Vegito x Gogeta (+ pictures)

By BoOMarAly308

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Hello everyone ! This is a Vegito x Gogeta book. Warning ! This contains lemons, and this story is like, very... More

Chapter 1 : 'Where i am ?'
Chapter 2 : 'feeling for each other'
Chapter 3 :'i love you (lemon !)'
Chapter 4 : "goku and vegeta"
Chapter 5 : "love between two saiyan" (lemon)
chapter 6 : "bulma's funeral"
Chapter 7 : The party
I'm sorry!
Chapter 8 : He's back....
Chapter 9 : Zamasu vs Gogeta
Chapter 10 : The wedding !
Chapter 11 : What a night ! (Lemon)
Chapter 12 : Lemons
Chapter 13 : BROLY + Tournament of pôwer !
If Gogeta was the Uke + What if all the Seme were Yandere. (Sad)
Chapter 14 : Craziness!
Chapter 15 : It was all a dream ...
Chapter 16 : It's going to be Alright
Chapter 17 : The Kiss
Chapter 18 : Christmas (Smut Warning !)
Chapter 20 : The choice
Cute ^^
💖💜# 2 : Vegeta x Goku💜💖
❤Vegito x Gogeta #2 (+Gotenks)♥
💙# 3 : VEGITO X GOGETA!!!💙
🌹Vegito x Gogeta #3 (lemon)🌺
🔥Vegito x Gogeta #4🔥
🌟Vegito x Gogeta #5🎶
♥Vegito x Gogeta #6🌟
🍀Vegito x Gogeta #7🍬(+beji and Goji)
♥Vegito x Gogeta #8❤
💜💙Vegito x Gogeta #9💙💜
🌺🤍Vegito x Gogeta #10🍩❤
... Sorry ? '^^
❤🍰Vegito & Gogeta #1♥🍦
🍨♥Vegito & Gogeta #2🌟🍉
🍩♣Vegito & Gogeta #3 (Last part)♠🍰
🍫Vegito & Gogeta #4🌟
●Vegito & Gogeta #5 (+Beji x Goji)🌟
❤Vegito & Gogeta ! #6♠
🔹Bardock x Turles🔸
🍨Whis x Beerus🍩
🌟Some CUTEE picture that I found !! #1🌟
🌟Random Pictures #2♥
✴Random picture !#3💙

Chapter 19 : The real side (🍋)

302 3 0
By BoOMarAly308

•First, hello everyone ! I honestly thought this book was over and that I would stop writing it. But here I am now, keeping it and writing this new chapter, which took a long time to be made. Mostly because of personal problem or motivation-.

• This chapter is a lemon and dirty talks, so don't be surprised if some paragraphs contains strong language or references to this wonderful 🍋

Anyway .. Sorry for the long wait and the chit-chat, onto the chapter !

•Vegito pov•
•A few years later°

Life has become really peaceful. But it missed something. A lot of fun. Gogeta and I have been together for God know how much, but everytime, it was him who was pleasing me. And he stopped being the pervert he once was. He became more calm, always spend time with Piccolo to meditate or even cook more. And it made me realize something. He was being a lot more vulnerable each time when he was near me. I mean, everytime he looked at me whenever we have sex together, he would always look at me with those wonderful green eyes .. like if he was pleasing me to take over and ruin his beautiful inside. But it's all in my head. And I know that. Gogeta will always be on top, just like I will always stay a bottom. But .. I also realize something. Vegeta, who was once a dominant with Bulma or with Goku, has become a total sub. And let's talk about Goku. I don't even recognize him at all ! He went to being very clingy to Vegeta to always be by his side to .. let out his saiyan instinct. I've never seen Goku so dominant and protective of Vegeta before. But hey, it's not like it's going to happen to me and Gogeta, right ? It will stay the same, right ?

Goji - Vegito ! I'm home !

I jumped a bit, quickly looking at Gogeta. I blushed madly, not because he was really hot in general, but because he was only in his short.

Beji - H-Hey love, you're here early !

Goji - Of course, I've trained with Gohan. I'm proud of him, he's studying hard, yet he's still stronger than ever. It's really impressive.

Beji - O-Oh I see .. what happen with Pan, his daughter ? And Videl?

Goji - It's difficult right now. Piccolo and Gohan are spending a lot of time together but Gohan still tries to spend time with his family, which is hard between his time with Piccolo, his studying and his personal life. So Videl is mad at him right now

Beji - I see ..

