Paper Thin (muke)

By boomerluke

8.4K 643 940

After leaving behind a past he'd rather forget, Luke is excited to finally be living on his own. With the hel... More

coming soon
01: safety
02: recluse
03: alone
04: jealousy
05: blind
06: love
07: past
08: confused
09: pain
11: lily
12: meetings
13: plans
14: kisses
15: family
16: mornings
17: dates
18: confessions
19: movies
20: fights
21: firsts
22: confrontation
23: revelations
24: roadtrips
25: home
26: reality
27: lost

10: emergency

230 18 30
By boomerluke

Trigger Warning: 

Conversations surrounding domestic abuse / physical assault & battery in the next couple of chapters 


They walked down the road to their favorite pizzeria, Ashton asking at least three times along the way if Michael wanted to talk about it. He stood firm in his answer of 'no, I don't want to talk, Ashton.' and Ashton finally relented after asking twice more when they ordered their usual large Hawaiian pizza. They ate in silence, the occasional comment from Ashton of, "you deserve better, Mike. You'll find someone who actually cares, I promise. I'm sorry." was met with scoffs and Michael stuffing more pizza in his mouth to avoid having to answer. 

He knew Ashton was only trying to make him feel better, but Michael had always preferred ignoring his feelings until they went away. Not the healthiest coping mechanism, but it hadn't failed him yet. Talking about it would only make Michael cry, and the last thing he wanted to do was give so much power to a relationship that never even existed in the first place. Michael might have been naive but he refused to be pathetic, too.

They were done with the pizza before the sun even fully set, and Ashton insisted Michael come back to his place for video games. They'd been one of his favorite pastimes before the accident, and with Ashton's assistance, he still enjoyed playing from time to time. Even though Ashton hated them, he still kept a small collection for Michael, knowing it had always been a calming activity for his friend. Something about the weight of the controller in his hands made him feel safe and in control, allowing him to relax and shut his brain off for a change. And that's why even though he knew Ashton thought of video games as a stupid waste of time, he sat diligently next to his friend and talked him through the game, helping to navigate Michael's character and time out his attacks and defenses.

The games had their desired effect, and all thoughts of his cherub neighbor drifted to the back of his mind, if even for a few hours. The throb of embarrassment and anger in his gut when he thought of Luke turned to a dull ache as he focused all of his attention on the game. He knew the pain would come back later, but for now he was content ignoring it and enjoying the impromptu time with his best friend.

Everything was going fine until Michael wanted to head home and Ashton insisted that he stay over at his place. Usually Michael would agree, but he hadn't planned to stay over, and his anxiety meds were at his apartment. After the day he had, he would definitely need them in the morning. Then Ashton offered to go get them for Michael, but honestly Michael didn't see the point.

"Ash, really it's fine, there's no reason for us to drive to my place just to turn around and go back to yours. Plus, I'd rather sleep in my own bed anyway."

Ashton finally relented, realizing there was no way he was going to win this argument. "Fine, but I'm coming with you."

"C'mon Ash, it's not like someone died. I'll be fine, I promise."

"Yeah, but still." Ashton persisted as they made their way out of his building and to the awaiting Uber. "I'd feel better if you let me stay with you."

"Okay fine, but I don't see what the big deal is. I was stood up. I'll get over it."

Ashton sighed as they got in the Uber, and Michael really didn't get why it was such a big deal. Sure, his heart was broken and he was embarrassed beyond belief, but Michael was used to being alone. As hurt as he was, he should have known better than to fall for the boy next door. He'd let his walls down, the walls that had always protected him and kept him safe, and he was paying the price. He really thought Luke had been different. But after two unanswered calls and four texts sent, Michael got the message loud and clear.

"I know, but still, he's right next door." Ashton's voice was soft as he played with the frayed friendship bracelet around Michael's wrist.

"Yeah, well that's my fault for asking out my neighbor I guess," Michael tried to make a joke out of it but the hurt still made his chest throb painfully. There was just something about Luke that reeled Michael in; like a siren call to a lost sailor. And unfortunately, like a siren's victims, Michael was left drowning at sea.

