Ace of Harts

By chicka_loca1

17.6K 520 183

Hannah, Tyler and Sarah were friends since kindergarten. Till Tyler and Sarah both moved to a new town. Hanna... More



744 18 3
By chicka_loca1

Grace was walking to practice, when she spots Chester waiting for her on the bleachers. She walks over to him.

"Hey there." Grace smiles at him as he walks down to her.

"Hey gorgeous." Chester says leaning in for a kiss.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for practice?" Grace asks him as he grabs her hand and starts swinging it lightly in the air.

"Yeah but i prefer being here with you than in a stuffy locker room." Chester smiles at her.

"Your to sweet but i have to get ready and so do you. So go." Grace says pushing him playfully towards the locker room.

"Ok but ill be watching you during the whole practice." Chester says starting to walk backwards.

"Im sure you will." Grace responds turning around and walking into the girl's locker room. Tyler was still testing Hannah on the game plans as she gets changed in the boys locker room.

"You memerized them!" Tyler says cheerfully.

"Yeah well i don't think the team is gonna be to happy about having a girl on their team." Hannah says pulling her jersey over her head and gear.

"They just gotta deal with it. Plus your an amazing player, they'll except you." Tyler says as they walk out to the field where the rest of the team were now warming up.

"HART!!!" Coach Miller yelled from the field. Hannah ran over to him. He put an arm around Hannah as he blew his whistle.

"Everyone come here." The team walked over to Hannah's and Couch's location.

"Everyone this is Hannah. She's trying out for the team." Couch says. Hannah hears a few sexist comments but it didn't faze her. She had to deal with it last time as well. All she has to do it prove herself to these close minded douche bags.

"Couch we can't have a girl on the team. It'll make us look ridiculous." Chester said laughing.

"Hannah why don't you go warm up so you can show them wrong." Coach Miller said proudly as Hannah nodded while she started to warm up with eyes on her.

Hannah picked up a foot ball and coach sent Sawyer to catch it. Hannah was at an end zone and Sawyer at the 50 yard line. Hannah motioned her hand saying farther, until Sawyer back up all the way to the 10 yard line. She heard laughs coming from Chester and a couple of his friends.

"She can't throw that far!" Chester said "She's just a girl!" he shouted while cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder

Hannah looked to her left to see Tyler Sarah and Mamrie watching her with supportive smiles on the bleachers. Grace was running laps around the field that is until Sawyer and Hannah took places on the field. Curious she stopped running and watched while she heard Tyler and Sarah cheer. Hannah looked back at Sawyer and took a deep breath as she threw it. The ball was flying in the air, as Hannah turned her head to see mouths open as the Sawyer catches the ball.

She looked over at her friends and saw that Grace was watching as well. Tyler screamed like always when she did great. Hannah laughed and ran over to the team and coach.

"So Mr.See. What were you saying before?" Coach Miller said to him. Chester was left speechless with anger filling him. "Ok Hannah i assume you've been memorizing the plays correct?" Hannah nods in response. "Good now go practice. See, you'll sit this one out, so no fooling around." He said as everyone started to make their way to the field into their positions.

"Hannah that was a great throw you got quiet an arm there." Sawyer said to Hannah as they take their positions.

"Thanks." Hannah responded. As she yelled 'hut' and the ball was throw to her starting the practice game. Grace watched as she ran. Impressed by how good Hannah was at playing football.

"Grace!" She turned her head from the field to Chester who was sitting on the sidelines.

"Hey why aren't you playing?" Grace asks confused.

"That show off Hannah replaced me. Coach said for her to get use to playing." Chester huffed as he crossed his arms infront of his chest.

"Hannah's not a show off." Grace defended Hannah.

"Yeah well what do you call that." Chester said as he pointed to Hannah who was throwing the ball from the 10 yard line to the 20th on the other end.

"I call it playing the game. Chester you aren't the only one that has to always have the spotlight. She's really good."

"Better than me?"Chester asks angry.

"Chester...." Grace said getting bit annoyed by Chesters ego. "She's great just think about the team not just yourself." she says as she started to run again. Leaving an angry Chester behind.

"That was a great practice Hannah! You were amazing." Mamrie exclaimed as Hannah and Tyler walked out of the boys locker room.

"Thanks." Hannah says smiling and scratching the back of her neck.

"I didn't believe Tyler when he said you were really good at playing football. But damn." Sarah said as everyone laughed.

"Hey!"Tyler says putting his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt. "I am no lier." They walk over the the gate.

"Guys wait up!!" Grace yelled running up to her 4 friends.

"Hey grace!" Mamrie said.

"That was a great practice Hannah." Grace said as Hannah scratched her neck and looked down at her shoes attempting to hide her blushing.

