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By JLT1521

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Don't talk to strangers. That's what Felixs' mom taught him since he was a kid and still teach until now that... More



2.2K 109 88
By JLT1521

I kissed him....


I did it again... without thinking straight.


Felix slid his back on the door, his body slumping on the floor afterwards with his fingers touching his lips.

I can't believe it. I wasn't supposed to repeat the kiss!

The first time I kissed him, it was a shakedown for my life. And now...i repeated my stupidity.


But no matter how many times he'll hate HyunJin deep to his soul, the kiss still had an undeniable spark when they were into it.

He felt something inside his stomach. His heartbeat was beating right through his chest. The heat in his face intensifies with his ears turning red.

"Goodnight too, Felix. See you tomorrow". He heard the guy from the other side announced. He didn't answer anymore from embarrassment. Just seconds later, a hushed footsteps fading away was the only sound he could hear, indicating that HyunJin have gone already.

Felix let out a big and loud sigh. His fingers kept on running along his lower lips, feeling the kiss the two of them just did minutes ago.

Gosh....i just dug my own grave, didn't i?

The blonde tried to brush off the memory off his head as he moved to his room, getting ready to have a quick shower. While under the showers, the scene of them two kissing replayed again.

"Fuck.....why does he kiss like that?" He groaned out, brushing his fingertips on his hair and slightly gripped it. "Why would his kiss makes me sway easily? I didn't meant it to be that type of kiss. I was just really gonna peck him. Only that kiss. But whenever he's the one kissing me, it turns into furious movements. And me.....

....goodness sake, i don't even have any kiss experiences from my past, in the the first place. So.....how can I kiss him like that?

.....like..... we've kissed for a long time already?"

It was as if Felix had reached his quota on how much he groaned and grunted for this day. He finished showering up and dried his body, brushing his teeth, did his night routine and changed his clothes into his more comfortable and nighty ones.

He threw himself on his bed, sighing from the fuzzy feeling of his fluffy duvet. He snuggled himself on the quilt, smiling as he wrapped the duvet all around himself, turning himself into a human burrito.

It was all just peace and silence. His eyes are closed already and he can feel himself slowly dozing off. Everything gets on its way to his dreamland....

...until the memory of their kiss decided to slip in his head once again and jumping out up like a fucking pop up ads.

Felix rolled over on the other side of the bed and tried to keep his mind focused in black and silence. It was doing great and effective......

For only 3 minutes.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD, HWANG FUCKING HYUNJIN!!!" The next thing happened, a pillow flew to the air, landing on to the other side of the bed with Felix writhing and wriggling on the bed like he was possessed or something. Out of frustration, he slammed his head on his pillow for a bunch of times until he'd feel exhausted for doing such act, heaving and groaning once he got satisfied.

I'm now not the only who's going mad crazy.

And this is because of that stranger.

Hwang Hyunjin, you will cause nothing but a headache to me.


Felix released a loud yawn as his alarm rang and disturbed his precious sleep. His eyes are still shut even while moving and doing his morning routine.

Well don't blame him. His mind fucked him up real bad.

He didn't get enough sleep and kept tossing and turning in his bed for the rest of the night.

Because HyunJin and the memory of their kiss still lingers in his brain, sticking in like it was already glued in there. No matter how many times Felix scrubbed it off, it still always makes its work to roll back on his mind like a freaking yoyo.

Felix have done changing his clothes. He faced himself in the mirror and fixed his hair, ruffling it. He tried to slap his cheeks a few times when he felt himself drooping again, keeping him awake.

"Shit, look at these fucking eyebags". He hissed, fingers drawing and following the ugly curve under his eyes. He took his concealer and placed some on his skin to cover up the wrinkle.

After that, he went downstairs to prepare a breakfast sandwich for himself since he had no time to cook anymore. He quickly munched his sandwich and just 3 minutes after, he stormed off of his house, locking it securely as he head to his work again, dealing the shitty outside world.

Felix reached the shop and changed into his uniforms, feet are sprinting to get to the kitchen to start doing his work.

In the midst of working, Felix kept yawning and yawning. His eyes will sometimes close itself while he was kneading dough so he needs to shake his head to keep himself awake and working. Especially now that the shop are having a bunch of customers already waiting outside for their orders.

He kept moving and working but he annoyingly still getting sleepy and drowsy that he actually needs to settle pinching himself just so his body engine will continue to maneuver.

Felix moves undeniably slower and lower energy than how he actually works. He's able to finish baking a few pastries for just 45 minutes but for this day, it's taking him an hour. He serves pretty quick but now, his feet are walking with less than two speed than usual.

And that, of course, did not manage to not get unnoticed by the most nosy of them all, Han JiSung.