I feel sorry for Gohan .. his life must be very difficult right now .. I will go and visit him later to help him feel better

Goji - But why were you stuttering? Something's wrong ?

I blinked. I should really be careful about my emotions getting in the way or it might become a problem.

Beji - Of course not love. I was just deep in thoughts when you came.

Goji - I see, I will go take a shower and make dinner. Can you go train Gotenks ?

Beji - Sure

Gogeta walked toward me and kissed me. He then went to the bathroom and closed the door. I sighed softly and got up, walking toward my son's room. But I stopped midway as I looked at the bathroom's room. I really needed to get this out of my head, my head was starting to spin and I didn't really like that. I ignored the weird feeling I was starting to feel and walked toward Gotenks' room, knocking on the door.

•Gotenks pov•

I walked toward my door and opened it. I smiled at my 'mom' and let him inside. He then quickly went to sat on the bed and sighed, which confused me.

Gotenks - Mom ? You alright ?

Beji - Not really son. I'm starting to get weird feelings Everytime I'm near your dad. And it confused me. Should I go see a doctor ?

I laughed at his question and sat next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

Gotenks - don't be ridiculous mom. That means you want to have some more actions with dad.

Beji - It's .. not that son. I do feel like I need to have sex with him. But .. not like we used to do.

I started thinking. I didn't really understand what he was talking about. Did he not love dad anymore ?
My thought were cut off as mom got up.

Beji - I think I should talk about it with Goku. Since you know .. him and Vegeta both switched positions. It took time but maybe that's what happening with me. So Goku and Vegeta are the best options right now. Tell your dad I'm out.

And with that say, my mom was already out. I blinked a couples of time before realising that my mom may be sick. I mean .. he never ever thought of being a dominant. He loved being under dad so much. So what's happening to him ?
I sighed. I will never understand what's happening to an adult head when it cones to sex. And I don't want to be involved. I walked out of my room and notices that my dad was out.

Goji - Son ? Where is Vegito ? I thought I told him to train with you

Gotenks - He said he needed to talk with Goku and Vegeta about something. So he's out right now

Dad sighed as he nodded. He then went in the kitchen and looked at me, asking me if I wanted to help. I giggled and nodded, walking toward him and putting my apron on. Dad did the same and we both soon started to cook together.

▪︎Vegito pov•

Okay Vegito. Stay calm. Just go to Goku and calmly asked him 'Hey man, how to be a dominant ?' Wait .. it sounds terrible. Just stay confident and everything will be fine .. I hope.

As I flew toward Goku's and Vegeta's house, I noticed that they weren't living in town, but far away from it. Who's making them food then ? Do they order ? I got out of my thoughts when I reached my destination. I knocked on the door and waited. To my surprise, Vegeta was the one opening the door. Normally, it was always Goku.

V - What do you want ?

Beji - Hi Vegeta. Is Goku there ? I need need talk to him

V - No he's not. He's with his father and Turles. But you can stay there.

Beji - Really ? Thank you !

Vegeta help the door open for me as I walked inside. It was very clean and to my surprise, there was a lot a space and a big kitchen. I looked at Vegeta then at the kitchen.

V - What ?

Beji - Why a big kitchen ? Are your wifes coming and making you food ?

V - No. I'm cooking there. Kakarot is the one wanting to fuck anytime I wear a fucking apron on or just bend down.

I blinked. Goku was a big pervert ! Is it his instincts ?? I really needed to know ! What if it happens to me?? I don't want to do that to Gogeta !

Beji - Hey uh .. could we talk a bit?

Vegeta looked at me, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. I got nervous and I giggled nervously, talking about that in front of the Prince is really .. humiliating somehow .. and I can't help but think I shouldn't ..

V - Sure. Come sit on the couch.

I was genuinely surprised. Generally, he would say to screw off and deal with my problem, but here we are, sitting on the living room's couch, us both staying silent. But soon enough, Vegeta broke the silence to speak

V - So, what's up ?

Beji - I .. needed to talk about my feelings toward Gogeta. I feel weird toward him ..

V - How so ? Could you describe your feelings ?

Beji - Of course .. it's kind of like you and Goku. But you put me in Goku's place and Gogeta on yours.

I looked next to me and saw that Vegeta had his jaw dropped, really surprised about my feelings. Was it really that surprising?

V - Damn. I didn't think a fucking bottom like you would ever want to be a top. I mean, you were even wearing skirts and dressed.

