Speculative Park (Season 1)

By Edeemer17

3.2K 81 77

After the events of No Such Luck most of the Loud's are in Jail except for Lori who agrees to become Lincoln... More

Opening theme
Rescuing Prehistoric & Mountain Dragons
A Neanderthal Undertaking
Rescuing the Dodo Bird
Reviving the Scorpios Rex/Isla Nublar adventure
Abandoned Mantahcorp Island
The Amazon Savannah
Ice age Paris, Mediterranean & Kansas
Dragons of the past & future part 1
Dragons of the past & future part 2
Dragons of the past & future part 3
A notice

Saving Big Al (Allosaurus)

201 6 6
By Edeemer17

Narrator: there is something missing from our world..... amazing animals that time has left behind and mythical creatures that never existed.....but what if we could bring them back?

What if extinction didn't have to be forever?

*Toothless roaring*

We are traveling through the multiverse on a safari with a difference as Lincoln Loud and his friends plunge into different universes to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction....they're plan is the bring them back to the safety of their universe and to give them a second chance

Dodo chick: *cooing*

Narrator: on Lincoln's third adventure is traveling back 145,000,000 years into the Jurassic period to rescue the most iconic allosaurus Big Al While encountering other Jurassic Giants

Welcome to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary....welcome to prehistoric world

Narrator: Speculative Park is starting to thrive with the residents.....from two species of dragon.....to ice age mammals....a clan of Neanderthals and a Tyrannosaurus rex

Although it is the beginning of a massive heatwave.....and some of the animals are having issues

*we see the herd of Woolly Mammoths....Elasmotherium and Megaloceros are relocated into a massive dome that simulates the cold climates of the ice age as we cut to the dock as Lincoln and stella witness the park staff unloading new animals for the park some are coming from the now long closed Prehistoric Park*

Stella: I'm surprised that some parks are giving us their animals

Lincoln: well maybe those parks don't have enough space or money to care for them anymore

*soon one crate opens revealing a pachyrhinosaurus with a hole in his frill in the hole is a prehistoric bird*

Staff member 1: Dinosaur Park calls this male Pachyrhinosaurus Patchi I'm sure he'll make a great edition to the park along with the Alexornis which they named Alex

*two members of staff walk patchi to a transport truck as two crates open revealing a Woolly Mammoth female and a teenaged African elephant*

Staff Member 1: hello Martha welcome to your new home

*The 58 year old Mammoth comes out of her crate and looks at the dock of her new home as the Matriarch of the Mammoth herd has been brought to welcome the elder mammoth into her herd*

Lincoln: an African elephant calf?

Staff member: yep these two are the only survivors of their herd when prehistoric park when it was caught on fire from a wildfire

And Martha adopted her as her own daughter

*Another crate opens revealing an Instrovanciva*

Lincoln: cool a Gorgonopsid

*Another crate opens revealing an Arsinotherium*

Staff Member 5: the last non-modern creatures here and it's not prehistoric it's actually a dragon

*The crate opens revealing a light fury*

Light Fury: *crooning*

Stella: she's so adorable

Lincoln: yeah she's kinda cute.....what universe is she from?

Staff Member 5: she's from the HTTYD Universe

Lincoln: huh?

Staff Member 5: HTTYD is short for How to train your dragon

Lincoln: ohhhhh

*Stella Nuzzles the light fury as she's put onto a transport truck and it drives off*

Stella: I have a question? are there any endangered species in those crates?

Staff member: yeah we've got some endangered species.....we have Bornean orangutans.....A bengal tiger and her Cubs....African Forest elephants....Spix Macaw....Pinta Island Tortoise...Bonobos....Koalas.....Jaguars...a Polar Bear mother and her three Cubs they're the only ones rescued from the wild

A herd of Asian elephants......a Siberian tiger.....an Asian black bear and her albino cub.....some Californian Condors....an Albino Wallaby.....some Tasmanian Devils

*we see another crate and there's a certain green dinosaur*

Lincoln: is that dolly?!

