By chifuyustruelove

532 8 6

A 16 year old girl who loves Naruto wakes up to figures surrounding her. What will happen when she finds tha... More

What the heck?!?!
TwT im sorry in advance

Boy what the hell..

103 1 1
By chifuyustruelove

I wake up to the damn sun shining straight in my eyes. ' OH GOD DAMMIT' I sigh and get out of bed. I dragged myself downstairs from out of my room and into the living room.

I walked over and plopped down onto the couch. 'Hmm..what should I do today.. oh! I should probably go clothes shopping later on today.'

After a few minutes of thinking random things.

I finally decided to make breakfast. I grabbed all the ingredients to make rice, eggs, and bacon. I grab the pots and pans and turn on the stove.

--3rd POV--

While Yumi was cooking breakfast what she didn't hear was itachi walking towards the kitchen. "..Good morning."

"Gah!..how did I not hear you come in...oh right your a ninja I forgot." He looked down at the pan with 2 eggs on it.

"Do you need any assistance with cooking breakfast..?" "No I'm good but thanks."

Itachi walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. He grabbed a book from the bookshelf in the corner of the room.

He sat down on the couch and read the book waiting on the food to be done.

~~le timeskip cause I'm too lazy~~

They were now all in the living room watching lilo and stitch (cause why not ) and a random idea popped into Yumi's head. 'I forgot I still need to buy them clothes. T-T"

So Yumi got up and stretched till she heard a satisfying 'pop' in her back. "Hey um.. I'm going to the mall and I'm putting itachi in charge till I come back ok?"

"Wait why put him-" Naruto said pointing at itachi. "-in charge of us instead of kakashi-sensei?!" He ask-yelled.

--Yumi POV--

"Okay first of all stop yelling. Second I can do whatever I want cause it's my house. And third don't tell me what to do got it? I asked.

Naruto huffed and turned his head away. "Okay that's it go into the corner your in timeout."

"Hey! I'm not some baby you can tell what to do-" I cut him off by duct tapeing a baby pacifier to his mouth and tying his hands quickly. "There all better now. Anyone else wanna protest against me?"

Nobody responded. "Okay well I'm gonna go now, bye." I walked out the house making sure I lock the door behind me.

I go to my garage and get into my white Aston Martin (pic above) and open my garage door. I start up the car and reverse out the driveway.

I make sure I close the garage door before driving off. On my way to the mall I decided to drive to Kaya's house and pick her up.

~~le timeskip to when they get to the mall~~

So now we're in the mall. The mall has an escalator leading up to the 2nd floor and many different stores and a big food court. "Ok which store should we go to first?" I asked.

"We should probably go to H&M first to get some clothes. After that we go to foot locker for shoes." Kaya responded.

"We also need to get them their essentials like deodorant, toothbrush, cologne, perfume, and all that for them too." Kaya responded with a nod and we started walking.

There were less people in the mall today. The mall is usually packed with people here.

After walking for a little bit we finally arrive at H&M. "Ok I'll get clothes for hinata, shikamaru, kakashi, and sakura. You get clothes for itachi, naruto, and sasuke then meet me at the food court ok?" I question. "Yea,yea sure miss bossy." Kaya replied, rolling her eyes walking away.

I sigh and walk to the boy section first since it's the closest to me.

~~le timeskip to after finding clothes for all of them~~

"I think I picked some decent clothes considering I don't know their taste in clothing. (Idk what clothing to get them cause I have a poor imagination so you choose->-)

'Ok now it's time to go to infinite aroma, then go to the food court." I walked out of H&M and made my way to infinite aroma. When I got there alot of different scents of perfume and cologne filled my nose.

I walked up to the counter to greet my friend Amiyah. "Hey amiyah! How are ya?" "I'm good and how are you?" She asked. "I'm good. I came to get some perfume and cologne." I replied.

"Oooh who are they for hm?" Amiyah asked. "They are for my friends that are staying over at my house for a while." "Ok how about this you can pick out anything you want for free." She said. "Oh my God,thanks amiyah!" I said speedwalking to the aisles.

I hear amiyah chuckling in a few feet away. I browse down the aisles debating on what to get them. 'Imma get me something while I'm in here too." I grabbed a few bottles of cologne and smelled it. 'Ngl these smell very good' I decided on which ones to get and went to the perfume aisles.

'Ok now its time to grab sakura and I something and i know exactly what to get.' I grabbed a perfume I found called 'cherry blossoms' I put it in my bag where I put all the other stuff.

I walked down another aisle and stopped in my tracks when I saw one vanilla scented. I grabbed that one and put it in my bag and headed to the door. "Bye amiyah I'll see you another time." I said waving at her. "Ok bye, hope you found what you needed." She said waving back.

After I exited the store and made my way towards the food court. I rode the escalator on my way there. When I got there I saw Kaya already waiting on me.

"Finally your here, I've been waiting for 20 minutes already!" She said. "You'll be ok, but anyways imma go get me some chick-fil-a you get whatever you want." "I'm gonna get me some California roll sushi!"

"I swear that's the only thing you eat.." "Well it not MY fault for it being SO FUCKIN GOOD!" She said. "Ok I'm gonna go..order my food." After I say that I speedwalk to the line for chick-fil-a.

When I order I get my favorite thing. The chicken sandwich meal with a frosty lemonade and buffalo sauce.(cause it's the best drink there no if,ands,or buts)

I wait in line for 2 and a half minutes then I get my food and go to our table where Kaya was. We sit down and eat and talk about random things.

It was one question that caught me off guard while eating. "Soo~ did you sleep with one of them yet~?" She asked. That one question alone make me choke on my drink and spit it out.

'My poor, poor frosty lemonade! TnT.' "Why must you be like this?! Plus I've only known them for 2 days, 2 whole days?!" I asked. "Just for the fun of it and I love your reaction!" She said giggling.

"This is why I hate you sometimes.." I said. "Aww ik you love me!" I sigh and just continue eating.

After a few minutes I finish and we walk to the car and hop in. I drop her off at home and drive back home. I make it home in about 10 minutes and park my car in the garage.

I walk up the steps and unlock the door. I kick the door open cause of all the bags in my hands. When I get in its strangely quiet.

I place the bags on the dining room table and peak into the living room. What I saw was...something to say the least. I see kakashi lying in a starfish position on the couch with one arm on narutos face and his leg hanging off the couch.

Naruto is upside down,hugging one of the pillows. Sasuke was in a corner facing the wall. Hinata was just laying on her side casually. Sakura is spread out on the carpet like a ran over squirrel.

Shikamaru was on the love seat by himself and itachi was...where is he? I went to check the guest bedroom on the right downstairs. 'Nope not here..' I went to the one on the right. 'Huh..not here either...'

After about 5 minutes of looking I finally found him sleeping peacefully in his bed. I sighed and closed the bedroom door. I walked to my room and changed into my pj's.

'I guess I'll give it to them tomorrow then' I got into my bed and tucked myself in before turning off the lights. After 10 minutes of staring at nothing I let the darkness consume me,putting me into a deep slumber.

Ok I'm sorry for not updating that often ,but I hope you like this chapter. This is the longest one I've made so far. ^_^ I realized I never put the word count soo..ye. anyways stay hydrated and make sure to eat goodbye chicken nuggets -^-

𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙:1538 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘

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