Beji - H-Hey ! I looked fabulous in them ! And they were really showing my ass!

V - I didn't want to know that. Thank you very much.

I giggled, I loved annoying people by talking about my style. I wasn't even for dresses, it was just that I looked really ravishing. But now that I think about it .. what if it was Gogeta wearing them ? He have a big juicy chest, just like women with their breasts. Wait- Gogeta's not a girl-

V - But anyway. Go just ask him. Don't jump on him like a predator on his prey. Kakarot did that to me, I'm not traumatized at all.

Beji - Wait what ? What happen ? I want to know everything !

V - Nothing you moron ! It's personal !

I pouted, why was it personal ? Goku always tell me everything. He even told me his first kiss with Vegeta when he was still a bottom. Vegeta should open up more to other, even if it's his private life, I mean, he trust me, right ? Riiiight ..?

V - Anyway .. you should go back home. Kakarot's soon going to be back and you know Gogeta, he gets worried when you don't get home early or warn him.

Beji - Yeah yeah, I know

I got up and walked toward Vegeta, hugging him. I giggled when he growled and I quickly back away, laughing. Now I understood why Goku was saying that Vegeta was a true bottom, he was acting like a tsundere  and was being extremely cute from time to time.

I walked out of his house and dropped my smile, starting to think of the possibilities and the ways I could ask Gogeta or even told him about my problem. But .. will he even accept ? Is he going to be okay with being the one under me ? So many questions were in my mind, but I quickly shook them away. I mean .. I couldn't know if I didn't ask him in person .. right ? Of course Vegito ! It's better than hiding the trust from him, he deserves to know what's happening to me.
I feel lucky to have him sometimes .. I mean, I'm always the one to be clingy to him, wanting to have sex, being lazy and a dirty pervert, yet .. he accept me for who I am, he never let me down but always find time to put me back in my right state of mind or force me to help me .. He really surprise me .. his body, his strength, his abilities and his calm character .. I really love him for his kindness and for always caring, even if he didn't show much emotions, he got that from Vegeta after all. As I flew back toward our house, I could smell the delicious food he made on my way, I really know his cooking since he's always the one who makes it, and I really loved it. He has his own way of cooking and it's really interesting to watch, he even makes me participate, so he can teach me a thing or two about cooking properly, but let's be honest there, I'm still at the level with pastas, it's easy, quick and delicious .. yeah ..
I soon got home and walked inside of the house, giggling. Gotenks gasped and quickly ran toward me, jumping on me and hugging me. I smiled and hugged back, kissing Gotenks' forehead.

Beji - Where's your dad ?

Goji - I'm in the kitchen dummy. Food still can't be cook by itself you know

I giggled nervously. Great Vegito, just great, you just made yourself ridiculous right now. Of course he was cooking ! I could literally smelled it from Vegeta's home ! Gosh .. I'm so stupid sometimes .. 

Goji - But hey, I almost finished, you and Gotenks can go sit down while I bring down the food.

I just stood there, not really responding to him. I told Gotenks to listen to Gogeta and I walked behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I felt him jumped slightly from the touch and he sighed softly, not looking at me since he was still focused on cooking. 

Goji - Vegito, honey, we can do it after we're done eating and that you're done doing the dished if that's what you want. Or we can cuddle while watching a movie, go outside or train if you'd like. 

Beji - I .. want the first one. But not in the way you imagine ..

Third pov

As Vegito whispered that in Gogeta's ear, Gogeta couldn't help but blush slightly, feeling curious. He stopped cooking and looked at Vegito, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. 

Goji - Let me guess, you want to be on top and ride me ? Of course I was expecting this dummy

Beji - Actually .. no. I want to be the controlling you. I .. want you to feel how I am feeling whenever you are the one in me. 

Gogeta stayed silent, not knowing how to react or what to say. His husband, someone who loves being filled, being under him and being the bottom, was actually asking him to be the bottom in this relationship ? That is .. unexpected .. 

Goji - Are you .. extremely sure of what you are asking right now ? Like, 100% sure you want to be the top ?

Beji - Y-Yeah .. I want to try being on top. And if I love it .. I'm staying top !

Goji - Wait wha- Wait no ! You are not the top there. I will let you top me once, but there won't be a next time !

Beji - Aw .. come on Gogeta. I'm sure you will love it ! 

Goji - No thank you. Now back off, I need to bring the food. 

