Dragon Amongst Men: An Elden...

By MasterofBeasts

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Everyone has hardships to come across, especially Tarnished. After the Shattering, everyone across the Lands... More

A One-Year Anniversary Gift (Please Read First)
Dragon Amongst Men: The Beginning Bio
Prologue: The Tarnished Samurai
Chapter One: Battling Experiences
Chapter Two: A Forbidden Tactic
Chapter Three: Dragonslayer
Chapter Four: Acceptance
Chapter Five: Wasteland of Decay
Chapter Six: The Liurnian Academy
Chapter Seven: A Strange Encounter
Chapter Eight: The Confrontation
Chapter Nine: The Carvernous World
Chapter Ten: The Radahn Festival
Chapter Twelve: The City Below
Chapter Thirteen: The Golden Lands
Chapter Fourteen: The Royal Capital
Chapter Fifteen: Mountaintop Assault
Chapter Sixteen: Long Lost Friend
Chapter Seventeen: Crimson Violence
Chapter Eighteen: A Sister's Discussion
Chapter Nineteen: The Haligtree
Chapter Twenty: Challenging the Undefeated
Chapter Twenty-One: The Azure Dragon
Dragon Amongst Men: The Beginning Q&A
A Fool in Comedy, But a King in Awesomeness (Behind the Scenes Chapter)
Y/N Bio (Update) and the Heroines' Bios
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Wolf and the Troll (Halloween 2022 Special)

Chapter Eleven: Sacred Nature

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By MasterofBeasts

Nepheli's POV

When traveling across Limgrave in the dark night, all of us searched everywhere for the falling star. Unfortunately, we couldn't find anything. Melina and Rennala finally had a steed to ride on, while Millicent, Blaidd, and I were walking with Y/N.

Millicent: We've searched everywhere. Why can't we find it?

Y/N: It just takes a little patience, Millicent. We'll find it eventually.

Nepheli: But it's been hours. We've been looking for this star and we found nothing. It's probably almost sunrise. Melina and Rennala have a steed to ride, so why can't you just carry us?

Y/N: Because, I can't carry you three at the same time.

Blaidd: Maybe we can ride on your back.

Y/N: If you think I can carry the three of you like a steed, you are mistaken. I know I sound like a jerk, but I don't want to grow a habit of becoming an animal. I still love my humanity.

Millicent: Please, you're fast and we could possibly find the crater quicker. Just this once.

Y/N: If I did carry you, Millicent, while I'm on my fours, you might fall off.

Millicent: Not if I'm holding onto Nepheli.

Blaidd: Oh bloody hell, I forgot something.

She pinches the bridge of her nose.

Rennala: What is it, Blaidd?

Blaidd: There's someone I need to deal with. I'm so sorry, Y/N, but I'm afraid that I have to search for another traitor.

Y/N: Do what you must, Blaidd.

Melina: Maybe we can come with you and tackle this traitor together.

Blaidd: No, this is a one person job. It would be nice, though.

Melina: Oh, okay.

Blaidd: Fortunately, after this traitor is taken care of, I will go to Nokron with all of you. Until then, I will be taking my leave. Farewell, friends.

She left us to do her job.

Nepheli: Well, there goes Blaidd.

Y/N: *Sighs* Fine.

The dragon got on his fours.

Y/N: Get on.

Millicent: You're really going to carry us?

Y/N: I'm just trying to be nice.

Millicent and I looked at each other and shrugged. We got onto Y/N's back, but when I got on him first, Millicent held on tightly to me.

Nepheli: What are you doing?

Millicent: Like I said, I'm holding onto you in case I fall.

Nepheli: Right, 'cause you don't have a prosthetic arm yet.

Millicent: Say, when are we going to get one, Y/N?

Y/N: I don't know. And I don't know where to find one, either.

Melina: What's that?

She pointed somewhere far. All of us looked to see rocks floating in the air.

Rennala: That's where Nokron is! Let's get over there, quickly!

Y/N quickly ran towards the rocks, as Melina and Rennala followed us from behind. When we all got to the floating rocks, we saw a massive crater in the ground that led down towards the city.

Millicent: This must be it.