"Yow, Felix. Are you alright? You yawned for like a hundredth time this whole morning and afternoon already. Did you not get enough sleep?" Jisung was concern over the blonde, lips are pouty as he looked at their baker who's shaking his head to wake himself up again.

"I'm fine." Felix responded timidly. He ignored all the urge to sleep since it's not the time yet. He still need to finish sets of croissants.

"Yow, you might wanna take a nap for a while. I mean, there's no customers yet outside. You can have a few minutes to rest". Jisung suggested.

"No, need. I'm fine". The blonde was persistent and just continued doing his work, placing the dough for the croissants in the oil sprayed pan and inserted it in the bulky oven. After closing the oven and setting its timer and heat up, he went back to the kitchen again and decided to make 30 cupcakes. Even though Felix could feel that he's getting a bit dizzy, he didn't give a shit about it and just forced himself to be alive and productive.

That made Jisung grew concern once again.

He noticed Felix had been stumbling a few times already while moving from side to side, getting the wrong ingredients for making the batter and so then he'll make another one.

"Felix, please. You're tired. You should re-"

"No, I'm fine". Felix denied.

"Lee Felix, that's the second time you're repeating making the batter because you placed the wrong ingredient. Your mind is not working straight and properly when you're that tir-"

"I SAID I'M NOT TIRED, WILL YOU JUST GET OUT?!" Felix didn't got to hold himself back anymore and snapped at the guy standing at the doorway, clicking his tongue from irritation as he put his attention back to his work.

Jisung didn't want to tear up only because Felix get mad at him but he couldn't control his emotions. He was pretty sensitive and that yell gave him overwhelming feeling. He just want to help his co-worker because he's worried about him.

"S-Sorry. I was just...r-really concern about you." Jisung utter while chewing his lips, trying to hold back his tears from streaming.

Felix sighed with a little groan combining. "Thanks for the concern, but i don't need it. What I need is to finish these cupcakes and your nagging is not helping so please, just go back to your station and do your job there. Just leave me alone in here".

Jisung couldn't do anything but to comply. Nodding his head softly while sniffing silently, Jisung left Felix inside the kitchen and let the baker do his work alone. Letting out an infuriated exhale, Felix rubbed his eyes when he saw his vision getting a little blurry. Shaking his head and slapping his face a few tries is what Felix thought that could take his sleepiness away and it's working, thankfully.

That's what Felix did until it reached the time for their shop to close. Felix noticed how Jisung kept his distance from him and did not bother him at all after that incident hours ago. He likes the fact that, finally, Jisung gave him peace and silence and did not dare to bug him from time to time...

...but it would be a lie if he said that he did not feel guilty from what he caused to Jisung. He didn't intend to snarl at his co-worker but it's just that...he became moody today. No.....he became extra moody today. He gets irritated easily and the amounts of groans and eye rolls he did for this day is uncountable his fingers in his hands and toes are not enough for the amount.

Jisung have gone first already. As usual, heading straight to his crush...and probably because he's still somehow hurt from what Felix did to him. He don't wanna place a grief over Felix because he was just stressed and he need to understand that but, of course it still hurts getting yelled like that.

Felix have done hanging his uniform inside his locker. He went to the mopping SeungMin and bowed his head at him. "I'll go now".

"You better. I hope tomorrow, you'll come to work with enough amount of sleep." SeungMin left a reminder then continued cleaning the slightly stained floor.

Felix played with the straps of his bag, starting to feel the guilt once again. "Okay." He answered before he excused himself to leave the place, letting SeungMin take care of the shop by himself.

The blonde intake heavy breaths, feeling the cold air in him as he tried to relax his body, massaging his head when he felt it aching a bit. He disregard the ache and began to walk, sliding his fingers from his nose bridge up to the ends of his eyebrows, creating a pattern for his massage routine to mend his headache. When he reached the front of the shop, there he was greeted again by the annoying tall man leaning confidently against the wall beside the coffee shop.

"Hey Felix! Sorry I didn't get to the shop earlier. I needed to finish two portraits at a time." He apologizes with a chuckle, walking beside Felix with full of glee and loads of energy.

"Good thing you didn't come or i might just explode in anger if you came". Felix uttered, voice are low and weak from what Hyunjin noticed.

"Why? My handsome face will make you combust in irritation again?" HyunJin laughs.


In the middle of walking, HyunJin noticed how sloppy Felix walks. He also stumbled a few times that HyunJin even needed to catch him whenever he'll near falling to the ground. The way Felix heavily breaths in and out didn't escape from him as well, also that massage Felix is doing on his forehead for two straight minutes now. And it started to make him worry.

"Hey Felix, you alright? You seem a little uneasy". The taller stated with full concern.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying". Felix waved his hands, shaking his head and clenched his eyes when his sight getting blurry once again.

