New World Money.

By Bhettiboop

174K 6.3K 1.9K

My mother and father always told me "Don't go near them niggers!" "Don't touch those niggers!" "Don't ever da... More

Chapter 1 - Klux.
Chapter 2 - Skinned.
Chapter 3 - The "Dark" Side.
Chapter 4 - ?
Chapter 5 - "Woah.."
Chapter 6 - I'll be there.
Chapter 7 - Falling for the Enemy.
Chapter 8 - Betrayal.
Chapter 9 - Booby Trapped.
Chapter 10 - Welcome Home.
Chapter 11 - Bigger Steps.
Chapter 13 - Haunting Past.
Chapter 14 - Kill for Mine.
Chapter 15 - Mr. President.
Chapter 16 - Us.
Chapter 17 - What A Rush.
Chapter 18 - Victimized.
Chapter 19 - Back to Reality.
Chapter 20 - On the Run.
Chapter 21 - Clean Slate.
Chapter 22 - Endangered.
Chapter 23 - Filicide.
Chapter 24 - Different.
Chapter 25 - Brotherly Love.
Chapter 26 - Just the Four of Us.
Chapter 27 - Daughter.
Chapter 28 - Smack in the Face.
Chapter 29 - Replaced.
Chapter 30 - "Doing it again."
Chapter 31 - Ransom.
Chapter 32 - "No more.." **FINALE**

Chapter 12 - "My Man."

5.3K 230 43
By Bhettiboop

"Yes......" I cried as I nodded my head, and kept my mouth covered. "Of course I will marry you, Melvin."

I held my hand out as he slowly placed the ring onto my ring finger. He smiled and stood up on his feet to greet me with a heart warming hug. His family members clapped around us, making the moment even better. Melvin's grandparents on his mother and fathers side were crying along with his mother and father. This was it. I was officially engaged.

"No!" My father shouted as he seperated me and Melvin both. "I will not let my daughter marry some nigger! It will not happen!"

"That's it. I'm done letting you disrespect my grandson." Melvin's grandfather on his father's side as as he walked up to my dad, and pointed a shotgun at his chest.

"WOAH! Woah Grandpa, relax!" Melvin said in a worried tone as he spazzed and pushed the shotgun down a little. "It's okay! It's alright!"

"Mom, Bernice, you feel this way too?" I snarled as I looked at them.

They didn't say anything. All three of them glanced down at the ground, and kept their mouths shut. At this point, I was completely disgusted. This was enough to anger me to a large extent.

"Just leave. For good.." I said as I gave them foul looks. "I don't want to see any of you again. None of you."

"Come on. Let's leave her here to wallow in disgust." My father said as he grabbed my family, walked off to the car, and sped off.

To be honest, it hurt. I was expecting them to put up a fight, especially my mother. I was expecting them to except Melvin and my decision, but they were still the same racist assholes. They were the same family that I left a month ago. They didn't change at all. They were the exact same. 

Melvin walked behind me, then placed his hand on my shoulder as he looked at me.

"You alright?" Melvin asked in a bummed tone.

"Yeah....." I said as I shook it off, and turned around to my future family to be. "Let's dance!"

For the rest of the day, I did nothing but danced along with Melvin's family. When I was out on that dancefloor, I had no problems. It was almost as if my family hadn't came. I was just a free soul with the man that I wanted to be with, and the family I wanted to be in my life. On the second day, we went swimming at a recreational center, [Since the family rented it out.] and on the third day, we had dinner with Melvin's grandparents at their house that was placed on a barn. They cooked a large dinner and told me all of these stories from when Melvin was a baby. I was enjoying every last minute. When we left, we started looking for dresses for our wedding. We really wanted to wear white for the whole entire thing.

But first, I had to finish up my films that I was finishing before the purposal. My career in the acting field continued to skyrocket and skyrocket. In 1952, I starredi n a film called "Clash By Night", which blew up in the box office. I was told by the director that the movie was a hit because of my blonde persona and my high sex appeal. I was also told that I was capturing the eye of many men, which is something that I wanted to always do since I was a little girl. After that, I was called to appear in another movie called "Niagra", which grossed $2.35 million in the box office. This amount of money in the 50's was like being a billionare. I had thousands and thousands of dollars from these movies, which meant millions in todays amount. To top it all off, I was also allowed to sign my name in the "Gruman Chinese Theatre", meaning that I was becoming an A - Lister all over again.