Dolly: *Roaring*

*soon Lisa arrives*

Lisa: correct elder brother unit.....I've brought dolly from royal woods to her new home here at the park

I remember I brought her to the modern world and she unfortunately went on a rampage and our elder sister unit grounded me and she told me to get rid of her

But I had other plans.....so I asked Becca to see if she could have dolly in her park and needless to say she accepted

*Dolly is soon loaded into a transport cage and truck*

Lincoln: what kind of dinosaur is dolly?

Lisa: she's a Tyrannosaurus rex and-

Stella: yeah.....I don't think so she has three fingers and her hands are long tyrannosaurus didn't have long arms or three fingers this is clearly a megaraptorian you can tell from the sharp claws on her hands

Yeah she's either Megaraptor or another species within that genus

Lisa: *shocked* she's....shes....she's.....a Megaraptorian *facepalms* Doh! How could I be so stupid?! It makes perfect sense

*Lincoln & Stella giggle as we cut to the map of the earth 150,000,000 years ago*

Lincoln: okay our next mission is to save Allosaurus Jimmadensi.....this one came from Lana who's currently in the hospital

Stella: why? What happened?

Lincoln: her gallbladder and appendix had to be removed due to her disgusting eating habits

Stella: that's actually understandable and reasonable

Lincoln: now Becca said we can rescue any dinosaur from that time period we just need to get Allosaurus Jimmadensi and I've made a list

(Lincoln's list)

1. Allosaurus Jimmadensi

2. Stegosaurus Stenops

3. Camptosaurus Camptonotus

4. Diplodocus Carnegie

5. Dryosaurus Altus

6. Ceratosaurus Nasicornis

7. Saurophagnax Maximus

(The list ends)

Lincoln: and that's my list

Stella: that's a lot of dinosaurs

Lincoln: indeed.....anyways let's get these dinosaurs

*we cut to Lincoln & Stella head through the portal as we see a few dryosaurus grazing under the forest canopy as the portal opens

The Dryosaurus stare in curiosity as Lincoln and Stella come through*

Lincoln: okay we're finally in the Jurassic period

Stella: that's great Lincoln but now let's rescue some dinosaurs

*She sees the Dryosaurus staring at her in curiosity*

Stella: huh.....looks like we've found our first dinosaurs.....some Dryosaurus

Lincoln: okay let's set up the portal

*Lincoln sets up the portal as Stella guides the Dryosaurus through the portal with food they enter the portal as Lincoln closes it*

Lincoln: okay dryosaurus is off the list......now let's find some more animals Stella

Stella: okay Lincoln

*we cut them in a massive open prairie as they witness a herd of Stegosaurus and Camptosaurus graze nearby*

Lincoln: we're definitely in the Age of dinosaurs Stella

Stella: well to be fair this is the Jurassic period

*They soon see a Brachiosaurus grazing on the Conifers*

Brachiosaurus: *Bellows*

Lincoln: I loved this dinosaur as a kid growing up the Brachiosaurus it's amazing to see one living and up close

Especially when Jurassic Park came out before I was born

*The Brachiosaurus then looks at Lincoln & Stella in curiosity as they continue they're trek for more dinosaurs*

Lincoln: okay we got Dryosaurus now we need to find Allosaurus Jimmadensi

*We see a pair of Allosaurus hunting a Diplodocus herd*

Lincoln: okay I see a herd of Diplodocus the next Jurassic Dinosaur on the list and some Allosaurus Fragilis

Narrator: it seems the Allosaurus are trying to get to an elderly diplodocus that is close to the brink of dying from old age

While the Herd is trying to prevent them from killing their elder

*but as the allosaurus fragilis get closer the elder diplodocus collapses from his old age the herd instinctively realize that their patriarch has little time left on this earth

And with heavy hearts and remorse leave the elder male to his fate as the allosaurus rip into the Diplodocus ending its suffering*

Narrator: the Allosaurus pair get their reward as another allosaurus but it isn't an allosaurus fragilis at all.....this allosaurus looks injured and is limping to the kill however the Allosaurus Fragilis don't take too kindly to this intruder