Melina rode her steed down the rocks and jumped over them. She got off of him, who disappeared, and waited near the entrance.

Melina: Ready whenever you are!

Rennala: Leonard can't do that. Can he?

The horse neighs in reply.

Y/N: Probably not. Rennala, you and Leonard stay. Millicent, Nepheli, you might want to hang on tightly.

Millicent held tightly onto me, as I held onto Y/N's fur. He ran across the broken rocks and next to Melina. We got off of him. We watched Y/N carry Rennala next, who was then placed next to us. Finally, the dragon carried Leonard with him. He placed the horse down after returning.

Nepheli: Really? You're bringing the horse, too?

Y/N: I can't leave a horse stranded in the middle of nowhere. Besides, Rennala is going to beg me to get her son's horse.

Rennala: Aww~ You're a sweetheart, dear.

Y/N: Let's just get this treasure before something bad happens.

We watched him pick up Leonard and walked down the rocks.

Melina: Someone's in a rush today.

Rennala: Maybe he understands my daughter's wish.

We all followed him down the rocks to enter Nokron. When we first entered underground, Y/N was reaching his hands towards us. Leonard was standing next to him.

Y/N: It may be a deep drop, but I'll catch you girls. One at a time.

Melina: Okay.

We all dropped towards Y/N one by one, who caught us with his hands.

Rennala: Thank you, dear.

Y/N: I'll keep doing it every time there's a deep drop.

Millicent: You won't miss, will you?

Y/N: I won't miss any of you. I promise.

He carried the horse and all of us stepped out to see more buildings, but these buildings were not like the ones from the surface, for one of them was upside down.

Nokron, Eternal City

Millicent: Where do we go now?

Y/N: By looking at it, all of us must travel across the rooftops of the buildings to get to those trees over there.

He points to the trees in the distance, where they had orange leaves.

Y/N: I also see silver slime that are dormant.

Nepheli: Are they friendly?

Rennala: Although they may appear powerless and harmless, these slime are Silver Tears, who can take the form or shape of anyone they like.

Nepheli: Any form they like? Then that means...

Rennala: *Chuckles* The ones that take the form of other beings are Silver Tears, but the ones who mimic someone and their equipment are Mimic Tears.

Millicent: Imagine fighting someone like Y/N.

Y/N: Possibly challenging, but as long as I'm around, I'll deal with the faker.

Unexpectedly, Y/N picked up Rennala.

Rennala: What are you doing, Y/N?

Y/N: I will carry you and the horse towards the trees. You girls just follow us, as I'll deal with these Silver Tears.

We nodded in response. Y/N carried the two through the rooftops and incinerated the silver slime. While Melina, Millicent, and I were crossing a very narrow rooftop, one of the Silver Tear were about to fire a spike at us, but Y/N immediately spewed out a fireball at it.

Millicent: Come on, what are you waiting for?

Melina: Are you going to keep Y/N and Rennala waiting?

Nepheli: Oh, sorry.

I was the first one to cross the narrow rooftop. I was still awed by Y/N's dragon powers, as I watched him annihilate the rest of the Silver Tears while we were crossing. We also saw Y/N standing there, staring at a red scarab, which disappeared into thin air.

Y/N: Was that another scarab?

Melina: It was, but depending on its color, like if it's red or blue for instance, you will regain some of your flasks. But since you barely use them, I guess it isn't really required for you.

Y/N: I see.

After more walking and jumping, we entered another building that had a small window, which Y/N surprisingly fit through after letting Rennala and Leonard in. The dragon looked down to see white humanoids walking around silently. Some held torches, while the others held bows.

Y/N: (Disgusted) They're horrendous. One moment, please. Leave them to me. Make sure Leonard doesn't go anywhere.

Y/N jumped down and took down these humanoids. Instead of coming back, he extended towards further and left us.

Millicent: What's he up to?

Melina: He should've came back to us.

Nepheli: He better not try to ditch us-

Somewhere close by, we could hear Y/N's roars and some fighting. There were sounds that sounded like Y/N slicing somebody, which I'm guessing it's his ugigatana. After a minute or so, he came back to us with his blade soaked in blood.

