✩ 2. Meeting Bubba ꘩

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Before I knew it, we had arrived at his beautiful country home. There was even a porch and everything! Gosh I was so jealous.
We got out of the truck and he walked me to the door, explaining that he had to let his younger brothers know we had a guest over, and to try not to bite. I chuckled and waited on the porch for him, hearing muffles of his explanation to the family. I heard what sounded like a squeal and heavy footsteps thumping to some other part of the house excitedly, like a little boy.
I chuckled, a bit confused, and wandered over to a swing near the house. I sat on it and rocked myself forward and backward on my heels, closing my eyes and listening to the beautiful sounds of the countryside at nighttime.
As I was taking it in, I heard the door squeak open, making me jump a bit. I turned toward the sound, getting up to meet the man who I realized I didn't even know the name of, and stopped dead in my tracks. There in the doorway stood a massive hunk of man, wearing a clean suit and tie and something on his face I couldn't quite see from this length. He squealed like a pig and bounced on his toes, waving his balled fists rapidly towards his chest. He dashed back inside, heavy footsteps going away.
I stood breathless, amazed. Did he change into that suit THAT fast? Was he wearing that already?? I was lost in thought, feeling my face heat up a bit, picturing the sweet, handsome boy in my mind. That was when that man came back, calling me inside and apologizing for his little brother's behavior. I assured him that I didn't mind at all, and I thought he was just a sweet little thing. I looked into the house, and realized he was right there, looking down at me, breathing a bit heavy. When he heard the praise towards him, he looked extremely surprised, and let out a little squeak of delight.
I finally saw what was on his face in this light, and so close to me. It seemed to be a mask of some kind, with a material I couldn't quite put my finger on. He had put makeup on it, so it looked very pretty and it went with his outfit well, I thought. I said this to him, smiling warmly up at him and speaking in a soft and sweet voice, he seemed like the type to startle easy, I'm not sure why.
He had the same reaction as before, putting his hands on his face and letting out an excited grunt, looking down into my eyes for a few seconds.
I studied his features and he studied mine. We seemed to breath in-sync, and it seemed like everything else disappeared. The sounds of his family died down, as well. I moved a half-step closer, reaching down to examine the bracelet he had on, curious what charms he used. He moved a bit back, flinching and letting out a whimper, protecting himself with his hands and shaking slightly.
"Oh goodness I didn't mean to startle you, sweetheart, I'm sorry! I just wanted to take a closer look at your bracelet, is all. It's very pretty." I coaxed, assuring him that I wasn't going to hurt him.
He cautiously let himself relax, and let me take his hand in my own. His hand was so much larger than mine, with cute stubby fingers and chipped nail polish, a pretty shade of red.
I gently cradled it in my own, noticing a contrast of the looks of both our hands. One small and fragile; the other large, bulky and calloused from heavy work, by the looks of it. These were working hands, and I could tell he was able to lift large objects, just by the looks of him. He was a big boy, and I loved it.
I finally examined his bracelet, noticing the teeth charms he used. Some molars, some canines. I couldn't tell if they were human or animal, but they still looked awesome, nonetheless. "Wowww, these are so pretty! Gosh, you make such pretty bracelets. Do you make things like this all the time?" I marveled, looking up at him, sure that my eyes lit up with wonder at the sight.
He grunted and nodded his head, taking my hand gently, as if afraid he'd break it with his grip, and led me to a room down the hall. It looked to be a work room of his, with decorations of animal heads and art made of their bones everywhere. He let go of my hand, looking at me with anticipation of what I thought of the room. I looked around, taking it all in. "Gosh, this is so beautiful! Wow, did you make ALL this?? It's amazing! You did such a good job."
He looked away bashfully, cupping his face in one of his hands while nodding, the other hand waving towards me, as if to say 'aww shucks'. "So..what was it that you wanted to show me?" I asked, looking up at the tall boy, and smiling. His eyes widened and he hit himself on the forehead, motioning for me to stay put. He quickly went to some unseen part of the house, and I could hear some rustling, like he was looking for something specific.
I sat down in a nearby chair and looked around the room some more, still amazed he did all this himself. I would love for him to teach me how to make it someday. He came back, bracelets filling his hands and necklaces going over his wrists. He hurried over to me, babbling something, as if explaining each one to me while he put one in my hands. I didn't understand, but I could tell he was excited to show someone his work that wasn't one of his family members.
I examined them, nodding and giving him praise while he garbled, him letting out a little squeak or a grunt with each word of affirmation. I could tell he didn't get sweet things like that a lot. I kept a mental note of that for later.
When he finished showing them to me, he plopped himself on the floor right next to me, grinning wide up at me, a few teeth poking out of the side of his mouth. He looked so sweet like that, and I gently put my hand on his head. He jumped a bit, but once I began to stroke his head and play with his hair, he let himself completely relax, letting out a long, satisfied sigh and resting his head on my lap. I chuckled, realizing he probably didn't get much sweet physical contact either. Another mental note.

word count: roughly 1150 💀

My Cannibal Companion - Bubba Sawyer (Strangers to Lovers, SFW to NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now