Allosaur: *Growls*


*The Injured Allosaurus backs down he knows in his injured state and being a subadult means he can easily be killed by the two adult allosaurus fragilis and he limps away*

*as he limps away the Allosaurus fragilis pair glare at him thankful that he isn't going to dig into their hard earned meal*

*The Allosaurus return to the business of eating*

Stella: why would that injured subadult allosaurus risk his life for a carcass that those two made

Lincoln: maybe that isn't a subadult allosaurus fragilis maybe it was *as the Injured allosaurus continues to limp Lincoln notices his toe and how swollen it is* no way! That's big Al!

Stella: who?

Lincoln: Big Al! or as paleontologists name him MOR 693 He's an allosaurus Jimmadensi the target species on our list that's why the allosaurus fragilis were acting so hostile he wasn't a member of their species allosaurus fragilis

He died as an adolescent allosaurus Jimmadensi due to the injuries he sustained on him including the infected toe

*Stella sees the toe on Big Al and how infected and swollen it is*

Stella: that poor thing.....I bet you Lincoln he's suffering from an infection like that

Lincoln: you're probably right

*They watch Big Al limp away as the two allosaurus fragilis dig into their diplodocus steaks however like with modern day making a kill doesn't occasionally guarantee a meal as a larger predator is watching them*

*The Allosaurus pair see a shadow and turn to see what is looking at them*

Narrator: this dinosaur is called Saurophaganax or the "Lord Lizard Eater" this is the biggest carnivorous dinosaur in the region at this point in time eventually in 80 million years it and Allosaurids in general will be replaced by the Tyrant Lizard King the Tyrannosaurus Rex

*The Allosaurus Fragilis pair try to stand their ground*



*The Allosaurus pair give up the carcass knowing that fighting for it isn't worth the risk of dying as the Saurphaganax digs into their stolen kill*

Narrator: for Lincoln & Stella this is a good opportunity to get the second dinosaur of Lincoln's list

*They wait for the Saurophaganax to fall asleep then they activate a portal and make a trail of meat from the diplodocus carcass and then mimic a dying Dryosaurus the Saurophaganax wakes up and follows the trail of meat through the portal as we cut back to the park*

Narrator: Becca Chang has made a plan to cool the Neanderthals down

*They've made a Temporary barber shop as we see Fred getting his hair cut*

Fred: (I don't understand why they're cutting my hair off?)

Staff Member 4: don't worry Fred with all that hair cut off you'll be able to cool down a lot quicker

Rusty: yeah....you'll be somewhat like me cool and ready for the ladies

Zach: come on Rusty and help us cut Fred's hair!

Clyde: yes Rusty come on and pitch in we didn't come here to spend our summer vacation to be lazy!

Rusty: where's Liam?

Clyde: he's cleaning out the Neanderthal's pond.....after we cut the Neanderthals hair we need to cut the recent new arrival Mammoth's fur

Rusty: why?

Clyde: she's adopted an African elephant calf and the calf can't be put into the dome with the other mammoths she'll freeze to death so Martha's going to need a haircut as well

Rusty: ugh! Fine

*Rusty heads over as we cut back to the Jurassic period as we see Lincoln & Stella driving  in a safari keep on a vast salt plain*

Lincoln: okay we need to find those diplodocus then we'll go find Big Al okay Stella

Stella: okay Lincoln I guess but shouldn't big Al be our top priority I mean he could die any day now and......wow

*They see a herd of Diplodocus*

Lincoln: they must be on a migration.....and one of their migrational paths might be through this salt plain

Narrator: it seems Lincoln seems to be correct

*A pack of Allosaurus are seen stalking the diplodocus*

Lincoln: there's a pack of Allosaurus hunting the diplodocus.....

