Drunken Accident [boyxboy]

By acidcandyflxss

173K 6K 1.2K

What happens when you suddenly wake up one morning with an arrogant little jack as your one night stand? Well... More

Drunken Accident [boyxboy]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31

Chapter 30

3K 115 13
By acidcandyflxss

Song of the Chapter: Demi Lovato - Made In The USA



I was working on my next project, too engrossed in it. My small office was quiet, which was rare. The office was always at least a bit noisy, since that noise seeped in from the outside. Whether it was a woman's heels clicking nearby that sounded very distant, or the vague beeping of the communal printer, there was always a bit of noise. Not too much to be disturbed, though.

Today was quiet though, which a breathed a sigh of relief to. It's been two weeks since Cameron started his exams, and he was finishing them today. I've rarely seen him during that time, afraid of being a distraction. He has been messaging me quite often, though. I kept telling him to study, but he doesn't listen, like always.

I told him to not come over for the duration of his exams, and he was reluctant at first, but he complied. He was scowling when he agreed, and his face reminded me of a five year old kid's face when he doesn't get his candy. It was adorable.

I was still busy with work when I heard a knock on the door. I looked up to see Ash, smiling. I smiled at her when our eyes met.

"I'm so busy Ash," I

said and looked down at my computer. She walked over to me.

"I know, you

workaholic bitch. You need a break," she said. I huffed in playful annoyance. I

suddenly felt a pair of hands grabbing my forearm, tugging me away from my

desk. I fell from my chair to the floor at the unexpected pull. I glared at Ash

as I stood up, her face red from holding in her laugh.

"You could've heave

just told me to get up, you know," I told her, still glaring. She was about to

say something, but then she burst out in laughter. She held her knees while she

laughed her guts out. I stood there and crossed my arms.

"Dude, chillax. It's

Friday!" She exclaimed when she calmed down. I shook my head and walked out of

my office.

"I know. That was no

reason to pull me towards the floor, though. Why is the office so quiet today?"

I queried once I walked out of my office, Ash trailing behind me. I looked over

to see a few of my colleagues clicking away on their computers. I guess the

others where on lunch break.

"I think Mr Mason

gave everyone a bit more work than usual. Even I got more workload than usual,"

Ash whined next to me. I shrugged as we walked towards the cafe.

"I got the same

amount of work as usual, though. But I always get more work than the rest of

everyone else," I said. It was true, though. I always get more work than the

rest. That doesn't mean I'm special, though. It got exhausting by the second

time around.

"Or it's because you're

fucking the boss' son," Ash said. I turned and around and glared at her. She

raised her hands in defence as she squealed under her breath. I turned around

and resumed my trail.

"That's an unfair

thing for you to say, Ash. If I said that to you, you wouldn't speak to me for

years," I said. She came up beside me.

"Well, yeah. But I

was just kidding, Max," she said delightedly. I rolled my eyes and entered the

café. I ordered the same thing and sat

down with ash. Suddenly, Chris came up behind Ash and blocked her eyes with his

hands. He smiled at me and mouthed and me to keep quiet. I chuckled and nodded.

"Max, who is it?"

Ash asked me. I kept quiet, following Chris' orders.

"Hmm, with these

huge hands that smell like old man's feet and cheap cigarettes, it's Chris!"

She exclaimed. Chris immediately pulled his hands away and smelled his hands,

his face contorted into a disgusted expression.

"My hands don't

smell like that. They smell like freshly printed paper and cologne," Chris

complained. I laughed at them both.

"I just said that to

make you take your hands of my face. But come to think of it..." Ash trailed off,

a wicked smile on her face. Chris huffed in annoyance and pouted.

"I'm just kidding,"

Ash said, laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Ash, April fools

was a month ago," I informed. Chris grabbed the chair beside her and sat.

"I know," she said.

I shrugged and continued with my sandwich. They started cuddling and leaning on

to each other like the adorable couple that they are. Problem is, there was

another person in the room. They kept kissing and whispering in each other's

ears. Thank fuck I didn't hear any of it, otherwise my lunch would've made a

reappearance from my stomach.