Rennala: You know what, we're not going to ask what happened.

Nepheli: By looking at your blade, we can see what you did.

He swiped his ugigatana away, throwing the blood off of it. He then gave us another map.

Y/N: Here. I found this on another corpse.

I took the map, with everyone else gathered around me and looked at the map. Y/N dropped down again with Leonard and reached his hands towards us again.

Y/N: You know the drill.

Once again, all of us threw ourselves to him one by one, who caught us with his hands. He picks up Leonard and went towards a site of grace, which he touched with his left hand. Instead of resting at it, he went outside of the horse.

Millicent: We're not going to rest?

Y/N: It's just going to bring the fallen enemies back. Maybe at the next site of grace.

All of us shrugged and followed him.

Melina: Y/N, why are you doing this?

Y/N: Doing what?

Melina: Why are you, all of sudden, killing the enemies for us?

Millicent: We know you did it back at Redmane Castle, but...

Rennala: Do you just not want us to fight?

Nepheli: Maybe you can be like me sometimes. Hungering for battle and adventure.

Y/N: I know I do stuff for you girls, but, I'm just being polite and kind. It's not like I'm becoming a nasty brute or anything.

He continued to go forward with Leonard in his arms. What I noticed about his tone is that it's a bit low. Something wasn't right. We continued to follow him from behind. I leaned towards Millicent.

Nepheli: *Whispers* Milli?

Millicent: *Whispers* What?

Nepheli: *Whispers* I think there's something off with Y/N.

Melina decided to join our conversation.

Melina: *Whispers* Are you two talking about Y/N?

Nepheli: *Whispers* Yeah, I can tell Y/N is serious on the outside, but I can tell he's down in the inside.

Melina: *Whispers* Who knows. I'm guessing it's because he feels bad.

Millicent: *Whispers* Like what?

Rennala: *Whispers* It's obviously-

Y/N: You girls are not talking behind my back, are you?

Nepheli: Uhh, no, Y/N! We would never talk behind your back! Why would you think that?

Y/N: Hmm...

All of us eventually reached a large ruin, but it had a very large space. This made me very suspicious.

Y/N: Girls, get ready. Someone might try to ambush us.

All of us did what he said. Y/N puts Leonard down and walked around. We saw him looking down on the floor to see a Silver Tear.

Y/N: A Silver Tear?

Rennala: Oh no, that's not a Silver Tear.

The Silver Tear transformed into... Melina?

Melina: Is that me?

Rennala: That's a Mimic Tear!

The Mimic Tear ran around with swift speed with Melina's dagger. It launched a projectile of light at us, but we all got out of the way. It then attempted to hold onto Y/N's back and raise the dagger once holding onto him.

Y/N: Get off of me, you faker!

He fell onto his back to get the fake Melina off of him, but the Mimic Tear jumped off of Y/N. It then transformed into Rennala.

Rennala: Great, now it's going to copy me!

The Mimic Tear summoned a spiritual dragon that spewed out flames towards Y/N, but luckily, he dodged it, and we rushed towards the fake Rennala to attack. I swung my axes towards it, dealing great damage, and Rennala threw her weapon towards her decoy, which was spinning around and returned to her hand.

Millicent: I didn't know you could do that, Rennala!

Rennala: Forgot to show all of you that!

Y/N took down the spiritual dragon and punched the Mimic Tear very hard. It was bleeding real blood, but it looked at Y/N for a second.

Nepheli: Oh no, don't tell me.

The Mimic Tear then came up with the idea of becoming Y/N, but it increased in size. It roared loudly, making all of us weak, but we couldn't help ourselves but become paralyzed with fear. I was unable to move it, but we managed to get a hold of ourselves a few seconds later.

Millicent: What was that?!

Rennala: Yep, I should've known that thing would take Y/N's appearance!

Melina: At least we know which one to take down!

Nepheli: How can this one increase in size while Y/N can't?!

We heard a loud neigh that came from Leonard. The horse attempted to flee, but the fake Y/N rushed towards him and grabbed Leonard with its huge hand. It opened its maw, ready to devour it, but Y/N rammed into its chest with his antlers, causing it to release the horse and fall down onto its back. The dragon managed to catch the horse on time.

