Can We Keep Her?

Autorstwa AvengersCompound

168K 6.2K 800

~ 18+ ONLY! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! ~ After an accident outside the Avengers Tower, Bucky and Steve take yo... Więcej

Author's Note
The Accident
What's Inside That Counts
Everything They're Not
The Perfect Spring Day
Rounding the Bases
The Feeling of Family
Moving In
Can We Keep Her? - All the Things You Can Have (and the One Thing You Can't)
The Best Man
Whiskey and Mead
What Happens in Vegas
Bon Appétit
The Binding of Three
Finding Things to Do
A First Family Christmas: Part 1
A First Family Christmas: Part 2
Practice Makes Perfect
The Big News
x Two
Baby Names
Little Super Soldiers
Welcome Home
Grown Up Time
First Day Nerves
The Trouble with Time
Bringing Them Home to Dads
The First Mission
In Memoriam
The Graduation
Giving Away, Coming Together
Worth It
New Beginnings
Someone Unexpected
When We Were Beautiful


7.2K 224 53
Autorstwa AvengersCompound

Steve sat in the middle of several piles of clothing looking lost. He'd started to try and clear out some drawers for you to use, so he'd taken his pajamas out of one drawer. He didn't want to mix them with Bucky's though, so he thought he'd consolidate his t-shirts into one drawer. They didn't all fit, and he'd taken them all out and thought he'd put some on hangers. In the meantime to free up a second drawer, he'd thought he'd put his socks and underwear all into one drawer. They didn't all fit either, so he was now methodically going through each item of clothing and deciding if it might be something that was worn out enough to get rid of.

Bucky came in and looked at the chaos on the floor and shook his head. "Is now the best time to be doing that, pal? She'll be off work in less than an hour."

Steve looked up at Bucky feeling completely helpless all of a sudden. "I just wanted to give her some drawers. She made room for us at her place."

Bucky laughed and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know that just throwing all your things on the ground is the best way to make some space for her." He crouched down and ran his hands down Steve's arms. "This is the first time she's staying over. I'm sure she isn't going to just bring a whole bunch of stuff to keep here. How about we just go buy a new set of drawers for her? There's enough room in here for another set."

Steve groaned and ran his hands down his face. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Not as smart as you'd have people believe," Bucky teased. He leaned forward and kissed Steve softly on the lips. When he pulled away he started putting everything back in its rightful place. "Why are you making such a big deal about this anyway? We sleep at her place all the time. She's met everyone. What are you worried about?"

Steve threw his socks back into the drawer. "I don't know," he said with a sigh. "I feel like when we go stay with her it's like we're getting a holiday from our lives. Her letting us into her life is like vacation time, where we can be young and carefree and just Steve and Bucky how we used to be. Now we're going to bring her into this... mess. What if she can't handle Captain America and the Winter Soldier? What if it's too much and she leaves?"

Bucky grabbed Steve by the wrist and spun him to face him, pulling Steve against him and hugging him tightly. "That's kind of how I feel all the time. For me, it's not a vacation going to her. It's just me dragging along my shit and dumping it on her door. But she picks it up every time. She's stronger than you give her credit for. Besides... if we're going to do this, we gotta go all in."

Steve smiled and rested his cheek on Bucky's shoulder for a moment, his heart feeling just that little bit heavier for Bucky's confession. He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. "Yeah, you're right. I do know that."

Bucky smiled and carded his hand through Steve's hair before standing back and looking at him. "I think we're keeping her, pal. I think at this point, we don't even have a choice."

You stepped out of your office and did one final sweep of the kitchen before heading into the shop. You had your backpack slung over one shoulder and a small box tucked under your arm. You swept around the shop straightening up the shelves one last time, wished the girls who were working the evening shift a goodnight, and headed outside.

The tower loomed over you. The lights had started gradually going out on the business side of the building, and now only about half of them were still lit. The entire top ten floors were all dark except for a random lab or office where someone was working late. The floors that were more consistently lit were the residential floors. The big communal kitchen and lounge area the Avengers used. The apartments that housed the agents who had signed up to work for them after the fall of SHIELD. The floors that served as dorm rooms for the new recruits that lived on site.

