstalker however the ice age wolverine stops and heads back to its den*

Sid: *confused* huh? Why didn't it hunt me down?

*as she says this we cut to Dolly & Lisa on the Mediterranean's salt desert*

Lisa: alright Dolly since you're a theropod you have a good sense of smell, let's see if you can find- WHOA!!!

*She & Dolly are startled by two running Lizards, fortunately for Lisa she has a scanner*

Lisa: what are these lizards? *The Scanner scans the two dueling Lizards*

Scanner: name: Cryptile, Diet: Brine flies, Habiat: Salt pan, Clade: Reptillia

Lisa: hmmm, Fascinating Cryptiles,

*Dolly chases the two Cryptiles as Lisa gets an idea*

Lisa: With Dolly chasing them, I could set up the portal and get these Cryptiles to the park!

*Lisa sets up the portal*

Lisa: *yells to Dolly* Dolly! chase the lizards towards the portal!

*Dolly nods to Lisa and chases the Two Cryptiles to the portal as they lizards head through the portal as Lisa close it*

Lisa: I think the two dueling Cryptiles were male, so all we need to get a few more males and then females

*We cut to Ash & Lincoln as they spot the Deathgleaners as they fly near a North American Rattleback*

Lincoln: that's odd? Why are they after the North American Rattlebacks? Don't they eat Spinx?

*Stella & Bumpy see the a hole where the female Rattleback has dug up and several Spinx crawl out of the hole as a Deathgleaner lands and grabs the Spinx*

Stella: that's why they're following them, it's a kinda symbiotic relationship, The Deathgleaners follow the Rattlebacks when they dig up roots and tubers which startle Spinx and force them on the surface

They get an easy snack

*Stella notices a second Spinx on the ground crawling as Stella races over and grabs it *Stella has a pet carrier and puts the Spinx in it and closes it just as a Deathgleaner lands and it curiously stares at Stella*

Stella: huh?

*As they stare we cut to Sid & Martha heading towards where the Snowstalker is*

Sid: no wonder she attacked us, she's a mother

*The Cubs run up to their mother who nuzzles them before she heads off to find food for them as Sid sets up the portal*

Sid: hey little Cubs,

*The two Snowstalker Cubs turn to see Lisa and the portal*

Sid: it's okay little ones, I'm a friend and so is Martha,

*The Cubs get close to her and Sniff her as she puts beef jerky down and makes a trail and the Cubs follow it through the portal*

Sid: okay, we've got the Cubs, let's go rescue the momma Snowstalker,

*Martha gets Sid on her back as they follow the mother Snowstalker as we cut to Lisa & Dolly trying to find more Cryptiles*

Lisa: you see anything dolly?

Dolly: *roars*

Lisa: I'll take that as a yes!

*As they rush to find more Cryptiles we cut to the Parks infirmary as Big Eatie isn't doing so good*

Dr Brown: I've got bad news Mrs Chang

Becca: what is it?

Dr Mary: it's Big Eatie, she's got septicemia from her fight with the Male Rex

Becca: that's not good at all,

Dr Brown: will try our best to save her, but I'm afraid if we don't do something now she'll most likely die from this infection

Becca: please try your best, I don't think Little Eatie will enjoy or love being an orphan

Narrator: some creatures like the Tyrannosaurus from the Dragon's: a fantasy made real universe enjoy being alone

But The Tyrannosaurus from the Jurassic Park universe are family animals meaning they're social with their family even the daughters

If Big Eatie dies from her wounds it'll be most likely that Little Eatie will start refusing to eat or drink

*We see the two dr's alongside nurses begin to treat the unconscious big Eatie as we cut back to the group more specifically Ash, Lincoln, Stella & Bumpy

The Deathgleaner sniffs Stella in curiosity*

Stella: Lincoln I don't like the way this thing is sniffing me

Lincoln: it's okay Stella, it's probably curious of you, after all it's never seen humans before

*Lincoln opens the portal and throws a chunk of beef into it causing the deathgleaners to fly in to get an easy meal, while Bumpy convinces the Mother Rattleback & her baby to go through as it closes*

Lincoln: okay, we've got a few Deathgleaners, and two American Rattlebacks alongside a spinx

Stella: wait! Aren't bats social animals?

