By -NieHuaisang

476K 18.9K 6.8K

Lan Wangji travels back in time 5 years after Wei Wuxian's death and decided that he would not lose the chanc... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 26

8.2K 334 174
By -NieHuaisang

"Lan Zhaaannnnn help me here would you? How do you Lans deal with all these layers?!" Wei Wuxian complained.

The two were at the Jingshi and were going to leave in 3 hours time.

"Got used to it." Lan Wangji shrugged before going behind the dresser to help his beloved.


"Relax, it's not like you're naked or anything, here let your er-gege help you."

Wei Wuxian flushed before allowing the older to fix his robes.

"How are your scars?" Lan Wangji asked and Wei Wuxian hummed "Doing well, just a few more purple scars and my back will be as good as new." The younger said excitedly.

"I feel so happy! I've never slept well for years because of the lightning that keeps on zapping my back most of the time, this time now that it's almost gone, I've got the best sleep I could have even gotten in like...FOREVER!" Wei Wuxian explained happily.

'I hope that woman never gets a blink of sleep.' Lan Wangji thought.

"Here you're all done, where's your white ribbon?"

Wei Wuxian, "About that, I actually wanted you to well...er...put it on for me."

Lan Wangji's ears flushed "I thought you copied the rules long enough to know what the ribbon means."


'Why does he have to be so adorable!?'

Lan Wang huffed "The ribbon can only be touched by the spouse and family members."

Wei Wuxian blinked "Oh, Lan-er-gege, make this an exception please? I don't know how to wear it!"

Oh goodness Lan An, his beloved is showing him puppy eyes...WHO COULD SAY NO TO THAT!?


Lan Wangji took the plain white forehead ribbon which was for the outer disciples, and tied it around Wei Wuxian's forehead.

When he backed away he wanted to cry.

His beloved in his clan robes!

And well...he's not really part of the clan as he's still wanting to be rogue, but he's going to participate while representing Gusu.



"Lan Zhan, you're really quiet, do I look that bad?"

Lan Wangi snapped out of his thought and shook his head.

"Nonsense I was speechless by how beautiful my Yingying looked in my clan's robes."

Wei Wuxian's face had turned red the moment Lan Wangji said 'my Yingying'


Wei Wuxian sputtered "Warn a man before you say that would you?" He puffed out his cheeks which only resulted in Lan Wangji squishing the life out of his cheeks.

"Wan Jan wet gu op me cheeks!" (Translation: Lan Zhan get off my cheeks!)

"But it's too squishy! Plus you asked for it! Puffing it out like that!"

The door opened and Lan Xichen saw his brother squishing Wei Wuxian's cheeks.

"Wangji, that's enough, let's head off to Caiyi to get some refreshments, we're leaving earlier than planned."

Lan Wangji nodded before pausing 'Ah shit...I nearly forgot about something.' he then looked at Wei Wuxian "Go with brother to Caiyi, I have something to do." without giving the two time to question him, Lan Wangji bolted put the door.

Wei Wuxian turned to Lan Xichen "Xichen-ge do you...?"

"No, I don't know" he shook his head "The uniform suits you Wuxian." he commented.

"Uh...ehe...thanks." Wei Wuxian rubbed the back of his head.

"Let's head of to Caiyi shall we?"


The two laughed at Wei Wuxian's answer.


"See anything you'd like Wuxian?" Lan Xichen asked as they arrived in Caiyi, Wei Wuxian shrugged "Aside from Emperor's smile, I don't see anything."

Wei Wuxian was representing Gusu so he can't be caught smuggling alcohol today.

"Feel free to walk around, I'll be waiting at the docks."

Wei Wuxian smiled and nodded before leaving to walk around the place.

As he walked around he saw a stall with wooden carved toys, this caught his attention so he went towards it.

"The one who made these are really good at their work."

He commented before his eyes darted towards a bunny wooden toy.

"Hello Uncle, I would like to purchase this."

After he got his toy he immediately went towards the docks where he saw that Lan Xichen was still alone.

"Lan Zhan still hasn't arrive?" He questioned and Lan Xichen shook his head.

"Not yet, mind if I ask you something?" Lan Xichen asked "I don't mind."

"What do you think of my brother?" He asked and Wei Wuxian went slightly pink.

"Lan Zhan? Well, he's a good man, really pretty, strong and funny, I'll bet he won't have a hard time finding a lover." he smiled and Lan Xichen wanted to sigh and shake the younger's shoulders and yell.


Before he could say anything else Lan Wangji came by running towards them.

"I have arrived!"

"Ah, yes, we can see that."

"So shall we get going?" Lan Wangji asked and the two nodded before boarding the boat with a few other disciples following behind.

"So what were you doing?" Wei Wuxian asked his friend.

"Nothing to worry about, you'll know about it soon enough." Lan Wangji winked.

Wei Wuxian smiled and took out something covered in a handkerchief "I bought this earlier, it reminded me of you so I thought 'why not?' I purchased it and yeah here you go! I wasn't able to give you a birthday gift anyway." he rambled which made the older look at it cutely.

"Aww I didn't know my cute little bunbun thinks of me." Wei Wuxian yelped as he tried to escape his cheeks from Lan Wangji's hands.

"Just take the gift!"

Lan wangji did and opened the handkerchief which revealed a wooden carved bunny.

It was adorable!

"Did you think about me calling you bunny when you bought this? Hm?"

Wei Wuxian grumbled before looking away "You are shameless."

"Only for you!"


"You both will be participating" Jiang Fengmian announced "Father?" Jiang Yanli asked confused and shocked.

"What are you so shocked for!? Haven't you been practicing your bow!? Both of you should place up there or else run around the Pier every day for a week!" She threatened You both better show
Yunmeng what we're capable of! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?" She asked the last part word by word.

