Magic in a Lost World || BTS...

By Dina-soar

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It's the 200th anniversary since the small island of Concordia has been cursed to isolation. Magic of any kin... More

Once Upon a Time
Vision of Light
Act Brave
Die Trying
New Spell
Dead or Alive
Gift of Gratitude
Good Girl
Old Lectures
Dive Head First
Everything Felt Right
Fairy Ring
An Elf's Sport
Rejected Affection
Unfamiliar Feeling
Dark Woods
Witch Hunt
A Mother's Dream
Choice in Change
Cruel Life
Light Waves
Black Magic
Unfinished Business
Growing Up
Patient Healing
Opening Up
Blood Moon Ball
Magic in a Lost World
|| Author's Note ||
Three Years
Happily Ever After
Life Long Love
Endless Love & Laughter
Prince Charming
Sprinkle of Sweetness
Worth The Wait
More Kisses
Precious Love

Wish of Normalcy

1.5K 144 82
By Dina-soar


"You're not up? Oh sweetheart, what did you do yesterday? Are you still exhausted?"

What? Your eyes peeled open in your half-awake state. Everything was blurry at first and it didn't help when the curtains were opened wide. The bright light made you cover your eyes as you groaned. You were still in bed at your cottage and it must have been near the afternoon. Only one person would barge into your cottage unannounced and it was your sweet mother. Miss Arla delicately touched your face, smiling at you now that you were beginning to wake up. She sat on your bed as she softly stroked your skin with her nails. It was making you sleepy all over again when she did that.

"Were you up late?" Miss Arla asked.

"I guess."

She didn't need to know that you and a bunch of creatures were playing a game that went all the way until the late evening. After lunch, Hoseok presented two leather balls he made and explained the rules of the game. Something the elves played all the time. Since food was done, all of you figured it wouldn't hurt to play after some convincing. You just didn't realize how competitive a majority of the guys were. They were bent on winning and refusing to quit the game after a couple rounds. Even Seokjin was determined to keep it going to improve the use of his legs. So you were definitely there for a while with them.

"Make sure to not make it a habit. You need your rest." Miss Arla pulled her hand away from you to grab a cup of water on a table nearby. She brought it to you and you knew you had to get up. No more sleeping which was fine. You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, thanking her as you took the cup. "Drink it all. I did my best to make breakfast for you."

Miss Arla gave you a hopeful smile. Cooking wasn't her strong suit, but she did it because she cared. The last thing she wanted was for you to be on an empty stomach. Even though you could have made it yourself, you were thankful she cared enough to do so. More importantly, you hoped she didn't snoop too much while you were asleep. You figured she kept herself to the kitchen seeing as Miss Arla didn't even trust herself cooking. Still, you swallowed the water hard when she looked away. She didn't notice you inching your blanket closer to the ground in order to cover what was underneath your bed. If Miss Arla knew you were hiding something or specifically'd be over for you.

The worst part about it was that this was someone she'd never seen before. A lot happened yesterday! It made you want to wince, but you had to put on a smile for Miss Arla. Technically she has seen this certain someone before, but not in their human form. Youngjo joined the game and you turned him human for it. You were supposed to turn him back, but he put up a fight and said to turn him back in the morning. That clearly wasn't happening any time soon. Youngjo better stay under your bed and keep quiet if he truly cares about you. It's a miracle he had time to shove himself under there. He was not small when he became human, that's for sure.

"Thank you. I'll go eat it." You gave her a smile before downing the water as best as you could. The water almost went down the wrong way, but you survived without having a coughing fit. You quickly got up and had her walk with you to the kitchen. Maybe that'll give Youngjo enough time to sneak into the attic or run into the woods. "What made you come over?"

"Because I missed you. Or what? Do I need a better reason to see you?" Miss Arla teased as she led you over to the kitchen table. She was only joking, yet you wanted to tell her no. She could come over any time she wanted. If only you weren't hiding so much from her then maybe you could feel close to Miss Arla like you used to. "Here's the breakfast I was talking about. I tried to make eggs, but it's a little burnt..."

