Radiant: Sequel to Hazardous

By Katerinaravenclaw

1.4K 86 1

It has been years since Jaylynn and Luke lived in Europe, and now they have two daughters. The daughters are... More

Chapter 1: Lyla
Chapter 2: Annabel
Chapter 3: Jayon
Chapter 4: Lyla
Chapter 5: Annabel
Chapter 6: Jayon
Chapter 7: Lyla
Chapter 8: Annabel
Chapter 9: Jayon
Chapter 10: Lyla
Chapter 11: Annabel
Chapter 12: Jayon
Chapter 13: Lyla
Chapter 14: Annabel
Chapter 15: Jayon
Chapter 16: Lyla
Chapter 18: Jayon
Chapter 19: Lyla
Chapter 20: Annabel
Chapter 21: Jayon
Chapter 22: Lyla
Chapter 23: Annabel
Chapter 24: Jayon
Chapter 25: Lyla
Chapter 26: Annabel
Chapter 27: Jayon
Chapter 28: Lyla
Chapter 29: Annabel
Chapter 30: Jayon
Chapter 31: Annabel
Chapter 32: Lyla
Chapter 33: Jayon
Chapter 34: Lyla
Chapter 35: Annabel
Chapter 36: Jayon
Chapter 37: Lyla
Chapter 38: Annabel
Chapter 39: Jayon
Chapter 40: Lyla
End of Book 2: Radiant

Chapter 17: Annabel

37 2 0
By Katerinaravenclaw

Jayon and I followed after my twin, but I had an worried feeling overwhelm me as I turned to corner of a street. It quickly faded away when I noticed the girl with a similar handgun to mine in her grasp. Then, a sudden smash up ahead made the three of us instantly look up. About twenty feet away was a group of about fifteen mutants.

"Crap!" Lyla hissed, "I'm out of ammo!" She shrieked, and I grabbed my sister's arm and pulled her behind me,

"Let Jayon and I deal with this then." I said, but she shook her head,

"I'll turn into a mutant."

"Listen Lyla, you know what that does to you. We can handle this." Jayon placed a caring hand on the girl's shoulder, and she sighed and finally agreed. I then took deep breaths as I turned toward the mutants, loading my handgun. Jayon stepped beside me, and the two of us held our hands on the triggers. A sudden shock filled my eyes as I watched all the mutants around us suddenly fall dead.

"Did you shoot them?" I asked Jayon, who shook his head. More mutants appeared in front of us, but they were easily shot down. My gaze led me toward the building beside us, and I looked up to see a sniper rifle in one of the windows. Then, I watched as a guy with neat green hair leaped out in front of us, and shot down any more mutants with a crossbow. One swiped at him, but he easily dodged, and shot them right in the chest with an arrow. The guy then took one look at us, and ran off down the street.

"What was that?" I gasped, and Jayon sighed,

"I don't know. He saved our life though." Lyla ran up in front of us, and I watched as she sprinted down the street at a amazing speed.

"Lyla!" Jayon and I shouted, as we sprinted after her. The girl spun around a corner, and Jayon and I almost ran into the sharp corner as we turned around it. Lyla stopped, and I watched as a girl and boy stood in front of her. I jogged toward them, and stood beside my sister. The boy was the same one with the neat dark green hair, and I realized he had glasses and his eyes were a matching green . The girl had long dark blue hair and teal eyes. They both were holding weapons, the boy held a crossbow and the girl held a sniper rifle.

"Who are you?" I asked them, and the boy grinned at us,

"I'm North." He said, and then I looked over at the girl,

"Lynn." The girl introduced herself, and flicked her blue hair over her shoulder. The guy looked at me,

"What's your name, beautiful?" He asked, and I felt heat rush to my face. Did he just call me beautiful?

"I'm Annabel." I replied confidently and the guy smiled,

"So, I take it you three aren't from around here." Lynn said, and we looked at her, and shook our heads,

"How'd you know?" Lyla asked, and I heard North chuckle,

"After living here for you're whole life, you know things." He responded,

"Wait, you've lived here your whole life?" Jayon gasped,

"Yep. Lynn and I we're trained since we were six to be mutant killers."

"Wow. No wonder you're so amazing with your weapons." My jaw gaped open, and North winked,

"Thanks honey." He smirked, and I let out a small sigh. This guy sure knew how to be charming to women.

"By the way, we can show you to our base. We've got plenty of shelter and supplies. I'm sure it's nothing like what you three are used to, but it's home." North explained, and the three of us nodded and let the two lead us to their camp.


We were on the way there, when mutants suddenly ran in front of our path. There were so many of them, it was hard to believe. North loaded his crossbow, and I watched as Lynn crouched over her gun, and peered through the scope. The girl then pulled the trigger, and I watched as a bullet hit a mutant dead centre in the head.

"Whoa." Lyla, Jayon and I gasped. Then, North and Lynn took turns shooting down the mutants with deadly accuracy. There was now three remaining.

"By the way, why don't you show us what you three have got?" North asked, and we shook our heads,

"Nah. We're not that good..." We all trailed off in unison, and North laughed,

"Oh well, more for us. Right, Lynn?" The girl just nodded, and then shot down another mutant. North killed the last two, and then we continued on our way.

The base was not what I expected. It was a large military base with hundreds of soldiers surrounding it, and I even noticed planes and jets within it.

"Pretty boring, huh?" North grinned at me,

"No. This is crazy!" I laughed, and he chuckled,

"Yeah, it's home." He then walked to the fence, and I watched Lynn and him both scan a card through a slot, before we were all let into the base. Many soldiers walked past us as we headed to a building in front of us, and I couldn't help but feel like I stood out in this place. North led the five of us into the building, and I noticed very high tech equipment all around. We continued down the hallway, and I noticed bathrooms, and many other rooms.

"This is one of the cafeteria's." The black haired guy pointed at a large cafeteria where many people were sitting. He then showed us the shower rooms, the training rooms, and then finally to the dorms.

"So, this one is empty, and has four beds. You three good to stay here?" North opened the door for us, and we walked into the room. It was very modern looking with weapons in every corner. The walls were a deep red, and all the furniture in the room looked like what rich people owned.

"It's great." Lyla nodded.

"Alright, well my room is just a few doors down." North waved, and Lynn and the guy left.

"Well." Jayon sat on the bed, "that dude is weird." Lyla and I laughed,

"He defiantly is a bit." We agreed,

"We should go get some food. I'm starving." Lyla groaned, holding her stomach. I burst out laughing,

"Okay Lyla, let's go eat." The three of us then left our dorm and headed to the cafeteria. Man, this was turning out to be an awesome, but also strange day.

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