[DISCONTINUED]Adventures of T...

By TastyTreatsTrio

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NOTICE: We're going to stop writing this story because it's so disorganized and stuff. Instead, we'll do a re... More

Chapter 1- Down the Wabbit "Hole"
Chapter 2- Where Are We?
Chapter 3- The Clock Tower
Chapter 6 - Retreating From the Music
Chapter 7- You're On A Diet...
Chapter 8-The Tea Party
Chapter 9- The Ball
Chapter 10-Captured!
Chapter 11-The Dungeon
Chapter 12- Throwing Everything & Everyone
Chapter 13-Tatiana's Journey

Chapter 5- Poor Adam...

208 2 4
By TastyTreatsTrio

Hello! Faelia here to say really quickly: This is NOT EDITED. Sorry! Blame Tatiana, she fails at spelling :P God knows how she got into Language Arts Honors(that's the highest english class at our school) O_o lol she sucks at spelling. Anyways, enjoy, as always!


Tatiana's POV

My fuckin head hurts. It feels like a hang over after

drinking to many sodas. Why do they keep hitting me over the freaking head?They could just ask me to be quiet, and I'll be quiet. Well...maybe I'll sing a little. And dance too. OH, ALL RIGHT! I wouldn't be quiet! I'm to awesome to be quiet. Plus, if my tongue wants to talk, then it will talk. Uh, I really need to stop thinking. Okay, what did Vivian ask me last time? Oh yeah. What's a name to a rock song?




Nope, can't think of nothing. I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the ground. In front of me was a bush, and beside me was Adam. He looked bare with out his sugar. Something clicked in my brain, and I jumped up.

"Baby, are you okay?" I whispered. He didn't respond. I stuck out my two fingers and checked for his pulse. Nothing. Wait, do churros even have pulses? Shrugging, I looked at the six foot churro. What to do, what to do? I stared at Adam longer. He does look kind yummy...even without the sugar...

Without even thinking about what I was doing, I lent over Adam and took a bite out of his head. It was hard to get a good grip a first, but once you get the grip all you have to do is pull. Adam's face slightly grimaced, but other that that, he didn't show any signs of awaking.

I slowly chewed the piece in my mouth. It was heavenly, it should be outlawed to taste so good. The bread was moist and soft in the inside, but crunchy too. It tasted sweet, like it didn't need any sugar at all. My eyes rolled to the back of my head at the thought of it with sugar. I took two more bites.

After the third bite, cinnamon and brown sugar syrup leaked out of Adam. I could feel my confusion apparent on my face. Was that a churro's blood? I shrugged and bent down, putting my mouth on his wound. The syrup almost caused me to moan, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. It was that good. It’s no wonder that churros are endangered. Well, at least I think they’re endangered. Why else there would only be one family of churros? I continued to suck out the syrup, every now and then taking a bite out of Adam. At some point Adam shuddered. Startled, I quickly stood up. Not a moment after, Adam’s eyes flipped open. I stared at him, wide eyed.

“What happened?” Adam put a hand on his forehead, just above the bite mark. I shifted one foot to the other. Adam looked at me suspiciously before lowering his hand, feeling around. I whoosh of air came out of me, I was definitely was relieved. He glared at me before raising his hand and feeling around. My relief didn’t last long; he found the wound. Adam looked at me in disbelief, his eye bulging out of his churro body.

“You ATE me!?” He yelled. I winced but I took a step forward. He took a few steps back. “What kind of mother would eat her own child!?”

“But baby, I was hungry. You wouldn’t want me to starve and die, do you?” I put on my best puppy dog face. I though about the time my nephew stole my candy, making my eyes glisten a little. He looked at me uncertainly.

“Did you really need to turn to cannibalism?” He looked understanding, but no less angry. I looked at his head, where the wound was. I stared at it. My stomach rumbled, my mouth watered with desire. The next thing I knew, I was flying through the air, lunging and the delicious churro. Whether the churro is alive or not, a churro is made to be eaten. As I closed my mouth on the churro, Ashley and Vivian walked through the bushes. They were turned to each other, talking. I ripped a big chunk out of the churro. Adam screamed, and they whipped their heads towards us. They saw Adam holding his head in pain and saw me with the churro in my mouth. Loads of syrup was coming from Adam, falling toward the floor.

