[Fanfic] Kamen Rider Kuuga x...

By All_Fanfic

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After a decisive battle with Daguva, Godai Riku - Kamen Rider Kuuga III was transported to another world with... More

Chap 1: Kuuga's Awakening
Chap 2: Mighty Warrior!
Chap 4: Chou Henshin! Kuuga Dragon Form!
Chap 5: Pretty Cure Old Enemy!? Kuuga's Secret Identity!
Chap 6: Kuuga's Titan Form! A warning from the Queen of the Garden of Light!

Chap 3: High speed chase! Meet TryChaser again!

389 25 3
By All_Fanfic

(Next day, Police Department - Meeting room)

Kaoru, as well as other members of the police force, watched the video they had found at the ruins where the archeologists had discovered the nest of the Unidentified Lifeforms. What they were watching right now was one of them murdering all of them. This wasn't the first time they had seen this so they were pretty much used to watching this right now, no matter how messed up that sounded.

So while everyone else watched the vid, Kaoru was looking at the latest information about the Unidentified Lifeforms and he was surprised at what he read. If he was reading this right, the samples they received from the remains of both Unidentified Lifeforms No. 1 and No. 2, they matched the same as a human which was unbelievable.

"Human, huh." Matsukura , the Chief Police of the city, muttered as the video came to an end and turned to a member of forensics. Matsukura  was a man in his late 50's. He was a bit chubby and some of his hair was turning white from age. "So you're saying that these... things are the same as us humans?"

"Only by blood comparison." The forensic member said. "We're still analyzing the remains of both No. 1 and No. 2. However, from this video, I believe that these Unidentified Lifeforms are similar to humans."

"I see." Matsukura  said. "So far, the victim number is 31. Information is also coming in from other prefectures. To review, we'll go over all the confirmed Unidentified Lifeforms so far."

Matsukura  then turned to a policemen standing by at the monitor.

"Let's begin."

"Yes sir." The man nodded and played what Matsukura  wanted.

Up on the screen a photo of Gumun appeared.

"First, we have No. 1 who first appeared in Nagano and later here. According to Officer Kaoru, the one responsible for his destruction was Unidentified Lifeform No. 3."

"Fighting amongst themselves, eh?" The man that was with Kaoru that night they found the remains of Gumun, Morimichi Sugita, said.

"Next, No. 3." Gooma then appeared on screen who was engaged in battle with Kuuga in Mighty Form. "This picture was taken by one of the citizens during yesterday's incident. As you can see, he was engaged in battle with No. 4 and was later confirmed to have been defeated and destroyed. Next, No. 2 and No. 3."

The next pictures were pictures of Kuuga in Growing Form fighting Gooma that one night and the one in Mighty Form with the one just recently shown.

"According to Officer Kaoru, both No. 2 and No. 4 are in fact one and the same so to avoid confusion, he shall be identified as No. 4. The belt round his abdomen is different from the rest and for some reason, he seems to be fighting his own kind, yet it is unknown whether or not he is an ally or not."

"The next set of pictures is hard to make out."

True to his word, the next picture was too blurry to make out a clear description, but it definitely wasn't human.

"This was taken from the Gifu Prefecture."

The next picture was also too blurry to make out.

"And this one was taken from the Aiuchi Prefecture."

"For convenience, we'll label the one from the video No. 0." Matsukura  said. "Adding in these last two, we've confirmed the existence of seven Unidentified Lifeforms. Notify all the police in the Kanto Region. We will continue to withhold information regarding the Unidentified Lifeforms. This must remain a secret!"

'Typical.' Kaoru thought as he wrote himself a reminder.

"When investigating the Unidentified Lifeforms, on confirmation, shoot on sight!" Matsukura  added.

'What!?' Kaoru thought. He had no problems against the idea, but No. 4 aka Riku was an Unidentified Lifeform to the police which means everyone will shoot him on sight!

"As it stands, standard issue handguns are ineffective against these things." Matsukura  said. "Thus, a special unit has been formed. They will be equipped with the SIG-Sauer P230 semi-automatic handgun, Heckler & Koch submachine gun, as well as high powered sniper rifles. I trust your aim to hit its mark."

"Chief Matsukura , wait!" Kaoru said as he got up from his seat.

"What is it?"

"We need more investigation on No. 4!" Kaoru said, coming up with the excuse on the spot.


"Because he saved me when I was in danger!"

That got the other members talking amongst one another as Matsukura asked.

"Can you be certain of that?"

"I can!"

"Can you prove it?"

"That..." That got Kaoru. He clenched his fist in frustration and that didn't escape Sugita's eyes.

Once the meeting was over, Kaoru couldn't be gladder that he asked for Riku's number. Something told him that Riku wasn't lying when he said that he was gonna do things half-assed anymore so he asked for his number in case he needed his help.


(At the Park, With Riku)

Lying on a bench in the park, Riku was enjoying this little peaceful time. He stretched out on the chair while looking at the clear blue sky to write the time.

"Today is going to be a long day."

After saying that, Riku sighed and looked up at the clear blue sky again.

As he looked up at the sky, he briefly recalled what had happened yesterday. He was able to use Mighty Form again, Kaoru seemed to trust him more and he was also able to defeat Zu-Gooma-Gu who wouldn't be able to trouble him like his senior. However, along with those successes, he he felt that Nagisa and Honoka seemed a bit wary of him because of that. Besides of that, he didn't understand why unlike Nagisa and Honoka, Hikari didn't seem to be wary of him. On the contrary, he feels like he wants to be near her.

While Riku was still deep in thought, his phone rang.