I was barely able to spend time with Melvin, which started to take a damper on him. We kept our relationship out of the public eye so that he could still keep his privacy. So instead, I decided to use my large paycheck that I made from my movie "Gentlemen prefer Blonde's", and push it towards our dream wedding. We wanted it to happen off of the caribbean beach, and we wanted everyone to have a nice italian dinner by sunset. 

And we got it. We got exactly what we wanted.

Melvin's family dressed me up and fit my dress on perfectly. I had no clue what Melvin looked like, but I was extremely nervous. They doused me in perfume, coated me in makeup, and they made me into a beautiful woman. [My wedding picture is off to the right.] I sat and waited anxiously in the dressing room, when they told me that it was time. I stood up and took a deep breath, then I walked off onto the beach front with my face faded and covered.

I walked down the candle lit isle while Melvin stood at the alter with the man, waiting for me with a white suit on. He looked absolutely stunning. His brown skin glistened from the sunlight at the end of the waters, his perfectly aligned and white teeth shined at me, and his extremely large family sat around us. We took about a minute to get to the end of the isle as I stepped onto the podium with Melvin and grabbed both of his hands. He moved my cover back that was on my face, and his face brightened at mine as my face brightened at his.

Then, it was time for the announcer to read the wedding vows.

"Do you, Mevin Anthony Donaldson take Marilyn Baker Monroe to be your to be your lawful wedded wife, and will you pledge to her your love and honor, your faithfulness and tenderness, and promise to cherish and care for her according to the laws of man and the ordinance of God in the Holy Bond of Matrimony?" The announcer asked.

"I, Melvin Anthony Donaldson take Marilyn Baker Monroe to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer: in sickness and in health; to love, to honor, and to cherish, for all the days of our lives." Melvin nodded as he glanced at me.

"Do you, Marilyn Baker Monroe take Melvin Anthony Donaldson to be your To be your lawful wedded husband, and will you pledge to him your love and honor, your faithfulness and tenderness, and promise to cherish him and care for him according to the laws of man and the ordinance of God, in the Holy Bond of Matrimony?" The announced asked.

"I, Marilyn Baker Monroe, take Melvin Anthony Donaldson to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer: in sickness and in health; to love, to honor, and to cherish, for all the days of our lives." I said as I smiled at Melvin.

Then, Melvin placed the ring on my finger. I sighed in nervousness as I soaked in the fact that this was real. I was getting married.

"Repeat after me, groom. I give you this ring as a sign of my love and my commitment to you." The announcer said.

"I give you this ring as a sign of my love and my commitment to you." Melvin said as he looked at me.

"May the circle of your wedding rings remind you of your unending love and respect for each other. You have agreed to live together as husband and wife and have pledged your faith in one another by repeating these vows. Now as you go through life together. May your love for each other be the center of your hearts and your home.  May God bless you and your marriage from this day forward.   Now by the authority vested in me and before God, I now pronounce you husband wife.  You may kiss the bride! Congratulations!" The announcer smiled at us too.

Melvin smiled as he placed his hand on the side of my face, and we both leaned forward to give each other a long kiss. Everyone stood out of their seats and stared clapping with nothing but pride and joy. Something happened that I never predicted. I was officially married to a african american man.

As the day drew into sunset, we enjoyed fresh fish, pasta, and shrimp as our dinner. We also had garlic bread rolls along with wine with the adults. As the day drew into a dark night, we cut the cake and enjoyed desert while me and Melvin took numerous amount of pictures. We cheesed and smiled for the rest of the night, blossoming and blooming in our eyes. I looked over, and seen people that I wasn't expecting to see.

It was Berniece and Robert, and I hadn't seen them in over 3 years. They had on different colored outfits and they looked like they were lost. I slowly excused myself from the conversation, then I walked over to the two with an angry look on my face. 

"Listen, i'll be damned before I let any of you mess up my wed-"

"No, Marilyn." Berniece said as she shook her head. "We came to celebrate. We missed you."

"We couldn't bare to have you out of our lives. You're our sister." Robert wept as he looked at me. "We just wanted to say that we're sorry, and we wanted to ask you if we could be back in your life. Please."

