By saewya

19.6K 197 34

[Makima x Female Reader fanfiction] In the sprawling city of Tokyo, one encounter would change the course o... More

This story will be rewritten! :)
| one.

| two.

3K 85 21
By saewya

Trigger Warnings: Consumption of Alcohol

A few days had passed since Kishibe's subtle flirtations and the playful banter with Denji about winning [Y/N]'s heart. Since then, they had barely stopped joking about it, even though the team had been immersed in their devil hunting duties. But as the sun began to set, Kishibe's voice echoed through the dorm.

"Hey, everyone! How about we take a break and go out for a drink? My treat!"

Curiosity piqued, [Y/N] and the others exchanged glances, their fatigue momentarily forgotten. Aki hesitated for a moment before nodding. Power's eyes lit up with excitement, while Denji's grin grew wider.

"Count me in, Kishibe! Let's go and have some fun!" Denji's enthusiasm was infectious, filling the room with an air of anticipation.

As they made their way to a nearby bar, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. The clinking of glasses and the sound of laughter greeted them as they stepped inside. It was a welcome change from their usual routines, a chance to unwind and relax.

Kishibe led the group to a corner booth, and they settled in, ordering their drinks. The dim lighting and cozy atmosphere enveloped them as they engaged in conversation, the noise of the bar blending with their laughter.

Just as the night was in full swing, the door swung open once again, and a beautiful girl with somewhat pink braided hair and bangs entered the bar. Her presence commanded attention, drawing all eyes toward her. She glanced around, her gaze eventually landing on [Y/N] and the team.

A hint of jealousy flickered in the girls eyes as she approached the table, her expression composed. She extended a hand toward [Y/N]. "Mind if I join you? I'm Makima."

[Y/N] shook her hand, feeling a mix of surprise and anticipation. "Nice to meet you, Makima. I'm [Y/N], the new recruit."

Makima's smile was polite but held a tinge of something more enigmatic. "I've heard good things about you, [Y/N]. It seems you've made quite an impression on the team already."

Kishibe, ever the charmer, leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Oh, Makima, you're just in time. We were just discussing who among us can win [Y/N]'s heart first."

Makima's gaze flickered, her voice holding a note of teasing. "Is that so, Kishibe? Well, competition can be quite thrilling, can't it? But remember, [Y/N], sometimes the ones who play hard to get are the most alluring."

Denji, never one to miss an opportunity for a joke, chimed in. "Well, I'm always up for a challenge! Watch out, [Y/N], because I'm the one who's gonna sweep you off your feet!"

The room filled with laughter, the tension dissipating as the playful banter resumed. Yet, beneath the lighthearted facade, [Y/N] couldn't help but sense the underlying complexities between her teammates, particularly Makima and Kishibe.

As the night continued, [Y/N] found herself engrossed in conversations, laughter, and shared moments with the team. The playful rivalry for her attention remained present, each member vying for a chance to capture her interest, although it was all in good fun.

The night wore on, and the bonds within the team grew stronger. As the conversation flowed, [Y/N] found herself engaged in a deeper discussion with Makima, their drinks serving as a backdrop to their growing connection.

Makima leaned back in her seat, studying [Y/N] with a discerning gaze. "So, [Y/N], what made you join the devil hunting team? It's not an easy path you've chosen."

[Y/N] paused, reflecting on her journey so far. "Well, it's so cliché, but I've always had a strong sense of justice, and seeing the impact devil attacks have on innocent lives... I wanted to make a difference, to protect those who can't protect themselves."

Makima nodded, her eyes suddenly filled with understanding. "That's commendable. It takes a special kind of person to willingly face the horrors we encounter. But tell me, what do you think sets you apart from the others on the team?"

The question caught [Y/N] off guard for a moment, their thoughts searching for an answer. "I suppose... I have a determination to never give up. Even in the face of overwhelming odds, I believe there's always a way to prevail. And I genuinely care for my teammates. We're stronger together."

Makima's smile softened, her gaze lingering on [Y/N] for a moment longer. "You're right, it's cliché, but those are admirable qualities, [Y/N]."

Deep into the night, as the laughter and camaraderie filled the air, Makima's voice lowered, a hint of vulnerability seeping through her composed demeanor. "You know, [Y/N], being somewhat of a leader can be a lonely position. It's not easy to trust others completely, to let them into your world."

The sincerity in Makima's words took [Y/N] by surprise, her heart skipping a beat.
Aki, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, decided to join in, breaking the tension. "Hey, you two, the night is young, and we're here to have fun. Let's leave the serious talks for another time, shall we?"

Makima nodded. "You're right, Aki. Tonight, we'll set aside our burdens and enjoy the present. There will be plenty of time for serious conversations in the future."

The team rallied together once again, laughter and joy filling the air as they resumed their lighthearted banter.

As the night wore on and the drinks continued to flow, the atmosphere in the bar grew increasingly jovial. The team, including [Y/N], Aki, Denji, and Power and Makima, found themselves immersed in laughter and intoxicated conversations.

The effects of alcohol had taken their toll, evident in the slightly slurred speech and unsteady movements of the three heavily intoxicated members. Denji, [Y/N], Power and Aki, although he was probably the most composed out of the four, all in high spirits, stumbled and giggled their way through the bar.

Meanwhile, Kishibe, with his years of experience as an alcoholic, had built up a higher tolerance, allowing him to maintain a semblance of composure. He watched over the group with a mix of amusement and concern, occasionally taking a sip of his drink.

Makima, though slightly tipsy herself, managed to conceal it well, her demeanor composed and focused. She exchanged amused glances with Kishibe, both silently acknowledging the state of their intoxicated teammates.

As closing time approached, it was clear that some assistance would be needed to get the four back to their apartment safely.
With gentle coaxing and a fair amount of laughter, Kishibe and Makima guided  them out of the bar and towards their apartment. The journey was filled with stumbling steps and playful banter, as the intoxicated trio slurred their words and merrily sang snippets of songs.

Finally, they arrived at the apartment, the dim hallway bathed in the warm glow of the neighboring streetlights. Kishibe and Makima carefully guided the three into the living area, settling them onto the couch.

Makima turned to Kishibe, her voice a hushed whisper. "Kishibe, can I ask you something?"

He raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips "What's on your mind?"

Makima's gaze drifted towards [Y/N], who, next ro Aki, had managed to maintain a relatively sober state amidst the revelry. "Do you like [Y/N]?"

Kishibe chuckled softly, his gaze filled with a mixture of amusement. "Makima, it's too early to say. Besides, I tend to flirt with new recruits. It keeps things interesting."

Makima nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I see. Well, just remember that sometimes, things have a way of evolving unexpectedly."

They both turned their attention back to the others, making sure they all tucked into their beds, comfortable and safe. Kishibe slipped out of the apartment with a knowing smile.

As Makima prepared to leave as well, she hesitated at the doorway, a sudden impulse guiding her back into the room. She filled a glass with water and quietly placed it on [Y/N]'s nightstand.

With a final glance at [Y/N], Makima left, the door softly closing behind her. The apartment fell into a peaceful slumber, the night's events and unspoken sentiments lingering in the air.

[✓] Proofread

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