"I can't wait." Your voice was soft. Miss Arla told you that you didn't have to eat it as she nervously rubbed her hands. She didn't need to worry.

You ate her food with a smile and stared at her warmly when you finished. Even though she wanted you to eat good food, this was the most she could do, but you were thankful for it. Watching you finish eating a plate reassured her that you would be fine. As for you, you were struggling to swallow a lump in your throat. Your eyes were stinging when you looked at Miss Arla for too long. Your emotions were getting the best of you. Whatever you were feeling, it was not the time. She is your mother, but you don't have to say it out loud. Not yet. You won't be able to handle it if she tells you that you're wrong. This vague care that she gives you as your was enough. Sure.

It frustrated you how these thoughts always bubbled up inside of you when you were alone with Miss Arla. Why can't you be happy with what you have? You gripped your knees, sinking your nails into the silk of your night gown. Miss Arla took the plate off the table to wash it for you. She didn't want you lifting a finger. She said she would take care of you for the time she had this morning. You knew Miss Arla was a busy woman. She was head of the council but made time for you. Any moment she had to spare, she thought of you and tried to spend it with you. You shouldn't be greedy when she's already so generous.

"You promise you'll be fine? You got any plans for the day? I just want to make sure you're doing alright." Miss Arla walked up to you, stroking your hair affectionately.

"I'll be okay, Miss Arla. I plan to just stay inside for the day," You told her with a nod. She gave you a small smile when she heard that.

" better not be lying to me. If you meet with Florian, I want to hear all the details. Don't think I didn't hear about the date the two of you had recently." Miss Arla teased. The corners of her lips were rising up, enjoying the way you blushed and tensed up in your seat.

"G-Go before you're late!" It was too early for this! But of course, Miss Arla got her laugh in and embarrassed you like she wanted.

"Yes, I will." Miss Arla walked up to the door as she looked back at you. "Nothing to feel ashamed about though, (F/n). You chose a good guy."

"...thank you," was all you could muster out.

And with that, you were finally alone. Sort of. You needed to find Youngjo who now stood on two legs and was almost six feet tall. It shouldn't be that hard to find him. Shoving all the thoughts from earlier out of your head, you sighed and did your best not to dwell on it. Otherwise, you would fall down a hole and be moping to yourself for a while. Hurrying into your bedroom, you took a look around to make sure Youngjo had moved. The blanket on your bed was on the ground so it was safe to assume he was gone. He wasn't under the bed anymore, so that left the attic as his hiding spot.

It was honestly too early for this. You were still in your nightgown which really wasn't something you wanted to wear for too long in front of Youngjo when he was human. It just felt embarrassing for some reason. It wasn't revealing or transparent, so you couldn't figure out why. The material was soft, flowy and it hung comfortably on you. It was a very light cream pink with long puffy sleeves. The dress came down just above your ankles in a double layered fluted hem. The most revealing it got was the V-neckline that showed your collarbones. At least it had a cute floppy bow at the center of your chest.

The dress bounced with your movements as you pulled down the ladder leading to the attic. Once it was sturdy, you began to climb up and popped your head up from the floor. Right away your eyes landed on two shoes. Your eyes looked up to see Youngjo staring at you with a forced smile. What was wrong? Furrowing your brows, you climbed higher and took his hand to get up on the floor. Something was clearly bothering him. Was it Miss Arla's visit? Did he not like the feeling of being human anymore? It didn't make sense until you noticed someone standing behind him who he was trying to hide.

"Who is that—?" Your heart began to pick up the pace.

"Relax, (F/n). I'm shocked too, but—" Youngjo grabbed your shoulders in hopes of calming you down. That didn't necessarily work since you were squirming all over the place. Youngjo was doing his best to keep you from seeing the other person, yet he failed. Soon you were meeting eyes with Yoongi of all people. "Gosh...he was a bat when I came up here. I think he heard everything..."