Vegito pouted as he backed away from Gogeta, walking toward Gotenks and sitting next to him. Gotenks smiled and hugged Vegito, giggling. Vegito hugged back and looked at Gogeta. He really wanted to make him happy and give him a wonderful time, but at the same time, he felt like he needed to make sure Gogeta wouldn't want to be a top once again. Vegito quickly blinked and shook his head, not believing he just wished that. He was meant to be the bottom for god's sake ! And now he just wanted that .. that was very unsettling for him.

Gogeta took 3 plates filled with food and he walked toward the table, putting them on it, in front of his place, Vegito's and Gotenks'. He smiled and took off his apron then sit down.

Gotenks - That looks delicious Dad ! I really did well this time right ??

Goji - You mean I did very well again. You burned the cookies you were supposed to make.

Gotenks - You didn't have to expose me like that ! Meany ..

Vegito giggled and patted Gotenks' head, telling him he would do better next time and tell him he still needs to practice. Gogeta smiled, agreeing to Vegito's tips, it was one of those time Vegito was actually being a 'good mother'. Not that he wasn't, he just wasn't helping Gotenks with anything. Or at least, only from time to time.

Gotenks - Thanks mom ! I'll remember this for next time !

Vegito smiled, patting Gotenks' head. However, being called mom was kind of bothering him. It was natural that Gogeta is the dad, but why mom to him ? He's not a girl and did not give birth to him as long as he can remember. Vegito first thought of making Gotenks call him Daddy .. but .. it felt wrong. But then he thought of 'Papa'. This was better and he really wanted to have this over 'mother' or 'mom'.

Beji - Gotenks ? Son ? I have a request.

Gotenks - Yes mom ? What's happening?

Beji - Could you call me papa from now on ?

Gotenks stopped eating as he looked at Vegito, a bit confused. His mother, didn't want to be his mom anymore but .. be considered as a 'dad' ..? That was something he didn't expect or even wasn't ready for ! Gotenks was used to see Vegito as his mother figure, even if sometimes, he was a pain in the ass for Gogeta.
Gogeta was only watching, a bit surprised by all this. First, Vegito went missing a couple of hours to god know where, then, he come to him and told him he wanted to be the top and finally, he wanted to be considered as a papa ? That was a very big confusing day. Did Vegito hit his head against something? Did he forget once again who he was ? So many questions were running in Gogeta's head but he decided to only ask one specific question.

Goji - Do you want to be the dad of this relationship?

Both Gotenks and Vegito turned their head toward Gogeta, at first confused by what he had just asked, since they were still drowned with Vegito wanting to be considered as 'papa'. But soon enough, Vegito understood and went silent, not really knowing what to say.

Beji - I would like to talk about it with you, but after dinner. I don't want to ruin the moment.

Goji - Sure. And please, be honest with me. You don't have to hide anything. We're a warrior race, but that doesn't mean that when we are in a relationship, we should hide how we feel. Understood, honey ?

Beji - Yes .. I understand love.

They all ate in silence. Gotenks was a bit disturbed by that so he turned on the TV and started watching cartoons, wanting to break the unbearable silence. While Vegito was trying to think of happy moments, since he was a bit nervous about the situation. He glanced at Gogeta who was still as calm as ever. It was surprising that even in the most weird situation, he was so calm .. how he wished he was just like him sometimes.
Soon enough, all three of them finished eating, Gogeta stood up and took their plates, looking ar Gotenks.

Goji - You can go play in your room, son. I will come to you when you will have to take your bath and go to sleep.

Gotenks nodded and stood up, going to his room.

Vegito looked at Gogeta who went in the kitchen to do the dishes. He got the hint from their previous conversation and slowly got up, heading toward their bedroom and going inside. He then close the door behind him and sat on the bed, waiting for Gogeta.

Gogeta came inside after 30 minutes, closing the door behind him and walking toward Vegito, putting his hands on his hips.

Vegito looked up at him and blushed a bit, not expecting this to be honest.

Goji - So .. I want to know everything. When it started and what you want exactly.

Vegito took a deep breath, nodding and looking at Gogeta, ready to tell him everything he has been hiding from him for so long.