"Doesn't seem fine to me, Felix. Here, I'll just carry you instead." HyunJin posed in front of Felix and was ready to carry him through piggy back style but Felix just ignored it, walking past him.

"No need, HyunJin. I told you, stop worrying about me." Felix grumbled.

HyunJin fastly walked along with Felix and held his right arm, stopping the shorter to walk. "Felix, you're exhausted. Just let me help you, okay?"

Felix roughly pulled his arm off of Hyunjins' grip and weakly pushed him away. HyunJin didn't even actually moved from that push force. "I'm not exhausted and i don't need your help! You're already an annoying prick and you're making yourself even.....more.........annoyi-..."

The next thing he knew, the world spun and the surrounding went black, his body went weak and lifeless..

He fell to the ground... blacked out.

HyunJin went panicked and catched Felix from the ground, shaking his unconscious body, trying to wake the younger.

"Felix! Felix!! Aish, you're such a fucking liar!" HyunJin hissed under his breath and carried Felix into bridal style, ignoring the stares coming from the people who saw the incident and people passing by. He tightened his grip on the smallers' waist and under his knees, immediately sprinting so they will get to Felixs' home as soon as possible.

HyunJin didn't give a shit about if ever the stalker was still after them. What's important is to bring Felix home safely and so he could take care of the smaller.

5 minutes of tiring and hasty walk, HyunJin reached the front of Felixs' house. He spent his time yesterday memorizing the outer image of the house so he won't get lost pointing out Felixs' home next time he'll bring the smaller home.

But he didn't expect he will bring Felix home like this.

HyunJin fumbled on Felixs' pockets to see where he placed the key to his house. When he felt it inside the pants, HyunJin quickly pulled it out and inserted the key to the key hole, twisting it so the front door will unlock. Once opened, HyunJin pushed themselves inside the house then locked it again, making sure the stalker won't even dare to break in.

The taller placed Felix to the couch, carefully putting him down for him to rest..and for HyunJin to heave and massage his getting sore arm. Felix has quite the weight in him, not gonna lie.

After resting a bit, he tried to look for where Felixs' room is so he can put the poor unconscious guy to his bed and let him rest comfortably. HyunJin know he shouldn't invade Felixs' personal space but do we need to think about that anymore? It's not like he's gonna rob Felix or something. His health is what matter to HyunJin the most.

There are only two doors upstairs but he's not sure where exactly the room is. He first went to the left side and opened it, hoping that it was the room and thankfully, it is. Basing from the photo frame placed on the nightstand, HyunJin could assure that this is Felixs' room. He brought his feet downstairs again to pick up Felix and get him to his room.

HyunJin carefully placed the smaller to his soft, queen sized bed. Then, he took off his shoes and placed them under the bed. He put Felixs' bag on the floor and left it there so he could next help Felix change his clothes-....

Change his clothes?

But.... won't Felix get mad at him?

Felix might call him pervert for changing his clothes without his permission.

But his outfit seems uncomfortable! He wears pants!

Okay... let's just do this. Let's just change his pants and that's all.

Wait..... wasn't that even more perverted?


HyunJin kept on walking back and forth inside the room, pondering and contemplating if he should or not change Felixs' clothes.

"It's not like I'm gonna naughtily peek at him. Alright, I'll just close my eyes while changing his clothes." HyunJin decided, snapping his finger as he agrees with it. He then went to Felixs' closet first to see if there are just plain, cotton shirts and shorts for Felix to wear. When he found one, he took it off of the hangers and tossed it to Felixs' bed.

HyunJin bent a little closer to Felix and whispered. "Felix, don't worry. I won't do anything stupid. I'll just change your clothes. Please don't be mad tomorrow, okay?" He asked, though Felix wouldn't be able to give him answers in the first place. Settling from a soft snore Felix emitted, HyunJin then brought his fingers to Felixs' shirt, decided to initiate taking off the upper half. He closed his eyes shut while stripping Felix off, pulled it upwards while lifting Felixs' arms so taking the shirt off will be a breeze. HyunJin then picked up the spare shirt. His eyes unintentionally landed on Felixs' stomach and his eyes sparkled seeing that the smaller got abs in him. Without him noticing, his mouth was turning into an 'o' shape, amaze at how prominent those abs are and the amount of pack he has-


Shaking his head off to wake up, HyunJin then focused himself slipping the shirt in to Felix, careful at lifting the smallers' lifeless arms and body and he sighed when he successfully made Felix wear the shirt.

Next mission, taking off the pants.

HyunJin closed his eyes once again while fumbling on where the button is so he could undone it. He noticed he's been fumbling for a few times already that Felix is now releasing little grunts. HyunJin immediately pulled his hands away and just get it to the button part to slip it out. He then went to the zippers and pulled them down. HyunJin made sure his actions are rushed since.........just to be sure.