He sat up from the couch and took a close look at his surroundings before pulling out his smartphone from his pocket. He doesn't like having to be careful every time he uses it, but he guesses he has to get used to it or else he doesn't want people to know he's using a phone that hasn't been made in the current world. this world.

He opened it up and saw who the caller was. He pressed the 'Accept' button on the screen before answering the call.


[Godai-kun? It's Kaoru.]

"Oh, Ichijou-san. What's wrong?" Riku didn't expect to receive a call from the police so soon.

He had expected to receive a call from him if there was a problem involving Grongi. And he will hear the whistle in the distance.

[I am calling you to tell you that the police have just formed a special unit to deal with Unidentified Lifeforms and the order to shoot one has been given. For your safety, I will not morph for a while until this is all over.]

"I'm sorry; Ichijouji-san, but I can't do that." Riku said. "If I don't do something, more people will die with more smiles. Only I can do something."

[I see. Then I guess you'll do this to the end.]

Riku nodded.

"That's right."

[So for your sake, I suggest you be careful out there.]

"Will do." Riku said before ending the call.

He will have to be more careful when fighting Grongi from now on. He also has to make sure that Hikari or any of her friends are caught up in this. They might have strength, but Riku wasn't sure if their strength could stand against Grongi. But he didn't want them to be pointed at by the police. And unlike him, they don't have masks to hide their identities. So if they get caught, it's going to be a big deal.

"I need to think of a countermeasure from now on..." Riku mumbled putting his phone away and sprawled out on the chair again.

As he was still thinking about how to deal with Grongi from now on, a voice suddenly rang out.


He sat up and turned his face to look in the direction of the voice. There, he saw Kujou Hikari wearing her civilian clothes and walking towards him. With Hikari, her casual outfit consists of a white long-sleeve shirt with a bright red shirt underneath, blue jeans with a collar, and pink and white sneakers.

"Good morning, Godai-san." Hikari greets him.

"Good morning, Hikari-san!" Riku returned the greeting as he stood up from his chair.

As Hikari and Hikaru approached him, Riku suddenly noticed.

"Didn't you go to school, Hikari-san?" Riku asked.

"Well, it's the weekend so I'm off." Hikari replied. "Akane-san told me to take a short walk before starting work."

"I see." He nodded.

"How's your day, Godai-san?" Hikari asked him.

"Well, I'm still trying to find part-time work. But it's not looking good." Riku answered before he sighed dejectedly. "I wish they would pay more attention to my experience than I was a junior in high school."

"But I remember that the academy doesn't allow students to have part-time jobs." Hikari asked, she recalled one of Verone Academy's strict rules.

"Actually, I'm an orphan so my guardian discussed allowing me to work part-time. And they allowed that as the only exception." Riku said as he scratched one side of his sideburns.

Mentioning Verone Academy reminded him of two days before he went to school. He had to write a letter explaining why he was absent on the first day of school. Fortunately, the arrival of Unidentified Lifeforms causing Riku problems on the first day of moving to the city was a good reason.

Suddenly, Hikari seemed to cheer up about something.

"How about, you want with me and Akane-san."

"Hmm?" Riku tilted his head.

"You can come and work with Akane-san and me." Her smile seemed to be brighter. "The salary isn't the greatest, but Akane is really nice and we could always use another helper around."

Riku pondered about it. It didn't seem too bad an offer to him, although it would be impolite to decline an offer of help. However...

"Are you sure your friends won't mind? From what I can tell, they don't seem to trust me very much." His tone turned somber in the last few words.

Hikari's smile faltered.

"They only care about me... I guess you could say those two are like my parents... but Nagisa and Honoka are best friends at heart.." She brightened up again. "I... I'm sure if you give them time, they'll trust you too."

His gaze shifted slightly.

"... Maybe..." He mumbled before nodding. "Okay, let's go."


(At Take Cafe)

Hikari nodded before leading Riku down the street. After about 20 minutes of walking, Riku found him in front of her house, the carriage parked in front.

Hikari led Riku to the door, where they opened their shoes and gently stepped inside.

"Akane-san, I'm home and I brought a visitor!" Hikari called, her caregiver arrived in the doorway seconds later.

"Oh, hi Hikari." She spotted Riku behind Hikari. "And you're the boy she met yesterday, aren't you?"

Riku blushed even though he didn't know why.

"Yes, my name is Godai Riku." He bowed respectfully. "It's been an honor to meet you."

The woman smiled slightly at the white haired boy's gesture.

She is Fujita Akane.

Akane is a young adult with short-medium brown hair worn in a low ponytail with a red bandana with white star print. Normally she wears an off-white buttoned shirt worn denim pants and a pair of white and orange sneakers with a red stripe pattern on the sides. Over her clothing, she normally wears a dark blue apron.

"Hikari, you never told me your friend was so humble!" Both Riku and Hikari shared a very worried look.

"Actually, we just met yesterday," Hikari said, trying to deny the idea they were friends. She acted lightly, shaking her head. "Anyway, Akane-san can you help Riku-san with his part-time job?"

Akane dried her hands with the towel she was holding.

"Part-time job? You?" Akane asked.

"Yes." He confirmed.

"You still look pretty young for a part-time job."

Riku got a little depressed when he heard that. He couldn't remember how many times he'd heard it in recent weeks.

"But I like active young people like you."

A glimmer of hope appeared in Riku's mind.

"Can you make Takoyaki?" Akane asked.

"I can." Riku replied before adding more. "It's my 21st talent."

"The 21st talent?" Both Akane and Hikari repeated confusedly.

Riku remembered something, he took out his wallet and took out two business cards from inside. He then gave them to Akane and Hikari.

The two took the business card and read what was written on it.

"Godai Riku. The possessor of 2000 talents." Hikari reread it before looking up at Riku, who had just put his wallet in.