•Gogeta pov•

Beji - So .. it started a while ago. Since Vegeta and Goku change. It felt .. wrong at first. I mean, Goku has always been a sub to Vegeta, and now .. it's the other way around. Before, he was been a good boy, now, he was playing the master. But .. since that day .. when I saw Goku being on top of Vegeta .. It triggered something in him, like, what if it was me and you ? Me on top and you below me, vulnerable, adorable and .. being the sub. I kept thinking about it, every day and every night. But I didn't want to bother you with this, since .. it felt wrong. I am the sub there and you are the dom. I should think of only you banging me. But .. I just can't anymore. My saiyans instincts are kicking in badly when I'm near you, and the want of making you mine is starting to feel .. like a good feeling. Being the one to hold you in my arms while you sleep against my chest, being the one to make you scream in pleasure or just being the one who you might need the most to rescue you and being there. But .. lately .. the thought of making you mine has become .. kind of an obsession. Everytime I look at your chest .. the one you show so proudly, so confident and calmly .. is making my mind go crazy .. the only think I can ever think of is your beautiful name, but then again .. it's only a obsession, a strong feeling, a strong action that I want to do to you. But what if I'm starting to hurt you from this ? From what's happening with me and my desires ? 

I was speechless. I ..  honestly didn't think Vegito would ever feel like that from a sudden change .. It's like he hit his head badly but that instead of losing his memories, his character changed. But obviously, I know that he wasn't joking. Vegito was dead serious, and he needed me right now. He needed to understand what he was feeling, and I want to make sure he feels better. If he wants to be the dom, I will let him top me. But if he ever wants to go back the way they were, we will. Vegito knows that I'm a calm man, and that I'm willing to make any sacrifices for his happiness .. but I know that he would do worse for me. 
I got an idea and went to sat on Vegito's laps, getting comfortable as I cuddled against his chest, just like he wanted me to do. I looked at him as I noticed he started blushing, hesitantly putting his hands around me as if he was trying to not lose his self-control., but of course, I didn't want him to hold back.

Goji - Vegito, honey, look at me. You know I'm willing to do anything to makes you happy, right ? 

Beji - Y-Yeah ..

Goji - Good. Now, you need to know. I don't mind you topping me. You can even be the top of this relationship. I know I may have said in the past that I will stay as the top, but you can be the top now, I don't mind. I want you to be yourself, act like you always wanted to act. To let your desires take over your body only this once so you can free your mind. I want you to trust me, to feel loved just for who you really are, no matter what your opinion will be in the future, we can always go back to how things were before whenever you want to. Don't ever let your mind say otherwise. Listen to what I'm telling you, really. Be yourself.

I smiled and gently kissed Vegito. I wanted him to feel loved just the way he was .. that's why I love him. Because he can be himself and I know he wants to. But he's scared, scared of hurting me because of that. But he doesn't have to. Being themselves is one of the most fabulous thing in their life, because it means they love their personality and what they looks like. I wanted Vegito to love himself, just like he loves me. So I don't mind losing my virginity and dignity right now to him, if it helps turning on his instincts and be his true self.

However, I started feeling hands rubbing under my coat, playing with my nipples instantly, making me slightly gasping. I mean .. I didn't really expected this .. I looked over at Vegito and noticed that he was having a weird smile on his face. Was he happy? Did he had something planned? Should I get worried ?

Goji - Babe ? Is something wrong ?

Beji - You did told me to be myself .. and I want to top you here, right now. 

I smiled, nodding. The fact that he was already hard was saying everything. He has been waiting for this moment a very long time .. so today is finally his day, I'm willing to give him what he wants and deserved.

Goji - Then .. go ahead love~ I'm not going anywhere

⚠️• Smut warning ! Don't like, skip ! •⚠️

Then, everything went faster than I thought they would take. Vegito had already pinned me to the bed and took off all of my clothes, gently putting them away and looking at me, blushing a bit and licking his lips.
Damn. Normally he would just put his head on my chest but now .. it was different. You know, like the feeling of being a prey and the man in front of you was a predator. It's a strange feeling. Yet .. I don't know why, but my body loves it. From the way my chest start bouncing by instinct was saying everything. And for Vegito too.

It's like this little action, activated his instincts instantly, since he torned off his GI and kicked away his boots, quickly going on top of me.

Goji - Love ? Are you-

Beji - I'm perfectly fine .. it's just .. I've never had the chance to look closely at your body. Everytime I was seeing it was only when your pants was a bit torn off or when we were having sex before .. now it feels .. different .. like I have the power .. being in control .. being the one who will satisfy you ..~

I blushed softly and looked up at Vegito. His instincts were really infecting his body and mind now .. but I literally told him to go wild and being himself.