Y/N: Don't worry, I won't let you get eaten by that thing.

All of us watched the fake Y/N get back up. It was about to charge up a devastating attack from its maws.

Y/N: Crap, it's charging up Dragonice! Everyone, get behind something!

It released its attack not at us, but towards the ground instead. We all got behind a column to avoid the freezing breath. Once it was clear, Y/N dropped Leonard and leapt into the air. The Mimic Tear was about to charge up Y/N's flame attack.

Melina: Y/N! Be careful!

Y/N: If you think you're better than me, then can you do this?!

He held up his ugigatana and ignited it with blue fire. Before the Mimic Tear could fire its attack, he swung its blade towards its long neck, decapitating it. The head of fake Y/N fell onto the ground, while the body fell onto its knees and collapsed. The body and the severed head disappeared. Good thing it didn't crush anybody.

Y/N: Finally, the faker is dead. Long gone.

Nepheli: It wasn't so bad.

Y/N: That's because I was around. If I wasn't here, maybe you girls would be struggling right now.

From his hands, he received two items.

Y/N: A Larval Tear? A Silver Tear Mask?

Rennala walked up towards him.

Rennala: That's the item that we discussed back at Ranni's Rise. If you decide to be reborn, I'll be happy to do so.

We saw Y/N smile.

Y/N: I'll think about it, Rennala. Melina, it's time for you to turn the runes I possess into strength. Would you please come with me to that site of grace there?

He points at a site of grace that was close to him.

Melina: Of course, Y/N.


After Melina helped me grow more powerful, I saw Melina on Torrent and Rennala on Leonard.

Melina: You want to see whose steed is faster?

Rennala: Yep! I want to see if Leonard is faster than yours!

Melina: To the end of the bridge?

Rennala: Yeah!

Melina: Very well! Then let's go!

The two raced their horses against each other. It was now Nephilim, Millicent, and I.

Y/N: Glad to see them happy. Let's catch up to them.

The three of us walked down the long bridge.

Nepheli: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Nepheli: Are you... upset?

Y/N: No, why would I be?

Millicent: It's just that, your tone was a bit lower than usual.

Y/N: Look, I'm fine. There's nothing for you girls to worry about!

I sighed and continued walking forward.

Nepheli: Come on, you can tell us.

Millicent: We're your friends. We tell each other stuff, right?

Y/N: It's just... I should've just listened to Blaidd a long time ago when we first came here. I could've climbed you girls to this very bridge.

Nepheli: Why do you say that?

Y/N: Because I murdered one of Rennala's kids. If I just did what Blaidd said, we could've made Rennala satisfied. Radahn would still be alive, and we wouldn't have to fight that faker back then. We could've claimed the treasure already.

Millicent: Well, what's already done is done. You can't undo the mistake you did. It's impossible to travel back in time to prevent the mistake from happening. Besides, we heard you that Ranni's fate was trapped by Radahn, so killing him was necessary.

Y/N: I... Sometimes, I just feel like a monster.

Nepheli: When you hear the word monster, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Y/N: It's not the appearance you have, but rather one's cruel and sinister behavior. They are also consumed by hatred and evil.

Nepheli: Then would you call yourself one?

Y/N: *Sighs* No, but sometimes, I think I am.

Millicent: Why?

Y/N: I killed Radahn right in front of Rennala's eyes. Plus, I throw a huge rage that could become a destructive force.

Nepheli: You were just trying to save Rennala. That's something I can't blame you for. You wouldn't just kill him to be a brute, right?

Y/N: Radahn longed for his death, so I had to do what needed to be done. I would never kill him by any other reason.

Nepheli: Yeah, I didn't think so.

Millicent: To us, we believe you're a gentle giant. Although you may look like a dragon, you show others kindness and respect. That's what we love about you. Dragon, Tarnished, dragon Tarnished, or whatever you are, we will always stay by your side, no matter what.

Nepheli: Some people may feel terrified or weirded about by you, but they'll soon understand who you really are, eventually.

Y/N: The two of you mean that?