Lincoln: yes, why?

Stella: then like modern bats Deathgleaners are social animals meaning they're is a colony! we must find the roost!

Lincoln: right! Me & Ash will scout from the air, while you & Bumpy follow behind!

*Ash begins to fly in the sky & Bumpy follows along as we cut to Martha and Lisa finding something but it's not the snowstalker mom, but rather giant flightless birds*

Sid: oh I know those birds, they're called Gannetwhales!

Martha: *grumbles*

Sid: oh they're not a whale Martha they're birds, another animal to rescue for the park!

*She sets up the Portal, and tosses food from fish & squid but the birds aren't budging*

Sid: I don't understand it, why aren't they heading through they literally got free food! *she sees a grey thing under one of them* is that a rock?

*She closes her eyes a bit and to her surprise she sees an egg*

Sid: so that's why they're not budging! They're about to become mothers, this is going to be harder than I thought! How am I supposed to get them and their eggs back to the park?!

*She soon hears growling and to her shock, the mother snowstalker appears and she charges towards the whales, she's not after the adults but they're eggs*

*The Gannetwhales spew out rotting fish & squid to deter the predator, but unfortunately the rotting smell isn't enough as the snowstalker tries to attack, Sid sees the portal still open and gets an idea*

Sid: Martha! Grab her!

*The Mammoth charges at the snowstalker catching the ice age Wolverine descendant by surprise as Martha picks the mother up with her trunk & tosses her into the portal as it closes*

Sid: *winces* I hope the female snowstalker mother is okay

*We cut back to Lisa & Dolly as they find more Cryptiles*

Lisa: Bingo! Alright dolly let's round up these reptiles & get them back to the park!

*Lisa sets up the portal as Dolly chases them into the portal, the lizards spread out in all directions but Lisa made calculations on it

Dolly roars at the Cryptiles and they all head into the portal as it closes*

Lisa: good job dolly!

*Lisa pats dolly's head as they see one of the Mediterranean's island mountains*

Lisa: fascinating, it seems the Mediterranean islands have become mountains, which makes sense

Water evaporating caused the islands to become mountains! I wonder what could be on sed Mountains?

Come dolly!

*The Dinosaur races to the mountain, as we see Lincoln on ash, Stella on Bumpy as they notice the the sun is setting and they see Deathgleaners all around flying towards a cave*

Lincoln: that's must be where the colony goes to at night!

Stella: I don't get it? Bats are nocturnal yet these ones are activate during the day!

Lincoln: must be way too cold for them at night which can make it a lot easier to get the colony into the portal

Becca has made a gigantic cave habitat and a separate aviary for these specific bats

*They stop by the cave as Bumpy Knocks some rocks away with her tail to make the entrance a bit bigger*

Stella: good job Bumper Car!

*Bumpy Nuzzles Stella as Lincoln notices ash climbing up the cave outside to a nearby deposit of platinum*

Lincoln: huh?

Lincoln: Ash! This is clearly no time for food and- wait why are you eating rocks? Aren't prehistoric dragons carnivores? Since when did carnivores use gastroliths for digestion?

*Ash notices Lincoln & drops a big chunk of platinum down for him & Stella*

Lincoln: Stella look out!

*Bumpy uses her tail club to smash the chunk into two smaller pieces as Lincoln gets up clearly angry*

Lincoln: *angry* ash! What is wrong with you?! You could've killed me & Stella I thought we were friends!!

Stella: *confused* is that platinum?

*She realizes what ash was trying to do*

Lincoln: what kind of dragon buddy tries to kill their friend/rider?!?! I swear I'm gonna-

Stella: Lincoln wait!

Lincoln: what?!

Stella: calm down, ash didn't mean any harm to you

Lincoln: oh really how come?!

Stella: maybe the dragons of the Mockumentary grind up platinum in their teeth and use it alongside they're hydrogen to make the fire they use to defend themselves and cook their food,

and since Prehistoric Dragon's never encountered humans or how dangerous they can be and since Ash sees you as his friend he was giving you the platinum for you to chew up to breathe fire

Lincoln: huh? *realizes* oh, he thinks I'm a weird type of dragon!

