Speculative Park (Season 1)

By Edeemer17

3.2K 81 77

After the events of No Such Luck most of the Loud's are in Jail except for Lori who agrees to become Lincoln... More

Opening theme
Rescuing Prehistoric & Mountain Dragons
A Neanderthal Undertaking
Saving Big Al (Allosaurus)
Rescuing the Dodo Bird
Reviving the Scorpios Rex/Isla Nublar adventure
Abandoned Mantahcorp Island
Ice age Paris, Mediterranean & Kansas
Dragons of the past & future part 1
Dragons of the past & future part 2
Dragons of the past & future part 3
A notice

The Amazon Savannah

134 5 7
By Edeemer17

Narrator: there is something missing from our world.......amazing animals that time has left behind and mythical creatures that never existed.......but what if we could bring them back?

What if extinction didn't have to be forever?..........we are traveling across the multiverse on a safari with a difference as Lincoln Loud and his friends plunge into different universes to rescue creatures

On the brink of extinction.......their plan to bring them back to the safety of their university and give them a second chance

They're next adventure is to the Amazon 5 million years into earth's future in the Future is wild universe to rescue the possible last monkey species left alive

Alongside an armored rodent and the continents top predator a pack of vicious killer birds.......welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary........welcome to speculative park

Narrator: it's been a few weeks since the last rescue, and so far the Dinosaurs of Mantah Corp island are getting used to their surroundings

*We see Big & Little Eatie sleeping next to each other*

And the Scorpios Rex's have been enjoying each other's company, but now Lincoln alongside Lisa Stella & Sid have decided to focus less on the creatures of the past and more on the creatures

That have yet to exist

Lincoln: okay what is the our next mission

Sid: well so far we're going to the fut-

Staff: Bad news! The Male T.Rex broke out of his enclosure and is fighting Big Eatie!

Stella: oh no!

*They rush to the enclosure, as we cut to Big Eatie as she's struggling to fight the Male Tyrannosaurus Rex*

(Pretend Matilda is the Male Tyrannosaurus & Terrence is Big Eatie)

Narrator: During an Upgrade on the Male Rex's enclosure, the Male T.Rex from the Dragons: a fantasy made real universe ended breaking out of one of the holding pens and into the Eaties enclosure

This Rex being a solitary hunter saw them as intruders and Big Eatie sensing his aggression is defending her daughter

But the male is easily getting the better of her

*The Male Tyrannosaurus bites down on Big Eaties neck almost cracking it until he's shot with a tranquilizer dart*

Narrator: the dart hits the male, but there's a problem for bird-like animals tranquilizers take a lot of time to work

*The Male Tyrannosaurus pushes Big Eatie to the ground and tries to bite her neck but he's shot with yet another tranquilizer dart which turns his attention off of Big Eatie and onto the staff*

Narrator: Some dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex have been known to be cannibals, for Big Eatie, the two tranq darts may have come too late

*Big Eatie is on the ground in Critical condition Little Eatie goes over to her fatally injured mother and nuzzles her as the Male T.Rex turns and just as he's about to attack Little Eatie, Lincoln on Ash pounces on the T.Rex*

Lincoln: *angry* hey fossil head! Why don't you pick on someone you're own size! And ash has something to say to you for injuring his mother!!

*Ash Roars at the Tyrannosaurus rex*

Lincoln: *to the staff* get Big Eatie to the infirmary stat!

Lisa: *shocked* what about you elder brother unit?!?!

Lincoln: I'll lead Mr Grumpy Rex away from her & her daughter!

