Speculative Park (Season 1)

By Edeemer17

3.2K 81 77

After the events of No Such Luck most of the Loud's are in Jail except for Lori who agrees to become Lincoln... More

Opening theme
A Neanderthal Undertaking
Saving Big Al (Allosaurus)
Rescuing the Dodo Bird
Reviving the Scorpios Rex/Isla Nublar adventure
Abandoned Mantahcorp Island
The Amazon Savannah
Ice age Paris, Mediterranean & Kansas
Dragons of the past & future part 1
Dragons of the past & future part 2
Dragons of the past & future part 3
A notice

Rescuing Prehistoric & Mountain Dragons

707 11 13
By Edeemer17

*we see staff building enclosures*

Narrator: today is a big day at speculative park....they're preparing for the first arrivals.....they're building enclosures for every creature from giant insects and dinosaurs to dragons and aliens

*we see Lincoln and Sid looking at a map*

Sid: the islands geography will help all of us contain the animals....the south there's an ocean and the north a mountain range there are plenty of habitats....Savannah....forest....steppe....desert....rivers and a waterfall These are perfect environments to keep speculative animals.....along with a neurological Chip

Lincoln: why a brain chip?

Sid: well to make sure the flying and aquatic animals don't fly or swim off the island land animals won't get the chips due to them being in enclosures

Lincoln: so what's our first species to bring to the park?

Sid: my mom gave me these to show you

*she pulls out some pictures*

Sid: now the first set of photos come from the Late Cretaceous period 66,000,000 years B.C in a different universe

*The Picture reveal a Wyvern confronted by a Tyrannosaurus Rex*

Sid: this species is called the Prehistoric Dragon.....in this universe dragons evolved alongside the dinosaurs during the Triassic period but unfortunately like the Dinosaurs it bit the dust in the KT mass extinction event

It's one of the two species were rescuing from extinction.....the other species is from the 1400's

*She shows him the next picture*

Sid: now this species is called the Mountain Dragon now unlike the Prehistoric Dragon which was wiped out in the KT extinction this species was actually wiped out by us humans.....due to persecuting them for being a literal devil

Those are the two species we need to rescue.......

*We soon cut to the a portal opening up*

Narrator: to rescue the Prehistoric Dragon Lincoln & Sid will need to go back to the very end of the age of dinosaurs as close to the asteroid impact as they dare

Becca: good luck Lincoln Sid.....

Lincoln: we will Mrs Chang

Becca: and be safe!

Sid: we will mom
*Lincoln & Sid enter the portal*

(Universe: Dragons a fantasy made real

Coordinates: Montana

Time: Late Cretaceous.66,000,000 BC)

Narrator: the Cretaceous period.....a time when the world was ruled by the most fearsome predator that ever walked the earth.....

*we see a T.Rex walking up a hill*

Narrator: Tyrannosaurus Rex.......The T.Rex has been forced to this remote place from his usual hunting ground.....something has been raiding his territory and food has become scarce.....he hasn't eaten for days

*A portal opens up as Sid and Lincoln appear*

Lincoln: okay Sid I think we've reached their destination..... *sees the T.rex* yep we're definitely here I see a Tyrannosaurus

Sid: that's a good sign

Lincoln: I wonder where it's going?

*They see a figure in the distance as the T.Rex is heading towards it*

Lincoln: what is that thing the T.Rex is after?

Sid: let me check *she gets binoculars and discovers the figure is a dragon but not just any dragon the Prehistoric Dragon the first dragon species they need to rescue* it's a prehistoric dragon a juvenile male

Narrator: at last a potential kill.....but the T.Rex is cautious he has never seen a creature like this before

*The Juvenile prehistoric dragon turns around as it sees the T.Rex and it screeches*

Prehistoric dragon: *Screeching*

*The T.Rex roars at the dragon*

Narrator: hunger drives him on.....the T.Rex has the clear weight advantage.....

