Caught in a Mousetrap OVA: Mi...

By Gameboycolor242

2K 26 12

Nine years after the tower rose into the sky. Sarah Garcia is called by a familiar name to help Odin out wi... More

A Wild Goose Chase
The Blind sheep
The Might Of The Subconscious
Old wounds
Bad Memories
Wake up
The Last Straw
Accept it
Hold your grudges

Deep Breaths

112 2 0
By Gameboycolor242

Twigs snap underneath doctor's feet. He's been looking for a way out of this never-ending forest, and hasn't found a single path to leave this forest. The young scientist has to now accept the fact that he is.

Doctor: I'm lost...... It's that tower all over again. Huh?

The doc's suspensions start to arise when he hears a twig crack behind his right blind side. Doctor spins in that direction and strains his eyes to see if he can spot the source of the sound.

Doctor: Who's there? We're not here to hurt any of you so just....

Doctor is cut off when a small tails doll suddenly appears in the brushes in front of him. Doctor has been through too much spooky shit to even be phrased by this unnatural event.

Doctor: Is this supposed to scare me or something?

?: I guess it didn't work?

Doctor: Who said that?

?: Down here. 

Doctor brings his attention to the doll, and notices something is off with it.

Doctor: Wait, this shouldn't be here.

?: I agree with you to an extend on that.

Doctor turns around pointing his pistol right into the head of the man behind him. However, his face seems to be familiar to Doctor. A young man in his twenties, wearing a blue sweater.

Doctor: Luther?

Luther: Oh, you actually know my name.

Doctor: No......, your supposed to be in a vessel. Who the hell are you!?

Luther: you just said it, Luther.

Doctor: Your too young to be him. You were around fifty when you got pulled in.

Luther: Pulled in? You believe they pulled me in. Your logic seems to be out of place my friend. I pulled them in not the other way around.

Doctor: What? That doesn't make any sense.

Luther: I was killed in 63 and thrown into a lake, 30 years of isolation, and then

Doctor: You tracked down your killers and put them in this disc.

Luther: See you get the full story.

Doctor: Except that's not how it actually went. Your friend Sarah died instead of you. If what you say is true. You must be from a parallel universe.

Luther AU: Ah, so multiverse theory is true. I wonder..... does that mean Sarah is just as powerful as me here.

Doctor: I'm afraid, I can't let you do that.

Luther's pupils turned a bright blue. The young man knocks doctor's weapon out his hands with ease, and wraps his hands around his throat.

Luther AU: Are you planning on stopping me?

Doctor: Firstly, you talk too damn much. Second, There's no oxygen in here, and not I'm having anything trouble here. So, your little handlock isn't doing anything. Lastly, it's not wise idea to underestimate the son of a demon lord.

Luther AU: ............Run that last part back by me again.

Doctor's hands turns into claws and grabs onto Luther's arm. Squeezing into them sounds of bones cracking can be heard. Doctor's skin turns blue and it catches Luther's attention.

Luther AU: You really aren't human.

Doctor pushes Luther's hands off of him. Luther surprisingly breaks off of it. He punches doctor in his rib cage, and about 4 of his ribs crack. It causing him to stumble to his knees, but it only made doctor more mad than in pain. Luther grabs the scientist hair and pulls his head up. Luther catches a face full of smoke coming from doctor's mouth blinding him. Doctor sweeps his leg making Luther fall. During this fall, Doctor gives Luther by his chest and throws into to a tree. This tree breaks a hole into a different level. Luther falls through landing on the rooftop of a city building. When he recovers, Doctor appears right beside him and puts his foot on his chest. The demon shows his dominance over Luther with his wings and golden yellow eyes.

Doctor: Stay down, you won't want me to actually try and kill you.

Luther AU: What's a demon doing here?

Doctor: Hmm, what happened to your tone a moment ago. Your not so tough when you don't have control now?

Luther AU: Get off me.

Doctor: I'm warning you, do that shit again, and my size tens go through your heart.

Luther opens his sweater and Doctor's foot starts to sink into Luther's stomach.

Doctor: A wormhole. You believe this going to work against me.

Luther AU: Like you said, I'm not trying yet.