Nepheli and Millicent: We promise.

The two girls hugged me, as I gently hugged them back. We all let go afterwards.

Y/N: If only there was a way to save Radahn.

Millicent: Eh, don't worry about it too much. Ranni's fate would've been sealed if he was still alive.

Nepheli: Let's just focus on getting this treasure. Mm?

Y/N: Right.

We looked ahead to see Melina and Rennala returning to us with their horses.

Melina: Surprisingly, Leonard beat Torrent.

Rennala: Leonard may look weak, but at least his spirit remains strong.

Melina: Did we miss anything while we were racing?

Nepheli: Nope. You missed nothing.

Millicent: Nothing too special.

Melina: Okay. Just curious.

Rennala: At least I'm having a bit fun.

Y/N: That's good to hear.

We left the bridge to where it lead towards a forest. I smelled the air to see a nice scent of the woods, and there were herds of deer and sheep like before, but noticed two of the men that I faced in the past are now in a physical body.

Y/N: Not again. Girls, get ready to fight these goons.

While the girls readied themselves, I just rushed towards the men with my ugigatana and did a combo that killed them. Somewhere nearby, I could hear a woman vocalizing. By looking in the distance, there was a female shaman singing with a skull, generating a blue aura around her.

Millicent: Where's that singing coming from? It's sounds hauntingly beautiful.

Nepheli: That's some good vocalizing there.

This made me suspicious, however. Next to me was a pillar that hasn't been ignited yet. When I reached my hand closer to it, there was a flame that magically appeared.

Melina: Y/N, what did you do?

Y/N: There was a pillar that I saw, and I ignited it by just reaching my hand towards it.

Rennala: I may not know this area, but maybe these pillars signify something. The only questions that I'm trying to figure out is how many pillars there are, as well as what they do.

Millicent: Maybe we can ask her there.

She points at the singing shaman.

Y/N: No.

Millicent: No? Why not?

Y/N: These men that we faced before the festival attacked us. There's no way that woman can be friendly.

Nepheli: At least give it a shot.

Rennala: Maybe it's best if we ask someone who knows this place.

Y/N: *Sighs* Very well. But if she attacks us, that lady is dead.

Melina: There's no need to grow angry all of a sudden.

We walked towards the shaman, who was standing in front of another pillar. All of us got behind her.

Y/N: Excuse me, ma'am?

The shaman stopped singing and looked back at us.

Shaman: Oh, I wasn't expecting any visitors here. Is there something I can help you with?

She spoke in a young female voice, which was very strange, but I didn't care.

Y/N: Yes, there's something about the-

Shaman: Oh my, you're a fascinating creature.

She places the skull on the ground and walks up towards me. The shaman rubs my cheek and looked at my teeth.

Shaman: These are some fascinating teeth you have.

She then walked towards my tail, touching my scales and hair. I was very uncomfortable about this.

Y/N: Ma'am, can you please stop?

Melina: You're making our friend very uncomfortable.

Shaman: Sorry, I just haven't seen a creature like you before.

Y/N: I'm a Tarnished, you know. I was just transformed into this, which I'm a dragon Tarnished.

Shaman: A Tarnished?

She walked back towards her skull and picked it up.

Shaman: I haven't seen one of those in ages. I'm guessing the rest of your friends are Tarnished, as well?

Nepheli: I am one. The others, I don't know.

Shaman: Well, Tarnished or not, what is your business here?

Y/N: We're curious of what the pillars around here do.

Two of the men tried charging forward at me, but I punched one with my left fist and knocked the other down with my tail, making them flee.

Y/N: And how many there are?

Shaman: Ahh, I see all of you discovered the sacred flame pillars around here. Before I explain, allow me to introduce myself.

Millicent: Okay.

Melina: I think we saw some before.

Shaman: I am Victoria, one of the few shamans around here. I welcome all of you to the Ancestral Woods, where other tribesmen and shamans like myself worship the Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Nepheli: The Regal Ancestor Spirit?

Victoria: A very powerful spirit who lives in another dimension. In the Hallowhorn Grounds resides a corpse of a massive deer, which will be a gateway to the Regal Ancestor Spirit's home. The only way to get to it is by igniting the six flame pillars in these woods.