So his prey bluffs.....extends its wings to give the illusion that it is much larger than it really is

*The T.Rex sees through its tricks as the dragon tries again to make itself look bigger as Lincoln and Sid get closer*

Lincoln: dang that T.Rex isn't fooled by the dragons bluffs

Sid: I know this Rex isn't buying the bluffing

*The T.Rex continues to growl at its potential prey*

Narrator: but the T.Rex isn't buying it.....so the creature tries a different tact

*as it begins to screech Lincoln & Sid cover their ears*

Narrator: the Loud noise stuns the dinosaur......the cry carries for miles.....to this predators sensitive ears the sound is incredibly painful but the T.Rex is still not deterred and up here there's nowhere to hide.....but it is the T.Rex and not his prey that is fatally exposed

*soon a dark shadow appears* they're not alone

Lincoln: what the heck?

Sid: what is it?

*The T.Rex looks up as it's Met with the impact of sharp talons scraping its skull as it lands*

Narrator: this is an adult female.....a fully grown prehistoric dragon....This is her territory and she's protecting her son

Sid: looks like the mama dragons come to save her baby

*The T.Rex charges the Prehistoric dragon mother but she retaliates by charging back with her wings the T.Rex than clamps down on the mothers wing*

Lincoln: oh no!

Sid: that's not good

*The Mother prehistoric dragon then breathes fire on the T.Rex causing it to retreat as the baby dragon screeches in victory at its mother successfully defended him as the T.Rex wonders off with severe burns*

Narrator: the Tyrannosaurus will not last the night.....unless

*Lincoln and Sid feel pity for the Tyrannosaurus although it did attack the baby prehistoric dragon and injured its mother but it was just doing what it needed to do in order to survive*

Sid: well I know our mission is to rescue the dragons but I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind that we rescue a near dead tyrannosaurus

*Lincoln sets up a portal as Sid gets some more of an easy thing to eat as Lincoln finishes setting up the Time Portal he sees a sad sight*

Narrator: the mother prehistoric dragon is seriously injured.....with a broken wing she can no longer hunt to feed herself or her offspring

Lincoln: poor thing.....I didn't deserve this at all

*As Lincoln looks at the injured dragon family Sid finds a carcass of a dead triceratops*

Sid: that can work to bait in the injured T.Rex

*she grabs a piece of raw triceratops meat from the carcass and heads to the portal*

Lincoln: poor thing.....I need to help her

*Lincoln heads to the female prehistoric dragon as Sid returns and activates the portal the T.Rex before it can fully head out smells the triceratops meat and as Sid tosses the meat into the portal the T.Rex follows the meat and heads in and Sid activates her communicator*

Sid: *to Becca* mom we've got an issue and it's a T.Rex he's been badly burned by the prehistoric dragon he needs medical attention ASAP!

Becca: don't worry we're on it

*we cut to the park as we see veterinarians sedating the Tyrannosaurus with tranquilizer darts as it collapses*

Becca: alright Mary get this T.Rex to the veterinarian office....we need to help our very first resident recover from his third degree burns

Mary: alright *to the other staff* let's get this T.Rex to my office for treatment

*we cut back to the different Cretaceous as we see Lincoln slowly approach the prehistoric dragon....the mother acts hostile towards Lincoln not that he's a predator but she and her baby have never seen a human being before*

Female prehistoric dragon: *Screeching*

Lincoln: it's okay I'm here to help

*The Female prehistoric dragon still screeches at Lincoln as he sees the Juvenile male staring at Lincoln in curiosity*

Lincoln: hello little guy.....my name is Lincoln and I'm here to help you and your mother

*Lincoln gets a bit of Turkey Breast from his lunchbox and tosses it to the juvenile prehistoric dragon who sniffs it at first then eats the Turkey*

Lincoln: see we're friends not enemies

*soon Sid arrives*

Sid: alright Lincoln I've got the T.Rex to the park and he's currently being treated for a head wound and third degree burns from this big gal

Lincoln: that's good news

Sid: we may need to stay with her for the night to make sure she's safe and we treat her