Stella: yes hence why he gave you the rock

Lincoln: okay *to Ash* sorry for scolding ya buddy, I accept the sharing gesture but me & Stella can't chew up platinum our teeth aren't strong enough to do that, and we don't breath fire

*Ash realizes this and returns to grinding up more platinum*

Lincoln: looks like he's gonna be busy for a while, enough time for bumpy & us to make the entrance big enough for both Bumpy & Ash to fit in

*We cut to Sid and the staff carefully getting the eggs of the Gannetwhales as the birds try to defend their eggs Martha reassures them that they're not taking their eggs to eat them, but to rather help their unborn babies hatch*

Sid: Good job Martha, we need to show the Gannetwhales that we're not gonna take their eggs for food

*As the staff get the eggs back to the park, we see the Gannetwhales slowly crawl to the portal*

Staff Member: I'm sure that the park has a perfect place for the Gannetwhales to stay at, who knows we could build a seaside enclosure for them

Sid: yeah and-

*Sid sees a herd moving across the flat grassland that's close to the coastline*

Sid: Shagrats!

*Sid gets on Martha's back as they two follow to the herd as we cut to Lisa and dolly heading to the top of the mountain*

Lisa: whew! That was a great climb even for us

*She sees a herd of pig-like animals on the mountain top*

Lisa: fascinating, what are these animals?

Scanner: Name: Scorfa, Diet: Bushes, Moss, occasionally small animals Habitat: Mountain Grykes

Lisa: what animal are these descended from?

Scanner: the Scorfa is the direct descendant of the wild boar in this universe, they've adapted their feet into a tiptoe like stance in order to survive on their mountain habitats, the babies are the primary prey to the Gyrken

Lisa: Gyrken? Never heard of it, either way hopefully we can rescue these creatures and-

*She sees the Gyrken pop it's head out from one of the crevasses*

Lisa: so that must be the gyrken! It actually looks pretty cool looking

*Lisa sets up the portal, and she lures the Scorfa's over with food*

Lisa: that's it Scorfa's, that's it, you've never seen a doughnut at all before haven't ya? I was gonna save this for myself but I'm sure one doughnut is harmless to these pigs

*She lures the Scorfa herd into the portal just as the Gryken strikes however Lisa saw this coming and has trapped it within a pet carrier*

Lisa: gotcha! You're not dining on these boar-descendants! Not while I'm around

Dolly: *growls angrily*

Lisa: okay, while we're around

*We cut to Lisa & Dolly back on the salt pan looking for more Cryptiles*

Lisa: okay, let's find a few more breeding Cryptiles and then we'll be good to g-

*She sees a young Scorfa on the salt pan as it's searching for food*

Lisa: huh? A lone baby Scorfa? Scanner can Scorfa's survive in the salt pan?

Scanner: Negative, the Scorfa is purely designed for life on its mountain habitat, it's body design is a massive disadvantage for salt pan survival, in fact a Scorfa can die within dies in the Mediterranean salt pan of it doesn't find an island to call home

For they're is barley enough food or water to support it in the pan

Lisa: well dolly we definitely need to rescue this thing, normally my scientific mind would just tell me it's "survival of the fittest" but dang it! I refuse to let it die!!

*Lisa sets up the portal*

Lisa: alright dolly remember we're not trying to kill it, we're trying to save it so try to scare and herd it towards the portal

*Dolly roars at the Scorfa and it seeing a potential predator runs for its life, as it heads through the time portal followed by other Cryptiles as it closes*

Lisa: well I think we've saved enough animals for the park, let's head back

*Dolly nods as Lisa opens a portal and they head through as we cut to Sid and Martha*

Sid: these things definitely remind me of woolly mammoths well if they were rodents

*Sid sets up the portal*

Sid: okay buddies, it's time to head to the park

*The Shagrat herd stops what they're doing as they see the portal, curiously they head towards it as one by one the herd slowly head through

Followed by Sid & Martha, as we finally head back to Lincoln, Stella, Bumpy & Ash*

Lincoln: *shivering* dang it's too cold!

Stella: *Shivering* hopefully bumpy gets the job done-

*They soon see spinx displaying to each other, the brighter colored ones are the males and duller ones are females*

Stella: okay now I can see why Spinx would display at night, no deathgleaners!

Lincoln: let's spilt up, you rescue the Spinx I'll get the Deathgleaners

Stella: sure!