Black Arms climb out of the hole and grab onto Anyone's leg. He flies up to make gravity pull them off, but it's not use. They hang on tight to him. Doctor spins in a circle going as fast as possible to fling them off. Not one of them lose their grip.

Luther AU: Your going to a new one to my collection.

Doctor puts his hands together and tries to perform a spell except one of the long black humanoid hands grabs him. Preventing him from doing the spell.

Doctor: Shit.

Doctor tries to spit flames onto the vengeful spirit. One problem through

There's no oxygen in here. The one fault Anton pointed to Luther is now biting him in his ass. Without oxygen fire, can't be made. He doesn't have Sarah anywhere nearby to even help him. He can't perform spells and no access to his weapons. He's completely at the mercy of Luther.

Luther AU: Son of a demon lord, my ass. You had me on the ropes there. Then, you didn't even account for my disc being on my stomach.

An idea hits Doctor's head, but he needs someone else to do it. He doesn't know who can't even help him with it. If he can just un loose his hands and stab Luther with the virus on his stomach. He can get him off, and possibly get rid of him.

Luther AU: What's that sou-......AAA

A crystal axe flies into the back of this AU Luther. Doctor quickly flies down into the ground bringing the axe further through the AU's body. Luther screams out in pain, and sends more hands to grab Doctor. Unfortunately, for him. He moved out his way a long time ago. With the AU, on his back pinned to the ground by the axe. Doctor holds his hands in the air.


Doctor's spell completely obliterates Luther and creates a huge mushroom cloud that been seen from the distance. The rumble of the explosion can heard all through the disc.

Kyle: What was that?

Athena: Doctor...... What did you do now? Can you move?

Kyle: No, I can't feel anything in my body actually.

Athena puts her hand on the metal Sonics head. A green aura glows around him. Kyle gets up like nothing never happened to him. Even through you can't see it. Kyle has the biggest smile on his face.

Kyle: Wow, I feel so much better.

Athena: I'm glad you do..

Kyle: Yeah....... Why are you pulling back your sleeve?

Athena: Oh, this. I'm giving my arm enough space.

Kyle: For what?

Athena: This

Sarah drags her muscular right palm across Kyle's machine face.

Athena: That's for spying on me in the waterfall! You pervert!

Kyle: What?! I wasn't spying on you.

Athena: Then, what were you doing then?

Kyle: I teleported and I accidentally ended up there.

Athena: Oh, sorry........ Just don't anyone else what you saw.

Kyle: Ok,... So your from an Alternate timeline.

Athena: Yup.

Kyle: There's a way out of this mess right?

Athena: There is, but I can guarantee. You don't want me to say it out loud. Talk through your spirit. That way she can't listen.

Kyle: Talk through my spirit. How do I do that?

Athena: It's like talking in your head. Just think harder about your words and visualize your saying them.

Kyle: Alright

Kyle closes his eyes, and thinks harder about his words.

Kyle: Like this?

Athena's Mind: Just like that. Think...

Kyle's Mind: I think I got it!

Athena's Mind: Stay focus. You don't want to lose it. We have a virus, the same one that was used to destroy my disc. I don't if it works here, but it's worth a try.

Kyle's Mind: That's amazing. How did you get something like that?

Athena's Mind: I just know someone.

Kyle's Mind: Huh, ok, and that someone had something to do with that explosion.

Athena's Mind: I guess so. What the hell is he doing?

A yellow two tailed fox walks behind. The blue scarf floats from the dust of the explosion. The vessel is lost for words at what he just witnessed. This random stranger came out of nowhere and made everyone of them including Sarah look powerless.

Luther: What a way to make an entrance. I assume your new here.

Doctor: So it seems.

Luther: Who are you? You look a bit inhuman to say Sarah pulled you in.

Doctor: Your right some of that. I'm human alright, I just got a little devil inside. As for your friend, she didn't pull me in. I came here on my own accord.

The Fox's eyes widen.

Luther: You came here on your own accord? Who would want to enter this hell on their own accord.

Doctor: The guy trying to get all of you out of here.

Luther: Well, based on what just happened. What's the plan?

Athena: Get to the main frame and attach to virus to it. It's auto pilot after that.

Kyle: It's that simple?

Athena: The crazy bitch? Remember.