What was he doing here? You blinked in disbelief, doing your best to process the person standing in front of you. Yoongi has never come here before. How did he know you lived here? Did he follow you last night? There were so many questions going through your head, but nothing would come out. Not when Yoongi was glaring at you with harsh sparks behind his eyes. It felt like at any second his pupils would begin to thin. His hands were in tight fists and that didn't look like it would be changing any second. He was serious. And he heard everything which meant...crap.

"Yoongi," You spoke up nervously.

"His Majesty requested I come to check on you to make sure you were doing alright. He was worried you overexerted yourself. Come to find out you have ignored the prince's orders and the advice of everyone when it came to that human boy." Yoongi tilted his head, watching every little movement of yours intensely.

"Er...Yoongi—" You started.

"There are no excuses, (F/n)." Yoongi marched up to you. He was getting too close for comfort, but that's when Youngjo stepped in to place his hand on Yoongi's chest. He pushed the vampire back to give the two of you space. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt you, much less intimidate you. Though you knew Yoongi wouldn't harm you. That didn't mean he couldn't get angry at you.

"If you want to talk to her then you're going to do it right there. Any closer and I'll stop you." Youngjo huffed. His own eyes were dark and intense as they locked on Yoongi. His protective nature over you was really starting to come out now that he could physically intervene more than he could in his true form.

"Settle down, Raven. Need I remind you I'm no human? I could easily kill you in this form of yours." Yoongi growled. Youngjo didn't show any fear in his face. He refused to back down when it came to you and your safety.

"Hurt him and you deal with me," you said. Your voice was a tad shaky, but Yoongi knew what you were capable of. Your powers have been growing stronger every day. The vampire pursed his lips as you let out a breath. "Yoongi...I'm sorry I didn't think this is how you would find out."

"You never planned to tell any of us? Did you?" Yoongi questioned. Your silence following that seemed to answer his question. It didn't help with calming him down. The vampire let out a heavy sigh as he looked away from you. "You know why we told you to decline his confession. You know there will be no good in seeing this human. Not when we need you."

"...I understand. It's dangerous and risky, but...Yoongi, I really want to be with him. It's my life—" You tried to convince him only to get interrupted.

"You can live your life after! The life we all have on Concordia is a joke for as long as the curse remains. I want freedom from it, (F/n), and so do the others! If it's not the humans killing us, it's the others just like us." Yoongi's voice was stern. "You've disobeyed us to act selfishly."

"She's already giving up so much of her time to improve her magic and risking her life constantly just to help you guys! She doesn't need to break the curse, but she's doing it for you guys. Be more grateful." Youngjo was holding himself back from laying a hand on the vampire. "You guys don't realize how (F/n) can barely breathe among the other humans because of her magic alone. Now with you guys pressuring her—"

"Youngjo, please." You put a hand on his back so he would stop. He would continue to fight for you which you appreciated a lot. However, it would be better if you spoke up for yourself. Yoongi wanted to hear from you. See what you were thinking and feeling. He deserved that as nervous as you were when you met his eyes again. "I'm sorry. I'm doing my best to balance these two lives I have to live. I can't stop living my life when I'm at the village just to help you guys in breaking a curse."

"But letting an outsider in is dangerous," Yoongi continued. "The others have to know about this."

"Don't!" You shouted in panic. Yoongi knew too much and you were scared. You didn't want to lose this relationship with Florian. It was far too precious to you. None of them would understand it. They may say he's just a guy and that could be true, but you wanted to experience your first love. You've never had anything like this before and you didn't want it to end abruptly. Not like this. "If anyone is going to be telling them, it will be me."

"When do you plan to tell them? It should be immediately," Yoongi said.

