Obikaka ( one shots )

By Yukishows

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Hi :) These are just story's I feel like writing when I'm inspired enjoy :D Every chapter will be a differen... More

His kiss
What a life..
Another one..
Love letters
Soulmate magnets
Blind date.
Love justus
Passing notes
New years
The last strawberry
Crystal reflections.
Bank heist turned personal
Hes still alive
Its okay to be confused
Date to the wedding
I miss you...
Its a miracle
Dont wanna die alone
His regrets
Forgotten promises
Tourettes? part 2
Your worrying me...
A little too helpful..
Assassins can have soft spots too
Shouldnt you be dead!?
They Looking at me~
Your so dense
Airplanes arent my strong point
Im not obsessed. Im just protecting him
Two worlds apart
Clingy much
I may have a problem
Just a little disagreement
Babysitting sucks
Wilted heart
I hate you.
Beach trip!
Unfortunately stuck together
Is gay okay?
Ill help you see
Trapped together
Falling for each other through sweets
Your static love
I remember your love
Im too patient
Love hurts, especially yours.
From bullied to feared part 1
From bullied to feared part 2
Your static love part 2
Its all my fault
Obitos jealousy
We met in the janitors closet
My prince of love
My prince of love part 2!!
Long sighted love
I just needed time
I want to break up
You know what they say~
Still here
Met in a weird way
Under pressure
Under Preasure part 2!
Just have to shoot your shot
Head over heels for an elf
Love at first sight
Nobody is purrrfect 😏
Not what i meant..
Thank you❤️

He's everything i have, please..

899 23 160
By Yukishows

The picture will make sense soon :)

Obito wined to his sensei.
"But Minato sensei! These missions are too easy! I want
some action!" Obito yelled.

Minato laughed "you must know Obito, harder missions are
more deadly. You can't just go to a B or A ranked mission over night" he
said, patting Obitos head.

Kakashi looked up at Obito, leaning against the wall.
"Yeah Obito, it takes time" he said, closing his eyes.

Obito looked over at Kakashi "shut up! Coming from you! You
we're born a prodigy! While people like me have to work for their
power!" He yelled, giving Kakashi a death glare.

Minato sighed, he looked at Rin "how would you feel about a
harder mission?"

Rin hesitated "I'm not sure.." she looked off.

Obito ran to her "come on Rin! It would be so much cooler than
our original missions!" He shouted.

She still looked hesitant "fine. How about this, I send you two
on a harder mission, see if you come back all smiley" Minato
placed his hands in his hips.

Obitos eyes sparkled "really!?"

Kakashi stepped closer "wait! Why do I have to join him! I
never complained about the missions"

Minato sighed "because, Obito needs someone strong to help him
if need be. And since I still need to help Rin with the remaining missions,
I can't be there" he stated.

Kakashi sighed "okay.. but I'm not sure about thi-"

"Come on!" He grabbed his shoulder "we'll be fine! As long as
you don't start any fights, we'll be okay!"

"You're literally starting one right now-"

"Okay sensei! Where are we going?" Obito smiled.

"It's not too far from the village, just south. We've been
needing to catch a gang of bandits. Think you two can handle
it?" Minato asked.

Obito immediately nodded "this will be sick!" He smiled.

Kakashi sighed "I have a bad feeling about this.."

Obito and Kakashi got their gear ready. Minato and Rin went
to the gate to say goodbye to them and make sure they were

"Now, you aren't going to get hurt right?" Rin asked.

"Nope! I'll protect everyone!" Obito smiled. "That's a promise!"

Minato smiled "you better Obito. And remember, this is a harder class
mission. No fooling around or fighting. Got that?" He looked at the two.

Kakashi and Obito nodded, Minato giving them final directions to
the hideout of the bandits.

As they were watching them leave, Rin spoke up.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked, not taking her eyes
off the two boys.

Minato nodded, also not taking his eyes off them.
"Obito needs to learn the difficulty of a harder mission.. if
doing this is the only way, so be it.." he closed his eyes.

~With Tobito and closeted prodigy~

"Look what you've done, now I have to babysit you on a B ranked
mission.." Kakashi said, putting his hands in his pockets.

