house M.D.

By KateButterfly347

75K 1.1K 41

none of the stories here is mine tumbler some are mine too tho More

Tease Me,Please Me
A spoonful of Sugar - g.h
Be okay
Remarkable Day - g.h
Clean Break
Imagine Cameron walking in on you and House having sex
infected. (gregory house x reader )
That's not what I meant and you know it
wouldn't change a thing. ( gregory house x reader )
boyfriend Dr. House creative ways to help your insomnia.
Make up, Make Out
a doctors nightmare ( gregory house x reader )
unconditional ( gregory house x reader )
until its gone ( gregory house x reader )
A fool like me
Gregory House Smut Alphabet
House x reader - be there
The Wee Small Hours
Working Girl
House x reader - Help
House x reader - Care
until its gone. ( gregory house x reader )
bad day. ( gregory house x reader )
Melts Like Chocolate
Remarkable Day - g.h
House MD - House: ... or Not
Baby Daddy
House MD - House: Names
All In
The Wee Small Hours
Comfort HC
Doctor House

No one knows you to are married

1.9K 37 2
By KateButterfly347

Hows the husband? Still too busy for a vacation? Mrs. Johnson was trying to make friendly conversation with you – like she did every time you saw her – by asking about House. Or the husband as she knew him. Anyone else who knew him wouldnt be so fond of him, but you were lucky enough to tell her about all of the good things he does and how good he was to you. The last time you saw her, you were stressed from how heavy a workload you had and were in desperate need of a vacation. You told her that House (the husband) wouldnt be able to go and you refused to leave without him; apparently, she remembered that.

Yes, unfortunately. But work is so much better now, Im no longer in dire need of way too much sunlight and sand in unwanted places. You gave her your warmest smile and she let out a soft laugh, hanging her purse over her shoulder. You lead her to the door and followed her out of the room.

Tell him that he needs to take you anyway, you look like you could use some sun. You shook your head slightly and set her chart in the file holder beside the door.

I thought my vampirish glow was working for me. You walked to the nurses station and waved her off with a goodbye, grabbing another patient file. You might as well try to fulfill your clinic hours while you were here. The doors to the clinic opened and you could see a small group of people walking in, one of them with a distinct walk. Something you could recognize anywhere. You set the file back and walked around the opposite side of the clinic, avoiding him like the plague.

You two made a pact to ignore each other at work and to pretend like you didnt know the other existed. It was easier for you two that way, no arguments to have over a patient or annoying things to dispute about your relationship with talkative nurses. You could hear the collection of footsteps following you at a somewhat faster pace and House say something to them, your eyes searching the clinic to see who was paying attention. You turned your head to look over your shoulder at them, seeing House looking back at you.

Need a consult. You stopped and turned your body to face him, seeing his fellows standing behind him and watching with curious faces.

Come to my office, Im not doing this here. You walked out of the clinic and to the elevators, knowing that House would be following you. You pressed the button and tucked your hands into your lab coat pockets, feeling the presence of someone standing right next to you. You spoke so only House could hear you, your eyes staying on the elevator doors. Theres no one else you could get a consult from? Or are you still mad about last night? You stepped into the elevator as it opened, turning to face the doors and seeing his fellows looking at you two with their eyebrows scrunched together. He stepped in beside you and pressed the button for your floor.

Sorry, no more room. He spoke to them and you watched as the doors slid shut before turning your head to face him. He looked down at you and raised his eyebrows slightly. No, Im not mad because I know I was right and so do you. Your mouth hung open a bit as you scoffed.

There is no way in hell you were right. Admit it, you just want to tell everyone that you love me and youre tired of hiding it anymore. The doors opened as you were finished talking and you smirked at him, walking out of the elevator backwards and watching as he rolled his eyes. You turned around and lead him to your office, finding his team already sitting and waiting. You smiled at them before sitting at your desk, clasping your hands together on the top of your desk.

Fever, joint pain, rash, seizures, kidney function declining. House was the first to speak in the room, his eyes focused on the window and his hands tapping his cane up and down.

And you needed my expertise? It sounds like autoimmune. You watched his face for a moment before resting your head on your hand, raising an eyebrow. Do you need me to tell you its lupus? Because I can. Gladly. He turned to look at you and narrowed his eyes.

Its not lupus. You raised your hand to get him to stop his tangent before he even started, his fellows surprised that he listened.

Is the ANA positive? He sighed and nodded, a smirk spreading on your lips. Its lupus. You watched as he grumbled to himself, the only female fellow speaking up; you think he called her Thirteen, but you cant remember.

Do you two know each other? You looked between her and House, wondering if you should tell them the truth, before sighing.