"At my own pace. I need time, Yoongi. I cannot just drop everything every time Namjoon asks for it. You've also said it yourself that humans in my village have no mercy. They will not spare me if they find out my capabilities. Any memory of my good character will be forgotten and brushed aside. I'll be burning to ashes with a good heart, but nothing more than a soulless witch to them," You stated carefully for him.

You weren't saying this only because you wanted to hold hands with Florian. There was more to this. The village might as well be watching your every move. If you break up with Florian out of nowhere, there will be rumors and questions. More eyes on you to discover the truth and you feared they would reach Miss Arla and grow more powerful than her. You're already seen as strange to many. The only protection you've had for a majority of your life was Miss Arla. Now you were beginning to look normal with friends and now a boyfriend. They can't take that away from you.

"If any part of you cares for (F/n), you will do as she says." Youngjo crossed his arms. Yoongi only blinked at you silently. He had no response to your words, but he thought differently when it came to Youngjo. Slowly his eyes moved over to the taller man. As a human, Youngjo was handsome with charming intense eyes, broad shoulders, and his caring personality could shine through to others now with his voice. He could finally try to court you, yet you were with another and he remained loyal to you.

"I thought you loved (F/n)."

"I do," Youngjo answered without hesitation.

"Then why let her be with another man before your eyes?" Yoongi jabbed.

"Because my love is true." Youngjo wouldn't crack. "(F/n)'s happiness comes first. Mine will always be second." Your eyes glanced over at him as the corners of your lips tugged down. Youngjo didn't look over at you. He kept his eyes on Yoongi who took a step back.

"Fine. I'll allow you to have time without the others knowing, but they have to know some day. Don't make them wait long." Yoongi didn't give either of you a chance to say something more. The vampire turned into a bat at that moment and flew out of the window. He was off to the castle where you hoped he would keep his mouth shut about Florian. Of all days for him to come check on you, it had to be this one.

A loud sigh left you from how tired you were despite recently waking up. Youngjo stared at you as you went down on the floor to sit down. Instantly, he crouched down to grab your hand to provide comfort. Serious moments like this were when Youngjo put the jokes aside and did everything in his power to make you feel better. He was so sweet, though you worried for him. He offered so much of himself up to you despite the circumstances. Everything had to be so just wanted a break to breathe. Why did that have to be so hard?

"It'll be okay, (F/n)." Youngjo squeezed your hand.

"I hope..." You shrugged your shoulders lightly. Soon you lifted your head up to see his small smile. "Youngjo, about what you said earlier—"

"Don't worry about it. I meant it and I'm okay with this. This is enough for me." Youngjo opened his arm up as he tugged you towards him to hug you. He wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back gently. "One last hug before I go back to being a raven, okay?"

"Okay..." You slowly brought your arms around him as you closed your eyes. It'll be okay.


The first person you should tell should be Namjoon, right? You knew that's what Yoongi wanted. You weren't sure how patient he would be and you had no clue how upset Namjoon would be to discover you disobeyed him. Technically he had no control over you just like the others, but they sure liked to have a say in your personal life at the moment. It would be nice if you could just keep this a secret for much longer. Youngjo was more understanding than them. Unfortunately you had been caught, so you were left with that thought weighing on your mind. When do you tell Namjoon and how?

The next time you met with Namjoon, the both of you were practicing your fighting skills. You arrived at the castle and Namjoon was ready to go. There wasn't much interaction between you and the others. Honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi had been watching you from one of the windows up above. Everyone at the castle remained unaware and you hoped it stayed like that for as long as possible. You weren't even sure how to bring it up to Namjoon in a situation like this. The longer you spent with Namjoon in the woods, the more you knew that today was just not the day. He'll find out later, but not right now. You don't want to rush it.

Things like this took time and you didn't want to ruin the mood. Namjoon seemed to be fairly cheerful today which wasn't often. You weren't about to drop the news that you ignored his warning and did what you wanted. Knowing Namjoon's short temper, it could end with him turning into a large scaly creature. You were just being cautious is all! Definitely. You convinced yourself of this as Namjoon pushed a bush to the side, allowing you to step through first. He followed second and held his arms out to present the clearing he promised you was behind the castle.

