Forget you (hidashi)

By karina02karin

7.2K 208 94

Hiro try to forget tadashi, but he always failed. Tadashi always stuck in his mind because hiro love him so m... More

Forget you
Part 1
Part 4
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Author's note

Part 7

411 15 7
By karina02karin


Hiro :"oh. happy birthday."

Karina :"....only that?"

Hiro :"what? am i wrong?"

Karina :"*sigh, turn over to reader* enjoy."


Hiro's POV

I walked around the amamiya park to get some fresh air. suddenly i saw ryuuji sitting on the bench beside the park. i run and sit next to him.

"Hey, ryuuji. ya alone?"

"Yo, hiro. perfect timing. i am waiting for you."

He quickly grab my shoulders and staring at me very deeply.

"Uh? what's wrong-"

"Hiro, to tell you the truth, actually i'm 'him'!"

"Wha? 'Him'?

"I'm 'him'!"

"What 'him'?!"


"W-what do you mean 'him'?!"

"your brother, tadashi!"


"DAFUQ!?" I shouted loudly. i hear someone's running from the kitchen.

"H-HIRO!!! ARE YOU OK?!" ryuuji open the room door and asked me panicly.

"H-uh? o-oh. yeah. im ok. just a bad dream...i guess...."

He let out a relieve sigh while facepalmed.

"God...i thought something is happenning to you. Now rest your body. im gonna make some breakfast first." he smile and leave the room.

"OK!" i shouted at him.

What the heck was that dream?! seriously, that's the stupidest dream i've ever seen.
Ryuuji said that he's tadashi.
No no, no way ryuuji is tadashi. tadashi is already DEAD. yeah...dead...

But what if the dream is real?
what if ryuuji is tadashi?
What if he was saved from the accident, and hide his identity? They have the same face after all...

"Hiro? hiro? hiro?" I dischant from my thoughts and looked at him.


"Wanna go have a breakfast? i already prepared it for you."

"Eh-ah- yes. thanks." i try to move but my butt is... so DAMNED HURT!

"O-o-owww! My butt hurt!!"

"You have to bare it. it's normal for the uke to feel that after the 'if-you-know-what-i-mean' time." he smile.

I sigh "i know that.."

"Here, let me help you." he carried with bridal style and smirked at me.

"Did you enjoy last night? Im not rough, am i?"

"S-s-shut up!" I try to hide my blush, but failed.

"You should stop blushing like that, you just make me turned on again." his smirk become wider.

I narrowed my eyes at him and He chuckled.

"JK. now hurry up eat your breakfast."

~time skips~

I put up my shoes and ready to leave from ryuuji's house.

"You're leaving?" ryuuji asked

"Yeah. I must go before aunt cass noticed me."

"Aunt cass?"

"My aunt."

He let out an 'o' shape on his mouth.

After i put up my shoes i walk towards him.

"Sooo after we did that last night.....that means we're"

"Yeah of course! we're dating now!" he smiled

"Never cheating?"

"Never cheating."

I let out my pinky finger

"Pinky promise?"

"Uhm. pinky promise."

After my pinky finger met his, i kissed him good bye and run towards the cafe.
It's not too far between ryuuji's house and the cafe.

After i reached the cafe, i looked at my watch. it's still 5 am. i sneak into the cafe. but, i saw a light and noise coming from the kitchen. shit, aunt cass is awake.

I hurriedly sneak into my bedroom and change my clothes into my pajamas, pretending that i slept at the cafe.

"Hiro, sweetie, are you there?" aunt cass yelled from downstair.

I take a deep breath and go downstair slowly, with a fake sleepy eyes.

"Hoaaaahm...g'morning, aunt cass.." aunt cass smiled at me.

"Good morning, sweetie! as you wish, i didnt wait up for you last night. where have you been? and what time did you come home last night?"

Shoot! i didnt think until that far! uuuh...from bot fight? no she will be mad. telling her the truth? what are you thinking hiro?!

"Uuuuuuhh...from..fred's house! yeah! fred's house! and i come home at 12 am."

"Wow, so late! like, doing some crazy things, last night?"

"Y-yeah. something like that.." she smiled at me, and slowly her smile faded.

"Wait hiro, didnt you have to go to university today?"

"Yeah why? it's still 5 am. The university close the gate at 7 am."

"But, honey, it's already 6.45 am..."


"Say again?"

"It's already 6.45 am. if you think it's still 5 am, your watch must be broken."


Fuck this life.

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