*We cut to ash running with Lincoln on his back as the T.Rex follows, they first run near the aviary with a flock of dimorphodon watching

Then they pass the Dodo bird exhibit as the pigeon relatives stare in curiosity at the chase, we pan to the Neanderthals who immediately in a panic go into the artificial cave and hide

Then they pass the Bioluminescent Parasaurolophus paddock soon Ash and Lincoln hang onto the side of a cliff

As Ash glares at the Rex Lincoln looks on with a smirk*

Lincoln: that's it buddy the tranquilizer medicine must be taking effect now

*and the loud boy is right, the Tyrannosaurus starts to feel woozy*

Lincoln: you're one cranky Rex, maybe a little nap might do you good

*The Tyrannosaurus soon collapses from the sedative as he and ash climb back down to the ground as Lincoln gets the Walkie Talkie*

Lincoln: alright! Grumpy here is fast asleep! Get the transport vehicle *to Ash* you did a good job there buddy, you actually listened to me when you didn't fly that was the smart move otherwise you would've ended up like your mama

*ash licks him as we cut to the meeting room as Stella & Sid have worried looks on their faces*

Sid: I can't believe the Rex injured big eatie!

Lincoln: don't worry guys, me and ash distracted the male long enough to avoid  him killing her

Stella: I hope she's gonna be okay

*we cut to Dr Brown and his team as they are during emergency surgery on Big Eatie*

Nurse: should we use the reptile surgery strategy or bird?

Dr Brown: definitely bird, although Tyrannosaurus is a distant cousin to the chicken it's still apart of the dinosaur Clade that has birds

Nurse 2: I thought Tyrannosaurus was a close cousin to chickens?

Dr Brown: that's not correct at all in fact it's the Dromaeosaurs aka the Raptors that are more closely related to birds like chickens

Nurse 3: I've got the equipment we'll need

*Soon Dr Mary arrives*

Dr Mary: how's the patient?

Dr Brown: we're so far so good, she's been stabilized

Dr Mary: that's good to hear

*they do surgery as Lincoln, Stella Sid & Lisa arrives at the large aviary as they see Ash & Sierra nuzzling each other as they see baby prehistoric dragons walking by their parents*

Lisa: I can't believe we've gotten the news they already hatched 

Narrator: the group is witnessing the very first baby Prehistoric dragons born for the first time in 66,000,000 years

Lincoln: when did they hatch?

Staff Member: when you & ash we're leading the Tyrannosaurus rex male away

Stella: they're so cute

Sid: definitely cute, a lot cuter than the Komodo dragon babies back at Great Lake city Zoo

*The babies screech at their mother & grandmother for food and they reply with a yes screech before they fly off to the feeders*

Lincoln: congratulations Ash you're a proud papa of 7 babies

*Ash Nuzzles him*

Lincoln: you remind me a lot of Lela back at Loch Loud, she'd be so excited to see other dragon species at this park

Stella: definitely

Lisa: they are pretty cute that's for sure

*We cut to the meeting room*

Sid: okay, now since the incident with the Tyrannosaurus male with Big Eatie is all sed and done our mission is one that's set in the future

Lincoln: really!

Stella: cool

Lisa: okay, I highly doubt the future is that interesting, it'll just be futuristic humans with A.I robots and maybe a few recently extinct animals cloned back from extinction

But that's it

Sid: Lisa we're not going to that type of future, in fact our goal is to head into the Future is wild universe specifically the Amazon to rescue animals for the park

Lisa: futuristic Amazonian wildlife now that is fascinating indeed, I guess we'll need a lot of jungle supplies for this mission and-

Sid: actually the Amazon we're heading too is no longer a rainforest

Lisa: what do you mean?

Lincoln: the Amazon in this future is set 5,000,000 years AD during another ice age, and since Ice Age's are cold and dry the Amazon rainforest died out because it didn't get the necessary rainfall it needed

Lisa: well that's a total bust! Most of those animals are extinct by this point

Stella: that maybe true but not all of the Amazon's iconic animals died out at the time, some of them did adapt to the changes in the climate and evolved into the animals we are rescuing

Narrator: the Amazon of 5 million years time, is similar to the African Savannah of their universe,

Narrator: a massive expanse of Grassland that covers the entire continent, and they're are many animals that have evolved to take advantage of the grassland ecosystem

From giant birds that directly descend from the Caracara, and have filled the niche of the extinct phorusrachids

A tapir descendant that has evolved a similar ecological niche to extinct elephants and mammoths

A giant Armored Rodent, that takes armor to the next level, making a pangolin look like a mouse in comparison

To possibly the last remaining species of Monkey left alive on earth

*We cut to Lisa, Lincoln Stella & Sid heading through the portal*

Narrator: they're goal to rescue some of these unique creatures just as they're on the verge of extinction and give them a second chance

*We cut to the group arriving at the grassland*

Lincoln: this definitely reminds me of the African Savannah

Stella: definitely does, but it's 5,000,000 years in earths future in this world

Lisa: which reminds me elder brother unit, what happened to humanity in this world?