Both children nodded.

"Good, now move along now!" Madam Yu would be staying in Lotus Pier because it needs to be looked after.

And she wasn't allowed to leave the place anyway. 🙄

"A-Jie, don't worry, we'll be able to practice for a bit if we arrive early." Jiang Cheng whispered to his older sister "I know A-Cheng, let's just hope we managed to get atleast in the top 10."

"A-Jie! Why are you looking down on ourself!? We will place top 5! I can be first and you'll be second! We can work together! And show those idiots who's the best!" he said to his sister.

The disciples from another boat wanted to cringe 'Best? Former Da-shixiong was the best and now after he left it is Lady Jiang who took the role of both Sect heiress and Da-Shijie.'

The disciples missed their Wei shixiong!

Most of them had left to pursue becoming rogue, while other's stayed because if there would be new disciples, they should at least hear stories of Wei Shixiong and they need to be looked after!

And so,

Days of travel they had arrived, unsurprisingly Yunmeng arrived first and greeted the Wen Sect before heading towards where they would be staying for the night.

They'll be there for 5 days. 2 days to prepare and train, and the 3rd day for the archery competition, 4th day for the swordmanship competition, and the 5th is when they'll rest before leaving the conference.

An hour after they arrived, Lanling and Qinghe arrived together.

Both Jin Zixuan and Nie Huaisang were talking together as Jiang Yanli admired Jin Zixuan from afar.

She sometimes would forget that their engagement was broken.

But at the time, Jin Zixuan didn't like her because she was weak, now she is halfway into forming her core, maybe the older male would like her!

She wanted to talk to him but her brother called her and said that they should head of to the training grounds.


Nie Huaisang was flaunting his war fan that his Da-ge had gave him after he found him practicing.

"It's good quality." Jin Zixuan approved.

"Thanks! I commissioned it and Da-ge paid for it!"

Nie Huaisang smiled before pouting "And now he won't let me off traininggg" he whined and Jin Zixuan unsympathetically patted his friend's back.

He felt someone staring at him and he saw Jiang Yanli with his peripheral vision before she was dragged away by her brother towards the training field.

'What is she staring at me for? Just because your cultivation improved does not mean I'll be looking at you any different.' he thought before shrugging. 'Besides Jiang Yanli is only halfway near
getting her core.'

He made a thought and got an idea he looked at Huaisang and dragged him to the same direction until they were hearing level with the Jiangs.

"How was archery training?"

Nie Huaisang seemed to caught onto his plans and smirked.

"Ugh! Don't remind me! Eversince Da-ge found out about me doing fan cultivation and forced me to train archery for this conference!" He whined as he snapped his fan shut.

Apparently their conversation wasn't good enough that the two were not yet listening.

"How did Chifengzun react after you managed to fully form an average core under 2 months?"

Bullseye this caught Jiang Yanli's attention.


'Young Master Nie had formed his core under 2 months!? I tried so hard but I'm still halfway when I've been training for a year and a half!' She felt like this was terribly unfair.

Jiang Wanyin clenched his fists as he saw the two go towards the area next to them as they took out their bows before they continued to talk.


"Oh? He was happy of course! He didn't mind that I decided a fan as a weapon, he wanted me to learn how to protect myself! We ofcourse threw a party but only Wei-xiong was able to come." he pouted.


'That Wei Wuxian even dares to enter and party with those higher than him!? So what if he is the legitimate Heir? Currently he's a low ranking rogue cultivator who has no money whatsoever' Jiang Wanyin thought.

'Mother should not hear about Young Master Nie's sword or else she'll be forcing me and I won't be getting my free time.' Jiang Yanli panicked.


"Speaking of Wuxian, when do you think he's going to be here?"

That question seemed to make the Jiangs snap their heads.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT RAT WILL BE COMING HERE!?" Jiang Wanyin yelled out before Jiang Yanli went to cover for her brother and held him down.

"I apologize for my brother, he has quite a tempermant." She said softly as she tried to get Jiang Wanyin to calm down.

She wanted her ex-fiance to see her in a new light.

"Don't bother apologizing for others, if they can't apologize for themselves then when will they learn." Jin Zixuan said.


But before Jiang Wanyin could retort a voice called out from behind them.

"NIE-XIONG! ZIXUAN!" a familiar bright voice filled with laughter was waving his hand along with the second Jade beside him who just decided to stare at the loud person.

The four were shocked.

Thev were so used to seeing Wei Wuxian in black robed that seeing him in white Gusu Lan uniform was something new.

Jiang Wanyin was the first to speak.

"YOU! How shameless are you joining another sect after abandoning Yunmeng!? And how dare you show your face here!? You think you're good enough to be here!?" He yelled.

"To answer your question Wanyin, No I am not part of any sect, Xichen-ge had invited me to represent Gusu Lan so here I am." Wei Wuxian shrugged as he passed by them.


Lan wangji glared coldly at him "My brother told him to call him that."

Jiang Wanyin was glaring harshly and was clenching his fists that blood might come out before pointing his right hand towards Wei Wuxian.


"Or else what?" Wei Wuxian raised a brow "You'd whip me with the Zidian?" He asked.

"A-Cheng, let's go, I brought some soup, let's go take a break." Jiang Yanli said as she dragged her brother away.

"Soup? Does every problem have to end with her going to make soup?" Jin Zixuan asked and Nie Huaisang shrugged.


They entered the banquet that the sect Leader hosted.

All sect leaders were seated on their tables as well as the disciples.

They were going to begin eating until someone decided to show up.

"Apologies, I did not mean to arrive unannounced."

A cup was then dropped from someone's hand.

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