"Do you really have 2000 talents?" Akane asked before Riku confirmed with a nod.

The older woman stroked her chin, thought.

"Hmm...so let's see what you can do." Akane said before shrugging. "If you can't make Takoyaki, I can let you help Hikari with ordering or cleaning."

Just like that, Riku started his part-time job. According to Akane, Riku tried to make Takoyaki and surprised both Akane and Hikari with his abilities. He could totally make Takoyaki like a pro and all they saw was that he finished a portion of Takoyaki in a flash.

"Please." Riku said as he held out the fork for Akane and Hikari to try.

"Itadakimasu (We'll enjoy having this)!" Both Akane and Hikari said in unison.

They use a toothpick to insert the Takoyaki and put a portion of the cake in their mouth. Both quickly felt the delicious taste of the dish in their mouths.

"Delicious!" Hikari commented.

"I have to try if I don't want my employees to surpass me." Akane pondered.

"So, am I accepted?" Riku asked.

"Of course." Akane replied as she held out her hand. "Let's help each other from now on, Riku-kun!"

"Yes." Riku replied while shaking hands with Akane.

"Me too, Riku-san." Hikari said.

But Akane quickly noticed that Riku and Hikari didn't seem to have the same age difference.

"Riku-kun, how old are you?" Akane asked to confirm.

Riku was about to answer that he was 22 years old, but when he recalled his current state. He has stopped. He thought for a moment before recalling his age that Ryo mentioned yesterday.

"14 years old." Riku said.

"Then, you don't need to address each other with the suffix 'san'." Akane said before the proposal. "Let's just call each other by names from now on."

Suddenly, Hikari's face turned red while Riku felt it was fine.

Hikari gently shook her head to bring her face back to normal before reaching out her hand. She then said.

"Let's help each other from now on... Riku."

"Ukm, let's help each other, Hikari." Riku replied as he showed Hikari.

The moment their hands touched, suddenly they both felt an electric current run through their hands causing them both to quickly pull their hands back.

"What 's up?" Akane asked seeing Riku and Hikari's somewhat strange reaction.

"Nothing." Hikari replied before trying to change the subject. "Let's get to work, Akane-san."

"Oh, you're right." Akane replied. She then went to prepare more tables and chairs together with Hikari.

While Hikari and Akane were preparing the table and chairs, Riku was still staring at his palm.

"What was it just now?" Riku whispered, remembering how he felt earlier.


(With Kaoru)

Kaoru sighed as he took a seat a ramen stand.

"Oh, you're here again." The ramen owner said. Said owner was an old man in a stained apron and a hairnet as he was missing a couple of teeth.

"Sorry to drop in like this all the time, Date-san." Kaoru said. "The usual please."

"I had a feeling you were coming, so I have it already ready." Date said, laying down a bowl in front of the policeman. "So, is there anything you wish to ask me?"

"Can you give me any information on No. 4, the Unidentified Lifeform in red?" Kaoru asked as he dug into his bowl.

"That would require having information in the first place." Date said as he took out a bottle of sake. "Want some?"

"I don't drink, I've told you already." Kaoru said.

Date shrugged.

"Suit yourself. I surprised to see you without your friend, Rai."

"He had some unfinished work to do. I'm on break." Kaoru said, eating a fishcake. "So, what can you tell me?"

"Well, I've been seeing some weird people lately, people I've never seen before." Date said, pouring himself a cup. "And I know just about anyone in this city."

"What makes them so weird?" Kaoru asked.

"Well, they all have these strange tattoos depicting an animal or plant." Date said. "Not only that, but I've noticed that they were observing their surroundings rather seriously too."

"I see." Kaoru said, setting down his bowl which was already empty, noodle and soup and all. He laid down the paid money and said, "Thanks for the meal."

"A fast eater as always." Date said before he poured himself another cup.

Kaoru left the stand with the new info, but suddenly, he bumped into a well-dressed woman.

"Excuse me." Kaoru said.

The woman muttered somethin... rather strangely before taking her leave. Kaoru froze, having heard those kinds of words before. Quickly, he caught up to the woman and showed her his badge.

"Excuse me, miss, what did you say?" Kaoru asked, his other hand creeping to his gun just in case.

The woman said nothing before she pushed him aside and ran.

"Hold it!" Kaoru gave chase, pushing and running past people as the woman turned a corner. The second he turned the very same corner, he was attacked by a storm of roses. "What the!? Gyah!"

Somehow, he was pushed back and fell the ground as the petal stormed stopped.

Regaining his barring's, he picked one of the petals that had assaulted him.

"Roses?" Kaoru said in confusion. He looked around, but saw no sign of the mysterious woman. He lost her. He punched the ground in frustration when suddenly, his phone rang. Picking it up, he answered, "Hello?"

[Kaoru, it's me, Sugita. Surveillance systems picked up an unknown shadow an hour ago moving at high speeds! We think it's another Unidentified Lifeform!]

"Another one!?"


(Time Skip)

The time is already evening, work at Tako Cafe is also in the peak period as their customers increase at this time. Meanwhile, some of the ingredients in their shop suddenly ran out, so Akane asked Riku to buy them.

He ran at full speed to the nearest store.

"I think it's in this direction." He mumbled.

He ran past people left and right and turned the corner, taking a shortcut. Luckily, there is indeed a store there.

"Okay, we did it!" Riku said, smiling, but just as he was about to reach the store...


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" A scream of pain caught his attention.

"That comes from behind." Riku said before running to the back of the store.

Once he stepped back, he didn't like the scene in front of him. Hanging from the trash was a body, male, and dead if the blood from the mouth said anything. Not only that, but warning Grongi the panther, Zu-Mebio-Da, holding a corpse, the cause of death was biting his neck, made him both horrified and angry.