Lincoln: well they're are technically 3 timelines of the show thanks to, the Animal Planet version and an animated TV show version for kids

Now timeline 1. Which is we're in, humans have become extinct due to the changing world that we weren't prepared for at all

Timeline 2. The animal planet version Had humans leave earth before the planet changed and they sent probes to study earth from 5 million to 200 million years in the future

And Timeline 3. Aka the TV show is having humanity trying to make a new home for humanity in the far future as the beginning of the future ice age is pushing mankind to the brink of extinction

Lisa: so mankind is extinct in this timeline

Sid: unfortunately, yes but look how life managed to bounce back from Mankind's destruction of this worlds sixth mass extinction event

We can rescue the animals that are the direct descendants to the ones in the 21st century

*they soon hear Monkey chitters*

Lincoln: In speaking of which?

*They soon see a Troop of Babookari's near a shoreline*

Stella: those are some beautiful monkeys what do they directly descend from?

Sid: the documentary stated they descend from the Ukarai, a type of monkey that does live in South America, in fact we have one at Great Lake City zoo his name is Bobby named by Lori Loud after winning a competition

In fact I have a picture of him

*Lisa shows a picture of Bobby*

Lincoln: it's kinda surprising that these Babookari are the direct descendants to the Uakari like Bobby

*Lisa notices the fish traps*

Lisa: hmmm fascinating, those traps look manmade

Stella: I don't understand? I thought humans are extinct in this timeline

Lincoln: they are, in fact these traps are made by the Babookari's

Stella: I find that way too far fetched

Lisa: actually it does happen in our world, chimpanzees actually use sticks to fish out termites and to hunt bush babies while they're asleep

and it's not just chimpanzees, crows, Dolphins, and other intelligent animals used tools in experiments just to get food or enrichment

So these Babookari using fishing baskets isn't far fetched at all

*They see the Babookari finding any fish in the baskets*

Lincoln: they got some fish

*The Babookari stop what they're doing as they notice the group and they're curious of the group of kids*

Lisa: I think they noticed us

*The Monkeys get close as they stare at the group in curiosity*

Lincoln: they must see us very similar to their kind

*Stella gets an idea*

Stella: I've got an idea, let the monkeys stare at you guys while I set up the portal

Sid: got it

*Stella sets up the portal, as Lincoln gets some of the fish out of the basket making a trail to the portal, the monkeys collect the fish as they head through the portal and it closes*

Lisa: okay we've gotten 15 Babookari

Lincoln: yep, Speculative Park now officially has its first speculative creatures

Stella: indeed welp that's one species down and-

*Suddenly they're jump-scared by a large bird*


Sid: EEP!!!!


Lincoln: Carakiller!

Lisa: we need to run!!

Lincoln: don't run! It's exactly what this bird wants!

Lisa: what do you mean?!?!

Lincoln: these birds hunt in groups! This bird is the chaser its job is to lead us to the rest of the pack

Sid: he's right!

*The bird stares at them in confusion why they're not running, but the bird becomes desperate and tries to attack them but they dodge its beak

As the pack notices what's going on*

Lincoln: uh we've got company!

Sid: uh oh!

*The pack races towards the group but this gets Lisa the idea to set up the portal*

Lisa: I'll set up the Portal!!

*Lisa races towards the portal as the one Carakiller chase Lisa but she activates the portal just in time before the Carakiller can attack Lisa the Caracara descendant heads through the portal*

Lincoln: LISA!!!

Lisa: coming!

