Keep moving forward

By RedSnow1997

34 1 4

Her dad always used to say that. He built our whole future pretty much anyways. She always wanted to be a goo... More

I break everything I touch
Now you know how it all began
I'm a time cop from the future
Where are we going? To the future!
Prepare to be amazed!
Looking for the garage met the family instead
Looking for Lewis
Keep moving forward
Dinner is severed
Things don't always work out the way you plan
Allow me to shed some light on the subject
Your future is about the change
Take it back!
If I go back now this will be my future

All I need is someone to believe in me

2 0 0
By RedSnow1997

Say that's it! Lewis exclaimed. Farrah I'm gonna need your help it will only work if you're there helping me. And I can help you with yours. I mean if you want. I mean I can if you want me to Lewis but the problem with you helping me on mine is that I'd have to do some explaining and I'm not sure you'd completely understand. Fair enough. But I still want your help on mine. He placed his hand on my shoulder. Are you sure Lewis everything I touch I break because that's why I'm here in the first place. It's kind of a long story. You and me best friends forever. He nudged my arm. Fail or succeed we'll do it together. Partners? Partners. I shook his hand a big smile on both our faces. Well what are we waiting for? Let's get started. 

So of course this consisted of us building the machine and everything he made seemed familiar to me. My dad had an invention that was kind of like this that seemed similar in design. He keeps it in his lab in what looks like an observatory but full of inventions instead of ways to look at the stars. But he had a sunroof thing on top of it to open it up on clear nights and we'd look up at the stars and he'd make up stories about the constellations. The night would be spent laughing and talking science. Me crawling into dad's lap and leaning up against him falling asleep. On those nights mom would come out and drape a blanket on over us. A father and his princess. Sleeping under the stars. Dad would never mean to fall asleep but he'd see how warm and safe and snuggly I'd be curled up in his lap but by morning he'd carry me back to my room.

Those are nights I miss the most. I missed my dad more than anything. I bet he was only one really even looking for me. There were nights that we worked on our projects more specifically his that I would sit and tell him stories of my family. I remember telling him that story. He put his hand on my back small sad smile on his face. Thinking hoping I was wrong that someone was in fact looking for me. I remember that night despite the noise it was like white noise to me listening to Lewis working on his project. I'd fall asleep on his shoulder curled up on a chair or something next to him while he worked. Lewis made me feel safe and his presence was familiar. He'd lay me down in his bed since he wasn't using it. But whether it was myself or Lewis keeping Michael up he was always tired all the time these days but never Lewis. I say its part my fault because there would be nights I'd fallen asleep while Lewis worked on his machine. Back home I never got that far. If I wasn't in my room when it was time to go to bed Wilber would be sent down after me to make sure I wouldn't be staying up too late so that mom wouldn't have to come down there and get me.

So there was no chance of me staying up all night working on a project. Unless I snuck away after mom had seen or heard me going to bed. Unfortunately because of that and enough times getting caught and enough times owing Wilber favors because it was him that usually caught me or Carl luckily not mom I just started staying in my room. Even scientists needed their sleep. But more often than not I'd had dreams about what had happened. I'd whimper and cry in my sleep. Buzzing noises rung in my head as I tossed and turned. My brothers words ringing in my head as well along with the buzzer. How he hated me how I wasn't very good at science how he didn't want to keep helping me with my inventions. Between days and nights of Lewis and I working on his memory machine thing we would be testing it in class only for it to blow up. I'd go to the roof or somewhere when Lewis wasn't there or make sure my room door was closed when I worked on the time machine. If I caught Lewis looking in at it I would push my foot at it.

But it didn't seem to matter I could never get it to work or stay working long enough for me to do a test run. Twice it had blown up. And each time it fell apart I'd get mad at it stomp off with tears in my eyes because it would never work. Forcing Mildred to come and make sure I was ok. One day our teacher gave us a flyer for the Science Fair. I could've entered my own invention had it been fixed and stayed fixed but I would've had to prove it could work. We were always constantly at the hardware store for parts. Lewis was glad when in class his invention didn't blow up but by then the whole class had safety gear on and those war bags blocked them from getting blown up or burnt. We high fived when it didn't explode and then the night before the science fair happened. Lewis was putting some finishing touches on his project I was in my room asleep. This dream was different. It hadn't started out too great though.

Wilber was back. He'd tracked me down. But it clearly hadn't been the first time we 3 were all there. Or maybe it was. It was hard to tell since Wilber was talking about me coming back home with him with our time machines but where Lewis didn't seem to know anything about us being from the future it was clear he already knew about the existence of time machines and was interested in the idea of time travel. We 3 were standing on the roof. Lewis was a witness to a squabble that Wilber and I had gotten into probably about me coming home. But it was strange because I was the one mad at him. And he was trying to convince me to come home. And he was trying to apologize for something. Same old Wilber. The first thing I remembered telling him was that it was too bad because I wasn't coming home. I turned my back at him. My arms crossed I was angry. Why I wasn't sure because it was him who should've been mad at me. For some reason she screamed at him that she didn't want to talk to him. He kept saying how sorry he was. And how everyone was looking for me never stopped.