“What the hell happened?” Vivian yelled. Ashley was busy tending Adam’s wounds.

“I was hungry?” I replied feebly.

“She turned to cannibalism!” Adam yelled. I whipped my head and glared at him before turning to Vivian.

“If you tasted him, then you would know how good he really is.” Vivian glared at me, putting her hand on her hip.

“That does not give you the right to suck his blood!” She wagged a finger at me. “Next time you do that, I will go all Asian on you, okay?”

I nodded, bowing my head. I was trying my best to look ashamed, but it was hard to do when all you can think about is how delicious a certain churro is. In the background I heard Adam screaming again. I turned to see Ashley kneeling beside him, a mouth on his head.

“SEE! If she can do it why can’t I!” I yelled to Vivian. She didn’t respond, clearly ignoring me. She ran to Ashley yanking her off of the churro.

“Seriously, what’s so great about the churro?” She screamed, her face to the sky. She turned to us. “Why do you guys want to eat him so bad?”

“All you need to do is taste him.” Ashley said, her face

turning to a dream like state. I nodded in agreement. Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Oh, for God's sake." She went over to the big churro. "Would you mind if I show these people that you are not addicting?"

"Um," Adam looked at her doubtfully, "Do you really think that's safe for me?"

Vivian waved it off. "Don't worry! I hate eating churros."

Adam looked at her once more before bowing his head to her, giving Vivian the permission to try him. I glared, a growing envy building inside my chest. How come she gets to have it with out any trouble? No fair.

Vivian leaned over and stuck her tongue out to lick it. She stood back on her heels and turned to us. I gasped.

"You see? It is not addicting." She was smiling a creepy smile. That wasn't the reason I gasped. Her pupils dilated, huge enough to look like an alien. I turned to Ashley to see if her eyes were the similar. My mouth opened, slightly agape as I saw that her eyes was like Vivian. She turned to me.

"Your eyes..." I whispered.

"Your eyes aren't much better." She said. I felt like finding a way to look into my reflection, just to see how my eyes looked like. Vivian glanced at Adam, licking her lips slowly. Adam was looking the other way, so he didn't see the predatory look that Vivian was giving him. The leaves crunched under my feet as a neared towards Adam. Ashley was climbing a bolder near by, getting on top of it and took a pouncing position.

Adam slowly craned his head and saw Ashley, who bared her teeth at him. He looked at Vivian and I, sinking the situation in a slothful way. I didn't like the glance he gave me. I felt primal instinct take over, a bubbling feeling of hysteria taking over. I leaned forward and growled at him.

"Oh, shoot." Adam scrambled up and started running. Second time today he was jumped on. This time it wasn't from me though, it was the girl on the rock. Ashley swooped down and swiftly landed on Adam, her teeth sinking into his body. I think she hit an artery, blood splattered on the floor. Adam's eyes rolled back before landing on the ground. He twitched a bit before lying still. I lunged, my mouth open. Before I reached the sugary oasis a hand reached for my arm and stopped me.

"I think we should take turned." She stared at the churro. Something snapped her out of it though. Vivian looked at the sky. In the background, I could hear Ashley's slurps. "We need to get to the clock tower soon, or else we'll have to sleep here."

My eyes widen at the thought of sleeping here. I don't want unknown bug biting the fashizal out of me. I turned to look at Ashley, who was still sucking the life of Adam. I felt annoyance.

"Ashley!" She lifted her head and turned to me. "You took enough! Now it's my turn." I slandered over to the big churro and kneeled beside him. I didn't want his blood, I want his bread. I bit into the side of his head, chewing it delicately and savoring it.

"Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Swallow." Vivian and Ashley chorused. I rolled my eyes. Taking what I made up. Well no, I took it from my cousin. Shh, brain, no one else knows that. Okay, my brain squealed. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! My own brain is afraid of me! I took another bite from the churro.