Lincoln: or we bring her and her baby back to the park

Sid: I think staying here is the better option

*we cut to the nighttime as Sid Lincoln and the Female prehistoric dragon are fast asleep as the baby watches Lincoln and Sid in curiosity he sees they've set up a fire

To him is odd since his mother used her fire as a weapon to defend themselves from other dinosaurs and dragons but seeing them use it as a tool for lighting and warmth is curious

Unfortunately the Baby dragon won't see his mother again until a few decades later as an older male prehistoric dragon appears out of nowhere and Chases the juvenile where he learns to fly for the first time

We cut to the next day Lincoln & Sid notice the baby's gone missing*

Lincoln: where did the baby go?

Sid: I don't know Lincoln....but for now we need to get the mother back to the park

*Lincoln sees the Prehistoric Dragon is in distress as her son is missing*

Lincoln: don't worry madam.....he's probably still around here in this area....we'll find him but for now let's get you back to the park

*Sid activates the time portal and they lead the Prehistoric Dragon into it as we cut to them arriving at the park....the staff see this and cheer*

Staff member: you two did it.....you've rescued a dragon

Becca: you two did it....Sid I'm so proud of you

Sid: thanks mom I know we did.....now this female needs medical care the T.Rex we brought back here as we bit her wing and I think it's broken

Becca: don't worry we'll take good care of her....now we had to put the T.Rex into a medically induced coma in order for him to recover a lot easier

And the vets say he'll recover from the injuries within a few months......

*The Female prehistoric dragon calms down as it's being lead with food to the veterinarian office as Lincoln and Sid head back to the portal*

Mary: where are you two going?

Lincoln: to rescue her son....yep the Prehistoric Dragon is a mother and we need to make sure to save her son as well

Sid: yeah and then we'll go rescue the mountain dragon

*soon Lincoln & Sid heads into the portal*

*as we cut to the juvenile prehistoric dragon now a fully grown adult as he's patrolling his territory a few days ago he had successfully won a battle for a territory*

Narrator: many years have passed and our dragon has become a young adult

*The Portal opens up as Lincoln and Sid see a female prehistoric dragon and a male who lands and nuzzles his mate*

Lincoln: alright let's see if you are the mothers child

*Lincoln releases a probe which uses a syringe to extract a bit of blood from the adult male which the dragon almost destroys the probe in retaliation

But they will get the answer they need*

Lincoln: okay Sid does it have a reading because we got the mothers blood sample in order to check any male prehistoric dragon to see if it's her son

Sid: the probe is scanning and......Done! *she sees the results and it's a 100% match* this is the juvenile we encountered but why is he an adult?

Lincoln: maybe a few years had passed when we got the mother prehistoric dragon and the tyrannosaurus to speculative park.....

*Lincoln sees that the prehistoric dragon has a female*

Lincoln: looks like he's found a female prehistoric dragon.....he's got a mate.....that's actually good to see

Sid: uh Lincoln

Lincoln: what?

*They see a bright light in the sky brighter than the sun and they know what it is*

Lincoln: uh oh......that's not good

Sid: I know.....the asteroid that will wipe out the dinosaurs in this universe is about to hit earth

Lincoln: yeah but hey at least dragons continue on

Sid: but not through the prehistoric dragon.....they get wiped out alongside the dinosaurs

Lincoln: we should save them

Narrator: hundreds of miles away the asteroid has finally entered the earth's atmosphere at 3,000 miles an hour

*The Prehistoric Dragon pair look up at the asteroid in curiosity as the asteroid impacts earth at the Yucatán peninsula*

Narrator: as it strikes the Gulf of Mexico it causes an explosion seven billion times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb....it causes a blast front moving at a 100 times faster than the speed of sound

All this is just the start.....soon molten rock will start raining down.....igniting global wildfires and as it mushrooms out it'll engulf the entire world in a blanket of darkness by the time this mass extinction ends 75% of life on earth will be extinct