"I had Jimin help me with clearing some of the land. It used to be flat land when I was...well, back then. It looks more or less similar to how it used to." Namjoon unsheathed his sword. He kept holding it by his side as he looked around. You crouched down to grab a stick on the ground and thrust it outward. A flash of light traveled down and soon you were holding a sword in your hand. Something you weren't capable of just a couple weeks ago. Pursing your lips, you met eyes with Namjoon who appeared impressed. "Astonishing. Hard at work, I see."

"Thanks..." Your grip on the handle tightened. Part of it was you finally gaining control of it, but the other much larger half was your powers growing left you worried. Not that you wanted it to show in front of Namjoon. You put on a smile for him as you held up your sword. "Are you ready to begin?"

"That eager to go against me?" Namjoon chuckled as he held up his own. "Don't be such in a rush to harm me."

"I would never." You frowned at that. It was only a joke, but you didn't want him saying things like that. Your magic is meant to help all of you guys. More importantly, Namjoon is your friend.

"I'd hope so." Namjoon got into his fighting position. Naturally, you mirrored his actions since that was the most you could do. All your training when it came to sword fighting was thanks to Namjoon.

Because of that, practicing with Namjoon would always end with him either winning or a tie. Usually when the both of you get exhausted. It was tiring swinging a sword around and avoiding getting hit by a sharp blade. You did your best to make these sessions with Namjoon count. Though admittedly, you could have had your head more into it. Instead, thoughts weighed on your mind and that didn't help your fighting performance in the slightest. Namjoon could tell something was off with how late some of your responses were than usual.

Namjoon narrowed his eyes on you as he began to back you up against a tree. You could feel the roots underneath your feet, making you lose your balance. The ground wasn't stable and Namjoon's swings were growing harsher. Slowly, he was forcing you back and his quick movements weren't giving you time to act in retaliation. All your moves were defensive to try and keep him from hurting you rather than winning the battle. Your chances of winning were far too low now. Namjoon moved your sword to the far left suddenly, quickly circling his sword around to knock it out of your hand. His pointed his blade to you, instantly making you drop to the floor in defeat.

"I won," Namjoon stated. The tip of his sword was so close to your nose, but he thankfully sheathed his sword. You let out a sigh as you leaned back against the tree. You'd rather just lay here then reach for your sword. "I know this is treading on personal affairs, but may I ask what is troubling you? You haven't been focused today."

"I am focused today." You huffed. The prince scoffed at this, taking a step closer to you and crouching down to your eye level.

"Don't lie to me, (F/n). It's very obvious when you do." Namjoon warned you. His words made your cheeks heat up and your stomach knot up. What else were you supposed to say to that? Truthfully, you just felt anxious and sick lately because of what Yoongi said to you yesterday. It wouldn't leave you alone. Being in front of Namjoon didn't help either. "Oh, (F/n), come now. I know you're stronger than that." Namjoon pulled out a handkerchief from his uniform to dab away your forming tears. You didn't even realize they were there.

"Sorry, I cry easily...I'm overwhelmed is all." You swallowed. Fidgeting with your fingers, you kept looking down at your lap as Namjoon took a breath in. He looked around at the nature surrounding the both of you as he figured what to say next.

"First, I request that you never apologize for your tears. Cry if you must. It's better out than held in." Namjoon moved himself to sit by your side. He also leaned against the tree and stared up at the sky. "I almost wish I could cry. But I find myself turning to anger much faster."

"We're like opposites." You shrugged. Namjoon looked down at you, smiling softly.

"In some ways. I don't believe we're that different," Namjoon said. "But I hope my message is coming through to you. No one else is here with us if you'd like to cry."

"...I appreciate that. I just don't think crying is exactly what I need to do right now." Your lips thinned. Everything from these past days was on your mind and you just wanted to vomit it all out except you knew you had to hold your tongue about one thing.