You stepped up to the front doors. They opened silently, letting you into the lobby where people were mostly heading home for the day. A few groups loitered talking to each other, while the elevators seemed to let out a steady supply of people who didn't even look twice at you as you passed them. You stepped into an empty elevator and the doors closed. As usual, it started traveling up without you having to do anything. FRIDAY knew you and knew where you needed to be.

When it arrived on the common floor you stepped out to see Clint and Natasha sitting watching television together. Clint was perched on the back of the couch while Natasha was sprawled out on her stomach below him. Steve was setting the dining table rather elaborately. There was a light blue tablecloth laid out and it was decorated with tea lights. He was laying out simple white plates with gold edging and different-sized wine glasses. Bucky and Wanda were both in the kitchen. They each wore aprons and had their hair pulled back. The smell of spiced meats and vegetables cooking wafted through the room. The way Wanda and Bucky moved around each other was like watching an elaborate dance. They switched places and passed things around so effortlessly they look like they'd been doing it for years.

Steve looked up when you came in. A broad smile broke out on his face. "Hey, sweetheart," he said, putting the last dish in place and approaching you. He leaned down and kissed you, while simultaneously taking your backpack from you. For a brief moment, there was nothing else in the room except Steve and you kissing, your lips barely parted, caressing against each other. "How was work?"

"It was good. Someone bought that castle in the window. Now I need to think of a new display. You wanna help?" you replied.

"I'd love to," he said, smiling at you. His eyes looked soft and full of such love, you couldn't help but steal another kiss.

You went into the kitchen and Wanda stopped and kissed your cheek.

"Hey, darlin'. Don't get in the way. Wanda and I are a well-oiled machine," Bucky said, beaming at you and giving you a soft kiss. You could tell he's been sampling the food. He tasted of parsley, dill, and pork.

"That's only because I'm reading your mind," Wanda said as she breezed past you both.

You laughed and gave Bucky a squeeze around the middle before getting out of both of their ways. "This is dessert," you said putting the box on the edge of the kitchen counter. Bucky peeked into the box and frowned. "Store-bought? I thought you'd have made something."

You laughed and swatted at his hand. "Trust me, Buck. After you try those you'll never want anything I made ever again."

Steve came over and took your hand in his. "Let's go put your stuff in our bedroom."

Clint and Natasha raised their hands in greeting as you passed, making an unintelligible grunting sound. You laughed and gave them a wave back before following Steve downstairs to the room he shared with Bucky.

"I tried to clear a couple of drawers for you, but I just ended up with clothes everywhere," Steve explained as you threw your backpack onto the armchair in the corner.

You approached him and ran your palms up over his abs. "Is me staying here going to become a regular occurrence?"

His arms encircled your waist and he looked down at you. You couldn't tell if he was excited or scared. "I hope so. That's up to you. I'm just worried that being this close to what we do might be too much for you to handle," he said. "Most of the things I worry about in this relationship revolve around you getting hurt."

You reached up and caressed his jaw and started placing slow soft kisses just where the neckline of his t-shirt ended. "I'm a big girl, Steve," you said, each word spaced out by a kiss. "I have thought about all these things too. You have enough to worry about without my not being able to handle myself being on the list."

Steve's hands slid down to your ass. His eyes fell closed a low rumble formed in his chest. You hummed and kissed a little higher.

"I - uh..." Steve murmured. "We - we put in a work order for a new chest of drawers."

"Thank you," you whispered and captured his lips with yours. He pulled you flush up against him, so you were standing on your tiptoes. His tongue danced with yours as you pushed your hands up into his hair and tugged on it.

You pulled back tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth. "We should go up to dinner," you said.

Steve laughed and pressed his forehead against yours. "You're a tease."

"I know," you smirked.

He let you go and you kissed him once more before you both headed back upstairs. Tony, Bruce, and Pepper were now at the dining table. Tony poured red wine into glasses for himself and Pepper, while Bruce seemed to be drinking some sort of green smoothie.

Vision was carrying plates and terrines filled with different dishes to the table as Bucky and Wanda put the finishing touches on things.