Y/N: I see.

Melina: But why do the men around here attack us?

Victoria: Oh, don't mind them. They're just doing what they can to protect their home.

Rennala: Can you please tell them to not attack us?

Victoria: Of course. I'll deal with them. Allow me to be your guide of this area and where to find the pillars, so all of you may challenge the Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Y/N: Very well.

Victoria: Have you ignited one of the pillars yet?

Y/N: I have.

Victoria: Good. The second one should be right behind me.

I walked towards the next pillar and ignited it.

Y/N: And then?

Victoria: Right this way.

We followed her to where there was a giant stone cone, where a pack of wolves played around. Another red wolf like the one at Raya Lucaria was walking with them, as well.

Millicent: Not again.

Nepheli: Is this one hostile?

Victoria: As long as you don't bother him, he won't bother you.

The wolf looked at us for a quick moment. All of us just looked back at him and didn't do anything. The red wolf just walked away and followed the wolf pack.

Melina: That's funny. Why are all of the red wolves we encounter so friendly?

Millicent: Not like the one back at the academy.

Victoria: I wouldn't say friendly. Most tend to be neutral, but some can be extremely wild and hostile. The reason why this one didn't attack is because our tribe tamed it.

Rennala: Did you guys name it yet?

Victoria: Sadly, no. But we will someday. The next pillar should be behind that stone pillar over there.

Y/N: Okay, we'll do that then.

Victoria: Whatever you do, don't startle the red wolf.

We did what we were told and ignited the third pillar. All of us returned back to the shaman without startling any of the wolves.

Y/N: The third pillar is now lit.

Victoria: One of your friends is missing.

Y/N: What?

I looked behind to see Rennala missing, but Leonard was still with us. I then noticed the woman was near the red wolf, which quickly alarmed me. The wolves were growling at her.

Y/N: Rennala! What-

Victoria: Wait. None of you move.

Y/N: But-

Victoria: Just do what I say.

I just stood there, hoping Rennala doesn't get hurt. The woman reached her hand towards the red wolf, who growled at Rennala.

Rennala: Hush, now. I know you're scared, but I'm not here to hurt you or your friends.

She placed her staff down and reached her hand towards the wolf. He growled at her and backed away.

Rennala: Please. Just trust me.

The red wolf stopped growling and tilted its head. He walked towards Rennala and sniffed her hand. The wolf pushed its forehead towards her hand, causing the other wolves to stop growling. Some of the girls gasped from seeing this.

Nepheli: Did she just...

Melina: Befriend him?

Victoria: She did, indeed.

Rennala picked up her staff and walked straight towards us, with the wolves following behind her.

Millicent: Did you just steal the tribe's pet?

Rennala: I wanted to see if this wolf was friendly. I discovered that he and his friends are, if you manage to find a way to make him trust you.

Victoria: Maybe you should become a shaman yourself. We find a way to connect with nature and animals. That's basically all we do.

Nepheli: And sing beautifully?

Victoria: That, too.

Rennala: Oho, that's a very sweet offer, but I can't, sorry. I have other plans with Y/N.

Y/N: Do you still love Leonard, Rennala?

Rennala: Huh?

I pointed at the scrawny horse, who was just eating grass.

Rennala: Of course, dear. Even though I tamed a red wolf, I still love Leonard.

She walked towards the horse.

Rennala: Isn't that right, Leo?

The horse just continued to eat grass.

Rennala: I'll take that as a yes.

Victoria: Right. Onto the fourth pillar.

She led the way to the next pillar. Rennala got back on Leonard and we all followed the shaman, leaving the wolves behind. The fourth pillar was near the same deer corpse I saw in the past, but had another shaman and some of the men, but there was a herd of deer listening. The men were just doing nothing but stomping their feet.

Millicent: What are they doing?

Victoria: They're dancing. The animals around here have joined in to listen the music.

Nepheli: Looks like they have a taste of music.

Melina: How adorable.

Y/N: That corpse...

Victoria: Does it remind you of something?

Y/N: There was one that was out of the Ancestral Forest. It was in the Siofra River.