I coughed loudly,

now feeling uncomfortable with being the third wheel. That didn't disturb them

from they're cloud 109 moment. They kept showing their PDA, vaguely aware that

I was in the room. I coughed again, but to no avail. I rolled my eyes and stood

up from the table, finally having had enough from their disgustingly romantic

displays of affection. They didn't even notice as I walked out of the café!

I was walking from

the café to my office, ready to resume my work way before the lunch even ended,

when I the felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and turned, confused as to

who that would be. I was stunned as I saw who was standing in front of me. it

was Christian.

"Hey," he said with

his ever-present smile. I smiled softly, still shocked that he would even

acknowledge my present.

"H-hey," I said. His

smile increased as he looked at me with his painfully blue eyes. His hair was

gelled and he was wearing a navy coloured suit. He looked handsome, as always.

"What are you doing

here?" I asked.

"I was called in to

discuss some important issues with Paul. I just figured that you would be in or

something," he said.

"Cool," I said. I

hate that I was at a loss for words or anything to talk about with him. I'm

such a bad friend. He glanced over his shoulder for a second before he looked

at me.

"Uhm, do you want to

grab lunch somewhere outside? You know, those terribly cold hotdogs on the

hotdog stands with cheesy slogans?" he said jokingly. I laughed a little and


"I would love that,"

I said.

*** *** ***

"This hotdog is

terrible!" Christian exclaimed after he took a bite of the hotdog we got from

the hotdog stand. We were walking in a small park, which was filled with people

in this lunch hour. I looked at him quizzically as he took yet another bite of

the hotdog. I refused to get one, since I was already full from my sandwich.

"So why don't you

throw it away?" I asked him. He ate his bite before he responded.

"I am WAY too hungry

to throw this away," he said. I scoffed at him.

"You could go to the

most expensive sushi bar in the city, yet you choose to eat from a hotdog

stand? I'm beginning to question your logic," I said. Now it was his turn to


"You know, I miss

eating at a place where I pay less than seven dollars for a meal. And the most

expensive sushi bar is fully booked for a Friday afternoon, if you must know,"

he said, a half smile on his face. I laughed then, the expression on his face

too funny not too. He looked at me, puzzled.

"What?" he asked. I

laughed at him more, before I calmed down.

"The look on your

face. You look SO British!" I exclaimed. I laughed again uncontrollably. He

grinned at me and began to walk. I walked with him.

"My mother is

British, so I can see what resemblance you're talking about," he said. I

finally managed to calm down for a second time, but the smile didn't want to go


"Really?" I asked.

Well, that was new.

"Yeah," he said. "She moved to Chicago

when she was nineteen. Ten years later, she met my father and that how I came

to be," he said.

"Oh, that's cool. I

wanna visit Britain someday," I said, adding the last part as an afterthought.

"Trust me, we will,"

he said. I smiled for a while, until I realised that he said 'we'. We walked

silence while I was panicking at the thought that maybe he still wants to be

more than friends again.

"And as friends.

With Cameron's permission, of course," he said. I breathed a silent sigh of

relief as though words came out of his mouth.

"Uhm, okay," I said.

"So, how have you and

Cameron been?" he asked curiously. I

glanced at him to an expectant look on his face.

"We're okay. Everything's

cool. I mean, we haven't gotten into fights or anything, which is a miracle

with a guy like him," I said. He laughed and shook his head.

"I know, I know. but

y'all are cute together though," he said. I blushed as he said that, and I

turned my face in the opposite direction.

"Thanks," I said.

We walked in silence

for a few minutes before I checked the time. It has been fifteen minutes since

my lunch break ended. And...

Oh Shit.

I saw fifteen missed

calls and ten text messages from Cameron.

I opened one and

immediately wanted to close it.


It was filled with

various emoji's, ranging from angry to tired.


"Christian, I need

to get back to the office. I'm already fifteen minutes late," I said, hurriedly

walking. He started walking at the same pace as I.

"Then I'll go with

you. I'll just tell Mr Mason that I was keeping you from work," he said. I sighed.

If only he knew what the real problem was.

"Don't you have work

to do or something?" I asked. He grinned.

"No, I'm completely

free this weekend," he said.