"Hello, darling. It's nice that they've finally let you near us again," Tony said, kissing your cheek as soon as you were in reach of him. "Wine?"

"Yes, please," you said, settling into a chair and passing a glass to him.

"Who are we missing?" Steve asked, glancing around the room. "FRIDAY, can you tell Sam and James that dinner is ready."

"Right away, Captain Rogers," The voice of the building AI responded.

"Air Force," Tony said, with a roll of his eyes. As if the words Air Force give some indication why they'd be late at all.

The last of the food was laid out and all the stragglers finally make it to the table. Steve and Bucky sat on either side of you as Sam and Rhodey came into the room together. "Sorry, we're late," Rhodey said.

"We were practicing maneuvers and lost track of the time," Sam added.

"Air Force," Tony said to you. You chuckled.

"Eat up, everyone," Bucky said and began serving himself.

"What have you made?" you asked as you put some cabbage rolls on your plate.

"I grew up in Sokovia and James lived in Romania for a few years. The traditional food is quite similar. So sometimes we cook for everyone," Wanda explained. "It's a little bit of a mix of the two."

"Here try this," Bucky said, ladling some soup into a bowl for you. "It's ciorbă de ardei umpluți. There was this old lady in my building who made it for me when I helped her do things like change light bulbs or fix her pipes." He spoke animatedly and looks at you a little like an excitable puppy. Your opinion on it mattered to him.

You took a spoonful, making sure to get some of the stuffed pepper too. It was smokey and peppery and a little sour. It made you feel warm and happy. That true definition of comfort food. Bucky watched you the whole time. "It's so good, Buck," you said, through a mouthful. He smiled and kissed your temple before he started eating too.

"So I have a question," Tony said once everyone was eating and just chatting in groups. "How does that all work." He gestured between Steve, Bucky, and you.

"Tony!" Pepper yelped, sounding mortified.

"What?" Tony said, holding his hand to his heart. "We were all thinking it."

Pepper slapped his arm. "You can't just do that," she cried and turned to the three of you. "I am so sorry. Just ignore him."

You waved her off as Bucky sat holding back laughter beside you.

"It's fine. It's an unusual situation. I don't know what bit you don't understand though. Haven't you bragged yourself about being with two women?" Steve asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Well yeah sure. But I didn't plan on marrying them," Tony retorted.

Pepper covered her face with her hands and shook her head. "Please stop talking," she muttered under her breath.

"So it's love that you don't understand?" you asked.

"No... I understand lo- ... wait how did this become about me?" Tony said flustered.

The table erupted into laughter and Bucky slung his arm around the back of your chair and kissed you on the cheek.

After dinner, everyone helped clear the table and put away leftovers. You started making hot drinks for everyone. Coffee for Tony, Rhodey, Steve, Clint, and Sam. Tea for Pepper and Bruce. Everyone else wanted hot chocolate. You put the cups on the coffee table where everyone was now sitting, either on the couch or recliners or just on the floor. You grabbed the box you brought with you and took out the long rectangle packets containing chocolate-covered cookies.

"Okay, so these are Tim Tams," you explained, opening each packet and sliding out the plastic trays containing the cookies. "They're from Australia. Don't eat them yet. I have to show you how," you added, offering the packet to everyone in the room.

"Oh, these are on my list," Steve said, pulling his notebook from his pocket and scratching something off.

When everyone had one you held a cookie up. "You need to bite off diagonally opposite corners like this," you said and bit off a small corner from each side just so the cream filling was visible. Everyone mimicked you and you picked up your cup. "Okay, so now, use your cookie as a straw. When you feel it get soft you jam it in your mouth. That's called a Tim Tam Slam," you said and demonstrated. You sucked your hot chocolate up through the cookie and the sweet, warm liquid filled your mouth. When the cookie softened you shoved it into your mouth and made an involuntary moan as the cookie disintegrated filling your taste buds with warm, sugar, chocolate, and cream.

The others mimicked you and the room was suddenly filled with different moans and other sounds of enjoyment.

"This is the best thing I've ever had in my mouth," Rhodey said, his mouth still full. Tony, Clint, and Sam burst out laughing, each covering their mouths trying not to spit the cookie out.