"Thanks." She said in response as they walk out, parting ways to their houses.

"Oh wait Hannah we have a game 2 weeks from now on Friday." Tyler says telling Hannah before parting their ways.

"Hannah is it?" Chester says walking up to Hannah from behind in the empty hallway 4 days later. Hannah was already late for school and 2-st period was about to begin. She huffed out a breath and rolled her eyes before turning to face Chester.

"Yeah. What can i do for you?" Hannah asks confused to why Chester is talking to her, knowing that he hates her.

"Look i wanted to warn you." He says with a harsh tone.

"Warn me about what?" Hannah says with the same tone.

"Don't get in my way alright, dyke. So quit the football team or ill make you quit." Chester says angry getting into Hannah's face and poking her shoulder. Hannah isn't fazed more angered at what he called her.

"I wouldn't want to get in the way of your ego. I don't even think i can get passed it considering how large it is." Hannah says back getting into Chester's face not wanting to show any fear.

"Thats it dyke!" Chester snaps as he grabs Hannah's shirt and lifting her against the lockers. Chester throws a punch at Hannah's face. Hannah snaps at that this point and punches Chester harder. He backs up and clutches his face. Hannah falls to the ground and goes over to Chester and punches him again. Chester throws a punch at Hannah that makes her fall off of him. The bell rang and a crowd of students watched as Chester punched Hannah. And Hannah back at him, video taping every moment.

Students cheered as Chester punched Hannah. And Hannah had enough she punched Chester square on his jaw and as he fell to the floor Hannah got on him and punch him over again. That is until a near by teachers heard the yelling and came out of their classes.

"Enough!! Everyone go to class!!" A teacher yelled out prying Hannah off of Chester. The crowd of students ran off to their classes leaving the hallway empty again. Another teacher helped Chester up.

"Now what was going on here!!?" The one holding back Hannah asked.

"He threatened me and then punched me. Therefor i had the right to punch him back." Hannah stated wiping the blood from her busted lip.

"You two go the principles office now." The teacher helping Chester said. Hannah walked off to the principles office wiping the blood from her face with the back of her hand.

Hannah walks into the cafeteria wiping the rest of blood of her face with a damp paper towel. Everyone goes silent and Hannah walks awkwardly to the line as eyes watch her every move.

"Oh my god Hannah i heard what happened! Well....watched what happened." Sarah says as Hannah sits down at the table.

"You look like a mess!" Mamrie says laughing.

"Yeah no kidding. I have Chester to thank for that." Hannah says annoyed.

"What started it?" Tyler asks.

"I was late for school and while i was walking to class Chester came up to me and told me to not get in his way and not play football, getting in my face called me a dyke. So i got into his face and told him i couldn't get passed his huge ego and he punched me and i punched back." Hannah says shrugging at it.

"Well you beat the shit out of him! He deserved it." Tyler says smiling and laughing. Hannah laughs.

"Where's Grace?" Hannah asks realizing that her tall blond awkward friend wasn't here.

"She went to see where Chester was. She watched the video and got worried about him getting beat up badly by you." Sarah answers.

"Of course." Hannah says under her breath for no one to hear. But it doesn't go unnoticed by Tyler. Tyler put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. Hannah smiled back and eating her food as jealousy grows inside her.

She' worried about her boyfriend. Not a person she's only known for 4 weeks. Get your head together Hannah, she's not gonna like you.

"Chester what really happened? And don't lie to me." Grace says seriously as she cleans Chester's cuts.

"I was talking to her and she said something mean and i snapped and punched her then she punched me." Chester says as he winced at Grace's touch.

"Sorry." Grace apologized as she stops cleaning the cuts. "What did you say to her. Because i know Hannah pretty well and she doesn't seem like the kind of person to be mean to person without being provoked." Grace says sitting infront of Chester. He sighed.

"I told her to get out of my way and to quit the team." Chester say. Grace gets annoyed by Chester when he does things like this.

"Why? Why do you always have to get mad at someone for taking your spotlight away from you Chester. Understand your not a huge star like you think you are." Grace says getting angry and walking to the door.

"Whatever, ever since that faggot has been here you have been taking her side. Im your boyfriend or are you a dyke like her." Chester said raising his voice.

"Chester im sick of you, your so self centered. And don't call her that and no I'm not she's my friend. And frankly i shouldn't even be here i should be with her making sure she's alright!" Grace says getting louder.

"So what are you're breaking up with me?" Chester says.

"Yeah i am. And i feel so much better with you out of my fucking plate. Have fun being an ass hole." Grace says as she walks out the door and walks off to her locker. As she opens her locker something Chester yelled at her got her thinking.

Do i like Hannah? No, I'm straight plus she's my friend. We are just friends. Just friends nothing more nothing less.

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