The Fallen King and The White...

By Rye_Pix_Nox

663 173 29

The relationship between The White Princess and the Black King a.k.a fallen king VERIVERY × THE BOYZ × STRAY... More

The Birth #1
Baptism #2
1st birthday #3
Murdered #4
Grown up #5
First Encounter #6
White Princess meets King Black Major #7
Black Queen meets White Princess #8
Lost Diamond Ring 💍 #9
Zombie Exhibition #10
Sweet dreams King Black Major #11
Brainwashed #12
The King White Major's Failed Plan #13
Getting Drunk #14
Drug Test #15
Jealous or Overprotective? #16
The Princess Karens scandal #17
Back to the White Castle #18
Maze #19
Suspicion #20
King Black Major and White Princess' argument #21
•Hyunjae discovers Ryeona's real identity• #22
¶ White Princess forgives King Black Major¶ #23
🌡️High Fever 🤒 🌡️#24
♡Wonhyuk saves Bubble Pop♡ #25
Recovered 😇 #26
|A trespasser in the black castle | #27
The Forced wedding #28
King White Major gets exposed in the wedding #29
King White Major in mental hospital #30
Double date with Ran , Minchan, Lani, and Yeonho #31
Polina and Yongseung #32
Confession success! #33
Ghost in Gyehyeon's room #34
New's diagnosis result #35
Avi has been recovered #36
Drunk Avi #37
In the Beginning of New's downfall #38
Scary truth of King Black Major's Parent's death
Rules of the balance game
The Start of Balance Game
Successful balance!
The first date of the princess and the king
Dongheon interrogates Yongseung and the women gossiping about Gyehyeon
The snow ❄️🌨️
King Black Major admits that he likes White Princess
Taste the King's dish
Wrong move!
Song lyric prank
Be careful what you wish for
New Characters list
Cursed Greenland
The white mistress major is back
The Sorceress and the Fire fairy defended the white princess
King White Major's return
Prince Dongheon saves Princess Avi
The new members of the black majors
Drunk King Black Major
Taking care of King Black Major
3 Vampires reported the King White Major and King Black Major's mistress
Princess Honeydew meets Prince Hoyoung
King White Major's heinous pasts
King Black Major reunites with his uncle
Occasional Party but It's a Birthday Party
Battle between the Fiance and the Mistress
King White Major receives a black mail
The scheming woman is punished due to disloyalty
The scheming woman reveals her true powers
The White Princess's message to deceased Queen
The White Princess transforms into a Crystal Princess
The King White Major's arrival in the funeral
King White Major's change of heart
The scheming queen breaks King Black Major's hometowns
The Wicked Queen's last straw
King Black Major and White Princess' relationship exposed!
White Majors vs Black Majors
The Victory goes to Black Majors!

Queen Black Major is back

3 2 0
By Rye_Pix_Nox

Gyehyeon: How was the mission Prince Dongheon hyung?

Dongheon: We finally succeeded in the mission that you gave it to us

Avi: I'm safe now your majesty

Gyehyeon: Good thing and great job guys for today good work! *Claps*

❦Everyone claps at each other❦

Gyehyeon: I will promote all of you soon.

Hoyoung: Hyung are you going to promote us? Really? When?

Gyehyeon: Yes I will promote all of you on soon but if all of you are doing your works.

Me: How about our minotaurs your majesty?

Gyehyeon: hmmm..... Yes I will promote them too if they were also doing their work.

Me: Thanks your majesty you're the best *winks and sticks her tongue to Gyehyeon*

Gyehyeon: *winks* you're welcome Princess Ryeona


Me: Queen Ailee?! Oh my god! She's back

Ailee: Hi your Queen Ailee is back do you all miss me?

Hyunjin: A little bit Queen Ailee because you've seen forgotten a little bit since you died

Yeji: died from suicide

Ailee: How do you know young Valkyrie?

Yeji: We heard that you fought with King Gyehyeon before since he accused you for stealing his ring

❦They all started apologizing to Gyehyeon from revealing his darkest secret❦

Me: yes Queen Ailee I heard it before since I educated King Gyehyeon once after your conflict with him and he didn't listen and got detention *apologize to Gyehyeon* sorry your majesty the truth is out she needs to remember what happened before.

Ryubii: *To Gyehyeon* Cousin I'm sorry too we all remembered your darkest past and revealed today.