Her skin was as black as cloth wrapped around her front arms, legs, and lower body. The armor covers her forehead and chest when her hair is braided as well as her leopard-like face.

'Damn it, I'm too late!' Riku thought, but he still had work to do.

He may be too late, but if he can get rid of this, then those of tomorrow could still live to see tomorrow.


Hearing her name, Grongi turned around to see Riku, who had just summoned the belt.


"You took your last life!" Riku said before he finished the hand movement. "Henshin!"

However, before Riku could extend his arms and summon his armor, Mebio lunged at him at high speed, faster than the naked eye could see, and grabbed his neck, pushing him. against the wall and continued to choke him.

"Did you really expect me to just stand there and let you transform?"

Riku gritted his teeth as the air started to leave him.

However, do not know for Riku. As he felt the air leaving him, Riku's eyes suddenly turned a deep black.

Riku suddenly felt his own strength increasing. He raised both legs and kicked Mebio off of him, causing her to stagger back and release Riku while also deforming Riku's lower body. Standing up, Riku took a moment to regain his breath as Mebio attacked again. Quickly, Riku raised an arm to block a wide swing before shoving her backwards with a punch. Quickly following the attack, Riku punches her in the gut, causing Mebio to bend over, giving Riku the opportunity to hook her right in the face, sending her back. Riku then quickly gives Leopard Grongi a weeder before finishing it off with a headbutt, sending the Grongi flying back into a pile of trash when Riku completes his transformation into Mighty Form.

Mebio growled and glared at Riku, throwing the trash bag off her body.

"You'll pay for that!"

Riku said nothing as he entered a boxing stance, fists raised in front of him before gesturing for Grongi to come to him. Because of her taunt, Mebio attacks Riku.

Mebio was about to lunge at Riku's head, but he raised his weapon to intercept and hit Grongi twice in the face, causing her to turn around, giving Riku a chance to run up and deliver a punch to her intestines, causing her to stooped, before Riku clasped both hands together and flung Mebio to the ground. Riku raised a fist and threw it at Grongi, but she quickly rolled out and caught Riku's legs, causing him to fall.

Mebio took the opportunity to stand up and create some distance between Riku, who had also backed away. Mebio took a stance, stretching as Riku returned to his fighter pose.

"I'll admit, I underestimated you. You're strong for someone so young." Mebio said.

"Coming from you, doesn't make much sense." Kuuga said.

"Heh, try all you want, but..." Mebio relaxed his stance and took out a single rose petal. "Gegeru has begun."

"In that case, I just need to make sure I send you guys back underground, forever this time!" Kuuga said.

But then...


"Nani !?" Kuuga said that when suddenly, police cars began to appear and surround them. Stopped, the police rushed out and pointed guns at both of them. Among them was Kaoru's friend, Morimichi Sugita as he aimed his gun.

"Don't be afraid of men!" Sugita shouted at everyone.

'Damn it! Police!' Kuuga thought, recalling Kaoru's warning of an immediate order to fire. 'Wait. I feel like I've seen this before?'

That thought of Kuuga was quickly replaced by a similar scene today. Only when he stood outside watching, the policemen shot Mebio in the eye making her angry and she started hunting the policemen madly after that.



'Damn it!' Kuuga thought while covering himself as he felt bullets pierce his armor. They don't hurt him, just makes sparks appear, but that doesn't change a fact right now. 'I'm being shot at! I'm actually getting shot!'

Despite his panic, Kuuga still had to make sure Mebio didn't get shot in the eye. Quickly, he went over and grabbed Mebio by the waist and pulled her away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"I'm wondering the same thing!" Kuuga said. Is he saving Mebio or saving the policeman from a future problem? He really doesn't know at this point.

But then, Kuuga's fear came true.

*BANG! *


Kuuga didn't have to look to know what had just happened.

Acting quickly, Kuuga shoved Mebio away and chased her out of the flames. In pain, Mebio chose to retreat and run away, using her super speed to quickly escape.

Kuuga wasn't so lucky.

"Everyone, focus the fire on No. 4!"


'Are you kidding!' Kuuga thought as he covered himself.

Kuuga quickly used his ability and jumped out of the flames and onto the top of a building. The policemen turned to see where he jumped and Kuuga didn't give them a chance to open fire again when he jumped out of the place.

"Tsk tsk! It's gone." Sugita said as he and the others lowered their guns.

Another pair of sirens caught his attention and he turned to see Kaoru walking towards his car.

Quickly getting out of the car, Kaoru asked.

"What's wrong!?"

"Both No. 4 and No.5 escaped although I think we managed to injure number 5." Sugita said.

"Really?" Kaoru sighed, knowing that Kuuga would be fine.

"Why do you look so relieved?" Sugita asked.

"Uh, nothing." Kaoru said.


(Next Day, Verone Academy)

Riku really doesn't like the lessons in class, he really doesn't feel interested in studying at school, especially re-learning what he has learned. Even though Riku didn't like the lessons, he still focused on them since it wasn't a disadvantage for him either.

Currently, Riku quietly wrote in a notebook as the class progressed. Last night had sucked, but he didn't blame the police. They were just doing their job. But the main problem is that they shot Mebio in the eye and if everything goes as his predecessor told it, then things will really be bad. Mebio will get angry, she will take revenge on the police force and he has to stop her before she kills too many people.

But there's a problem. In a normal fight, he was confident that he could defeat her. But first he had to catch her and that was the problem for now. Both he and his previous predecessor used TryChaser 2000 to capture her. He may not have TryChaser here, but he has BeatChaser 2000, which is much better than TryChaser.

But still...

