house M.D.

By KateButterfly347

75.1K 1.1K 41

none of the stories here is mine tumbler some are mine too tho More

Tease Me,Please Me
A spoonful of Sugar - g.h
Be okay
Remarkable Day - g.h
Clean Break
Imagine Cameron walking in on you and House having sex
infected. (gregory house x reader )
That's not what I meant and you know it
wouldn't change a thing. ( gregory house x reader )
boyfriend Dr. House creative ways to help your insomnia.
Make up, Make Out
a doctors nightmare ( gregory house x reader )
unconditional ( gregory house x reader )
until its gone ( gregory house x reader )
Gregory House Smut Alphabet
House x reader - be there
The Wee Small Hours
Working Girl
House x reader - Help
House x reader - Care
No one knows you to are married
until its gone. ( gregory house x reader )
bad day. ( gregory house x reader )
Melts Like Chocolate
Remarkable Day - g.h
House MD - House: ... or Not
Baby Daddy
House MD - House: Names
All In
The Wee Small Hours
Comfort HC
Doctor House

A fool like me

1.4K 8 0
By KateButterfly347

Warnings: angst, unrequited love(?), house being horrible at coping, Cancer scare, bad grammar and punctuation, badly explained medical stuff, Spoilers for house md Season 7 episode 15

A/N: theres a serious lack of house md fan fiction so Im going to throw in some of mine, hope you like it. Also, i dont know the specific time of when the episodes take place so Im just going to make some guesses.


March 7th 10:00pm

You, the head of ER was sitting in a bistro with your friend Lisa cuddy, dean of medicine while she was talking about how she found blood in her urine this morning.

Being a good friend, you were obviously concerned, and she was grateful that you were there for her.

There were times that you were envious of her, like her success or the fact she is dating your long-time crush, house. But you two had a bond that would make it feel really difficult to be in a world without each other.

She told you that she is going to get an ultrasound tomorrow to see if she has a tumor.

(Y/N), please, promise me that if anything happens to me, you will take care of Rachel for me. She said with a slightly shaky voice.

You replied in a comforting tone that Lisa, youre a strong woman, Im sure its nothing to serious, just relax.

Well I hope so, thank you (Y/N) cuddy replied

March 8th 1:00pm

You were standing at the front desk of the hospital as you notice cuddy passing by so you decided to ask her about her appointment.

Sohow was the ultrasound? You asked nervously. (Y/N)..theres a mass in my kidney

What?!..I mean, it could be benign so theres no need to panic..

Yeah, I know, but I still need to make sure that everything is ready just in case I-

You cut her off and said You wont, tell me you wont

(Y/N), Im a single mom, I need to make sure everything is fine even after Im gone. She replied tiredly.

Fine, but Im sure its nothing and that youll get through this you said as you calmed down.

Whens your biopsy?


March 9th 2:30pm

Cuddy was having her biopsy and you really wanted to accompany her but, the ER was overflowing with patients from two busses full of people crashing into each other so, you were completely occupied.

When the mess in the ER finally died down, you went to look for cuddy and as you finally found her, she told you that her biopsy was inconclusive so the mass in her kidney has to be removed for the doctors to know what it is.

Shit man, hey Lisa, I want you to know that Im always here for you alright?

Ill keep that in mind and thank you again (Y/N)

No problem


You were sitting by cuddys bed as you two were talking about random topics just to pass the time.

It felt almost surreal seeing your best friend in a hospital bed, preparing for surgery after youve seen so many people die in the same situation. You were truly scared for her and as you saw house step into the room, you left to give them some privacy.

When cuddy came safely out of surgery, you were over the moon that your best friend was safe.

March 11th 1:45pm

Everything was fine two days ago, cuddy was happy, house was happy and everything seemed to be going smoothly. But luck didnt really seem to follow Princeton Plainsboro, since its most famous doctor is back to taking drugs in front of patients and harassing the dean of medicine.

Your best friend also seems to have distanced herself from everyone so you assumed that they broke up but you were still so confused about why they did that because they seemed just so happy.

You debated if you should confront cuddy about this but in the end, you decided against it because she just seems to want to be left alone.

March 15th 2:15pm

Nothing is right.

Work had become a nightmare because you had to assist houses team on a case since house was having his breakup arc and marring strangers just to piss off Cuddy.

You were tired of his shenanigans so you decided to just ignore him and focus on your work. But you were never really the lucky type because while you were charting down your notes, house walked towards you and asked.

Hey, (L/N) do you wanna get a drink?

Wait what? You answered confusedly.

He then answered with Its not rocket science, Im just asking if you want to get a drink with me.

You gave him a bitter chuckle and said sorry house, but I dont go out with married men.

what, I cant get a drink with a coworker now? Thats just sad he replied with a fake pout on his face. And plus, you and I both know that, this marriage is a sham.

Well Im sorry if I dont want to go out with a coworker who ignores me 24/7 until they get broken up with by my friend you replied sarcastically. You then continued with Im not going to be your next little scheme to piss off Cuddy with, but hey bonus points for being clever, exs friend? Never would of thought of that.

Oh cmon, how could I do something like that to dear old Cuddy, and it cant be that tough to get a drink-

I LOVE YOU, ALRIGHT? You cut him off again.

It felt irrational to get mad at something this small, but for some reason this entire interaction was pissing you off and you dont care if house was just trying to make you mad.

I have loved you, for WAY to long and my brain has somehow rationalized that, but this is a problem and if you even think that Im stupid enough to play along and hurt everyone that involuntarily got involved with this then maybe you should rethink your strategy. After yelling at house you just walked away while looking at everything other than house while he just stood there, not knowing what to say after that.

Even with the lump growing in your throat, you knew you did the right thing because even if he did truly like you, you knew that he is still hung up about Cuddy and you knew that if you were to get involved with him, you would be taking advantage of everything your friend and her ex have gone through.


Yeah I really dont know about this one, not one of my proudest.

But I still hope you like it

Buh bye!

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