*she quickly sets the portal up where the group is and activates it bringing the Carakiller pack into their universe and back to the park as we cut to the park as the Babookari have been located to their enclosure*

Liam: dang those birds look pretty dinosaur-looking

Zach: what are they?

*Becca shows up*

Becca: Carakiller's, they're from the speculative documentary the future is wild

Rusty: cool!

Zach: yeah! They look like Terror birds

Becca: that's because they're a perfect example of Convergent Evolution

Liam: convergent what?

Clyde: Convergent evolution, it's where two unrelated species evolve similar body plans to survive in similar environments

For example,

*Clyde shows his friends a picture*

Clyde: The Thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger and Canines are a perfect example of convergent evolution, the Thylacine looks like a dog doesn't it?

Liam: darn right it does look like a dog

Clyde: well it may look like a tiger or a dog but it's neither, in fact it belongs to a different group of mammals called marsupials

Rusty: really?!

Becca: he's correct

*as she explains more about convergent evolution as we cut back to the Amazonian grasslands*

Lincoln: I can't believe we also died

Stella: yeah but at least you and your sister saved us all

Lisa: indeed I did now how many animals are we supposed to rescue?

Sid: well since we're at the timeline where these animals are beginning to go extinct, as many as we can find

Lincoln: yeah

Lisa: actually I have an issue with that a bit, why not go back a bit further when the animals were thriving?!

Sid: that's actually a smart idea actually

Lincoln: yeah , but it's too late for that guys, let's just rescue as much animals as we can

Stella: why?

Lincoln: *points to the storm cloud* I have a feeling that a wild fire will happen soon

Sid: that's not good

Lisa: I highly suggest we go and save more creatures

Stella: right!

*they travel throughout the grasslands as they soon hear rattling*

Stella: what the heck is that?!?!

*They soon see an Armored Rodent*

Rodent: *hisses*

*The Rodent shakes it's armor on its back*

Lincoln: I think that's a Rattleback the Agouti's direct descendant

Lisa: fascinating it looks like a cross between a turtle and a rodent

Stella: why is it acting aggressive?

Sid: we must've stumbled on its territory, these things are solitary animals after all

Stella: solitary or not it is an animal we must rescue

*Stella activates the portal and lures the Armored Rodent in*

Sid: okay, we've got a troop of Babookari, a pack of Carakilles & now a Rattleback, so far so good

Lincoln: *sees the storm* we must hurry up!

Lisa: agreed elder brother unit agreed!

*they see a bit of rainforest*

Stella: *confused* strange I thought the rainforest was gone for good?

Sid: we're at the end of the 5 million year period of this worlds timeline, with the ice age receding the rainforest is slowly but surely making its return

It's covering most of where the grasslands used to be, which is why these creatures are going extinct,  we've traveled to the point when these animals were already on they're way out and into extinction

Lisa: we're essentially saving the animals that are left alive?

Sid: yeah pretty much, and seeing that this forest is covering the whole grassland where in this large area of grassland maybe all that's left of the vast Amazonian grassland

Now I do kinda agree with Lisa for once, we should've went back a few thousands years during this period to rescue them when they where thriving but again it's too late to change the mission

*They soon see another Rattleback approaching a nest*

Lincoln: looks like we've found another Rattleback

Sid: this thing is definitely an egg thief, it kinda reminds me of the old stereotype we used to use on Oviraptor

Stella: I find it kinda messed up that it's eating unborn babies

Lincoln: well Stella this is nature for you, animals don't have morality like us humans

*Just before the Rattleback can snack on the eggs, a Male Carakiller returns and it's not happy to see this egg thief in its nest*

Carakiller: *angry screeches*

Lincoln: busted!

Lisa: definitely busted elder brother unit

*They see the Carakiller starting to peck the Rattleback but the rodent lowers itself to the ground*

*Lincoln & his group grab the eggs while the two predators are distracted with each other and send them to the Park & into the Incubator

As they arrive back in the grasslands*

Lincoln: uh guys?

Sid: what is it?

*The Lighting strikes the nearby grass*

Stella: uh oh!