'I kind of miss TryChaser when it comes to it.' Riku thought. The TryChaser 2000 was the first motorcycle he received from his predecessor. After it was destroyed, he got a BeatChaser 2000 and now he still uses it every time he goes on an adventure, even though he doesn't have a motorcycle license yet. Anyway he can't be Kamen Rider without a motorbike and he's a Kuuga so he has to ride a TryChaser 2000 or a BeatChaser 2000.

"Ugh! I really miss TryChaser..." Riku thought as he groaned, catching everyone's attention.

"Godai-kun, is something the matter?" The teacher asked.

"No, I'm good." Riku said.


(In the afternoon, Nagisa's Apartment)

In the afternoon, the three girls managed to convince their family to let them go to Nagisa's house to talk... and do some homework. Although the brunette found it difficult to concentrate.

"God, damn it!" Nagisa snapped, slamming the book shut with a growl. "I can't concentrate at all, this makes no sense!"

Normally, Honoka would scold her friend for not focusing on her studies, but this time she didn't, as she also found it difficult to concentrate.

"You're right, it doesn't matter if we can't concentrate." Honoka tried to smile even though it was a little forced. "Furthermore, this doesn't even need to be done until next week."

Sounds like cracking resounded in the heads of the others.

Nagisa crossed her arms.

"Ok, Honoka, what's wrong? You usually make me concentrate to finish my homework."

Her partner tilted her gaze down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Nagisa... I was just thinking... about these creatures that appeared... they were like nothing we've ever faced before... and mysterious warriors... fought with those creatures."

The tomboy sighed.

"... Yeah, he wasn't willing to answer any of our questions... that bothered me."

"Well, maybe he's not easy to trust."

Everyone turned to Hikari.

"I mean, he saved the little girl last time from his battle with that spider-like creature... I don't feel like he's dangerous when I see him." Hikari said. She already knew that Riku was the mysterious warrior known as Kuuga, but she shouldn't tell that secret to anyone, not even Nagisa and Honoka, her two friends.

"It's true... but we still know so little about him and Unidentified Lifeforms. We don't even know what they are... and the way he destroys them makes me uneasy." Honoka nodded.

"You mean he made them explode after a kick?" Nagisa said as he recalled how the armored warrior had finished off Unidentified Lifeforms yesterday. "Whatever he means, it doesn't matter, the point is he's our best lead on what's going on, so I say we follow him and have a number of answers."

Honoka agrees.

"I agree, let's pray that force is not needed.." Honoka turned her head. "But if he's even a bit like the enemy we've faced in the past, I won't hold my breath."

Hikari needs to be listening to her voice.

"He protected that little girl, and if he really was our enemy wouldn't he have attacked us after finishing off his former enemy?"

Suddenly Mepple came over and joined the conversation.

"I still say he can't be trusted-mepo... but if you want to talk to him, it's your funeral-mepo." Mepple exclaimed.

"Geez, thanks for the confidence boost." Nagisa replied sarcastically as she stood up.


(At Ramen Shop In City)

"So you're telling me that number 4 is really just a 15-year-old boy?" Sugita asked as he and Kaoru were having lunch at Date's noodle stand.

Kaoru nodded. His friend, Sugita, asked why he was acting strange and he had no choice but to tell him. So why not tell him while enjoying a delicious bowl of ramen?

"That sounds unbelievable, and I've known you for 10 years." Sugita said. "I would have to see it to believe it."

"Up to you." Kaoru said before focusing back on his bowl. He's hungry and he can't protect people on an empty stomach.

"I heard from a friend that the police will announce the existence of these Unidentified Lifeforms to the public." Date said while making a second bowl.

Kaoru is a person who eats a lot, even if he doesn't look like it.

Sugita nodded and pointed to his friend next to him.

"There's a meeting coming up and Kaoru here has been chosen to represent Tokyo."

"I see." Date said.

"Just a few seconds, please." Kaoru said, putting down his finished bowl.

But then his phone rings. Picking it up, he replied.


[Ichijou-kun, number 5 just reappeared and attacked the police officers!]

"Nani?" That second bowl will have to wait.

[Policemen are chasing it as we speak. We need all the help we can get.]

"We're on our way." Kaoru said before ending the call. "Sugita, number 5 has reappeared."

"I will not say anything." Sugita said, putting down his half-eaten bowl. After all, he's not a big or fast eater like Kaoru. "Since number 5 is so fast, we'd better move fast or we'll never catch up."

"Actually, I was hoping we could drop by somewhere first." Kaoru said.


(Back To The Girls)

With a unanimous agreement, the trio headed out the door and headed for Tako Cafe. As soon as the girls arrived at Tako Cafe, they saw a familiar figure bringing food to guests.

"Arienai (Impossible)..." Nagisa shook her head in disbelief.

Godai Riku noticed the girls as he was about to return to the carriage. He walked over to their place.

"Oh, hello!" Riku greets them.

"Arienai..." Nagisa began, before pointing, "What are you doing here?"

"He's working part-time with us." Hikari meekly replied.

Her friends turned to her, shocked.

"Work here?" Nagisa repeated still in shock. "Hikari, do you know how dangerous that is? After all we said do you still go ahead and help him?"

"He's a complete stranger!" Honoka growled. "You can't just go around deciding these kinds of things on your own! That's selfish!"

Hikari was understandably scared by the tone of voice her friends were using so she stepped back.

"I... I just want to help him..."

"You still decided to go behind us!" The brunette argued, fire burning in her eyes. "You don't discuss this with us, you just go ahead and do it! I don't understand why you would do this reckless thing!"


A loud clapping sound from Riku made all three girls feel like their membranes might burst.