Including the prehistoric dragons......and all of this is three minutes away.....Sid and Lincoln will have to think quickly

Lincoln: this is not good at all

Sid: Lincoln maybe you can get the male prehistoric dragon to recognize you

Lincoln: yeah that could be the case

*Lincoln heads to the prehistoric dragon pair as the male sees Lincoln and cautiously heads to him as the female looks on in worry

The dragon angrily looks at Lincoln and screeches*

Lincoln: hey there.....it's me Lincoln the one that fed you.....I'm back to rescue you from this mass extinction

*The Dragon sniffs Lincoln and then immediately begins to Lick Lincoln recognizing the boy as Lincoln laughs*

Lincoln: *Laughing* stop it! You remind me of Charles a lot!

*Sid activates as she yells to Lincoln*

Sid: Lincoln come on! I've got the portal activated get those two dragons into the portal and let's go!

Lincoln: okay! *to the dragon* look this portal will save you and your mate from this extinction you can convince your mate to follow you through the portal.....we have your mother....she's safe at your new home

*This gets the male to run to his mate and usher her to the portal as the group heads for the portal a few small dinosaurs also head through Lincoln and Sid recognize them as Struthiomimus and orinithiomimus

Soon Lincoln Sid & the two prehistoric dragons head through the portal just in time as the shockwave arrives at their location

We cut back to the present as the staff cheer for the success of the first part of the mission as other staff members round up the Struthiomimus and Orinithomimus*

Narrator: Lincoln & Sid have managed to rescue the Prehistoric Dragon from extinction

Sid: we did it mom!

*We cut to Lincoln and Sid as they appear to be at an aviary as the Mother prehistoric dragon sees her now fully grown son and embraces him as she's surprised to see him as an adult and flying

And he introduces his mother to his mate and she's happy to see her son with a female prehistoric dragon as Lincoln and Sid smile

We cut to the map room as the time has now changed from 66,000,000 BC to the 1400's*

Narrator: now for Lincoln and sids next part of their mission is to travel back to when dragons where on their last legs

*we get a shot of Europe during the 1400's*

Narrator: this was during the 1400's......dragons were doing fine for the last 66,000,000 years after the KT extinction due to the marine dragon surviving the mass extinction

They ruled the Cenozoic world unchallenged.....that was until human beings evolved.....humans competed with dragons for food water and space.....during the 1400's the desert dragon and forest dragons where already hunted to extinction by humans

Leaving the Mountain dragon but even they were on the decline....as during the 1400's many people saw dragons as demons or the devil himself thus a bounty was put on the entire mountain dragon species

By the time of the 1470's the mountain dragon was nearly wiped out and is nearly extinct

Sid: this dragon species is our next animal to rescue Lincoln.....your sister Lisa has managed to set up the coordinates

Lincoln: let's go rescue some mountain dragons

*The Portal opens as we see Lincoln & Sid in winter gear suggesting the place their going is very cold*

(Universe: Dragons a fantasy made real

Coordinates: Carpathian Mountains

Time: 1470's)

*Lincoln and Sid arrive at the Carpathian Mountains....for their next and final dragon for their first mission*

Lincoln: geez it's really cold up here

Sid: well we're on a mountain what did you expect?

Lincoln: I know that but where are the mountain dragons?

Sid: like Lisa and my mom stated they're nearly extinct at this time

???: *Roaring*

*Lincoln & Sid hide behind a rock as they see a Male Mountain dragon flying and a female coming out of a cave*

Narrator: out of all the odds.....a male mountain has picked up our females scent.....he's a nomadic dragon from the Atlas Mountains in North Africa.....his search for a mate his brought him all the way across Southern Europe to the Carpathian Mountains......now he has found her.....instinct takes over

*The female mountain dragon flys off the Cliff to join the male in an ancient courtship ritual*

Narrator: and they do what there kind has done for thousands of years

Female Mountain dragon: *Screeching*

*We see the two dragons heading to a taller mountain*

*Lincoln and Sid watch in awe as the two dragons begin their courtship*

Narrator: it is a courtship ritual that is as perilous as it is spectacular.....at the height of her climb they lock talons and drop in a dazzling free fall......it is the ultimate test of faith......