Goji - Of course love. Only you will see me like this. Because you are the only one I love and that I want in this life. We were made for each other, and even if we may not be perfect or the same, we still love each other for who we really are. And that's what really matters the most ..

I pulled Vegito close to me and kissed him on the lips. He roughly kissed back, adding his tongue in the kiss.
For a first time being the dominant, he was rather rough. But I'm actually wondering where did he got this much experience. Maybe from my last self ? Maybe.

I got out of my thoughts as I felt a tongue playing with mine, a hand playing with my right nipple and fingers playing with my entrance. I blushed softly, a bit embarrassed by what was happening. I mean, it was all new for me, but Vegito was actually doing a good job there .. I hate to admit but he's hot as fuck when he's like this .. but he's even better evil and mad. I felt Vegito breaking the kiss, panting a bit but smirking. I felt my face heating up more as I was panting heavily, I didn't know a kiss could make someone out of breaths .. like, literally.

▪︎Third pov•

Beji - Well well well ..~ Would you look at that ..~ My little sweetheart is being the cutest angel he was always supposed to be..~

Gogeta let out a little gasped, putting a hand over his mouth and blushing a bit. He wasn't really expecting this from him. Sure, he had a halo before, but he was too far away from being an angel. 

Goji - Don't say nonsense babe .. I'm not an angel

Beji - Of course you are love..~ My beautiful angel to be more specific

Gogeta blushed a bit more, crossing his arms as he looked away, a bit embarrassed by Vegito's words, not really thinking that it would affect him this much since normally, it was him who was whispering sweets nothings in Vegito's ear to make him more horny or just show how much he loves him

Vegito giggled softly, finding it adorable that he was able to make Gogeta embarrassed and actually seeing him blush. It was kind of rewarding to him and he wanted to go further.

Beji - Angel .. Could I take things faster ?

Goji - Sure, but one thing I want.

Beji - What is it angel ?

Goji - Don't be gentle on me. It's all I'm asking you. I know you're holding back

Beji - I .. Are you really sure about that ? 

Goji - *Chuckle* Of course dummy I am. Remember what I told you ? Be yourself and do what you want with my body. 

Vegito nodded and went to suck and lick Gogeta's neck, making him panted softly. Then, Vegito started biting rather roughly Gogeta's neck, leaving a hickey and licking off the blood. Gogeta blushed and quickly put a hand on where Vegito left the hickey, not expecting this. As for Vegito, he was smirking and licking his lips, proud by what he just did. He then slid his hands down, caressing Gogeta's body, insisting on his nipples, playing with them and sometimes biting them. 

Goji - V-Vegito .. d-don't bite there .. it's sensitive ..~

Beji -  Sorry angel .. but I will not obey this time~

Vegito then proceeded to pinched hard Gogeta's nipples, managing to make him moan a bit. Vegito smirked and pull down one of his hand down Gogeta's hole while the other one was still playing with Gogeta's right nipple. With his now free hand, Vegito lick his fingers and send a smirk to Gogeta, making him blush more, since he knew what was coming next. Vegito place his hand back in front of Gogeta's hole and gently pushed a finger inside of him, making Gogeta let out a little moan of pain. 

Beji - You okay ? Should I stop ?

Goji - N-No .. I-I'm fine .. just the time to adjust you know

Beji - Oh I see, I'll wait then.

Gogeta nodded slowly and took a deep breath, allowing Vegito to move his finger. Vegito smiled and gently pull out his finger then pushed it back inside. He continued like this for a good minute until he added another finger, fingering Gogeta to expand his hole for him. Gogeta gripped the sheets, moaning a bit more as he felt the fingers goes deeper in him. He was trying to keep quiet, a bit embarrassed by the noises he was making but he quickly gave up, not wanting to confront Vegito after this for muffling his 'beautiful' sounds

Beji - Look at you ..~ already panting and moaning from only my fingers .. I wonder if you will scream when I'll be inside of you ..~

Gogeta blushed, thinking of that happening. He started to drool slightly without noticing. That's only when Vegito kissed him that he finally noticed that Vegito was rather playing with his tongue to make him drool more than just a normal kiss. Gogeta wanted to push Vegito away, but he started feeling weak when Vegito pushed a third finger in him, going faster and a bit harder with each thrusts, making it hard for him to even think of anything else than Vegito's fingers, who were dangerously close to his prostate and making him cum. He tried to warned Vegito but soon ended up cumming between their chest, panting heavily. Vegito stopped and pulled his fingers out. He then bent down and started licking Gogeta's cum, making Gogeta's face heat up more if possible.