"I have time to listen." Namjoon offered.

The red haired man gave you a patient look. You weren't sure how many chances you would get with Namjoon like this. It wouldn't hurt to open up a little. Maybe that would bring the two of you that's what you did. You opened up about what you could say, which was magic. There was the pressure of breaking the curse. Jungkook told you there was no rush yet everyone depended on you to do it. Of course, you wanted to help as best as you can. It was your goal too, but sometimes you wanted a moment to breathe. Not only that, learning magic from the other creatures has been messing with your abilities. Somehow you were more powerful than you remembered and it scared you.

You don't think you've gained control of your new powers. If anything, they're growing to be stronger than you can handle. The magic you know is performed with spells and even potions. The new magic you're learning just comes out of you with no warning. Either because you feel like you're in danger or strong emotions. As if hiding your magic wasn't hard enough from the people of your village. Now you were walking on eggshells! Someone has already witnessed your magic and it was used against them. A skill you never remembered learning from any of the creatures at the castle so what was that? You didn't want to dwell on it, yet what if you wake up to the council saying you're on trial for witchcraft?

"It only takes one rumor to end a person's life. It all snowballs from there." You wrapped your arms around your knees.

"I didn't realize so much had been bothering you...and you continued with today's session?" Namjoon was in disbelief. He sighed, shaking his head to himself. "I promise you that you're always welcome here at the castle. If the village ever proves itself to be too dangerous, you may always hide away here."

"Thank you, Namjoon. I appreciate it." You gave him a smile.

"It's the least I can do." Namjoon sighed. "I admit, I've had my own worries plague my mind."

"What about?" You asked, getting Namjoon to glance at you.

"You know...accepting the fact that I can't go back to the past. Time has moved on without me." Namjoon pursed his lips. "I can't tell if I am an innocent victim or paying for my sins back then. Still, I would have rather no one lost their lives the night of the ball...that night will never leave me."

Hearing that made you feel guilty for having that awful memory play all over again in front of him months ago. It tormented Namjoon and even bothered him in his sleep. No matter how hard he tried to escape it, it was futile. The curse was real seeing as he turned into a dragon when furious. The castle had gone to shambles and everyone he once knew, he had outlived. Many lives were lost that night. Why did he survive? Did he deserve to still be alive? Namjoon wasn't sure if he was happy time had stopped for him or if he wished to have passed long ago. The prince couldn't make up his mind. His own troubles weighed on his shoulders constantly.

"I wonder what my purpose is here, (F/n). I don't belong here. I question why I get to breathe every day. It doesn't feel fair." Namjoon's thoughts hurt your heart. He really thought like that? Namjoon came from a different time and because of that, he often felt like an outcast in his own home. Things weren't like he remembered. He wasn't meant to know any of you, yet here he was.

"I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you on why you're here...but I'm happy you are," you said. It got the slightest tug upwards on Namjoon's lips. He turned his head to face you with a soft gaze. It was a nice change for once. The prince had no anger inside of him as he stared at you. If anything, his shoulders felt lighter after saying that.

"I'm happy we met as well." Namjoon lifted his hand up to your hair to remove a small leaf. It must have landed there earlier. He flicked it off when he slowly realized just how close he was to you.

The prince had already been sitting close to you to begin with. You didn't think much of it compared to him. Namjoon's ears turned red the longer he gazed into your big eyes. The small smile on your lips was making his heart rate slow down. What was wrong with him? Namjoon could feel his throat get dry as his eyes lingered on your lips. He didn't say it often, but Namjoon did find you attractive. Your company was one he liked and he was fond of you. Almost protective. But now when he sat close to you like this, things became a little clearer to the prince. It clicked in him as he began to lean closer to your face and close his eyes. Namjoon waited for his lips to touch yours, yet they never did.