Ashton was quiet as they made the short ride over to Michael's apartment building, choosing only to bring it up again once the car rolled to a stop.

"You can hear everything through that wall," Ashton sighed as he helped Michael out of the Uber and Michael's stomach knotted uncomfortably. He knew Ashton was trying to hide it, but he could still hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Ash, what do you mean?"

"I-" Ashton paused, stopping them from walking any further. He groaned and Michael was certain he was running a hand through his curls. "I need to be honest with you, Mike."

"A-about what?"

Ashton was quiet for a moment as he collected his thoughts, and Michael could imagine him trying to figure out what to say next.

"I... saw Luke. At the Starbucks. He was with some guy and they looked pretty cozy."

Michael stiffened and Ashton hurriedly added, "I made eye contact with him when we were leaving, he didn't make any move to come over. I'm sorry, Mike, I just thought it would be easier if you didn't know but I'm worried they might be back at his place and I just don't want you to have to hear that."

His throat was tight and he tried to swallow down the hitch of emotion that was building behind his Adam's apple.

"Luke wouldn't do that. It wasn't him." He shook his head, and Ashton just sighed, guiding them into the front doors of the apartment complex.

"It was, Mike. Tall, blonde curls, blue eyes? He was sitting at a table right next to the window close to the front door. I didn't see the other guy's face, but his hand was pretty high up on Luke's thigh and he didn't push it away." Ashton scoffed and Michael took a shallow, shaking breath.

"I- I don't get it. Why would he-? He sounded so excited earlier?" Michael's voice rose, a hint of hysteria as he tried to make sense of everything. What changed? He seemed eager for their date when they'd been chatting last night. Luke wasn't the type to talk to multiple guys at once, was he? None of it made sense, and Michael wanted to cry. For whatever reason, the thought of Luke standing him up was easier to stomach before there was another guy involved. But of course there was another guy. Luke was perfect. Cherubesque looks and the most beautiful personality to boot. He probably had all sorts of men falling at his feet, and Michael didn't even know why he bothered. The blonde was so clearly out of his league, he wasn't sure how he'd ever compete with anyone else.

"I don't know, Michael. 'M so sorry. I know you really liked him. But please don't let this stop you from dating again! Just because he ended up not being as perfect as you thought doesn't mean there isn't someone out there for you that is!"

They were now walking up the stairs, taking them slowly to prolong the inevitability of returning to the apartment to find out whether Luke brought his date back for the night or not.

"But if you think about it, it's better that you found out sooner than later. If he feels no shame whoring around now, just imagine how you'd feel finding out once you're actually together-"

The thundering of feet stopped Ashton's obligatory best friend trash talk and Michael jumped as the hurried shouts of "Move, please!" echoed the stairwell around them, at least three bodies rushing past as him and Ashton pressed themselves up against the wall.

"Ash, what's going on?"

"Looks like someone might be injured. The paramedics just ran by with a stretcher and- fuck they're headed for the third floor." Ashton pulled Michael up the remaining flight of stairs and froze as they pushed through the stairwell door. Michael ran into his back with a 'ooft'.

"What is it? What's going on?"

Ashton's back was tense under Michael's fingers.

"They went into Luke's apartment."

A shockwave of anxiety washed over Michael from head to toe.

"What? Ash, what's wrong? Is it Luke?"

"I, I don't know."

Michael followed as Ashton took a few tentative steps out of the doorway and down the hall towards their apartments. He could hear the commotion as they approached, voices talking over each other, walkie talkies blaring and scuffling as he assumed they loaded someone up on the stretcher.

"Did he hit his head when he fell?"

"N-no I caught him, but I think he was concussed already; h-his eyes were glassy and-and he was disoriented. I-I don't know exactly what happened." The voice Michael came to know as Calum choked out between sniffles and the cold feeling that had begun building in his stomach spread across every inch of his body as he took in the words.

"What's his name?"


Michael's breath caught in his throat as his heart began to race in earnest. He didn't know what was happening but it didn't matter; all that mattered was that Luke was hurt. It took every bit of willpower for Michael to not rush into the open door.