Kyle: Oh.... Sarah.... It feels weird saying that in front of you. Do you have anything else to call you.

Athena: Athena

Kyle: The Goddess of War...... That's an interesting title considering what you told me earlier.

Athena doesn't say anything to Kyle. The silence he received was more than enough to answer his question. Kyle can tell Athena is hiding something from him. Kyle walks in front of Athena and asks her a simple question.

Kyle: Are ok? Your tense. If it's about before I understand.

The Entity: Jesus, he won't shut up........ It won't hurt to see what his inside look like.

Athena: Shut up.

Kyle: Oh, I'm sorry.

Athena: No, not you. It's just.....This thing gets very annoying.

Kyle: What thing?

Athena: Nevermind, where are the rest of them. Luther, Martin and Micheal?

Kyle: On a cross.

Athena: On fire?

Kyle: On fire.

Athena: Huh, Guess we do think alike. Alright, let's go and get them.

Kyle: Aren't we going to wait on your boss?

Athena: It's been a change of plans. Not to mention, we're on a time limit here.

Kyle: Alright, hang on.

 The purple hedgehog is sitting down on a cliff. Staring at the crack on the skybox above. Holding her two hands together. Her nerves slowly start to raise because of it. She can't relax at the thought of it. It's the first time in awhile she felt.......scared. Sarah breathes out and asks "Did they find something? All this time, and now it breaks. It's never done that before, or maybe. Tom, tried to smash his screen. That's it! That little shit tried to lock me in here. Clever boy, Let's see how's he's enjoying his life" 

Thomas creaks his room door. Doctor is still sitting in front of colorful t.v. The terrified man tip toe against the room's wooden floor, holding on tight to the anchor Doctor gave him. Thomas notices that the colors on that might the room so bright was the rainbow colors coming from the crack on his desktop. Thomas isn't bother by it much, but it still. It's a weird sight to hold.

Thomas: Doctor, Are you still there?

Nothing but silence. Just the vibrations from the desktop's CPU fan. Thomas sits down on his bed, He has slept since what he saw that night. He's tired and can barely keep his eyes open.

Doctor: Listen, don't step one foot in this room without this.

Thomas: I mean, He did say I'll be safe as long as I have this. A few hours of sleep. Even if it isn't much, My back can't handle another night on that couch.

Thomas lays down on his bed. He keeps his glance on the desktop as he drifts away into a dream. However, as Thomas takes a good night rest. A hand reaches out of the screen and grabs it's border to pull itself out. The half decaying body of Sarah examines the room. She takes a good glance at Thomas sleeping, it's the perfect opportunity to take him, but another person. One who she has never seen before is sitting in front of the screen. Mediating it seems. Sarah's attention goes completely to Doctor's body. If there us anyone else other than Tom who knows then. Her world will be exposed, and the last thing she wants is for her little game to be ripped away from her. Sarah doesn't even crack a smile, she tries to pull Doctor's arm off but she goes right through him.

Sarah: What?! He doesn't have a soul.

Sarah is highly confused. There hasn't been anyone she couldn't have grab in the presence of this disc. Did she miscalculated how long this body been here, or did she lose some of her powers. Trying over and over again. The boy is transparent to her grasp. This makes Sarah furious. Veins starts to appear on her forehead and her eyes faintly become red. She walks over to Thomas and tries to grab him. This time she can feel a soul. Down side is it isn't moving. Sarah puts all of strength into trying to pull the sleeping nerd soul out his body, but it doesn't move.

Sarah: Ok, ok, ok.

Sarah takes another deep breath, and clears her throat before she screams.

Sarah: Thomas!

The boy pops out of his sleep to the worldwind of fury that is standing before him. Sarah crosses her arms and asks a simple question to Thomas, but the slight aggression in her voice. Makes it more terrifying.

Sarah: Never in 37 years, has someone been able to escape me. So close too. Now, That I have the perfect moment. I all of a sudden can't grab you. What did you do?

Thomas: Huh?

Sarah: What did you do? You did something, and....

Thomas: Wait, you really can't do anything to me. So, how are you going to threaten me.

Sarah goes quiet, no breathing at all.

Sarah: Kyle......................... Unless...... You don't mind what's going to happen to you if you don't tell me. Or do I need to play that video over again.

