My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

47K 1.8K 1.4K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds
Chp. 51 - A crash

Chp. 40- Talking about trauma

440 20 6
By Mondi06

CQ opened the door to their home, Error once again in her arms.
,,We're home...!" She called quietly, mostly because it was a habit.
"Welcome home CQ." Asy hummed, waving a bit.
"How was the check up?" Asy asked softly in concern.

,,It was..." CQ frowned lightly. ,,Well, they kind of- took the drug out of Error's SOUL. It's hurting him now. The doctor said that we should give him a kind of cream, to lessen the pain. But uhm- for that you need to be able to summon a SOUL, and I have absolutely no idea how, so I wanted to ask you..."
CQ seemed now embarrassed, hiding her face.
,,If you may or may not could help with that-"

Asy blinked lightly. "Of course! Why wouldn't I help?" Asy blinked.
"Apa Asy can summon SOULs...?" Error asked and Asy nodded.
"Yeah kiddo, Me and Comyet can." Asy smiled gently and Error slowly nodded.

,,Comyet can do that...? Huh..." The woman blinked and shrugged.
CQ looked at Error and rubbed lightly his cheek. ,,Uhm... Thank you, though." She then said.

"It's nothing, Error is my future grandson." Asy smiled at CQ.
"Still waiting on those papers hun~" Asy cooed playfully at CQ while Error tilted his skull lightly and then went to the couch.

"Where's Gen Gen...?" "He's with Ink in the garden right now." "Okay..."
Error then redirected his route to the garden now.

The woman glared at Asy. ,,Asyyyy! Noooo-"
She said and tried to set up a pouty face, unsuccessful.

"Awh, lookit my adorable child!" Asy then got up, walking to CQ and squishing her cheeks with a snicker.
"Speaking of children, I almost forgot to tell you, but my family volunteered in watching over Fresh." Asy suddenly brought up.

CQ pushed Asy's hand out of her face, before blinking.
,,I- I what?" She stuttered out in confusion. ,,Eh?"
"Yep, my Mother and my sister. At the moment though, it's my sister who's gonna stay with Fresh for the entire night."
Asy hummed. "Hope you don't mind."

The woman was mostly just confused. ,,Oh- uh- al...right?"
She said slowly, tilting her head in the same confusion. ,,Well... this is weird... kind of?"
"I know, I'm sorry I didn't tell you when they suggested, but they were just really worried for Fresh when I told them about it."
Asy sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his skull.

"I mean, Ma already considers Fresh as her great grandchild, and my sister considers him as her nephew even if you still haven't signed it." Asy said sheepishly.

CQ blinked. ,,But I don't even know them? I think? Why would they be worried about some random kid they don't know? Why would they be seeing me as part of the family? I don't understand...? I mean, I understand you, but not them...?"

"You've met them many times CQ." Asy hummed softly.
"I literally lived in their house when I first found you CQ, they were just not around often so you must've not remembered them. My little sister was mostly in school and Ma's mostly at work."

CQ tilted her head thinking. ,,Huh... I really don't remember them... like... at all-" She said.
The woman frowned a bit in thought. ,,But I guess it's not a big suprise. Until Comyet mentioned your name again I've also shoved you completely out of my mind, honestly- I don't remember much and most memories only came back when I met you again or certain things happened. Like the name thing. Until we... found... the birth certificate, I completely forgot how I even got this name- Why am I forgetting so many things?"

"It's normal hun." Asy said softly, wrapping his arms around CQ in a hug.
"It's a trauma response, it's okay..." Asy said reassuringly.
"How about we go meet up with them the next time we visit Fresh, yeah?" Asy smiled gently down at CQ.

Said human looked up and nodded slowly, cuddling back at Asy, nuzzling him slightly.
,,Alright, Asy..." She answered and stared off into nothing.

,,Why do I even have a trauma response?" She asked suddenly.
,,I mean, I don't remember much and I know what happened back then was bad, but was it really that bad?" The woman asked, looking up.

"Mhmm." Asy hummed softly, carefully giving CQ head scratches.
"Even if it's not that bad for you, you would still get a trauma response." Asy said softly.

,,Oh... okay." The woman answered. She leaned into the scratches, while looking up.
,,But when I was with you I didn't have trauma, right? So why did I forget that too? ... Is this even how it works?"

"You forgot because we weren't able to get in contact in years... That is sort of normal as well... Plus, you mentioned that you had an accident, so there's a chance that some of your memories were locked because of that too."
Asy hummed in thought.
"I'm not really that good with psychologic stuff so I can't really explain everything, but from what I know, that seems to be the reason for your memory loss."

,,I understand... but what does psychologic mean?" Ah yes, so many questions. The pink haired one just tilted her head.
"It means that it's related to mental activity." Asy then tapped CQ's forehead with a finger, smiling a bit.

,,Ohh! Okay! I get it." CQ said and blinked lightly at the tapping. ,,Didn't know it had a name, though-"

"A lot of things have a name, despite how odd it may seem. Like Defenestration, literally means throwing a person out the window." Asy shrugged a bit.

The woman stared at Asy. ,,Why is that even a word...?" She asked, a little taken aback.
,,Who did this so often, that it got a name?"
"You don't wanna know." He's seen plenty of people getting defenestrated throughout his years of AU hopping.

,,Okay...?" CQ said slowly and blinked in confusion.
,,Still weird, though." She then huffed, cuddling a bit more onto Asy.
"Mhmm." Asy then went back to giving CQ head scratches.


Mhh daily dose of trauma 😌
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