Wonhyuk: *To Gyehyeon* And you tried to attack my younger sister before because her identity is a full white major you thought that she was your enemy that's why you want to kill her for the sake of her sanity I'm sorry your majesty this is how your darkest past works.

Gyehyeon: *gets irritated and slams the table*

Dongheon: Gyehyeon calm down at least you surpassed it

Hyunjae: Everyone please stop

❦Gyehyeon apologies to Ailee❦

Gyehyeon: *Approaches Ailee* I'm sorry Ailee for the way I did before

Ailee: Well it's okay when it's your past I know you're bothered with it you see---

Gyehyeon: I know you're still mad at me and I remembered accusing you from stealing my ring and I know it's a small things *and also apologizes to Ryeona* and Princess Ryeona I'm sorry again the way I did to you before I didn't knew you are a half black and white major.

Me: No your majesty you don't have to worry about it's okay we are all humans we make mistakes we all realized it .Sometimes I came to suffer at least we surpassed it and we must forget it now past is the past so that we can have a chance to change to start a new day.

Felix: I agree with Ryeona everyone can change your majesty at least you surpassed it.

Ryujin: at least you regret your bad decisions especially to my sister Ryeona your majesty.

Brinda: True we all deserve a second chance

Gyehyeon: Thank you I appreciate it especially you Princess Ryeona *smirks*

Me: Your welcome your majesty.

❦Ailee feels suspicious about Ryeona❦

Me: For Queen Ailee, You also deserve a second chance to change at least you surpassed your bad experience I hope you have a good day now.

Ailee: Thank you Princess Ryeona I appreciate how you gave me advice this time it helps me.

Me: Your welcome Queen Ailee.

Gyehyeon: Everyone we need to forget our bad experience right now you are all right no matter how we are bothered with it we must try to overcome it because one day we will get even better.

❦Everyone claps*




❦Gyehyeon calls Ryeona❦

Gyehyeon: Princess Ryeona?? Come here

Me: oh?? What is it your majesty?

Gyehyeon: I really don't know how to strive some better experience and I'm really bothered about my past I need your help.

Me: I used to get bothered with it and I tried to overcome it always until I get better I have a solution

Gyehyeon: What is it?

Me: hehehe something special

Gyehyeon: ok

❦Ryeona uses her rainbow magic and it becomes red lipstick❦

Me: oh wait *puts lipstick in her lips and it glows* wow

❦Ryeona kisses Gyehyeon's lips as the solution of overcoming his darkest pasts while Ailee is not around her❦

Me: *laughs* how is it your majesty? Hmm....

Gyehyeon: *gets startled* Wait?! What is this? *His heart starts racing*

Me: How did it go? *Laughs* 😂🤣

Gyehyeon: *blushes* I think it helps me thank you

Me: really?

Gyehyeon: *laughs* yes thank you for the help

Me: You welcome ..... Oh I'm about to sleep now I have to sleep now goodnight

❦Gyehyeon grabs Ryeona's arms❦

Gyehyeon: Wait a minute we are not yet finish here

Me: What is it all about?

Gyehyeon: I have something to give you do not lost this and you must keep this

Me: What is it?

❦Gyehyeon gives Ryeona a 2 powerful heart rings (a red and purple) while smirking to help her to get to know him more until she marries him❦

Gyehyeon: *smirks* Wear it

Me: ok *wears the two rings and it shines* wow this is powerful isn't it?

Gyehyeon: *holds Ryeona's hands and started being intimate with her* Yes it's powerful Princess don't lose it I'm telling you you have to trust me

Ryeona's thoughts while staring at Gyehyeon: my heart is beating I think I love you

Me: of course I trust you I will never break it

Gyehyeon: promise?

Me: promise!

Gyehyeon: give me your hand

Me: ok

❦Gyehyeon kisses Ryeona's hand using his magic kiss❦

Me: What?!  *Blushes* ok

Gyehyeon: Goodnight sweet heart

Me: good night I didn't realize you're being sweet

Gyehyeon: *smirks*

❦Ryeona goes to her room before Ailee came in❦

Ailee: Honey why are you not yet sleeping? *Saw Gyehyeon's cheeks with kiss marks*What is this?! Who did this?! Someone kisses you?!

Gyehyeon: *laughs and lies to Ailee* I actually have a magic sticker to have a kiss mark

Ailee: Really?!

❦Gyehyeon removes the kiss mark in his faces with his magic❦

Ailee: Wow I think Ryeona came here

Gyehyeon: *didn't respond*


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