I looked at the two and could tell that they meant what they said. I sighed, then smiled as I grabbed both of their hands, and walked them over to Melvin's family.

"They came to give us a clean slate....." I said as I looked at everyone.

I caught up with my siblings, and found out that my mother and father got a divorce. But other than that, they had no more information on them since they moved out. And with that, we continued to the wedding. Once the wedding ended, we drove away in our limo to enjoy our upcoming honeymoon. Me and Melvin decided to continue our honeymoon in the Carribean to visit all of the parties, views, and more.

We booked a 5 day night at the Holiday Inn to enjoy our night. When we came to or suite, and I took a shower after Melvin so that we could rinse off all of the sand off our bodies. But I had a srprise for him. When I got out of the shower, I came out with a purple silk robe on my body. He glanced away from the tv and up at me in shock as I stood and posed by the door.

Then, I let the robe fall off of my body. I was stripped down to nothing but my bra and underwear as I kept my lustful eyes on him. That was enough signs for him.

Melvin jumped up as we both crashed into each other and started going wild. I had both of my arms around his shoulders while he kept his handso n my waist. While we were kissing each other, I started wrestling and tugging on Melvin's shift. When I finally got it off, I glanced at Melvin's caramel body. He wasn't muscular, but he was in shape. He had abs which was good enough for me. 

But when I glanced at his arms, I couldn't help but to notice nothing but cuts. Multiple cuts. I used my fingers to trace and examine the cuts, and I noticed that some of them had words on them in his handwriting. "Worthless." "Dark." "Skin Colors." I looked up at him and he was giving me an embarrassed look. 

"I um......I did this all in high school. I couldn't help but do it when I was depress-"

"Shhh." I whispered as I placed my index finger on his plump lips.

With that, we continued kissing each other like nothing happened. Melvin then picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist, walked me onto the bed, then crashed me onto there to finish where we left off. We moved and moved under the covers when I gave him a lustful look in his eyes, then pulled his pants down. He looked down and looked back up at me, then crashed his lips back into mine while I did it. While doing this, he wrestled his underwear off and pulled mine off. I was ready. More than ready.

I felt Melvin's package enter inside of me, and it was kind of painful at first. But when he continued to move back and forth, it started feeling extremely good. I kept my eyes on his and he kept his eyes on mine. Both of our eyes were half open because it was starting to feel incredibly good. I kept my hands on his sides while my fingers spread out, and he kept his hands on my sides also.

Then, Melvin started picking up the paste. With each thrust, a shot of pleasure would shoot through my lower waist. But the more he kept doing it, it would start to move up and shoot through my spine. I titled my head back and closed my eyes while Melvin's face stayed on the side of mine.

"Oh Melvin....." I whispered as I reached out and grabbed the sheets. "Don't stop."

"Shh." Melvin said as he leaned over me, closed his eyes, and planted his lips on mine.

Me and Melvin went at it like animals for 35 minutes straight. The air was thickening up, the room was humid, and we both were sweating. Sweat droplets trickled down his forehead while sweat was starting to build up in the area where my blond curls laid. Both of our bodies rocked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. When we started going faster, I was losing my mind. I needed something to grab, something to hold, something to dig my nails into to grab onto while this orgasm crept up against my body. I slapped both of my palms onto Melvin's back and grabbed on as tightly as I could. I felt nothing but scars on there too, which were the marks that he told me that was given to him by a white man. I dug my nails into his back as we went faster, faster, faster, then froze.

"God. Oh my god, yes!" I shouted as I held onto Melvin's back.

"Aaaauuuuugghhhh..." Melvin whispered.

We stayed in that same position for 2 seconds, then sighed as we both came off of our highs. We were a mess. A big sweaty mess. Melvin slid the side of his face off of mine, then looked at me as we placed our forehead against each others. Both of our eyes were half lidded, and we were still coming off the orgasm. We panted and breathed each others air as he leaned forward, and gave me a long sweaty kiss. Both of our lips made a soft smacking noise as he glanced at me, closed his eyes, and laid himself onto my upper chest area. We both panted and panted for a while, then I ended the night on a good note.

"I love you......" Me and Melvin both said unexpectedly at the same time.

Melvin was the man. He was finally, MY man. And no parent, woman, man, etc, could stop that.

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