My Cannibal Companion - Bubba...

By bluerhin0

84.4K 1.9K 660

💖NONE OF THE PICTURES USED ARE MINE, I ONLY EDITED THE COVER!!💖 (female pronouns and genitalia used) Smut l... More

✩ 1. Sweet Beginnings ꘩
✩ 2. Meeting Bubba ꘩
✩ 3. Under the Mask ꘩
✩ 4. Clean Up + Horse Around ꘩
✩ 5. Meet the Sawyers ꘩
✩ 6. Family Dinner ꘩
✩ 7. Slow Dancing in the Kitchen ꘩
✩ 8. Clean Up and Break Down ꘩
✩ 9. Bubba's Reward ★
✩ 10. All the Way ★
✩ 11. The Fun Part ★
✩ 12. The Ugly Truth ꘩
✩ 13. Back to Bed ꘩
✩ 15. Part of the Family; Friendly Competition ꘩
✩ 16. Shower Time ♡
A/N (๑•́x•̀๑)
✩ 17. Moving In ꘩
✩ 18. The New Normal ꘩
✩ 19. Two Worlds ꘩
✩ 20. First Task ꘩
✩ 21. Savior with a Chainsaw ꘩
✩ 22. Sanctuary in Slaughter ꘩
im 18 now

✩ 14. First Family Breakfast ꘩

2.6K 60 5
By bluerhin0



  I woke up to Bubba kissing me all over my face, and sleepily mumbling a small "t'me ta git up". I giggled and let him scoop me up and hold me bridal style in his arms, rubbing my belly and kissing my forehead. "That's right Bubby, our little baby is growin in there" I cooed, placing my hand on his on my stomach.
He hummed happily and nuzzled into my hair, whispering how much he loved me. "I love you too sweetheart, but I think I can walk on my own now, hun" I giggled. He shook his head and carried me all the way into the living room, shushing my playful protests that I was fully capable of walking by myself.
He carefully placed me on the couch where the family was already bustling about, getting ready for the day. "About time, Y/N! GawLEE you sure slept ferever, didn'tcha?" Drayton grumbled, leaning on the doorframe that led into the kitchen.
"Well it's not MY fault you guys decided to rip and tear last night" I crossed my arms with a sarcastic grin. "Fair enough, but at least we got breakfast this mornin'. Speakin a which, I think my sausages are burnin'!" Drayton added, shuffling back into the kitchen after sniffing the air.
I chuckled and closed my eyes, relaxing my head in the back of the couch. I felt a certain pair of strong hands lift me into the air for a second and plop me into his lap. I opened my eyes and giggled, placing my hand on Bubba's face and turning to kiss his cheek. He hummed and kissed the top of my head, resting his chin on top of it.
"Oh I just can't get over how nice it's gonna be ta have TWO new members of tha family!" Mama gushed, placing her hands on her heart and her face. I looked at her and added "Yes, I wanted to talk to you guys about that...I'll make sure to tell y'all at breakfast when everyone's gathered around the table."
Bubba whimpered and held my hand, looking down at me with worry clouding his normally sweet expression. "Don't worry Bubba, it's nothing bad, I promise" I assured him, holding his hand tight and kissing his cheek again. He grinned at me gratefully but still had a hint of worry written on his face.
I assured him again but got interrupted by the twins scrambling into the room, chasing each other and roughhousing. "OWW NO BITING" Chop screeched, popping Nubbins on the head. "WELL DON'T HIT ME SO HARD" Nubbins snapped back, continuing the fight.
Bubba just continued nuzzling into me, like this was a normal occurrence. Mama yelled for the two boys to quit it, and that they were embarrassing her in front of me. The twins grumbled and broke it up, going towards the dining room to help set the table for breakfast like nothing had even happened.
After a little while of sitting in Bubba's lap and talking to Mama, she asked if we could help her fill everybody's plates and glasses up with today's breakfast and either milk, water, or some sweet tea. I nodded and got up from Bubba's lap, him whining and pawing at my hand for me to hold his. I chuckled and took his hand in my own, kissing the top of his palm.
He squealed and walked with Mama and I to the kitchen to get the food from Cook. "Ah ah ah not you, boy. You go help the twins git grampaw down here to eat, like always. You don't git ta skip out on chores just cuz girlie's here," Drayton scolded, pointing his used spoon in all sorts of directions while making his point, remnants of scrambled eggs splatting on my face.
Bubba took a big finger and scooped the semi-cold eggs off of my face, putting it into his mouth with a satisfied hum. He didn't seem to be paying attention to Cook's nagging, just petting my hair while I made a huff of annoyance at the fact that Bubba couldn't be with me at all times of the day, how dare Drayton shoo him away.
"Well didn'tcha hear me, boy?! Go on, git!" Drayton spat, thunking him on the head with his spoon. Bubba whimpered and held his head, shaking a bit. He moped over to the twins, all of them going upstairs while Mama and I snapped at Drayton for hitting poor Bubba.
Drayton was used to Mama's scolding, but with TWO women in the house raising their voice at him? Oh he KNEW he was in trouble now. He huffed and helped Mama and I carry the pot of chili to the dinner table, placing it on a big potholder. He mumbled an apology, still sulking like a baby.
"Well don't you apologize ta US boy! When Bubba comes awn down here, you apologize ta HIM. And all sincere now, ya hear?" Mama snapped, her brows furrowing as she put her hands on her hips. I nodded rapidly and folded my arms for effect.
"Alright alright, just make sure Bubba an Y/N git plenty, by the sounda last night they're sure gonna need it" He chuckled, heading back into the kitchen for something. I felt my face heat up with his words. How much did he hear..? Was I really THAT loud??
I shook my head and just focused on giving each member of the family a good heap into each bowl. Mama grumbled and filled everyone's glasses with their favorite breakfast drink I'm guessing, still upset at Drayton for hitting her poor boy again. She looked up at me sweetly and asked what I'd like to drink, and I replied that ice water would be fine, and that I could always get it myself since I knew where the ice and everything was now. I also offered to fill anyone else's cups with water that wanted it, since I was already filling mine.
She gave me a warm, grateful smile and said she appreciated that greatly, and showed me the two glasses of those who wanted water: Grandpa and Chop Top. I held two in the fingers on my right hand and one in my left, careful not to drop them.
The minute I placed my own glass on the table after filling them all, I heard and then saw the boys scrambling to get in their seats after setting down Grandpa. I giggled as I felt bubba pick me up off the ground and place me in the chair next to him, like the night before. He then remembered about the baby and patted my stomach gently, seemingly apologizing two both of us.
I forgave him and told him I didn't mind one bit, but to indeed be careful for the next 9 months when picking me up. He nodded and turned his attention to Drayton, who shushed him and began to say grace.
While he did, however, my mind was elsewhere. I was wondering how exactly I could inform the family of my proposition and ask them if I could stay. I practiced an impromptu script in my mind, being brought out of my thoughts my Bubba patting my thigh, letting me know the food had been blessed and I could dig in with the rest of the family.

Now came the hard part.

word count: roughly 1240 ☜♡☞

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