The second you saw Namjoon lean in for a kiss, you turned your head away from him in shock. What was he doing? The memory of Jimin telling you that Namjoon had feelings for you played in your mind again. Oh no. Scrunching your face, you felt awful for leading him on. Really, you were only trying to be a good friend. And now you knew that telling him about Florian would be so much worse. You balled up the fabric of your dress when Namjoon opened his eyes. He leaned back and coughed out of embarrassment. He had expected you to reciprocate his feelings. This was new to him. Namjoon was still, but you had to move and so you were quick to get on your feet.

"We should get back to the castle. I have a feeling it might rain today." You rubbed your arm anxiously. Looking Namjoon in the eyes was so much harder now.

"Right...let's return." Namjoon got himself up from the ground. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Whether it was the shock of his impulsive actions or the fact that he realized he held feelings for you. Whatever it was, this would be something else to keep him up at night in the castle.

Neither of you said a word when walking back to the castle. It was hard for the two of you to even look at each other for too long. Did he deeply regret his actions? Was he feeling confused? You were struggling to read his face for any help. The only clue was that he wasn't walking faster than you. He wasn't trying to avoid you after that so that was a good sign. The both of you were just in a weird spot in your friendship right now. You didn't know if Namjoon meant it or if it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Maybe it meant nothing! But he wouldn't be acting like this if it was something he could brush off easily. Gosh, you wanted to just disappear.

In a way, you got your wish the second you stepped into the castle with Namjoon. Nothing was being said between you to add to the awkwardness. Somehow it wasn't detected by Jungkook who came straight towards you. His bright glow made you squint your eyes at first. Your eyes needed to adjust and it didn't help that his skin was freckled with sparkles. The prince looked to the side, taking a step away from the angel. He could already tell this conversation wouldn't involve him and he would waste no time trying to insert himself in it. Namjoon sighed to himself, tired of the day already.

"Perfect timing, (F/n). I needed to talk to you!" Jungkook grabbed your hands.

"Oh...what about?" You asked.

"I'll be off," Namjoon said as you turned your head to look at him. The prince walked away with his back facing you. Was he leaving so soon? You almost took a step towards Namjoon to follow him, but Jungkook's excited grip kept you close to him.

"You're ready, (F/n)." Jungkook's words got you to look back at him. His eyes were shining as he held your hands up. He looked beyond thrilled while you were baffled and out of it.

"Ready for what?" Your voice was quiet.

"To learn light magic. Proper light magic from me." Jungkook grinned. Immediately, your brows raised at this. It felt like you were hearing this so soon. Was he sure you weren't being rushed? "I'll help you improve your light magic to almost be at my level. That way you'll be able to even fight demons on your own."

"Demons!? Hold on–wait." You began to shake your head. Too much was going on.

"Don't worry. With my help, you'll have the power to defeat them with ease. There's nothing to be afraid of, (F/n). Your magic is increasing rapidly and there's no time to slow down. It's the perfect time for you to learn light from me." Jungkook assured you.

Was he really right about that? As much as you trusted Jungkook, you questioned how much he believed in you often. You weren't so sure why the others had faith in you to begin with. Yes, you did magic, but you weren't extremely skilled. They only believed in you because you're the only human they know who can do magic. Everything has been overwhelming lately and with what happened outside with Namjoon, it felt like you weren't getting a chance to slow down and process what was happening. The light magic you knew was mediocre. Jungkook was right about being able to help you get powerful, but you weren't sure if you were truly ready like he said.

"What's with that look?" Jungkook's shoulders sank. He took notice of the gloomy expression you had. "You can do it, (F/n). I promise you that you have nothing to worry about."

"Okay..." You couldn't say much. It still managed to put a smile on Jungkook's face again. He brought a hand up to your head to ruffle your hair in hopes of cheering you up. It sorta worked.

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306K 21.8K 36
The Crown Prince of the Fire Fae is looking for a bride, and to find one, he'll invite the most eligible ladies to compete for his hand. Maren, a hu...