'Oh yeah?' My brain thought back, 'What do you think of this?'

I fell on the ground, my whole body twitching and spasming. My brain felt like it was shaking inside my skull. Each throb it took felt like a heart beat. I clutched my head, groaning in pain.

"Okay, stop it! Stop it! I forgive you!"

'That is not the right thing to say!' My brain screamed. Stupid.

'I heard that!' She shook in my skull harder, causing me to scream in pain.

"Tatiana, are you okay?" I barely registered the voice.

"Your majesty, will you forgive me?" I whimpered.

'Now that's more like it! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!' The evil laugh echoed in my brain before every single ounce of pain stopped. I kept my mind blank. I sat up, scaring Vivian and Ashley. They started to ask questions, but I ignored them.

I started to climb the tree near by, reaching for the branches. There, a bottle of extra strength Tylenol pills was seen wedge between the branches.

I stuffed four pills in my mouth and jumped down in front of Adam. He was still bleeding. I tucked the pills under my tongue and bent down to Adam, sucking his blood from his head. I swallowed the pills and sucked more, using the blood as water.

'What are you- no, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' The voice in my brain started to faint. I snickered.

"Take that, voice!" I started to laugh as the pills started to take effect. My brain started to numb.

"Okayyy...We should start going now." Ashley dusted off her pants before starting to set off. Ashley's and Vivian's eyes looked more normal now.

"Wait, what about Adam?" I looked at the poor churro. For the first time I felt a pang of guilt, but it went away just as fast when I thought about how yummy he was.

Vivian heaved a sigh. "I guess we'll have to carry him."

We reached the clock tower and climbed up the winding stairs. When we reached to the top, my arms were numb. Vivian and Ashley took turns carrying Adam up the our destination. I dumped Adam on the floor, to lazy to sit any further. Something caught my nose through the smell of ointment and old people.

"Do you guys smell any apple crumply?" I sniffed some more.

"No." Ashley said slowly. "Maybe it's your imagination."

"No, I know I smell apple crumply." I sniffed around like a hound, searching for some food. Vivian sighed.

"You just ate half of Adam's head, and you want more food." She raised one eyebrow at me, slumping onto a chair.

I thought about it for a moment before answering. "Uh, yeah."

She shook her head at me before disregarding me again. I gladly went back to my searching. I reached into the old people's dining room. Left over bingo cards were left there. I paused, my mouth watering. Bingo!

I walked over to the apple crumbly, taking slow cautious steps. Right next to the pie was a fork. It seemed like it was just wanted to be eaten. That person to eat it was moi. I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Tatiana! Where are you?" Vivian's voice echoed through the corner's of the place. I quickly lunged for the fork and dove into the pie, getting a huge chunk and stuffing into my mouth. Vivian walked in the middle of my act, her mouth now wide open. There was a moment of silence.

"I tof you thewre waf fwod." I pronounced proudly with a full mouth. Food flew from my mouth as I spoke. A little bit of drool came out. I smiled at Vivian, who looked purely disgusted, and swallowed my food. I felt the pie going down my throat. I thumped my chest a little to help it go down. Ashley came bounding in.

"Aw man, aren't you going to share that?" I lunged for the pie and fork, holding it protectingly in my arms. I worked up a good wad of spit before splatting it into the pie. I thrusted the pie towards her.

"Do you want it now?"

"Uh, no thanks." She waved the pie off before backing it away. I shrugged and continue to eat it. About three pieces worth, my stomach started to hurt.

"Uhhhh, stop hurting stomach." I moaned.

"Maybe it would stop hurting if you stop eating the pie." Ashley was just jealous that I got the pie first. Ha!

"No! I still want to eat it!" I dipped the fork into the pie and shoved a piece into my waiting mouth.

"How could you still want to eat it if it causes you pain?" Vivian questioned. I looked at her dumbfounded.

"It taste good?"

Vivian scoffed. I went back to eating. I only stopped when I started to see a star.