Obito quickly turned his head "I don't need no babysitter! I'm perfectly
capable of handling myself!" Obito said proudly.

Kakashi rolled his eyes "in a special Ed class maybe.."

Obito gave him a death glare "you know what, I'm never speaking
to you again." He folded his arms, looking away.

Kakashi sighed "to complete the mission you're going to have
to put up with speaking with me Obito. This is a team mission"

"You think you're soooo smart!" Obito yelled.

The both of them bickered all the way there, Kakashi having to stop Obito
from going the complete wrong directions most the time.

Obito let his guard down, Kakashi was the type of person to not let
his guard down, even when he's sleeping. So he felt mildly safe
with Kakashi around.

Of course he'd never admit it.

Kakashi stopped walking, and stopped bickering. He looked
around, giving the signal for Obito to be silent.

Obitos trusted Kakashis instinct, so he stayed silent. He saw
Kakashi sniff the air, he thought it was weird then remembered he
was part inuzuka.

He followed Kakashi to a abandoned factory looking place. It looked
like a hideout to Obito and he was excited he was going to actually
get some action.

He followed Kakashi around the building, crouching to avoid notice. They
went to the window and looked through to see five people, probably more
in their little gang.

The five people looked like they were having a meeting, Obito a little
too far away to hear.

"Are they?" He asked, looking over at Kakashi.

Kakashi slowly nodded "we need to get inside and capture them. Obito,
I need you to promise me something" he went to Obito.
"If I'm in trouble, and you can't help, I want you to run
back to the village, just leave me, okay?"

Obitos eyes went wide "what! No way! I am not leaving my comrade
to die!"

Kakashi sighed "you must, if I am too weak, or you can't help me
defeat them, run. I don't want any negotiations" he closed his eyes.


Kakashi grabbed his arm, leading him around the corner. Obito saw
no chance to argue. No way he'd leave Kakashi for dead. It wasn't

Obito watched the hooded figures speak to one another, about going
to Konoha and stealing all sorts of things. Even maybe getting hostages
for some extra cash.

Kakashi and Obito dove behind some boxes, crouching and listening
to the enemies.

He saw Kakashi find a opening, waiting for his signal.
"Obito, cover me okay?" He whispered.

Obito nodded.

He watched Kakashi move closer to one of the ninjas, jumping out
and throwing five shuriken's at the enemies.

Three of the five ran off the openings, Obito also jumped out,
creating his many hand signs and blowing a big fire ball out his

Smoke was in his face, he couldn't see anything. He heard Kakashi take
a hard hit, he flinched, he couldn't help.

He felt a strong kick to his stomach, causing him
to loose his air.

Obito felt the hard ground below him as he toppled over, he looked
up quickly to see Kakashi fighting the enemy nin. He didn't have much
energy left, he couldn't help Kakashi at all.

He thought about what Kakashi had said. If he couldn't help Kakashi,
run. No. He wouldn't just run. Kakashi needed help.

Obito felt the world around him spin. He took a hard kick didn't

He opened his eyes tiredly, hearing a loud ring in his ear. He saw
Kakashi be punched hard, knocking him to the ground.

Obito saw the enemy ninja walk towards him. He couldn't move. Why
couldn't he move!

The enemy kicked his head, knocking him out, engulfing his
view into darkness.


Obito woke up, feeling a cold wall behind him. He opened his eyes, noticing
his hands were tied with rope, his legs too. He looked next to him
and saw Kakashi knocked out.

He looked around, starting to panic. Should he have left? Should
he have listened? Where were they? What could he do?

He was still swaying from the kick before, but could see
a figure walking towards him.

He looked up "what do you want? Ransom? Go ahead, ask
someone for money. No one loves us, you aren't getting any cash
from anyone!" Obito lied, maybe if the enemy thought he was of
no use, they'd let them go.

The enemy walked towards Kakashi, giving Obito a weird look.
He pulled out a Kunai.

Obitos eyes widened "wait! Let's talk! He doesn't deserve that! I'll do
anything, just don't hurt him!" He yelled.