*The Dragons continue to dive until they almost hit the ground which they pull-up while breathing fire on the rocks leaving Lincoln and Sid in Awe*

Lincoln: wow.......that was-


Narrator: the Scorches in the mountain rock serve as new testimony to a spectacular and successful dragon mating....and a species on the verge of extinction that finds hope in a new generation

*We cut to a few months later as Lincoln & Sid observe the male dragon asleep*

Sid: why isn't the male mountain dragon at his post guarding the eggs?!

Narrator: due to the dragons preparing to lay eggs Lincoln and sid went back to the park to not disturb them or stress them out and a day in the park has been a few months for the dragons

Sid: come on Lincoln we need to check the eggs!

Lincoln: okay

*as they head into the den they see a nest that isn't on fire*

Sid: what did that male mountain dragon do?!

Lincoln: what's the problem Sid?

Sid: mountain dragon nests are supposed to be on fire to incubate the eggs but this male lowered the temperature to a dangerous rate.....the eggs will die and my scanner shows one of them is already starting to freeze

Lincoln: let's get it then!

*They dig into the nest and save the dying egg before they close up the nest and rush outside to activate the portal and head back to the park as the female mountain dragon is arriving back to the cave*

*She goes and angrily wakes him up she confronts him*

*The Male seems to be somewhat of a deadbeat the mother enters the cave to find the nest completely cold she roars in a furious rage......needless to say she is furious*

*The Male gets up knowing he messed up big time but before he can fly away a portal mysteriously opens and he races for it unbeknownst to him Sid and Lincoln are rescuing him without him seeing them as we cut back to the park we see an incubator and the dragon egg inside it*

Sid: at least we saved two mountain dragons so far....even though the male seems to be a horrible father

Lincoln: maybe what he did was a survival strategy.....I mean the eggs could be similar to alligators and crocodiles.....if the eggs are hot they'll produce males if their a bit cold they'll produce females and needless to say I think the male mountain dragon

Didn't want to have sons that would've competed with him for territory food and females.....it's a good survival strategy but like you said mountain dragons are nearly extinct and this survival strategy becomes a detriment to the species rather than a good thing

Staff Member: don't worry Sid you got the egg and it's now incubating that's all that matters

Lincoln: he's right you know

Sid: I guess you're right but it disgusts me that the male mountain dragon could be so careless about his unborn offspring I mean he's willing to kill the baby's inside the eggs to not have competition!

Lincoln: well Sid you got to remember something careless to us in our point of view maybe seen as a way to survive in an animals eyes.....oh and I got some good news

Sid: yeah?

Lincoln: I've named the Prehistoric Dragons

Sid: what are they're names?

Lincoln: well I named the Male Ash.....his mate Sierra and his mother Eve

Sid: those are good names for them

Lincoln: I was kinda of thinking of naming the Male Angus after my former castle caretaker in Loch Loud

Sid: that's a good name actually

Lincoln: yeah but anyways let's rescue the female and the other egg

*They head back to the 1470's as they head up to the mountain they smell blood*

Sid: I smell blood and rotting meat

*They enter the cave and see a mountain dragon female but it's not the mother it's a juvenile and it stares at them in curiosity as it curiously goes up to sniff them Lincoln and Sid hear the sounds of armor clanking and to their horror they know what's going on*

Sid: they must've sent knights to kill the mother!

Lincoln: quickly get the portal set up we've only got two minutes until they enter the cave

Sid: okay!