Stella: Yep they are hunting

Narrator: the predators are getting impatient they need to break up the herd and isolate the weakling

*The Allosaurus pack hunt the diplodocus herd*

Lincoln: alright let's set up the portal

*Lincoln sets up the portal as he and Stella wait for the Diplodocus some of the herd enters through the portal*

Stella: we've got some of the herd so far

*Lincoln and Stella see the Allosaurus successfully isolate the Sick diplodocus from the rest of the herd*

Narrator: The panicked herd has left the sick diplodocus far behind by heading to the 21st century the allosaurus gather for the feast.....but a sick and exhausted diplodocus can be a fierce some adversary

*One Allosaurus tries to attack but the Sauropod uses its head like a battering ram to push the allosaurus away*


Narrator: built for speed some of these allosaurus are frequently wounded in such situations but these carnivores can't let this slow them down the competition the other predators hold back and wait for time and the heat to finish the giant herbivore

*Lincoln and Stella watch the Diplodocus slowly collapses from a mixture of heat exhaustion and his illness*

Narrator: the allosaurus finally got their reward although there's enough meat here for weeks there's an urgency in their feeding the smell of blood will soon bring others and every allosaurus will want to eat it's fill needless to say Lincoln and Stella

Don't want to stay and become an allosaurus's lunch......

*They leave as soon as a larger female allosaurus as we cut to a forest as Lincoln & Stella see Big Al sleeping as they see clouds rolling in*

Stella: I don't like the look of those clouds rolling in 

*They also see a baby allosaurus sleeping next to him* 

Lincoln: no wonder he's doing this! Al's a father 

Stella: if he's a dad then where's his mate? 

*As Stella says this a female allosaurus arrives as Al wakes up she nuzzles her partner as he's managed to successfully catch a dryosaurus for their chick 

Al tries to get up to hunt but his mate ushers him to rest his injured leg the female calls out and soon 10 more hatchlings arrive all hungry as they dig into the dryosaurus carcass* 

Stella: you were right Big Al is a father walking with dinosaurs claimed he died before mating to preserve his genes but this proves the documentary officially scientifically inaccurate 

Because Al will die a father 

Lincoln: which means we have to rescue him and his family for the park 

*Soon they hear Thunder.....as the allosaurus pair nuzzle each other however Lincoln and Stella are very worried and for good reason 

This storm isn't going to bring any rain at all but rather something more insidious is about to happen 

Lighting strikes a tree nearby and soon a wildfire is about to being*

Narrator: the dry season has concocted something extremely deadly and dangerous......a wildfire.....wildfires are very rare in the wet season but in the dry season it's a very different story 

*we soon see a herd of camptosaurus and stegosaurus along with the brachiosaurus from earlier  begin to flee from the fire* 

This fire will cause a local extinction causing the animals to go extinct in this generalized area....a stampede of dinosaurs are coming! 

*The Allosaurus family notice a cave as the fire starts and immediately head into it for shelter against the flames*

Lincoln: this is the perfect the time to rescue the dinosaurs 

*soon Stella sets up the portal and it activates as the camptosaurus stegosaurus and brachiosaurus head through 

As we cut back to the park as Becca and Lisa witness*

Lisa: they rescued a brachiosaurus.....and a herd of stegosaurus and camptosaurus 

Becca: but brachiosaurus isn't on Lincoln's list 

Lisa: maybe it followed the herd through....and by their expression they're panicked 

Becca: *on a com link* alright! Everyone let's calm down these Jurassic dinosaurs 

Staff member 12: okay Becca we're on our way 

*we cut back to the Jurassic as Lincoln and Stella watch as some other species go through*

Lincoln: okay I see a Orinitholestes.....hey some adolescent diplodocus! 

*The Diplodocus head through the portal as the Orinitholestes heads first to avoid getting crushed by the diplodocus teenagers 

Soon the mated allosaurus fragilis pair in their panic head through as well......and to Lincoln's and Stella's surprise a herd of sauropods mixed of Brontosaurus Camarasaurus and Barosaurus as we cut back to the present*

Becca: I thought Lincoln was going to rescue allosaurus Jimmadensi not Allosaurus Fragilis and the ecosystem it lived in?! 