Beji - You still have that wonderful taste .. however .. I've never taste you down there~

Goji - W-Where ? There's only my hole down the- ah !~

Gogeta got cut off by a moan ad Vegito quickly started eating him out, putting his hands on his ass as he made sure his tongue was licking every part inside of Gogeta. As for Gogeta, he was weakly trying to push Vegito away, moaning loudly from the sudden experience.
He didn't thought Vegito would do that, even as a joke. He knew he was the top now, but eating him out was maybe a bit too much for now.

Goji - B-Babe..~ s-stop rubbing your tongue against my walls..~

Vegito smirked and licked more roughly, making almost Gogeta cum a second time, but somehow, he didn't. Vegito kept licking Gogeta's hole for a short time as Gogeta came again, panting. Vegito smirked, pulling away and licking off once again Gogeta's cum. He then got on top of him, positioning himself.

Beji - Ready my sweet angel?

Goji -W-Wait .. give me a minute ..

Vegito looked at Gogeta's face and blushed, understanding what he meant by that. Gogeta's face was red as he was panting heavily, recovering from the 2 times he has came. Vegito tried to hold back but his instincts didn't, which led him to put Gogeta's legs around his waist and gently pushed his dick inside of him, trying to not hurt him.
Gogeta gasped, putting his hands on Vegito's shoulders as he teared up lightly from the pain. He didn't thought it would hurt this much to he honest, and Vegito has just only put his tip inside of him. As for Vegito, he was groaning softly, feeling Gogeta's tight walls around him was already amazing and he couldn't wait to be completely inside of him. He looked at Gogeta and smiled when Gogeta gave him a signal to go deeper in him, wasting no time to directly went in one thrust all the way inside, throwing his head back from the feeling, panting.

Goji - Y-You .. c-could have .. g-go gentle .. b-bitch ..

Vegito looked at Gogeta and noticed a bit of blood running out from his hole. He gigged nervously and kissed Gogeta's cheek, letting him adjust this time or not take it too fast.

Beji - I'm sorry babe .. I had to .. but just tried to relax

Goji - Easy to say .. 

Vegito giggled, kissing Gogeta's neck and leaving some more hickeys to mark his territory. He also started to touch Gogeta's body, trying to help him relaxed. When Gogeta managed to relax, he slightly nodded to Vegito, ready for whatever's coming. But to Gogeta's surprise, Vegito didn't started thrusting, but he was indeed kissing him deeply. Gogeta kissed back, gently taking Vegito's hands in his, feeling happy and comfortable. Once Vegito pull away, he smiled at Gogeta

Beji - Ready for me, love ?

Goji - I'm ready, bring it on

Vegito giggled and pull out, letting only his tip inside of Gogeta. He then thrust back in hard, making Gogeta yelped and let out a little moan. Vegito smiled, going a bit faster in him, panting a bit as Gogeta's tight walls were slightly squeezing his dick. 

Beji - You're so tight .. It feels amazing ..~

Vegito then started going much more faster and a bit harder in Gogeta, wanting to hit as deep as he could so he could find Gogeta's prostate. As for Gogeta, he gripped the sheets, moaning loudly since Vegito kept on going deeper, faster and harder in him, making it impossible for him to cover up his sounds or moved his hips in sync, even if he wanted to.

Then, after a good five minutes or more, Gogeta let out a scream of pleasure, blushing madly from the embarrassment as he desperately wanted to hide his boiling face, while Vegito was smirking, quickly going hard and fast against the sensitive spot inside of Gogeta, literally pounding him.

Goji - A-Ahh ..!~ T-Too .. r-rough ..!~

Beji - I found it ..~ I won't stop now until we're both satisfied ..~

Then, right after his sentence, Vegito put one of Gogeta's legs on his shoulder and goes deeper in him, making Gogeta yelp in pleasure, seeing stars.

Goji - Ve-Vegito ..!~ L-Love !~ P-Pound me there ..!~ P-Please a-ah ..~

Vegito smirks, pounding into Gogeta more, groaning a bit possessively. He was drowning in pleasure from fucking his lover, and he absolutely loved it.

Knowing that he was the one who Gogeta trusted the most and was the only one that could see him this vulnerable and adorable during this kind of session. Just knowing this made his dick harder, groaning a bit more as Gogeta's walls clenched around him.