"I think this is what it tastes like to have an orgasm," Wanda said.

"I don't understand, you can taste what orgasms are like?" Vision asked and Natasha completely lost it laughing, doubling up on the floor and holding her sides.

Bucky swallowed what was in his mouth and grabbed another one. "You were right, hon," he said. "No offense or anything but these are amazing. I thought the things you made were the best things I'd ever tasted."

"She makes you things too?" Tony asked, looking affronted.

"Yes. Of course, I do," you said.

"Oh god, Stark. She made us chocolate-covered bacon once. And these brownies that had cookie dough and Oreos," Bucky said and let his head fall back, making a face like he was drooling.

Wanda leaned over the coffee table and put her hand on yours. "Can you please move in with us?" she said.

The room erupted in laughter again. Tony grabbed the packet of Tim Tams from the table. "These are from Australia? Who makes them?" he said, examining the packaging. "Alright. FRIDAY. We're buying Arnotts. Whoever the hell they are. And we're importing these."

"Right away, Mr. Stark," FRIDAY replied.

"Tony!" Pepper yelped. She took a bite from one of the cookies. "No, you're right. That's a phenomenal idea."

"Oh good. They have all these varieties I still haven't been able to source," you said and took a drink of your hot chocolate.

The night moved on. You've never spent such a long period of time just hanging out with these people. After a while, you realized what was actually happening here. Steve and Bucky have done the closest thing they could do to bringing you home to meet their parents. Yes, you had met all the Avengers before. No, they weren't actually their parents. But these people were their family and Steve and Bucky had wanted you to not only meet them but be accepted by them. Every time you laughed or made one of them laugh, you saw a glance between Bucky and Steve. By the time people started drifting off to their own rooms you just felt happy and full of love for them.

You started to yawn and Steve put his hand on your shoulder and kissed the side of your neck. "Time for bed?" he whispered, near your ear. His voice was a deep, warm rumble.

You nodded and got up. Steve and Bucky followed you and you wished Sam, Clint, and Natasha who are the only people still up a good night. You pounced on Bucky's back and he laughed, giving you a piggyback to their room.

By the time the door closed behind you, you were already kissing his neck. Steve came up behind you and slid his hands up your back. You let yourself slip down onto your feet, still kissing Bucky's throat. He turned to face you and he and Steve kissed as you did your best to mark Bucky.

Bucky made a sound somewhere between a growl and a moan. He started toying with the hem of your shirt and when you pushed your hands up under his, he pulled yours off over your head.

Bucky and Steve both started peppering kisses along your neck and collarbone. "I had a really good time tonight," you hummed. "They're all really great, aren't they?"

Steve hummed against your skin and unhooks your bra. Bucky pushed it down your arms onto the floor. "I'm glad you had a good time. We want you to get along," Steve said.

You all took a few steps closer to the bed. Your hands went up under Bucky's shirt and Steve helped you pull it up over his head. "I love you both so much, you know?" you said, softly, turning your head back to Steve. Steve kissed you deeply, his tongue grazing over your bottom lip.

"Yeah, we know," Bucky said.

You took another step towards the bed, slipping out of your shoes. Bucky grabbed the hem of Steve's shirt and pulled it over his head, breaking his kiss with you. Steve's hands moved to your jeans and he unfastened them. "I think I can speak for both of us when I say the feeling is mutual," Steve said.

You started unfastening Bucky's pants as Steve pushed yours to the ground. "We love you so much," Bucky hummed and lifted you off the floor, kissing you hard before placing you on the end of the bed.

You watched as they finished undressing each other. They kissed and ran their hands over each other's bodies. When they were naked, they turned to you. Your eyes ran up and down their forms - toned and well muscled and their cocks hard, beads of precome pooling on the heads. They each moved toward you and grabbed the waistband of your panties and pulled them off before moving up on the bed on either side of you.

You started kissing. Moving from one to the other. When their lips weren't on yours, you kissed one or the other's collarbone and neck. Your hands went to their cocks. You rolled your palms over the heads and slowly started pumping their shafts. Steve's hand went to your pussy, and he circled your clit and dipped two fingers inside of you. Bucky's hands just roamed, they pinched your nipples, then moved and do the same to Steve.