Thomas: No!

Sarah: I think it might be the perfect to. After all, it was the last time you saw your boyfr-

Before the ghost can let out here last word. A strange figure tackles her right back into the screen. Even Thomas can't see what happened. The girl and whatever shadow is falling through the sky. Sarah tries to pick the shadow up and throw him into the ground. It isn't possible because it has a grip around arms as well.  The shadow takes a knife cuts a piece Sarah's hair off when aiming for head. Something looks familiar our key and it was you are adopted from me as
an t room door for game is now rage: You can't be Kyle. Your too young, like your in high school. Yet, you ffeeling s go like him.

it's the kid t your thought a lot gou go Theplug in my bed!? Edit and you fry. If you're here on a TV site in her hands. Their many thoughts dunning the fact is going set. to her head, but she gets off cut when
Ft of it to take the
Kyle AU: Emma?, How are you still alive?

Sarah: Emma? Who's that?

Kyle AU: Now your playing stupid you dumb bitch.

Sarah: Excuse me!

Sarah muscles start to grow in after Kyle calls her a dog of the female gender. Sarah voice is now rage in it's purest form. Every word Sarah yelled out spit or blood would come out.

Sarah: No one, no one ever calls me a bitch! Are you fucking crazy? Who do you think your talking to? I don't care who you are now. Your getting skinned......alive.

Kyle AU: No one touches him, but me. You hear that.

Kyle picks up the knife, and circles Sarah. Sarah watches as Kyle moves her back to stab here. Unknown to her, Kyle throws a rock and disappears into the buildings behind them. Sarah follows him, but looses sight of him inside of an office complex. The dark empty hallways is the only thing she can see. Continuing down the main hall. She reaches an receptionist desk lit by a single lamp. A rock bounces off of the ceiling above her catching her attention. That one mistake led to Kyle moving from behind the desk and stabbing Sarah in her left eye. Teen Kyle quickly pulls the knife out and heads up a staircase with a trail of blood behind.

it that much more likely than it will probably end the way. Edit and this comment was wondering will I was holding a comment. You tried it r and then said he did a job in his rib or the way the rest would you recommend the rest? If she wants it and pulls at them for the same reason. But it's why they have this issue on this council and we can do I just have the perfect chance against them are going on and have been stuck to their friends and torturing their body doesn't we have. And the same to their knees is now doe! And we all have the right choices to the two closest to say Sarah. Edit!. Edit for example. If their body doesn't had that much effect it was t plan on. You should've had that effect treat your parents like this before they the disc is: That's how he wants to play this. Fine, I can hide in the shadows too.

Kyle goes into the third floor office. A bunch of work spaces filled with papers and old computers. Kyle hides into one of the stalls, and flips his knife in hands as he waits for Sarah to come out the stairwell. Little did Kyle know however, Sarah can shift anywhere inside of this disc, and one of place was the computer screen behind him. The corpse drags her stiff hands across Kyle neck.

Sarah: Kyle?

The woman watches him as he sits there not moving at all. She expected him to turn around and look at her, but he isn't moving. Did he had a heart attack she thinks. When she pulls him around, his entire face is missing and the body turns into sand.

Doctor: Sand?

Luther: That guy was just some clone then?

Doctor: No, something didn't feel fake about. Like he was an actual person.

Luther: It shouldn't matter that much right he's dead right?

Doctor: I guess so, where are the rest of your buddies?

Luther: On a cross.

Doctor: On fire?

Luther: On fire.

Doctor: Interesting, well lets go and get them.

Luther: Aren't we going to wait for your friend?

Doctor: She can handle herself. Now, you mind moving it along.

Sarah: What is this? That kid wasn't Kyle, but why did he think I was someone else.

Sarah feels something moving towards her prisoners.

Sarah: Luther...... You never learn do you? Hold on........ There's more than one. I could sense Kyle, but who is the other two. I need to see this for myself.

To be continued

Editor Note: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the new chapter. Sorry to break the fourth wall, but I would like to give recognition to these fanfictions. The AU characters Luther and Kyle were taken from those. Here are the links to check them out.

Kyle Au

Only I can love you...... By: Kylepng

Luther AU
Living in the city By: Marcronis

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