He's not gonna get tempt onto something illegal.

HyunJin pulled and tugged the pants down and once successfully slipped off, HyunJin then made Felix wear the shorts, eyes are still securely closed. He just relied on his senses to get his job done.

And thankfully, he did it pretty fast and neat. He threw Felixs' clothes in his laundry basket stationed at the corner of the room. Once done with all, the taller then fixed Felixs' position in bed, making sure his posture won't cause soreness and aches once he'll wake up. He put Felix under the sheets and smiled as he saw how peaceful Felix looks when sleeping. His chest moving slow and in normal pace, giving him sense of relief..

HyunJin sat beside Felix, watching the younger get consumed by the silence of the room, savouring his sleep time. HyunJins' hands then went to Felixs' forehead, brushing off some strands of hair that we're sticking on the smallers' wet forehead.

"Aish, look at you. Exhausting yourself like this. Take care of yourself from now on, will you? I.........I don't like seeing you faint like that out of nowhere anymore. It scared me....you almost gave me a heart attack." HyunJin complained to the unconscious man, his thumb brushing on Felixs' eyebrows. "Felix.....we only met each other for 4 nights, but why do I feel so connected with you? What was it that you have that makes me wanna get close to you even more? You're like a magnet to me, Felix. I was that piece of metal that was pulled onto you. You kept on pushing me away, but i kept on following you. Because you made me feel something like I want to stick around with you for more." HyunJin released a sigh, placing his hand on Felixs' cheek.

"I know that what I'm doing to you is annoying. If I was in your shoes, i probably would hate myself for being this stubborn by always following you around. But i can't help it. Ever since that kiss, you already pulled me to you. I was hooked by you. Your lips....it gave me some sensation and indescribable feelings that my exes didn't manage to give me. I'm a full straight person, Felix...but dammit, because you easily bended me off. I'm still having the crisis at the moment, unexplained if what sexuality i have right now. Because whenever i look at other guys, they don't give me such feels you can give me. Only you, Felix. So..... please understand me if i wanna linger on you for quite some time. It's just....in spite of all your mean and harsh remarks to me, i still find you adorable and you still make me fluster and blushing. Someday, i can finally have the answers to my questions....and when that day comes... I hope you can support me whatever that surprise is."

HyunJin was ready to leave the house so Felix could have himself privacy while sleeping and also for HyunJin to go home now so he could rest as well but he hasn't stood up from the bed yet when a hand wrapped around his wrist, tugging it down weakly.

"Appa, he's following me. Stay here please". Felix voiced out a low, almost whisper-like whine and whimper, but his eyes are closed.

"He's probably having a nightmare". HyunJin muttered, realizing the situation. He stood up once again but Felix whimpered again, like he's about to cry.

"He won't stop following me. I'm scared. I'm really scared". Felix sniffs, eyebrows are scrunched and lips are formed into a frowny pout. HyunJin cooed at the smaller as he sighed.

"Should i stay in here?.....Okay, I'll just let Felix have his rest. Once he's totally asleep, I'll head out". He reminded. Then, HyunJin placed himself under the covers and laid down beside Felix, keeping him a company for the meantime until he's at peace. The taller was startled when Felix wrapped his arm and leg around his body as if he's a bolster pillow. HyunJin didn't mind it and just let Felix do whatever he want.

After all, he's cute like this.

HyunJin tilted to his side and reciprocated the hug, putting his arm as well on Felixs' waist while he watch how Felix sleeps.

The elders' eyes drifted to Felixs' parted lips. He gulped without realizing, only because his mind replayed those events when the two of them kissed.

"These lips....are your magnets, Felix. They are the reason why I'm still sticking onto you. Because..... there's just something in your lips that are so sweet that i can't describe how much i wanna indulge to it, again and again. After the two of us met in accident, there was something ignited in me. Like...i want to give you sense of protection, sense of care, and sense of happiness. Am i perhaps, enchanted to you?" HyunJin asked as if the sleeping soundly Felix will answer him. Even if he still won't got answer just yet, he will wait for that day to come.

If he actually is starting to like Felix...

Or it's basically just a mere friendship and he was just shocked because Felix, a man, got to kiss a straight man like him.

Friendship? But you wanna kiss Felix more than once in your life? That's funny, HyunJin.

HyunJin only grunted and ignored his thoughts, decided to just take a nap for a meantime when he yawned two times in a row. He put up his phone and went to his clock app, making an alarm to wake him up at probably 11 pm(23:00 pm). Once he's done, he placed it on the nightstand and tangled himself around Felix, hugging him and played with Felixs' hair until HyunJin felt that he's slowly drifting to slumber.


Yeah sure, friends

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