"Both of you, calm down and stop it." He spoke while his voice remained calm and upbeat as always. "I admit that our relationship has some issues, but let's leave it to us. Hikari is not a child, she can decide for herself what is right or wrong. She doesn't always have to agree with you guys before deciding on things like whether to help someone in need!"

"But... we're her friends..." Nagisa began, but Riku didn't give her a chance to continue.

"It's because you're friends that you need to trust her decisions. She's not a child, sometimes she has to make her own decisions. Sometimes you can let her decide for herself. instead of always letting her see things your way." Riku finished.

For a few minutes when no one seemed to say anything, Nagisa finally sighed and turned to Hikari.

"We're sorry, Hikari, we didn't mean to yell at you like that."

Honoka nodded in agreement with her friend.

"I guess we forgot you weren't a kid anymore." Nagisa finished.

Hikari was confused.

"No... don't worry about it... you're right, maybe I should have called you guys before I took him to my place... I just thought he could use one hand help... like everyone in need..."

Nagisa turned to Riku, a small smile on her lips.

"I... think you're not a bad guy after all if our friends trust you."

Riku blinked at her.

"Of course I'm not a bad guy, what can give you such an impression?"

"Oh, it's nothing... Just being so close and your presence with the Unidentified Lifeforms has put a lot of stress on us and just the thought of getting to know someone before we even start thinking about forming a relationship is a good idea..." Honoka said as a hint of guilt rose and passed through her eyes.

Riku smiled softly.

"Anyway, do you guys want anything? I'll take your order." Riku asked.

"I want Takoyaki!" Nagisa replied, quickly becoming excited again.

"Alright." Riku replied.

As he was about to turn away, the car radio rang.

[Urgent announcement, currently Unidentified Lifeform #5 is reappearing and attacking the police in the area near the Omei Expressway. Ask all citizens not to go near it.]

"Omei Expressway... It's pretty close by." Honoka talked about it after hearing the announcement from the radio.

"Hikari." Riku spoke up, attracting Hikari's attention.

When the blonde looked over, she saw that Riku had taken off his apron.

"Mind you tell Akane-san that I'm leaving early." Riku said as he placed his apron on a nearby chair.

"Where are you going?" Hikari asked.

"Go on a date." Riku answered before he ran away.

"Dating? Since when did he have a girlfriend?" Nagisa asked, blinking in confusion.

"I don't think he meant it." Honoka says, she has the feeling that the 'dating' Riku is talking about here doesn't mean a real date.

On the other hand, Hikari looked at the nearby radio, where she had heard the news of Unidentified Lifeforms #5 earlier. She could be sure, Riku was on his way to the Unidentified Lifeforms to fight it.

"Riku..." Hikari whispered, praying for him.


(With Riku)

Riku ran out of the park to go home to get his BeatChaser 2000, but he stopped when he saw a familiar police car parked there not far away. He quickly approached the car, where the lowered windows revealed Ichijou Kaoru and his partner Morimichi Sugita inside.

"Ichijou-san?" Riku ran to the man. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see you." Kaoru pointed to himself and Riku nodded.

"Is this a child?" Sugita asked, stepping outside.

"Who is he?" Riku asked.

"A friend." Kaoru said. "Listen, I'm sure you already know because I just saw you running out of your school, but No. 5 has reappeared and for some reason is targeting the police."

"It's aimed at the police because someone shot her right eye and now she's out to get revenge on the police." Riku explained.

"There is a report that a police officer shot number 5 in the right eye." Sugata said. "Wait a minute, how do you know?"

"Because I was there, where you shot me." Riku said.

"Godai-kun, I need your help." Kaoru said.

"I'd love to help, I'm on my way to get the app, but unless you have something that can go faster than 270 km/h, I don't know how I'm going to help." Riku said.

"What do you mean?" Kaoru asked.

"Zu-Mebio-Da, real name No.5, runs at 270 km/h, believe it or not". Riku explained. "Unless you have something that can go faster than that, I'm going to have a lot more trouble catching her before actually fighting her."

"Faster than 270 km/h..." Kaoru muttered to himself. He thought these things could run at such a fast speed. Suddenly an idea flashed into the inspector's head. "I just know what you need."

"You do?" Riku said.

"Hold on." Sugita interrupted. "Kaoru, you didn't really think about giving this kid... that one, did you?"

"Sugita, I hate to admit it, he's the only one who has a chance to fight against these things." Kaoru said before gesturing for Riku to get in the car. "Come in. I'll get you the speed you're looking for."

"Arigato (Thank you)." Riku said before getting into the car.

"Can't believe I'm doing this." Sugita said before getting into the car.


(At the parking garage of the Police Department)

"We're here." Kaoru said as Sugita stopped the car in a parking garage that was right under the police station.

Before anyone could get out of the car, the radio started to buzz as it was getting a transmission.

[Calling all units. No. 5 has moved from has moved from Hongou into Koko. It is presently surrounded, but it is attempting to break though. We have at present; 23 deaths, 11 injured, and 8 damaged vehicles. Requesting immediate backup! I repeat; No. 5 has moved from has moved from Hongou into Koko. It is presently surrounded, but it is attempting to break though. We have at present; 23 deaths, 11 injured, and 8 damaged vehicles. Requesting immediate backup!]

"Shit!" Sugita cursed. "Kaoru, hurry and give the kid what he needs. I'll go on ahead and backup the men."

Kaoru nodded before he and Riku got out of the car. Once out, Sugita drove the car out of the garage and drove off.

"Ichijou-san, whatever it is you want to give me, can we please hurry." Riku said. "The longer we stand here and talk the more lives Mebio will take."

Kaoru nodded but had to ask the teen one thing first.

"Godai Riku. Tell me, why are you so willing to help those you don't even know?"