That dad was scared I wasn't coming home. Wished he would've spent more time with me more time with the family and less time doing business work felt part of this was his fault. But I was upset I always thought dad would be disappointed in me and I always knew I'd let everyone down. It wasn't very often but when Wilber had to know what I was thinking he made himself concentrate and focus on me directly. He had to make himself want to read my mind. As most stereotypical twins could. It startled me when he said that wasn't true. That I could never let everyone down and that dad could never be disappointed in me. He watched as I brushed the tears from my face. I was so mad at him that I wouldn't even look at him. Farrah please look at me talk to me. I'm sorry he'd said. Sorry that he made me think I needed to leave after whatever argument we'd gotten in. Come on I'm sorry. You can't stay mad at me forever.

Farrah I don't like seeing you so upset. He'd hugged me from behind. Please just talk to me or look at me or smile at me or something. Your my best friend. And we will always get into fights. Always get on each others nerves but if you're not even gonna smile for me I need to really do some damage control. I heard the typical I'm Wilber and I'm about to do something I shouldn't tone of voice as I felt my eyes grow in size the hug turned into him tickling me. Wilber don't! I started laughing as he pulled me on top of him pulling me down so I couldn't get away until I'd agreed with whatever he wanted or told him I forgave him. I tried to turn the tables but it was no use he was stronger than me. And Lewis wasn't much help either he laughed with a teasing voice that why hadn't I told him I was so ticklish. How knowing this could've changed a lot of outcomes in our play arguments or when I'd been so down on myself with my own inventions or when I'd said that I break everything I touched. But of course my brother knew my rules. And would keep it only playful and made sure it wouldn't go on longer than I could handle.

Made sure I could still move and didn't let Lewis help unless he was gonna move out of the way. I didn't like having more than one set of hands on me at a time. Group hugs were fine but even then I would flinch. But this was exactly why I hadn't. I knew he would've done those things had he known. And of course Wilber had to make it worse by telling him oh yeah incredibly so. Lewis teased that he had felt offended that as my best friend and vice versa that he didn't know about this till now. Wilber asked if he wanted to try. If he had wanted a turn and he'd get out of the way. I had begged him not to but I went of deaf ears. They were not listening to me. Lewis don't! I screamed with laughter. And that's where the dream had ended. In Lewis's room he had finished his project and smiled at it. Couldn't wait to show me the finished product just in time for the science fair. He had been right outside of my room with his little red wagon about to knock on my door when he heard me scream his name. And he burst into the room. As I rubbed my eyes of mirth stained tears.

Farr's are you ok? I flinched when he placed a hand on my shoulder. Whoa whoa you're ok. What happened? Bad dream again? Sorry Lewis yeah something like that. Do you remember what it was about? Of course I had but I lied and said no. He thought that was too bad because if it had been a memory instead of a dream he could've tested it on me. I shuddered at the thought. Or you know what some things are probably best forgotten anyways. I heard screaming are you ok? Mildred asked us after she'd seen Michael and asked about Lewis and his invention keeping him up all night hopefully he could stay awake enough for the game. I'm fine Mildred. Just jumpy from a bad dream. You've been having a lot of those lately. Yeah but I'm glad my best friend has been there by my side to tell me everything was gonna be ok. Ok Einstein she turned to Lewis you owe Michael big time for this. Both of you. What did I do? I rubbed sleep from my eyes. Apparently when Lewis wasn't keeping him up he was helping try to wake you up from a bad dream. Gee Mildred I'm sorry I'll have to wish him luck at his game.

I was just coming to get you Lewis. I'd pulled on NASA hoodie over my head and kept my bottoms on since they were black sweatpants. And I pulled my long blonde hair through one of my "Girls can do science 2" hats then pulled the hood up. And tightened it around me. Why are you doing that? Lewis asked me. You're pretty. You're sweet Lewis but if something goes wrong well I have my hood up to block my face and my emotions. Do you think we'll run into someone you don't want to see? My brother was in my dream last night. I don't think he'd be able to find me but if he's here IDK how or how he would've found me. But I just couldn't stand seeing the sad disappointed look on his face if he saw me after something I helped build blows up in our faces again. And I will take the blame should something bad happen. It always does around me. I can't even get my own invention to work again. Anyways we're sorry Mildred but cracking the secrets of the brain took long than either of us expected. He tried to explain how it worked and he was about to test it but then we heard his alarm clock go off and he rushed to turn it off. Farrah we're late!

Now slow down you two I almost forgot what I wanted to talk to you about Lewis. I know you two have a lot on your plate today but Lewis I scheduled you an interview for later this afternoon. And Farrah I saw that your invention is still standing yet to break in the last 72 hours. Maybe now you can go home and set things right with your family. No thanks we told her as we tried to go out the door. No thanks? She asked us. Lewis this is about getting adopted you will come home clean happy and on time. And Farrah you can finally go back to your family and sort this mess out. I'm sure they miss you and I'm sure your brother didn't mean what he said. Sweetheart it's been a year. I'm done with interviews Mildred I'm not gonna be rejected anymore. Yeah what he said about the rejection part. Listen I know where your heads or at but you have to let go of the past and look to your future. I crossed my arms at that annoyed. And this is is this is my future he said about his invention. As for me my future is here Lewis is my future he's my best friend and the only person I need my life well next to you Mildred. Thank you for taking me in. But if I hear one more person say keep moving forward I'M gonna blow up. I'm so sick of hearing the words keep moving forward its always been my dad's moto. But every time I try to keep moving forward something bad happens. We're sorry Mildred.

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