Beji - Baby ..~ You feel so good around me .. it's like it was always meant to be ..~

Goji - F-First angel and now baby ..~ I-I'm starting to think you like calling me pets name..

Beji - I have to admit .. they really suit you.

Goji - S-Says the one who has the biggest ass there .. you loved it when I smacked it and ate you out ..~

Beji - Y-Yeah .. maybe .. but you are the one with the biggest chest there .. meaning maybe milk .. just like real women .. and I can even put my dick between them .. or even my face .. just like a pillow ..~

Goji - Small dick you mean .?~

Vegito frowned softly, roughly thrusting inside of Gogeta, making him moan loudly, also cumming. Vegito smirks, knowing he was the one in charge and not the other way around.

Beji - You mean .. my big and fat dick inside of you my Sweet Angel~

Goji - Y-You could have warned me ..~

Vegito giggled but decided to tease Gogeta, wanting to see him beg for release. He put a hand on Gogeta's dick, gently squeezing it as he started thrusting as hard and fast as he could in Gogeta. As for Gogeta, he whines from the feeling of being held back but it was quickly replaced with loud moans.

Vegito's trusts were soon starting to become sloppy, making him panted as he tried holding back, wanting to last a bit longer to at least hear Gogeta beg, which is exactly what happen, Gogeta was soon begging to cum and to be filled, his mind clearly clouded by lust and need. Vegito licked his lips as he let go of Gogeta's dick, making 6 more hard and rough thrusts before coming inside of him, panting. Gogeta came immediately between their chest and panted heavily, humming softly at the feeling of being filled. He jumped softly when he felt Vegito flipped them over so he was on top and Vegito on bottom, smirking at him.

Beji - You didn't think it was over right ..?~ We still have all the night to have fun .. so we're not gonna waste it~

And so, they fucked all night, Vegito filling Gogeta to the brim with his seed and Gogeta bouncing repeatedly on his dick.

🔥• End of smut •🔥

The next day, they woke up, not remembering a thing from last time until they both noticed their position, their face heating up and they soon quickly became embarrassed, not knowing what to say. Gotenks walked in the bedroom and smirked.

Gotenks - So .. you guys had fun ?

Goji - G-Get out !

Gotenks laughed and ran to the living room. Gogeta slowly got up, only to fell back on the bed. Vegito giggled and got up. He went to take a shower and cleaned up the bedroom, putting on the bed some new sheets, pillows and blankets. He then gently carried Gogeta and took some new clothes, walking toward the bathroom. He turned on the water for the bath and carefully put Gogeta inside, giggling.

Goji - It's going to be so embarrassing ..

Beji - Feel what I felt when I couldn't walk for weeks~

Vegito giggled and helped Gogeta bathing, making sure to still tease him from time to time. Gogeta was sure, a bit annoyed, but quickly got used to it, so he only tease back in return, making Vegito blush softly.

When Gogeta finished bathing, Vegito carefully picked him up and dried him with a towel, insisting on his nipples and ass, smirking. Gogeta blushed softly, taking the towel and puffing, making Vegito laughed. Gogeta put on his clothes but whines softly in pain when he put on his underwear and pants.

Goji - Now .. I won't train for weeks

Beji - But you loved it ..~

Gogeta blushed madly and threw the towel on Vegito's face, groaning softly. Vegito giggled and took away the towel, finding Gogeta's reaction adorable.

Goji - Anyway .. we should join Gotenks .. I'm hungry and I want cuddled.

Beji - Sure love

Vegito gently carried Gogeta and went in the living room, gently putting Gogeta on the couch. Gogeta smiled and laid on the couch, feeling relaxed and happy that he won't have to make a single thing today. As for Vegito and Gotenks, they were trying to cook something, that was not burned hopefully.

Gogeta slowly closed his eyes, a bit tired from yesterday's night, since he used all of his strength to bounce, not to mention that they went SSB for their last 2 rounds. He closed his eyes, quickly falling a bit asleep.

When Vegito and Gotenks were finished, they checked on Gogeta. Vegito smiled and gently laid next to him, putting his head against his chest as he hugged him close, smiling. Gotenks sat next to them and turned on the TV, smiling.

For now, everything we're going just fine. For them, just like everyone. But will peace stay forever ..?

Hi there ! Thank you for reading this chapter who took way too much time to write. I think I might keep the book, like writing it. But I just need motivation and when I'm not at school. Thank you all for waiting that long for this chapter ! And I'll see you in the next chapter! (6839 words)


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