*Bumpy smashes a big hole in allowing Ash & Lincoln head into the cave as they stare in awe at the large colony*

Lincoln: alright let's do this

*Lincoln sets up the portal as we cut to Stella & Bumpy collecting several male & Female Spinx and putting them in separate Pet carriers* 

Stella: okay little ones let's get you back to the park 

*Stella collects more Spinx as Lincoln gets done setting up the portal*

Lincoln: okay ash now! 

*Ash begins to screech which begins to scare the entire colony of deathgleaners*

*The future bats in their panic fly through the portal and into their avian holding pen Soon the whole colony has gone through the portal as it closes and just in time as Lincoln notices the cave has begin to collapse*

Lincoln: I think our plan worked a little too well, let's go!! 

*Ash gets Lincoln onto his back as the two escape just in time as the cave collapses*

Lincoln: whew! I think we got a good breeding population for the park, let's go see how Stella's doing

*we cut to Stella getting done collecting most of the Spinx males & females as she sees Ash & Lincoln walking towards her & Bumpy*

Lincoln: okay we've got the colony of deathgleaners 

Stella: wonderful, I got a lot of Spinx

Lincoln: well let's try to find a North American species of Probotherie 

Stella: Lincoln we've practically traveled for miles and they're are no Probotherie species in North America, I think they may be exclusive to South America only 

I mean the North American Rattleback is literally the size of the South American Probotherie which are horse to elephant sized within its own species and its South American rainforest subspecies  

Lincoln: you could be right, maybe North American Rattleback's evolved into a niche that Probotherie's couldn't get 

Alright let's head back to the park

*We cut to the park as we see Lincoln, Sid, Lisa, & Stella are relaxing on a bench* 

Sid: man, after all that hardship I'm glad we're gonna get a vacation from this 

Lincoln: yep, especially since we have online schooling to catch up on 

Lisa: I could help you guys with your work 

Stella: thanks Lisa, for once I'm actually glad we took out some of the creatures 

Sid: again don't get used to it 

*We cut to Lincoln as he's looking at the new show Dragons: The Nine Realms*

Lincoln: fascinating, this show although mediocre does expand the dragons with new species, maybe that can be our next mission

Rescuing more Dragons from The How to train your dragon universe, I mean we already have a light fury and a whole family of night furies on their way to the park 

What's wrong with getting some groups, the aviary is extremely large, yeah yeah! That's what we'll do rescue more dragons! 

Although we'll need to split up, heading back 1,300 years into the past of that universe into the hidden World & the modern world in that universe! 

*Lincoln gets his Walkie talkie*

Lincoln: hey Sid! 

Sid: yeah? 

Lincoln: I think I may have gotten us an idea for our next mission, tell Stella & Lisa! 

Sid: okay what is it? 

Lincoln: we're gonna rescue more dragons from How to train your dragon universe! 

Sid: sweet! 

Narrator: next time! Lincoln, Sid, Stella & Lisa head into the past and future of the how to train your dragon universe to rescue dragons from the hidden world! 

*We see Lincoln on a Night Light & Stella on a Featherhide* 

Lincoln: YEAH BABY! 

Narrator: but they soon come to realize they may have picked more than they can chew 

*We see Lisa & Sid running from an angry Deathgripper* 

Lisa: DYAH!!!! 

Sid: come Lisa run! 

Narrator: but for now, our group of friends will enjoy their break, and put the future is wild universe behind them, for now at least 


Lincoln Loud: Asher Bishop 

Stella Zhau: Haley Tju 

Sid Chang: Leah Gold 

Lisa Loud: Lara Jill Miller 

Becca Chang: Melisa Joan Hart 

Dr Brown: Billy West 

Dr Mary: America Ferrera 

[Species Rescued:] 

[Paris France] 

Shagrat: 120 males 300 females 

Snowstalker: 1 male 2 females 

Gannetwhales: 8 males 29 females (unhatched eggs of undetermined gender) 

[Mediterranean Salt Desert] 

Cryptiles: 12 males 25 females 

Scorfa: 14 males 26 females 

Gryken: 1 female 

[Kansas Desert] 

North American Rattleback: 1 male 1 female 

Spinx: 34 males 65 females 

Deathgleaners: 145 males 156 females 

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