Lisa: that's not good indeed, yes fires like this can benefit a grassland ecosystem but not while we're in it!

*The Carakiller notices the lighting strike and it runs off*

Lincoln: let's get this other Rattleback!

*Lincoln sets up a portal and it allows the other Rattleback to escape but before he can close it several Tapir-like creatures alongside more Babookari head through the portal in a panic*

Lincoln: what in the heck?

*Soon they run as the fire begins to spread, as they notice an injured Rattleback struggling to keep up with the fleeing animals*

Stella: a third Rattleback! It looks like it's limping 

Lincoln: it must've broken its leg 

Sid: let's get this thing rescued!! 

*Lisa sets up the portal again and Sid ushers the injured Rattleback through the portal*

Lisa: they're we go 

*As she says this the Male Carakiller from earlier and several other Carakiller head through the portal* 

Sid: I think those are all the animals we can rescue

Lisa: definitely this is definitely an official mass extinction for the animals here, if the wildfire doesn't kill them off then it'll be the rainforest finally encroaching on this remaining grassland 

That'll kill them off within another few hundred years to a thousand years! Hopefully we've rescued what was left in this remaining grassland left 

*They go through the portal as it closes the fire engulfs the grassland thus ending the 5 million years era in this Alternate Earths wild future history* 

Narrator: another successful rescue mission succeeded by Lincoln & his friends and sister 

*Becca goes over to congratulate her daughter and her friends for the mission* 

Becca: well done Sid 

Sid: thanks mom, we nearly dodged a wildfire 

Becca: at least now speculative park is now officially home to its first every speculative zoology creatures now 

Lincoln: indeed it is, because I do not want to experience another wildfire ever again 

Lisa: me too elder brother unit

*we cut to a few days later as we see the animals* 

Narrator: the animals have been located into their new enclosures, The Female Rattleback that was injured during the wildfire is on her way to recovery 

The Carakillers pack has expanded with a few new members *we see baby Carakiller's being taken care of by the mothers*

The Babookari seem to enjoy their new home 

*we see The Uakari Bobby interacting with the Babookari* 

Narrator: and the new species has been identified and named 

*we cut to Lisa explaining to Sid, Lincoln & Stella* 

Lisa: I took a DNA sample from one of the Elephant-like tapir and they're the direct descendants to the Baird's Tapir 

Stella: but why do they look like African elephants a little bit? 

Lisa: well I assume you, they're not elephants or apart of that family, elephants have been extinct for 5 million years at that point in time 

But they did evolve a similar body plan to elephants of today, so I've came up with a good name for them 

The South American Probotherie or "Probocidicus Loudia"

Lincoln: Probotherie not a bad name for this animal 

Sid: wait you said South American Probotherie? You're saying they're might be a North American subspecies

Lisa: possibly since the Rattleback does have a subspecies in North America, that lives in the deserts of North America so it's not far-fetched to assume the Probotherie has a North American subspecies as well 

Stella: either way it's a good name for this new species from The future is Wild universe 

*They agree to that* 

Narrator: they're next adventure is once again the Future is wild universe to Paris France, the Mediterranean and Kansa during the ice age 

We're they'll get a surprise from it's more bizarre wildlife that is nonetheless still wild and dangerous 

*We see Sid & Martha the Woolly Mammoth running from a Snowstalker as we cut back to the group* but for now they'll enjoying their break as we cut to credits*


Lincoln Loud: Asher Bishop 

Stella Zhau: Haley Tju 

Lisa Loud: Lara Jill Miller 

Sid Chang: Leah Gold 

Becca Chang: Melisa Joan Hart 

Dr Mary: America Ferrera

Dr Brown: Billy West

Clyde McBride: Andre Robinson 

Liam Hunnicutt: Lara Jill Miller 

Zach Grudle: Jessica DiCicco

Rusty Spokes: Diego Alexander 

Species Rescued: 

Babookari: 16 males 22 females 

South American Rattleback: 1 male 2 females 

Carakiller: 20 males 24 females 

South American Probotherie: 5 males 10 females 

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