Without hesitation for a moment, Riku gave Kaoru a thumbs up and spoke firmly.

"Everyone's smile. I want to protect everyone's smile even if they are strangers to me."

Kaoru resisted the urge to smirk as he adjusted his glasses and said.

"Follow me." Riku said nothing as he followed the policeman to a door that had a sign that said 'Keep Out.' He took out a keycard and swiped it on the scanner before the door unlocked and they entered the dark room.

Closing the door, Kaoru turned on the lights, blinding Riku for a bit as the lights were a bit bright. After he regained his vision, what he saw made his jaw drop.

"No... way..." Riku amazed.

What was laid before him was none other than his old personal bike, the TryChaser 2000.

But the motorcycle looks very different from before mainly in terms of color. The body of the motorcycle is silver and black. Black horns on the front of the motorcycle with a handle behind them.

"This is the TryChaser 2000." Kaoru said, closing Riku's mouth as he walked down the stairs and Riku soon followed him. "This is the newest police motorcycle. This surpasses everything comparable in older models. Its top recorded speed is 300 km/h, just the kind of speed you need."

'We met again, old friend.' Riku though as he got on and placed his hands on the handles when his right hand met empty space. The Try-Acceler Rod was missing. "Where's the...?"

"Right here." Kaoru said as in his hands was the missing grip, having just taken it out of a briefcase.

Kaoru then inserted the grip in and turns the key-code until it landed on the numbers 0-3-1-8. Once it did, the bike came to action.

"I'll be right behind you." Kaoru said as he went to go open the garage.

Riku nodded before he summoned the belt.


Placing his hands on the handle, Kuuga kicked off the stand as his armor materialized. Seeing that he was ready, Kaoru opened the garage as Kuuga revved the engines. Once the garage door in front of him was fully open, he was off.

When Kuuga was racing on the road, the motorcycle suddenly changed.

The details that characterize the police are gone. The horns and the exhaust pipes were now gold as the side of the bike had turned red. The rest was still the same, but the white was now more silverfish in color. On the side, Kuuga's logo was seen as well as in front of the horn. Once the transformation was done, Kuuga held nothing back and quickly went full speed.

'Now, that more liked!' Kuuga thought as he raced down the street.


(At the scene)

After hours of driving, Sugita came to a stop as he arrived at his destination. Getting out his gun, he stepped out his car and saw that the body count from the last report has just increased as men lay bleeding on the ground.

Looking around, he saw no sign of the Grongi.

"Where is it?" Sugita said as he and other men that arrived with him looked around with caution. They were facing something non-human so they had to stay cautious.


"Argh!" Everyone turned to see their target appear on one policeman, legs wrapped our his neck before one snapping sound later, the men fell to the ground as Mebio jumped off the dead man.

"Bitch!" Sugita cursed as he and the others fired. They either missed or had no effect as Mebio landed between two men, grabbed their necks, and snapped them, killing them as the threw down the bodies and slashes another man in the face, drawing blood as the man fell to the ground, holding his face in pain. Sugita was all alone now as Mebio turned her sights on him.

"Son of a...!" Sugita raised his gun, but it was stuck out his hands as Mebio grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against his car, breaking the window behind him.

Sugita gritted his teeth as Mebio raised her free hand and got it ready to stab the man to death.

"This is for my eye!" Mebio said, but of course, Sugita didn't understand her.

But before Mebio could even throw her arm...


Kuuga soon appeared, attempting to ram Mebio, but she let go of Sugita in order to dodge. Coming to a stop, Kuuga directed his bike towards the Grongi and lifted his front wheel and bashed Mebio away before landed and doing the same thing again only with the back wheel. Once dealt with, Kuuga turned to Sugita who held his neck.

"Are you alright, detective?" Kuuga asked.

"That voice... you're that kid!" Sugita said in surprise.

"You can ask Ichijou-san for more details, but for now..." Kuuga said as he turn back to Mebio. "... I'll deal with her. You go help with any injured."

Sugita simply nodded as he ran off. With that dealt with, Kuuga turned his attention to Mebio who got up.


"I'm back, Mebio! And this time, for real, you've taken your last life!" Kuuga said before he revved his engines and charged at the Grongi.

Instead of engaging the Kuuga, Mebio turned and ran for it. That didn't stop Kuuga as his charge was turned into chasing after the Grongi. He was still on his new motorcycle after all.

Mebio was a complete blur to the normal eye, but so was Kuuga on his TryChaster as he chased after the speeding Grongi. Before long, they entered a traffic jam. Taking her chance, Mebio jumped and went from car to car, jumping and jumping in order to keep away from the Rider. Looking behind her, the Grongi was surprised to see that Kuuga wasn't the least bit slowing down as he drove his motor like a professional, zooming and swerving past cars as his entire focus was all on stopping her.

Seeing that the Rider's new metal horse was faster than she thought, she thought a bit of fun was in order and quickly ran her top speed as she ran out of the traffic jam and turned a corner. Looking behind, she scoffed as she saw no sign of the Rider.

But sunddenly...


"What!?" Mebio cried out in surprise and disbelief as she saw Kuuga enter out of an alleyway and ram into her, sending her flying across the street as people stopped to see what happened and quickly when they laid their eyes on Mebio and Kuuga.

Kuuga revved the engines as he kept up with Grongi.

"Get away from me!" Mebio shouted before she jumped claws out.

Kuuga quickly moved out of the way from his seat as Mebio flew past him and soon ran. Turning his bike, Kuuga raced after the Grongi.

