One more minute? // Genmui

By shinobuswife

20.2K 308 946

Started-01.08.2022 Ended-15.10.2022 Rewrite, started-22.11.2023 Rewrite, ended-??? Genya and Muichiro both ha... More

•1-The beginning•
•2-Something about him•
•3-Maybe it's something more?•
•4-What the fuck?•
Chapters info 2
The end
Rewriting this fic!!
Chapter 1 - 2023 Rewrite

•5-The party•

1.7K 32 141
By shinobuswife

Guys, I was worried that I made Genya too soft, I mean too soft toward Muichiro, but turns out that I actually didn't!!
Look at this 😭😭😭

I was just reading Kimetsu Gakuen manga, when I spotted this 😭😭😭
Genya's actually really kind to Mui (and his brother) and it's all canon😭
Awwwhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭

Genya's POV;

Genya didn't know what to think about this whole party thing.

It was probably going to be boring, but he decided to go there because of Muichiro. And maybe it wasn't going to be that bad..

Time skip to the afternoon

Genya was finally home after a long day at school.

Tanjiro texted him, and told him that the party was gonna be this saturday, and it'll start around 6p.m. He also gave Genya Zenitsu's address.

Today was friday, so that meant that the party is tomorrow.

lol time skip to tomorrow bc I'm too lazy to write this 🥰🥰

It was afternoon already. So the party was starting soon. Genya quickly dressed up into some nice clothes, and left his house.

Then came the struggle. Where the fuck was Zenitsu's house???

Genya decided that he'll just check it in Google maps so it'll be quicker.

After a few minutes of walking he was finally there.

Genya entered Zenitsu's house, and was greeted by Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

"Hi Genya! Come in!!" Tanjiro said and smiled at Genya.

"Woah you actually showed up." Zenitsu said with a small smirk.

Genya decided to ignore the blonde boy, and followed Tanjiro into the house.

It seemed that everyone were here already, but Genya wasn't late though.

He also saw a very familiar face for him. Muichiro. He wanted to smile because Mui's presence made him happy, but he didn't. He put on a grumpy look instead.

Some of the guests were sitting on the couch, some on chairs and some on the floor.

The purple eyed boy decided that he's going to sit next to Muichiro on the floor. (Ofc 🙄🙄🙄)

At first the party was boring, but after Zenitsu brought snacks everyone got more energetic.

Out of nowhere, Tanjiro quickly announced that one more person will be joining. It was Makomo who was invited by Nezuko. Of course Zenitsu wasn't mad, because he was crazy in love with Nezuko although it was one sided love.

When Makomo joined the party, her and Nezuko just went to the other side of the room, and were talking alone.

Suddenly someone offered to play truth or dare, and everyone agreed.

So they all sat in a circle and started playing.

"Wait wait!! What are we exactly doing??" Inosuke asked in his usual loud voice. "IS THERE GOING TO BE FOOD??" He screamed even louder.

And that's how they spent 10 minutes explaining Inosuke how truth or dare game works.

But after the whole explaining thing Inosuke said that his brain hurts, and that he hates thinking. Then he went to the kitchen, probably in search of food.

After the noisy boy left to the kitchen, the game could finally get started.

"Wait who's idea this was?" Zenitsu asked.

"Oh it was mine!" Tanjiro said with a smile.

"You start then." Zenitsu replied.

"Hmmm.. Aoi truth or dare?" Tanjiro asked and looked at the blue eyed girl.

"Dare." She replied.

"I dare you to convince Inosuke to play with us." Tanjiro said.

It seemed impossible, because Inosuke did what he wanted and not what other people ordered him to.

But it wasn't impossible for Aoi.

After a while she came out of the kitchen with Inosuke who still had small pieces of food on his face.

"Here." Aoi said with a smirk.

Then they both sat on the floor, and the game continued.

The game wasn't really interesting, the dares were lame, and the confessions were boring. Until now.

"Genya! Truth or dare?" Zenitsu asked.

"Hmph.. Truth." Genya said in his usual annoyed tone.

"Are you gay?" Zenitsu laughed. It was supposed to be a joke, but it wasn't a joke for Genya, because he didn't know how to reply.

Should he say yes? Or maybe it'll be better is he'll say no?

"WHAT'S THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Genya screamed. Eventually he was planning to say the truth. But he improvised for now.