The enemy grabbed Kakashi's arm, lifting him up. He held the
Kunai to his throat, as of giving Obito a warning.

Obito became desperate "what do you want!? I'll do anything, ill
steal for you, I'll help you, please don't hurt him!"

"Geez, sure does yell a lot.." another masked enemy walked into
the room.

"We're just children! You're really going to kill him!?" Obito yelled.
"I don't believe you! You're bluffing!"

The enemy set Kakashi down, slicing his arm, blood running
down Kakashi's arm.

Obito realized they were serious "okay! You can kill me! Just.. leave
him alone! He didn't do anything!" Obito yelled.

He tried to fight his way out the ropes, but they were too tight. He
nudged himself closer to Kakashi, trying desperately to get free. There's
no way Kakashi could die, and it be Obitos fault.

Tears streamed down Obitos face, there's no way he could live
with himself. Kakashi dying, just because he didn't want to do
a easy mission.

Obito regretted all the times he ever complained, looking at the blood
running down Kakashi's arm.

"Please.. he's everything I have! You aren't going to kill a
child!" He yelled, his eyes wide with desperation.

The enemy brought the Kunai to Kakashi's throat, Obito looked away,
hearing the knife slice across his neck.

He smelt the fresh blood immediately, his breathing becoming faster and
faster, his tears and mind racing. He stared at the ground, regretting every
single thing he ever said to Kakashi.

He felt his body twitch, Kakashi was dead, because of him.
He screamed loudly, letting all his pain out. The expectations, the regrets,
and loosing one of the most important people in his life.

He screamed till his voice gave out, hearing his voice echo through
the room. He couldn't have just watched Kakashi die. This is
a bad dream.

He bit the inside of his mouth, trying to keep in his screams of
desperation, just to see Kakashi's eyes alive, his spirit next to him.
He begged the blade, just tell him it's a bad dream.

He looked over, seeing Kakashi's eyes covered by the enemy's hand,
blood running down his neck.

He immediately looked away. The tears down his face. He didn't care,
he didn't want anything in that moment. He saw everything around
him turn red, the silence in the room becoming thick tension.

"You f#ckers. You took the only f#cking thing keeping me going, the only
thing in my life beside Rin that didn't make it suck! You f#ckers, I
will find your f#cking family!" He yelled, his eyes becoming
enraged, his tears becoming angry.

He closed his eyes, feeling someone touch his shoulder. He looked
beside and saw the enemy nin. He bit their hand, giving them a death expression.

The person jerked their hand away, their hood falling down.

He saw a familiar brunette, her purple marks on her face that symbolized
her clan, her brown chocolate eyes. It was Rin.

Obito looked at her in desperation. "R-rin?" His voice giving out.

The other enemy took off his hood, revealing Minato with shocked
eyes. Everyone was silent. Listening to Obitos desperate death filled
scream gave them a shock.

"What the f#ck are you two doing! You-" before he could say anything,
he looked over and saw Kakashi touching his shoulder.

"Obito! It's okay! I'm alive!" He screamed at him.

Obitos fell silent, looking at the three of them.

Minato crossed his arms "Obito, do you see why I don't want
to send you on deadly missions?" Minato asked.

Obitos eyes went wide, this was all a test? "You.. a$$holes.. you made
me think the only f#cking good thing in my life died in front
of my eyes!? My fault!?" He screamed.

"Obito.. we needed you to understand how harder missions work.
this is what happens. People die, we needed you to understand that" Rin
said, untying the ropes around his arms and legs.

Immediately, Obito hugged Kakashi "I'm so sorry! I've said so many bad
things to you." he let his tears run down his face.

Kakashi was silent, he pulled apart and looked at him.
"Obito... would you be that sad if I actually died?" He asked.

Obito looked at him confused "well.. I thought you did die.." he looked
away "so maybe.." he said. He was embarrassed his feelings were out. He
always made it look like he hated Kakashi.

When really, he would be depressed if he was gone.

Kakashi smiled, looking down, he looked so happy with that answer. Obito
hugged him "I'm sorry... you were right.. I should've ran" he wiped
away his tears.

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