"Hehe. Look at the pweety-pweety colors!" I giggled and twirled around with the pie in my arms. I giggled at a little green leprechaun skipped by me.

"Look for the gold! Look for the unicorn! Look, look! Kill, kill!" He skipped around me in circles three times before skipping into a closet.

"LEPRECHAUN! LET ME EAT YOU!" I ran after the little leprechaun, crashing my whole body on the door he disappeared in. I fell onto the floor.

"Leprechaun! You left me!" I sobbed. Ashley and Vivian looked at each other and hauled me away from the door. I sat in the middle of the room, tears silently falling on my cheeks and down to the floor.

All of a sudden, a man burst through the door. The door fell to the ground as his wheel chair rolled. He looked disgruntled, looked around the room with distasted.

"Santa? SANTA!" I ran over to the ran with arms extended. His eyes widened in surprise and fear. I jumped onto his lap, holding onto his frail body.

"Now I want a pony, lollipop, a bottle of Corona, ten pounds of weed, a life time of Worlds Finest Chocolate, and a cute Teddy Bear. Oh, and a pair of brass knuckles with my name on it!" I fluttered my eyes at the old man. He pushed me off his lap. I landed on the floor with a loud thump. I glared at him. I don't like Santa anymore.

"Now child, I am not Santa. I couldn't give anything that you asked for. Well, everything but the medical weed, but that's mine. MINE! Muahahahaha! You could never get that!" He barked a laugh before he started coughing. I laughed.

"Why were you in the closet?" Ashley asked.

"That's where I sleep."

"In a closet?" Vivian inquired.


"You sleep in a closet? Seriously?" I butt in.

"Yes, so..." The old man didn't seemed to get it. "I'm here to tell you that the churro needs to heal. You ladies will need to stay here for three or four days."

"I need to pee." I said.

"What does that do with anything?"

"I need to pee. This is for my social and health being!" I stumbled towards the man. "Where's the bathroom?"

"There is none. You have to go outside or use the bucket in the Public Storage near by. I don't recommend it though because it has a hole." Vivian and Ashley looked at each other awkwardly before turning back to the man. The man eyed them suspiciously.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing." They squeaked. Forget about them, I have my own problems.

"Do you think that if I pee on Adam, it will make him heal faster? You know, like if you pee on a jelly fish sting, if will stop? Maybe it will disinfect the area." The old man looked at me in disbelief. He turned back to the other two.

"Girls? Make sure you keep this one away from the churro." Ashley and Vivian saluted to the old man before dragging me to another room. The wheel chair squeaked as he followed.

"How are we going to get the old people smell out of the tower?" Ashley asked.

"Why don't we do it the old fashion way and open up the window?" The old man croaked. The rest of us nodded in agreement.

What happened next was a disaster.

Vivian opened the window on the left of the room. The area was soon filled with a horrible woman screeching.

"Baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh

Like baby, baby, baby, ohhh-"

"AHHH! I hate this song!" Everyone covered their ears but me.

"It's okay, Ludacris always makes this song better." I listened for his part. Justin Beiber just skipped Luadacris's part and replaced it with his own singing.

"Ludacris? NO! THIS WORLD KILLED YOU TOO?!" I sank to the floor sobbing.

"I can't close the window! Every time I try to get close enough to the window, I feel like passing out." Vivian screamed over the music. Ashley ran over to the other window.

"I'll open this one!" She screamed.

"Your love, your love (do do do, ah)

Your love, you love-" I screamed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I tried running towards the door to get away from the horrible music. I collapsed onto the floor three feet from the door. Uh oh, not again. Everything went blank.


Sorry for not finishing sooner. Anyway, imma do something speacial for you: Song Of the Day!: Stay by Neyo and Peedi Peedi   Okay i want a mashmellow and a churro. And some coffee too. Whoever gives it to me first i will tell you some thing speacial that i hardly tell anyone else. it is: I WUV YOU!  Im NOT DRUNK! okay, maybe i am but who cares! yummy poodle...   DrunkenChurro OUT! PEACE PEEPS!!!!!!

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