Falling for you (Fruk)

By jelsa_fnaf_lover

5.3K 291 307

It is the roaring twenties and Arthur is known in London for being cruel. Everyone fears him and truly believ... More



210 12 20
By jelsa_fnaf_lover

After punching him, he fell to the floor and I walked over to him. "You don't know what you are saying" I hissed. "Me? Pfft.... You are something else you know that? I'm trying to look out for you and this is how you repay me? If it were up to me, I'd have him be killed so he never finds his sister" Antonio hissed.

He was still on the ground and I took the opportunity to punch him again. I stepped on his chest and felt myself wanting to murder him. "I know I'm right.... That's why you got mad easily.... Now tell me?..."

"What?" I asked holding onto his collar. He was bleeding from his nose and his face was red. "Have the two of you slept together? Or are you too much of a gentleman to do it?" He laughed. "Shut up!!!! You don't know what you are talking about!" I yelled. I punched him across the face more and threw him to the floor.

He began to laugh and I saw as he began to slowly get up. "He and I don't have that type of relationship.... But I wouldn't be surprised that you do those things since you pretty much sleep with whoever is around" I yelled angry. Antonio stood up slowly and began to wipe blood from his mouth.

"Yeah!!! But I own up to it!!! Who is going to stop me from sleeping with a few men here and there? But you!!!!! Ha!!! You try to hide it so much and Alfred and Matthew are idiots for never seeing it. I saw the way he looked at you and I knew exactly what happened when you two took a "walk"" he mocked.

He began to get closer to me and it was like I felt frozen. "Now tell me.... How far did you two get? Is he good? I wouldn't mind him being my servant... seems like he'd do anything for some money" he laughed. Antonio grabbed my hair and began to pull on it tightly. I grabbed onto his wrist and tried to get him to let go, but by the time I did that, he suddenly flung me across the room and I landed in the shelf behind us.

It knocked the air out of me and I was laying on the floor trying to catch my breath. I could see that books and other things lay around me as I held onto my chest. Antonio began to walk towards me and he grabbed my tie and pulled me up.

"You are pathetic!!! Why can't you see he is using you for your money? But I'll make you a deal..... I won't let your little secret slip out if you just give me him? We can forget about his sister and the debt.... But he doesn't have to know that" he laughed.

Suddenly the door busted open and my eyes widened seeing Alfred. I tried to use this opportunity to get away but Antonio pushed me back down. I continued to glare at him and he did the same towards me.

Suddenly, without warning, Francis appeared out of no where and pushed him off of me really hard. Antonio went flying nearly and landed on his behind. "Arthur? You good?" He asked nervously.

Francis began to help me up and as soon as Alfred saw me he looked angry. Alfred began to go for Antonio and Matthew walked in worried.

"Arthur!!! He is lying don't listen to him!!! There isn't really a debt.... He is lying!! Who knows why too" Alfred spoke shaking him. "Tell is why!!!" Alfred demanded shaking him. "Alfred.... Stop..." Matthew rolled his eyes.

"Is this true? How do you know?" I asked Matthew. "Francis told us that his sister never borrowed money from anyone...." He explained. I looked to Francis shocked and I felt really angry. I began to wipe myself off and I walked to Antonio. "Why would you lie?" I asked.

He tried to look away from me but I pulled his face back. "Did you even find his sister?" I asked. He still didn't answer and I felt even worse. He didn't find her..... and all of this was for nothing...

"What was the point? You just wanted me to be angry?"
"He is only using you Arthur!"
"Shut up!!!!" I yelled. I moved Alfred away and grabbed hold of him. "Now... since you like making deals.... I have one..... if you don't want this to get out.... You will not only be in charge of finding his sister , but you can go to hell. But this would ruin your reputation so I suggest not to act high and mighty" I whispered to him.

"You wouldn't...."
"Do you want to try me? I know lots of people in the press.... You won't sell another car again.... And you'd lose investors... now do we want that?" I glared. I pulled his hair back and looked him in the eyes.

"Look!!! I'm sorry.... But you have to see where I'm coming from-..."
"No I don't!!! Just leave me alone already, if I didn't know any better, it seems like you might be in love with me" I glared at him.

I threw him down and began to look down at him. "I'll ruin you with a snap of my fingers.... So don't test me... who will people believe? Certainly not a play boy who sleeps with anyone? So I suggest not to try me...." I hissed.

I turned around and once again, Alfred and Matthew were smiling impressed and Francis looked confused and terrified. "Come on... let's go..." I spoke. They all nodded and left Antonio on the floor looking shocked. He knows better, so I doubt he'd try anything like this again.

I'm just surprised that he actually tried to do this... I didn't think he actually had it in him to threaten me like that. I guess I applaud him for having the guts to do it.


Hey everyone!!!! One more chapter is left but I probably won't release is till tonight or tomorrow!!! But stay tuned!! ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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