Muichiro's POV;

"And what kind of questions are these?" Mui thought.

But actually, he was curious.

"Chill, I was just joking.." Zenitsu said. "But are you though?" He laughed.

"I-I'M NOT ANSWERING THIS!!" Genya screamed.

But something was off..

Was it.. blush..? On Genya's face..? So maybe Genya was actually gay? Maybe Muichiro had a chance....
Nah probably not..

Then the game continued, until it got a bit late.

"Wait guys, who was supposed to go home?" Tanjiro asked. "I only know about Nezuko."

"I'm going home.." Makomo mumbled.

"Me too, I have to help in the restaurant in the morning." Aoi said.

"Alright! But since it's late I'll go with you and make sure that all of you are safe." Tanjiro said, and started getting ready to go.

After all of the girls were ready, they said goodbye and left.

"Tanjiro is so sweet!!" Kanao said out of nowhere.

"Yeah I guess.." Zenitsu replied.

While Kanao, Inosuke and Zenitsu were waiting for Tanjiro to return, Genya and Muichiro decided to go to the other side of the room, and talk for a bit.

"This game was so weird.." Muichiro said.

"Yeah. But it was kinda interesting too." Genya replied. "Hey wanna go watch the moonlight with me?" He mumbled.

Now that was random. But how could Muichiro say no?

"Sure! Where do you want to go though?" Mui asked.

"Zenitsu has a balcony right over here." Older boy said and pointed to a door on the other side of the room.

"Oh, alright, let's go then." The blue eyed boy responded.

So they went to the balcony. It was pretty big, and the view was amazing.

You could see the city from here. And the moonlight was stunning too.

"Woah.." The younger boy said.

Genya didn't say anything. He just stared at the moon.

After a while he looked over at Muichiro. And without realizing it, he was staring at him.

Muichiro noticed that Genya was staring at him, but he didn't mind.

He looked Genya in the eyes, and then the older boy realized what he was doing.

"O-oh I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to stare, sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" Genya started apologizing with a visible blush.


"Did he just.. Blush??" Muichiro thought, and a small blush appeared on his face too.

"Uhm- you're blushing.." Genya admitted quietly.

That made Mui even more flustered.

"I can say the same thing about you.." He mumbled in response.

Then both of them looked away, too flustered to say anything.

"Aghhh!! What if he knows that I have a crush on him, and will hate me now!??" Muichiro thought. "No wait.. He is blushing too.. Could it be that he has a crush on me too? No no way."

"Let's go back inside, it's getting kinda cold." Genya said after a while of silence.

Muichiro didn't say anything, and they just went back inside.

When they were here, they saw that Tanjiro was back already, and everyone were watching a film.

Genya decided to get some snacks, and Muichiro just followed him to the kitchen.

Genya's POV;

"Hm, by the way, do you want to meet up tomorrow?" Genya asked while chewing on a random candy that he found in Zenitsu's kitchen.

"Sure. Where do you want to meet up?" Muichiro answered.

"How about my house?" Genya smiled.

Muichiro just nodded.

After their little talk, they went back to the living room, and tried to watch the film with others.

When the film ended, it was really really late, so Zenitsu got a few mattresses for everyone to sleep on.

Then everyone talked for a bit, and one by one, everyone fell asleep.

Before Genya fell asleep, he thought about Muichiro and his weird behavior. Or maybe it wasn't so weird at all.. Actually he was thinking about asking Muichiro out, like a grownup would. He wanted to ask Mui on a date, and then confess to him.

When he thought about his plan his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

Time skip to the morning!

Genya woke up by some movement behind him. He was a light sleeper, so things like this often woke him up.

He turned around, and saw Muichiro getting up. It seemed that only him and Mui were awake for now.

Then he looked out of the window, and saw that the sun was up already, probably for a long time now. He predicted that it was something around 10a.m..? Or something like that.

"Wanna go to the living room with me?" Muichiro suggested.

Genya nodded, and got up.

Then they went to the living room, and sat on the couch.

"Sooo should we wake up the others? It's quite late." Genya mumbled, still tired.

"Yeah, I think we should. But I don't wanna do it nowwww!" Muichiro seemed as tired as Genya.

"Then we'll do it later." Genya yawned. "Oh and remember that after we'll get out of here, we're going to my place.." He reminded.