*The Staff separate the Allosaurus Fragilis pair from the other herbivores we cut back to the present as a family of Ceratosaurus finally head through followed by another herd of brachiosaurus and more dryosaurus 

A herd of female brachiosaurus as Stella shuts off the portal as she and Lincoln head into the cave as smoke gets into the cave as the allosaurus Jimmadensi pair and offspring begin to have a difficult time breathing*

Stella: *coughing* they're they are! 

Lincoln: *coughing* let's set up the portal it's now or never!! 

*The Allosaurus family see Lincoln and Stella and stare at them in curiosity never seeing creatures like them before 

As Stella is done setting up the time portal the allosaurus family's instinctively realize they're trying to save them 

As Lincoln and Stella rush back into the portal The allosaurus jimmadensi family cautiously head through the portal as the portal closes 

We cut back to the park as everyone cheers as the allosaurus jimmadensi family is put into a pen as Lisa gets breathing treatments for Lincoln and Stella*

Lisa: are you okay elder brother unit? 

Lincoln: yeah.....*coughing* they're was a wildfire that's why there are so many dinosaurs in the park now 

*Lisa puts a mask on Lincoln & Stella to help them breath* 

Lisa: that actually could explain of why the dinosaurs where panicking......wildfires can be really dangerous......

*Lisa notices the injury on the allosaurus jimmadensi male* 

Lisa: *shocked* sweet mother of discovery is that?! MOR693?! 

Lincoln: *weakly smiles* yeah.....it's big al....alright it turns out walking with dinosaurs kinda got his life a bit inaccurate....he didn't die a virgin like the documentary suggests he was already a father 

*Big Al soon collapses as Becca and some nurses get him to the medical bay to help him out with his injuries and infection in his toe

The allosaurus jimmadensi family is concerned about Big Al but Lincoln calms them down as we cut to a few months later*

Lincoln: and that's what happened 

Sid: wow! I missed a lot since I was sent back to Great Lake city while I was grounded 

Stella: yeah we've rescued big al and since he never died his fossilized skeleton has vanished from existence from its museum although we did make a 95% accurate copy of the skeleton before it vanished 

That way big Al can be around to raise his offspring  while his skeleton can teach future generations 

Lincoln: but I'm genuinely shocked that your plan was to have the Neanderthal clan integrate Fred and Wilma 

Sid: well I didn't expect a herd of Woolly Mammoth an elasmotherium and Megaloceros herd to follow through but yes I wanted Fred and Wilma to have a family since their biological family 

Were killed by human hunters......so that was my plan although it really backfired a lot! 

*The three smile at each other as they see Big Al fully healthy and recovered actually playing with a large ball in a pond 

While his mate is resting and his babies playing in the bushes nearby*

Sid: it seems that big al had a lot of energy stored up in his body.....

Lincoln: well can you blame him for playing this roughly he's more energized than his mate 

Stella: I wonder what our next mission is anyway?

Narrator: next time on speculative park....Sid Lincoln & Stella go back to the 1600's to rescue the dodo bird from its extinction  and rescue Mauritius's fauna from the Dutch sailors 

But for now Lincoln Stella and Sid watch the allosaurus family enjoying their new home 


Lincoln Loud: Asher Bishop 

Stella Zhau: Haley Tju 

Lisa Loud: Lara Jill Miller 

Becca Chang: Melissa Joan Hart

Sid Chang: Leah Gold 

Species Rescued: 

Dryosaurus: 120 males & 200 females 

Saurophaganax: 1 female 

Allosaurus Fragilis: 1 male 1 female 

Diplodocus: 50 males 100 females 

Brachiosaurus: 1 male 50 females 

Stegosaurus: 12 males 30 females 

Camptosaurus: 40 males 40 females 

Ceratosaurus: 2 males 4 females 

Barosaurus: 120 males 149 females 

Camarasaurus: 120 males 120 females 

Brontosaurus: 21 males 23 females 

Orinitholestes: 1 male 

Allosaurus Jimmadensi: 3 males 4 females 

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