"Luke? Can you hear us?" There was a pause and then the same voice said "Pupils are still responding." Calum's cries got louder as the paramedics asked him about Luke's medical history.

"Wait, I know that voice." Ashton whispered and Michael only nodded, rooted to the spot as he listened intently; anxiety peaking with each additional injury they cataloged.

"It's Calum."

"Calum? How do you know Calum?" Ashton asked, genuine surprise in his voice as he turned towards Michael.

"He's Luke's best friend." Michael's voice shook and he had to stop himself from running into the blonde's apartment right there and then. "I've met him before. How do you know Calum?"

"He's the guy I've been seeing from the bar." Ashton whispered and Michael wanted to unpack that, but there wasn't time. Heavy footsteps approached the front door of Luke's apartment.

"You'll be riding with us, I assume. Is there anyone else we need to notify on our way to the hospital?"

"Just his foster mom, I'll call her from the ambulance." Calum's voice was thick with tears, and Michael's heart pounded in his chest, blood rushing through his ears. The voices got closer.

"Michael? Ashton?" Calum's voice was close now and Michael assumed the paramedics were moving into the hallway.

"Calum! What's happening?!"

"H-his ex." Calum's voice was raspy from crying and Michael felt Ashton stagger next to him as Calum threw himself into the older boy's arms. His sob was muffled as he cried into Ashton's chest, and Michael felt so utterly helpless.


"H-his piece of shit ex found him. I-I don't know what happened, he left to go meet Michael!" He felt Calum turn to face him. "Oh god I thought he was with you! H-he texted me telling me to go home for the night and I just assumed- fuck I'm so stupid! And I forgot my phone so I came back and found him on the floor and he, he-" Calum's sobs grew louder again and the paramedics moved in even closer.

A sharp inhale from Ashton and a quiet "oh my god." Was the only indication of Luke's condition that he got as the paramedics made their way towards the stairwell. Michael felt helpless, trapped in the prison that was his impairment without any sense of what was going on around him.

"We're ready to transport him, if you're coming, you better come with us now." Someone said and Calum sniffled.

"I-I have to go with him,"

"We'll meet you there. What hospital?" Michael rushed out, his own voice a trembling mess as he gripped Ashton's arm.

Calum's voice sounded from down the hall. "St. Mary's on fifth!"

And the once chaotic hallway echoed in silence as the stairwell door slammed shut behind him. The anger that was bubbling in Michael's stomach had long since disappeared and been replaced by pure fear, his organs turning to ice as adrenaline flushed through his system.

Whatever was wrong with Luke was extreme enough to freeze Ashton to the spot, and he tugged on his friend's arm.

"Ash, we have to go."

"I-I thought it was just another guy I didn't realize- Oh god, he was just sitting there and I did nothing... I walked away...." Ashton's voice was a trembling whisper and Michael clutched his hand, intertwining their fingers.

"It's not your fault, Ash. You couldn't have known." Michael squeezed his hand and Ashton sniffled.

"I could have said something, b-but I let him watch us walk away... oh god, Mike, there was so much blood."

Michael threw his arms around Ashton, holding him tight against his chest as the older boy shook. His own fear and pain fading just enough into the background for him to comfort his friend.

"Luke told me that he'd been in a bad relationship before, but I-I didn't realize- he never said he was still..."

They stood in the middle of the hallway, embracing as they processed the shocking turn of events the last hour took. Michael wasn't sure how long passed before Ashton's shaking voice spoke up.

"We should go to the hospital. I'll text Cal to see where he is."



This chapter was 4000+ words and I wasn't even done with it so I decided to divide it into two in order to post the chapter that I promised tonight :) The good news means there is guaranteed to be another update soon since I have it almost 90% written already! Next chapter will also be from Michael's perspective and then we'll finally get back to Luke I promise! They're so close to meeting officially for the first time, get ready :0

Thanks for all of the love on this story, it's really been fueling my inspiration & encouraging me to write each day <3

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