Yes. Hes my husband and currently being an idiot. You watched as he crossed the room to stand beside you at your desk, some stupid remark about to come out of his mouth. Its lupus and you need to start treatment. You could see his fellows watching you two carefully, trying to figure out if you were lying or not. House looked at them and picked your left hand up, showing them the ring on your finger.

Its real, you can stop looking at us like that. Is it so hard to believe someone would want to marry me? You rolled your eyes and took your hand back, looking at the four doctors in front of you.

You can ask Wilson if you still dont believe us. You stood from your chair and walked to the door, opening it and gesturing outside. Now that you have what you needed, I have to get back to my job. Go treat your patient. House walked to you, his bottom lip pushed out in a pout. You shook your head and shoved him out of the door, nodding towards him to get the other four to follow him. No, dont look at me like that. Its lupus. You shut the door behind them and went back to your desk, looking down at your calendar and seeing that you had a patient to see in ten minutes.


You opened the door to Wilsons office, seeing House sitting on the couch and quickly entering the room. You shut the door behind yourself and sat in the chair in front of his desk, sticking your tongue out at House before turning your attention to Wilson.

He told his team our secret. You watched as Wilson looked between you and House, his eyebrows scrunching for a minute before realization dawned on him.

So, they know youre married. Its not a big deal, its about time you told people. Your mouth hung open slightly and you looked back at House, his face mirroring yours.

Can you believe this guy? He thinks we can just tell the hospital about our personal lives and be fine with it. You turned your attention back to Wilson – who was shaking his head in annoyance at you two – and heard House speak behind you.

She thinks I cant behave myself if people at work know were married. You nodded and looked back at him, his fingers playing with a loose thread on the couch.

I know you cant behave yourself, House. When we had to tell Cuddy, you were bursting with the need to tell her about our sex life in as many innuendos as possible. You raised your eyebrow at him, his argument deflating as you stared him down. You turned back to Wilson and saw that he was ignoring you both, his eyes focused on his paperwork. You reached forward and grabbed a pen off of his desk, leaning forward and scribbling a stick man onto his calendar. You gave the stick man a cane and drew a speech bubble, writing Wilson Sux in it. Wilson reached out and grabbed the pen from you, putting it in his drawer along with the rest of his stationary.

Wilson You looked over to the door and saw Thirteen standing in the doorway, Chase behind her. You smiled at them and they seemed a bit taken aback. I was just wondering if youd seen House. You looked over at House and watched as he stood up, walking to the door. He stopped beside you and leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. When he pulled away you smiled at him, missing his touch already.

Forgot to ask, do you want takeout tonight? I can stop on my way home. You stood from your chair and walked to the door, stepping around Thirteen and Chase.

Dont get the one with the bald guy, he forgets half of our order every time. You gave him a thumbs up before stepping into the elevator, needing to get some paperwork done. Thirteen and Chase stared at him in disbelief, Chase the first to speak up.

Youre actually married? Not just going insane and thinking a hooker is your wife? House narrowed his eyes at him, leaving Wilsons office and heading to his own with Chase and Thirteen in tow.

Believe it or not, shes the one that pursued me. He sat down in his desk chair, Chase and Thirteen standing in front of his desk and looking at him like he had two heads.

Why didnt you tell anyone? Thirteen thought she was catching onto a clue that it was made up, trying to get him to admit it.

We made an agreement to keep it under wraps. It made things easier; no one to distract me during a case and no one to scare her patients away. Chase looked over at Thirteen, his eyebrows raised. Foreman came into the room, holding lab results.

His kidneys are improving. House groaned and tilted his head back, looking up at the ceiling tiles.

Dont tell (Y/N) she was right.


Hows your patient? You sat with your legs crossed, facing House with the remnants of your dinner sitting on the coffee table. You had your head resting on your hand, your elbow propped up on the back of the couch. House was staring intently at some guy showing off a sponsored power tool, his feet propped up on the coffee table and his hand rubbing at his thigh.

Stable. Apparently, lupus is a real thing. You laughed and climbed carefully onto his lap, not putting any weight down on his bad leg. You placed both hands on the sides of his face, leaning down to press your lips to his. You pulled back and smirked down at him, his eyes closed now.

Tell me I was right and Ill make tonight fun for you. You placed kisses along his jaw, moving down until your lips were at the collar of his shirt. He placed his hands on your hips, sighing in frustration before mumbling something to himself. You looked up at him and moved your hands to his belt, unbuckling it while raising your eyebrow. What was that? I couldnt hear you. You unbuttoned his jeans and paused, waiting for him to say it louder.

You were right. Happy now? You smiled and kissed his neck, unzipping his jeans slowly.

Very happy.


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