Mebio soon entered a street as cars drove by and past her as Kuuga soon entered the same street she was in, just barely dodging a speeding car as the car honked its horn at him. Quickly apologizing, Kuuga refocused his attention back on Mebio who was racing and jumping past cars. For Kuuga, he drove his new bike carefully and with skill as he moved just in time to avoid speeding cars and actually jumped over a car when there was no way of moving out of the way. Landing safely, the two speeding beings got out of the streets and entered an empty street.

Taking advantage of the empty road, Kuuga turned the car around and drove at full speed, soon overtaking Mebio much to her surprise.


"Catch Me If You Can." Kuuga taunted Grongi as he drove towards an abandoned building.

Taunted by his taunt, Mebio ran after Kuuga.

Still traveling at top speed, Kuuga drove towards the Arena and stopped abruptly, turning to see Mebio speeding towards him. In action, he revs the engine and spins a revolution with the front wheel before the rear wheel hangs and where it slams into Mebio's face, sending her flying and crashing through the door of the building. Spinning his bike, Kuuga rode it inside and saw that Mebio was trying to run away to the upper floor of the building.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Mebio ran upstairs, but Kuuga still chased after her.

Mebio ticked again and jumped upstairs.

Kuuga huffed and chased her to the upper floor of the building.

While chasing him to the top floor of the building, Kuuga saw Mebio already standing in front of him, waiting for him. As a challenge to Kuuga, Mebio took a stance while Kuuga got off the motorcycle.

After getting off the motorcycle, Kuuga got ready. He and Mebio both stared at each other while moving cautiously to keep an eye on each other. The two continued like that for a while until Mebio decided to have the upper hand. She lunged towards Kuuga with her amazing speed, but Kuuga blocked it with a kick to the stomach that sent her down.

Kuuga watched as Mebio stood up from her fall and turned to him. Kuuga continued in a ready stance.


(Outside the Building)

At the same time, police cars stopped at the outside of the building when they received information that No.4 and No.5 were here.

Sugita was the next to arrive after the police car chase and Kaoru was the last to show up.

Kaoru, Sugita and the other policemen quickly went to the top floor of the building, where No.4/Kuuga and No.5/Mebio were fighting. When they were there, they saw No.4 and No.5 struggling with each other before No.4 kicked No.5 in the stomach repeatedly.


A random cop remembers giving his order to shoot immediately. To him, both were monsters so he quickly took out his gun and aimed before shooting Kuuga, who was kicked back by Mebio so the shot missed him.

Kuuga was startled when the bullet missed.

"Do not shoot." Kaoru was the first to act and jumped to grab the man's arm.

"Get out of my way Ichijou-san!"

"No.4 saved me." Kaoru said.

Sugita then enters and stops the two.

"Don't shoot, rookie." Sugita said.


"No. 4 also saved my life." Sugita said before the last rookie lowered his gun.


(On Kuuga Side)

Seeing that he himself was no longer being shot, Kuuga turned his full attention to Mebio. Kuuga got into a fighting stance, he moved around Mebio who was doing the same thing. Mebio was the first to attack, run and take the lead with a quick kick. Kuuga stepped back and turned to perform a spinning heel kick, but to his surprise, Mebio caught it and spun him around, throwing it onto the stage. Quickly getting to his feet, Kuuga saw Mebio charge forward with a flying kick that he quickly crouched down. As soon as she landed on the stage, Mebio turned to face Kuuga who had turned around and raised his hand to strike. Mebio stroked Kuuga's face lightly, who was moving his head out of the aisle.

Mebio looked up and saw Kuuga jumping down. As she was about to attack, suddenly some invisible force from Kuuga caused her to fall back. Kuuga took the opportunity to approach and punch Mebio in the stomach, causing her pain to the point of vomiting blood. Without stopping, Kuuga continued to attack with more punches at Mebio's body.

'It's weird. What is this feeling?' Kuuga thought as he punched Mebio. 'I feel my power gushing out with every punch.'

The more he punched, the more Kuuga felt himself. Kuuga continued to punch Mebio hard in the face. Mebio tries to escape from Kuuga's punches as she begins to lose her temper. Sensing that Kuuga was a bit different from the man she fought the other day, Mebio approached and grabbed Kuuga's shoulder before she flipped him over her. But that plan was foiled when she could barely make Kuuga move even a millimeter. Mebio began to feel the war was leaning towards Kuuga.

Kuuga grabbed Mebio's arm before he removed it from his shoulder and twisted it. Looking at Mebio's expression in pain from his twisted arm, Kuuga didn't flinch in the slightest. He shoved Meibo's arm away and hit his fist in her face.

The final punch sent Mebio flying as soon as Kuuga moved his foot away from hers, where she flew and crashed into the wall. Seeing her not moving, Kuuga knew that now was his chance as Kuuga moved his left foot back and lunged at his right foot for a powerful kick. Seconds later, his feet were on fire.

Ready, Kuuga lunged towards Grongi as his flaming feet left their mark on the floor. But instead of jumping into the air, Kuuga jumped and rolled on the floor before he swatted his hand away and flew towards Mebio, kicking his leg away as it connected to her chest. She let out a cry of pain before being pushed through the wall and flying as Kuuga turned and landed on her knees as Mebio cried out with Kuuga's mark on her chest glowing.



The outside lit up after the explosion, leaving everyone in the building wondering what the hell happened when they opened the windows to see what happened.

Back in the building, everyone stared at Kuuga with wide eyes as almost all of them gasped at what had happened.

"He beat No.5."

"Did his leg just burn?"

"No.5 blew up."

The talk hasn't stopped yet.

Kuuga turned to Kaoru and the others and did the first thing that came to mind. He raised his hand... and gave them a thumbs up.

Kaoru then did something that surprised Sugita and the other policemen. He smirked as he turned to walk away, but before he could reply, Kuuga gave him a thumbs up.

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