*Sid quickly gets the device out to setup the portal as Lincoln and the female mountain dragon hide Sid successfully sets up the portal and they head through it along with the juvenile mountain dragon and the portal closes as the knights arrive at the cave as we cut

To a holding pen as the juvenile mountain dragon is given a dead sheep to feed as its eating Lincoln & Sid are happy but they know they have one more dragon to rescue.....the mother

We cut to the aviary as the Male Mountain dragon is released into the aviary the neurological Chip will prevent him and the prehistoric dragons from fighting the aviary is big enough to hold a lot of flying creatures and the end part of the aviary ends has a a large bit of the mountain range

So the male mountain dragon is already acclimating to his new home however the juvenile mountain dragon will stay in a nursery enclosure until she can fly*

Becca: so far I'm proud that my daughter has successfully done this.....she's rescued theses dragons from two of the worst extinctions one by an asteroid......and the other human persecution

but I really hope that the Tyrannosaurus Rex recovers he's still in a medically induced coma and is still recovering from his injuries he's doing a lot better then he was a day ago but he still has a long road to recovery

*We cut to an enclosure with the Struthiomimus and Orinithomimus as they're put by an ostrich enclosure*

Mary: you can see how similar these Struthiomimus and Orinithomimus are to these ostrich....in fact some people call these ostrich-dinosaurs due to their similar build and body structure it's amazing that we got our first dinosaurs not just our first dinosaurs but first dinosaurs from another universe

*We cut back to the Carpathian Mountains as Lincoln & Sid head into the cave and see the female mountain dragon sleeping*

Lincoln: she's probably in hibernation

Sid: well we're going to have to wake her up in order to save her

*before they can wake up the female mountain dragon they hear armor clanking yet again and they know the knights have came back*

Lincoln: looks like the knights are returning and it seems that they're in a bigger group then last time

*The Female Mountain dragon wakes up and is not happy to see Lincoln & Sid in her cave*

Female mountain dragon: *Screeching in anger*

Lincoln: and the female mountain dragon has woken up and she's not too pleased to see us in her cave

Sid: definitely Lincoln.....Set up the portal 

Lincoln: okay you'll calm her down

Sid: yes I must otherwise those knights won't just kill her but they'll kill us due to technology like this is like witchcraft to them 

*Sid goes over to calm the female down and Sid realizes she's not breathing fire and doesn't seem to be able to fly 

Lincoln activates the portal and lure the female mountain dragon into the portal as it closes the knights arrive again but this time once again their too late to kill any dragons

As they start to believe the people that payed them were lying to them as we cut back to the park*

Narrator: the park is now home to its very first creatures........the Female Mountain dragon has happily reunited with her daughter who has learned to fly 

But she doesn't just have a daughter anymore *A baby male mountain dragon is seen huddling by his mother* the other egg  of the mountain female has hatched and surprisingly the mother has recognized her baby 

Although the Male is still in the aviary the female hasn't forgiven him just yet but she'll do in time if the park wants to see more mountain dragons in the aviary in the future 

Sierra the prehistoric dragon has laid some eggs while she's out hunting Ash & his mother eve take turns guarding the eggs from the mountain dragons......the orinithomimus and struthiomimus are enjoying their new enclosure 

And the Tyrannosaurus rex although still in his coma appears to be recovering just fine and eventually will be released into his enclosure ready and made just for him

*we cut to Lincoln & Sid playing video games*

And Lincoln Loud & Sid Chang are enjoying themselves they deserve this break 

*we cut to a steppe background* 

Narrator: next time on speculative park.....Lincoln Sid alongside Stella Zhau travel back to the ice age to rescue a Neanderthal.....although it's going to be a lot of hard work 

Stella: Sid Climb the tree! 

Lincoln: yes!! 

*Sid Stella and Lincoln climb a tree as a cave bear tries to nab them* 


Lincoln Loud: Asher Bishop 

Sid Chang: Leah Gold

Mary: America Ferrera

Becca Chang: Melisa Joan Hart

Species Rescued: 

Tyrannosaurus Rex: 1 male 

Prehistoric Dragon: 1 male 2 females 

Struthiomimus: 17 males 17 females

Orinithomimus: 20 males 26 females 

Mountain Dragon: 2 males 2 females 

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