The Padawan Who Hid

By TwentyFunnyBunnies

26.3K 568 29

Birdie Welsh used to be the happiest youngling in all the Jedi Temple. She was outgoing, had many friends, an... More

Chapter 1: A New Mission
Chapter 2: A New Kind of Jedi
Chapter 3: Lao-mon
Chapter 4: A New Type of Clone
Chapter 5: "Game Plan"
Chapter 6: A Pretty Little Face
Chapter 7: Infiltration
Chapter 8: Mission Complete
Chapter 9: The End

Chapter 10: The True End

2.7K 49 5
By TwentyFunnyBunnies

"...and thereby, Pong Krell, you are expelled from the Jedi Order. The Council and Senate have ordered a penalty of execution upon you for your several crimes against the Order, including sharing confidential information with the Separatists and domestic abuse against your padawan..."


"I'm so nervous," I tell Ahsoka, fidgeting wildly next to her. But it's not the kind of nervous I'm used to. It's excitement, too. I'm excited like I haven't been in years.

"You'll be fine," Ahsoka assures me. "It won't be like your last, I promise."

"I know, I know," I say. "But I don't know what to expect." I sigh. "Not anymore."

"Hey," Ahsoka elbows me in the side, "brighten up. It's going to be great."

"I hope you're right."

The Council calls me into the chambers a minute later. I shuffle in, jittery with excitement, and stand before them.

"Birdie Welsh, a rough padawanship you've had, so far, yes?" asks Master Yoda.

"Yes, Master."

"But ready for a new master, you are, yes?" Yoda asks again.

"Yes, Master."

"Then a new master, we have, for you," Master Yoda waves a hand to an Arkanian woman standing off to the side. She smiles kindly at me and nods.

"Padawan Birdie Welsh, we'd like you to meet your new Master, Mallu Varr," Windu announces.

Master Varr walks over to me gracefully and takes a small section of my hair to braid. I stay stiff the whole way, fighting back a smile. I'm warm on the inside.

"Birdie Welsh, I am honoured to have you as my padawan."


My padawanship with Master Varr goes better than ever. I form a strong bond with her and slowly open up. Her clones are kind and they all have names that I'm allowed to call them by.

I frequently speak with Ahsoka, though the frequency dwindles over time. We eventually stop speaking altogether. I'm a little sad at first, but I can't be offended. She's helped me so much already, and getting angry would do no good. It's not her fault, anyway. We're both padawans with a lot of responsibility.

And... other matter eventually rise for Ahsoka...

But overall, I'm really happy now. The war isn't the greatest, but I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not hiding.

I used to hide. I hid from everyone. I hid my bruises and scars under my cloak, my fear in my mental barriers, and myself from everyone. I hid from Ahsoka, other padawans, teachers, masters, and the Council. I even hid from myself.

I don't have to hide anymore. I can be myself, Birdie Welsh, before whomever I please because I can control my own life now. I don't have to cower in fear of Master Krell anymore.

I'm free.

And I'm me. 


Total Word Count: 10,935

Published: August 4, 2022

Well, peoples, what did you think? This was pretty interesting to write, but I enjoyed the challenge. I've seen so many people do things like this, so I had to try to make my story unique. I had to make it my own. 

Thank you for reading this if you read the whole thing, and until next time.

Bye, peoples!

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