Soon your cunt ached for them, your wet running down Steve's fingers. "Oh fuck. I need you," you moaned.

They gave each other a look. It was their 'who was going where' look, and you shook your head and brought your hands to their cheeks so they both looked at you. "Both of you. At the same time."

Steve looked startled and Bucky quirked an eyebrow at you. "Really? You sure? We've never done that before, darlin'," Bucky asked.

You nodded and pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist. He pulled you down into a kiss and you slide against his cock, slicking it with your fluids. He took his cock in his hand and as you slid down, he guided it deep inside of you. You rolled your hips against him still kissing him desperately. Your hands held onto his shoulders as he gripped your hips.

Steve came up behind you and starts kissing a trail up your spine. He reached into the side table, pulled out a bottle of lube, and slicked his cock. You felt the press of his teeth on your shoulder and a moment later the head of his cock teased at your entrance.

"You ready, sweetheart?" he whispered.

"Mmm... yes... please, Steve," you hummed.

Steve very slowly pushed into you. There was a pinch as your cunt stretched to accommodate both of these already quite large men. You all moaned. Steve's hand went to Bucky's hair and they kissed over your shoulder.

Steve started to thrust slowly and Bucky a little faster. All you could do was just hold on. Your lips never left skin. You were either nipping and sucking at Bucky's throat, kissing him deeply, or leaning back to kiss Steve. They kissed each other too. Heat radiated between the three of you, and soon you were all sweating and panting. The sounds of your moans filled the room. Pressure built in your core and your skin prickled and felt slightly fuzzy. Like you were not all there. Steve's hand slid down between you and Bucky. His fingers wrapping around Bucky's shaft and his thumb rolling over your clit.

Both you and Bucky jerked suddenly and you came almost simultaneously. The way Bucky's cock pulsed as he emptied and your cunt squeezed around the two of them set Steve off too and he came moments later, his teeth pressed into your shoulder.

You all collapsed down in a pile of tangled limbs. You felt sleepy and high from your endorphin rush, and you just closed your eyes and let sleep take you. At some point, Steve got up and came back with a washcloth to clean you up, and they both pressed kisses on your forehead and whispered 'goodnight' and 'I love you' to you and each other. Mostly you just felt aware of how happy and loved you felt as you drifted off to sleep.

Steve woke first the next day. He untangled himself from both of you and got up, watching as you and Bucky moved closer together now that somebody's heat had been lost. He took a shower and brushed his teeth, making sure to floss carefully. He came back out and dressed for the day before coming over and kissing both you and Bucky gently.

"Wake up, sleepy heads. You've got work," he whispered.

You grumbled and pulled the quilt up over your head, while Bucky slowly pried his eyes open. "I'll get her up," Bucky said, his voice still gravelly from sleep.

Steve chuckled. "I'll go get breakfast started."

He headed up to the kitchen to find Tony making coffee while Pepper sat eating a bowl of fresh fruit and yogurt.

"Morning, Cap," Tony said, in greeting. "You want coffee?"

"Thanks," Steve replied going to the fridge and pulling out bacon and eggs.

"We really like your girl," Tony said as he adjusted the amount of coffee he had in the French press.

"Yes. She's just wonderful," Pepper agreed.

"Thank you. Yeah, I think we'll keep her," Steve said, smiling at them.

"If you ever want to ask her to move in. You have our blessing," Tony added.

Steve faltered and looked at his two friends. "I ... uh... we hadn't spoken about it."

Tony shrugged and patted Steve on the shoulder. "Hey. When you're ready. Just know. It's fine. Even if that means you do end up filling the place with tiny humans."

"Especially if it means that," Pepper added.

Steve softened and put his hand on Tony's arm. "Thank you. That means a lot."

Tony smiled. "Alright, enough sappy stuff. It's too early and I haven't had my coffee." He went back to making the coffee.

Steve started frying the bacon, unable to force the smile from his face. The thought of what the future might actually hold for him suddenly felt a lot lighter.

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