"Uhm, okay. But

today was fun. I enjoyed it. No I really have to go, and you don't have to come

with me," I said. He shrugged.

"But I want to," he

said. I groaned frustratedly.

"Fine," I said.

*** *** ***

I walked in to the

reception of the office, with Christian walking right behind me. I turned to

him once I entered. He looked surprised by the sudden halt.

"Thanks for walking

me here, Christian," I said. He smiled as he looked down at me.

"It's no problem,

really," he said.

"Max?" I heard a

voice call out behind me. I turned to see Cameron standing there, his face

showing confusion. He looked good, as always.

"H-hey, Cameron," I

stuttered. I was trying to come up with an excuse as to why I didn't answer his

phone calls and texts. He glanced behind me and saw Christian, and an immediate

smile spread across his face. I gave him a confused look as he walked to

Christian. Then they done the most unexpected thing ever.

They hugged.

I knew that they

were quite close, and their bromance was apparent, but I thought Cameron would

be angry at Christian and at me once he saw us walking through the door

together. That maybe he'd throw a jealous rage or something. Not hug him. I guess he was more mature than

I gave him credit for.

"'Sup, bro?" Cameron

said while hugging Christian. They separated ad stood close to each there.

"Never been better,

and you?" he asked. Cameron shrugged.

"Same," he said.

Christian then looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, I'm going to

catch y'all later, okay?" He said gleefully. I smiled and nodded while Cameron

said goodbye. Their little exchange was baffling to me, and I should be feeling

a little jealous but I wasn't. All I felt was relief.

Christian walked out

of the glass doors, leaving Cameron and I alone. Cameron turned to me, his face

quite serious.

"Why weren't you

answering my texts and calls?" he interrogated.

"My phone was on

silent, so I didn't hear it," I told him. It was the truth, yet he narrowed his

eyes, looking at me warily.

"Oh, really?" He

said darkly. I gave him an amused look, knowing that he was looking for

something that wasn't there.

"Cameron, stop

asking me if there's more to my absence. This isn't an episode of Cheaters," I

retorted, rolling my eyes. He huffed and I started walking to my office, him

walking behind me. We got to my office and Cameron sat on the seat opposite me

while I sat on mine.

"Okay, okay. I'm

sorry. But I must admit that it did look shady," Cameron said, a smirk

lingering on his face. I leaned in on my seat, suddenly caught by him thinking

that it was shady.

"Shady, huh?" I


"Well, you're like

thirty minutes late from lunch and you come walking in on Christian. What would

you think if you were in my place?" he retorted. I must admit, he did have a

point on that. I would probably call in private investigators and the army if I

have to if I suspected that he was cheating. Well, maybe not that extreme, but

you get the point.

"Your jealousy's

showing again," I said. He chuckled.

"And what is up with

you and Christian, y'all best buddies now?" I quizzed. His smirk grew wider.

"Well, yeah. Now

who's the one with jealous tendencies?" He patronized. I scoffed at him.

"I'm not jealous," I

said. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Anyway, I

just came to ask you if you would like to go somewhere with me tonight," he

declared. I shot him a dark look.

"Where? And don't

tell me that it's a surprise because the last time that happened I looked like

trash," I warned. He looked amused by my tone.

"Chill. It's at a

club downtown, so you can look as trashy as you want," he mused. Now it was my

turn to narrow my eyes.

"My clothes aren't trashy at all. Just casual. And why are we going there?" I asked.

"To celebrate the end of my finals," he said. I raised both of my eyebrows in surprise. I completely forgot that he just wrote his last paper while I was too caught up with Christian. I'm a bad boyfriend.

"Oh. How were they, by the way?" I asked. Cameron shrugged nonchalantly.

"They were challenging, but I think I passed them all. The results come out next week Monday," he said. I smiled at him.

"It's great that you're very sure about your grades. You know where to find me if you fail," I joked. He scoffed, yet the amusement never left his eyes.

"Let's just hope we don't sleep together again after we go to the club," he shot back. I glared at him.

"Prick," I grumbled under my breathe. He laughed at that.

"Ha! That's what I thought."


Once again, Wattpad has fucked up my chapters, and I'm too tired to fix them, to be honest. Wattpad should fix this!!

I love you



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