"Hmm, how could I forget.?" Mui said, closing his eyes.

Then they just sat on the couch in silence, both of them wanted to get up and wake up others, but they were too tired.

"I'll go make coffee or something to wake us up.." Genya mumbled, and got up.

After he opened the fridge, he found two energy drinks.

"Perfect.!" He thought.

"Alright I got energy drinks. Do you drink these?" Genya sat next to Mui and handed him one of the cans.

"Oh, I usually don't, but I'll do anything to get more energy." He said, while struggling to open the drink.

Genya was already drinking his drink.

"Need any help with that?" He chuckled.

"No I got it." Muichiro said with a slightly annoyed expression.

Finally he managed to open his drink, and quickly took a big sip.

"I feel much better already!" He smiled.

Then the two boys just talked, but got interrupted by Zenitsu who woke up.

"Wahhh!! Hey- WAIT ARE THOSE MY ENERGY DRINKS!!?" Zenitsu screamed. "I WANTED TO DRINK THEEEEEM!!" He cried.

"Oh, uhm- sorry I guess?" Genya said with his usual angry voice, and rolled his eyes.

Zenitsu just cried.

Then others woke up because of Zenitsu's screaming, and decided to check what's happening.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SCREAMING!!? I WANTED TO FUCKING SLEEP!!" Inosuke shouted, and kicked Zenitsu. Because of the kick Zenitsu fell on the floor and started crying even more.

"Inosuke! Don't hit Zenitsu!!" Tanjiro scolded.

After arguing, everyone went to get something to eat, and got dressed.

"I think we should go now." Genya said to Muichiro.

"Mhm.." The younger boy mumbled.

They both took their stuff, and went to Genya's house.

"Alright we're here." Genya said, and pointed on the tall building that he lived in. "My brother should be home. Also, I have other siblings, but they live in another city with my mum. Just so you know." He continued.

"Huh.. Interesting.." Muichiro said, but his face said otherwise.

Then they entered the building, and went to Genya's home. Genya took his keys, and opened the door.

"Phew.. Finally. Come in Muichiro!" Genya sighed.

They both came in, and Genya saw something that he was used to.

In the kitchen, Tomioka was cooking something, wearing Sanemi's favorite t-shirt.

"Oh. Giyu?" Genya asked, not even surprised at this point.

"I'm cooking breakfast." Giyu said.

That was not the reply that Genya wanted to get, but he figured out that Giyu probably stayed the night here.

"Hey Genya? What is mr. Tomioka doing here?" Muichiro asked quietly so Giyu wouldn't hear it.

"Let's go to my room, and I'll explain it to you." Genya whispered back. "Oh, and Giyu, could you tell Sanemi that I'm back?"

Giyu nodded, and continued making breakfast.

"Alright, so you want the short, or the long version?" Genya asked after they entered his room.

"I want the long version." Muichiro said, because he was curious.

"So, one day I got back home, and saw them aggressively making out in the kitchen, and uhm, that's how I found out that they're dating." Genya explained. "And now Giyu is visiting us pretty often. He kinda lives here."

"That's crazy!" Muichiro said.

"I know right.. But I'm used to it now. Tomioka is kinda cool, and we hang out together sometimes. We watch films together, and stuff like that you know?" Genya smiled.

Then they continued talking, and Genya was wondering if he should finally ask Muichiro out.

He decided that he'll do it.

"Uhm.. Muichiro..?" He started.

"Yeah?" Muichiro got curious.

"Do you maybe want to go out with me tomorrow?" Genya finally managed to say it. It turned out a bit different than he wanted, but at least ha said it. He didn't even wanted to know how red his face was.

"So like a...-" Muichiro got flustered too.

"Yes I want it to be a date." Genya couldn't believe that he said it.

Muichiro didn't reply for this one, and Genya was worried that he said something wrong.

"Oh uhm, s-sure.." Muichiro started stuttering.

Genya couldn't even explain how happy he was right now.

That's the end 😭😭😭
This chapter took me a while, because I had absolutely no idea how to write it. But here it is somehow.

Damnn I envy people who can speak English fluently and are soooo good at ittt 😭 this fanfiction is absolute trash compared to other people's fanfictions 😭😭

2325 words woah this is the longest chapter for now

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