Reborn As Error's Mom

By DancingAce1

64.3K 3.1K 2.8K

Well to start off, I'm just a teenager and I died in my sleep and was reborn as a skeleton, who is supposed t... More

Reborn As Error's Mom
Gaster Blaster And Trouble
Important- Read It Please
Strings affects
Friendship Tacos!
The Misunderstanding.
Nice Of You To Drop In?
Call me Ink!...Or not?
The Nightmare
Back With A Friend.
Always Watching
Where Are We Now?
Angry and Chaos.
Red Chains
Foul Mood


4.2K 202 57
By DancingAce1

(Lapse POV)

It's been a year now and error recently said his first word which was "mama" and now that error learned his first word he loves to repeat the word "mama" to me since he saw how happy it made me when he first said it. Right now, error was just happily giggling while saying "mama" to me as I held him close for a hug.

Smiling, I gently pick error up while walking over to a beautiful flower that looked as if it had the galaxy in them. Setting error down in front of the flower, I watch as he happily touched the flower with a happy smile on his face. Seeing how happy error was I smiled once more, though my smile ended up turning into a light laugh as I saw error start going into a tiny sneezing fit from when one of the flower's petals smacked him on the nasal.

Though my laughter died down when I sensed something off, quickly picking up error I alertly look around only to sense something forming below my feet. Looking down I only see pitch black darkness and right when I was going to move away from the darkness below my feet, shadowy looking hands grabbed at my legs and started to pull me downwards Into the darkness below. Not liking this at all, I summon my gaster blasters to blast the hands away only to stop when I remembered that if I blasted my gaster blasters, error could get hurt if the gaster blaster's attacks were to somehow reflect and hit me.

Now you see, I don't care if I get hurt but when it comes to error there is no way I'm letting him get hurt, he's my child after all and so like a good mother I just held error closer to comfort him while also deciding to give in to the darkness but not before putting a protective shield around the both of us.

(An unknown amount of time later-)

(Lapse POV)

When me and error got sucked into the darkness, I blacked out but came to a few moments later and was slightly shocked when I saw that me and error were now in a different place all together. As I was looking around, I felt a tug on my sweater and looked down in my arms to see error looking confused but also curious about our new surroundings. Slightly smiling at his curiosity and confusion, I just beckoned for him to sleep while I look around to find out where we are.

Error, at first didn't comply and pouted when I beckoned for him to sleep, though in a few moments he gave in to sleep when I gave him a puppet of a cat that I made awhile back and when I also started to gently rock him in my arms while humming a quiet gentle lullaby.

After error was asleep, I continued to look around as I noted that the environment we were in was surrounded by forest and snow. Humming slightly, I bring my hand out and reach into my inventory space that only I could see and grabbed error's favorite blanket that he liked sleeping with and wrapped it around him while he slept peacefully. After I wrapped error in his blanket, i decided to walk around while making sure to keep my guard up.

For a few minutes all I saw was just snow and tress, though that all changed when I spotted a kid and a wide looking bridge. Spotting the kid, I wonder if I should approach them only to stop when I sensed another presence approaching the kid. Curiously, I wait for whoever it is approaching the kid to appear and it seems I didn't have to wait too long when I saw that the presence was a certain skeleton who was in a blue jacket and pink slippers. I'm in either the Original Undertale or in a copy of the Original Undertale right now which means I'm most likely in a different multiverse since mine didn't have any other au's and was a broken multiverse after the virus destroyed and deleted mostly everything.

I wonder if this multiverse has a lot of au's and if it does have a lot of au's then that means there must be an older version of my little error and if that's true then that means the older version of my son must be either a forced god or not a forced god and that also means there is also a creator which means there's going to be an Ink sans who either likes to create au's for fun or is being forced to create because of a deity which usually ends up being Fate.

Sigh, I hope this multiverse isn't too much trouble to deal with, after all i wouldn't want to get my hands dirty if someone tries to harm me or my son. Shaking myself out of those thoughts, I continue to observe as sans continued to interact with the kid who I noticed had a knife in their hand. It seems I wasn't the only one who noticed the knife since I saw that this sans eye lights dimmed and his grip tightened on the kid who was giving him a hand shake.

Frowning at the kid, I wondered if I should intervene only to stop when I hear a happy loud voice. Eye socket slightly twitching from the happy loud yelling, I quickly cover where error's ears would be and muffled the loud yelling from his skull so he wouldn't wake up and start crying from the loud yelling noises. For a few moments all you could hear was the happy yelling coming from the location where the kid and the sans was, though that happy yelling ended up silencing when a sudden wave of negativity filled the area.

Sensing the negativity aura, I quickly teleport away with baby error while making sure to cover both mine and baby error's presence and emotions. After all I don't want mine and error's presence to be known yet now that I think about it, though I will reveal my presence once I know what type of multiverse I'm in. So until then I will hide mine and error's presence from others who would try to sense me and error through emotion and presence.

Have a good day and night!


Lapse has an inventory space

Lapse now knows how to make puppets, blankets, and string hammocks.

Lapse likes galaxy colored flowers like her son.

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