Victoria: Oh yeah. Around this place, there are three deer corpses. This one, as well as the one below, are just minor Ancestor Spirits. The most powerful of them all is around this place.

We slowly approached the group, with the deers running away after seeing me. An arrow was then fired at my shoulder, causing me to roar in pain. I looked at the upper cliff to see one of the tribesmen aiming his bow at me.

Y/N: Seriously?!

Victoria: Knock it off! They're not here to hurt anybody!

Tribesman: Whoops, my bad.

The two men stopped "dancing" in front of us, as the shaman stopped vocalizing. The three looked at us, ready to attack.

Shaman: Trespassers!

Tribesman 2: They came here to ruin our home!

Tribesman 3: What is a lizard doing here?!

Y/N: Excuse me?! What the hell did you call me?!

I walked towards them, but Melina got in front of me.

Melina: Y/N, please don't. Remember what Victoria said.

I took a deep breath after remembering why the tribesmen are protective.

Y/N: You're lucky I easily understand your protective behavior and that my friends are around. Otherwise, you would've been burned alive.

Shaman: Victoria, why do you allow these trespassers into our home?

Victoria: Please, Mia, they are not a threat. They are new around here and have come to challenge the Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Mia: Challenge the Regal Ancestor Spirit? This is something.

The men walked towards us.

Mia: Boys, settle down.

The two lowered their weapons. The shaman looked at us.

Mia: Well, this is quite a surprising occurrence. If these travelers truly came here to face the most powerful force of nature, they should know that there are six flame pillars in these woods. Victoria, have they lighten up some of the flame pillars yet?

Victoria: Half of them.

Mia: And I assume all of you came to light this one up?

Melina: Correct.

Mia: Very well, then. Once you light this flame pillar up, two more will remain. One will be at the shores at my far right, where there will be two other shamans like myself and Victoria, vocalizing near a shore. The other should be around that bridge on my far left.

Y/N: Thank you for pointing out the other pillars.

Millicent: It was very kind of you.

Mia: But before you go, allow me to give everyone a word of advice. Never underestimate the call of nature. If disrespected, it will become a very violent and a very destructive force.

Victoria: It's true, everybody.

Nepheli: O-Okay?

Rennala: At least it's a beautiful place.

Mia: Once all of you have lighten up the flame pillars, meet me back here and I'll guide everyone to the gateway towards the Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Y/N: We'll do that, then.

Melina: Y/N, maybe you should go towards the left, while the girls and I go for the other flame pillar.

Y/N: Leave it to me, Melina.

Mia: FYI, Y/N, was it? If you go where the other shamans are, there will be a small group of giant rats, but since you look fearsome and intimidating, I suppose you wouldn't have that problem.

Y/N: No, I won't. Dealt with other enemies before, and a group of rats shouldn't trouble me.

Mia: I'm positive it wouldn't.

While Victoria, Leonard, and the girls left to ignite the fifth flame pillar, I left Mia and the tribesmen to ignite the final one. When passing the wolves again, there were two shaman facing the shore and were vocalizing, with a small group of rats behind them.

I didn't want to attract any of their attention, so I got on all of my fours and crept towards the flame pillar. After igniting it, I quickly ran back towards Mia and the tribesmen before the two shamans and the group of rats noticed me. The girls were already back, making me get back on my legs.

Rennala: Got a little jog, Y/N?

Y/N: Tried sneaking towards the pillar, and it worked, somehow.

Melina: What matters is that we lit the other flame pillar.

Victoria: The tribesmen who were near the ruins that had the deer corpse almost attacked your friends. I managed to make them understand that you and the girls aren't a threat.

Y/N: Are any of them harmed?

The girls shook their heads.

Melina: We would've been yelling in pain if we were.

Y/N: I'm just asking because Millicent may be the most vulnerable out of all of us. I'm making sure she's okay.

Millicent: I'm okay. As long as we're together, nothing should go wrong. Right?

Nepheli: No one would hurt any of my friends.

Mia: Are all of you prepared to take on the Regal Ancestor Spirit?

Everyone: Yes.

Mia: Victoria, lead them the way. The boys and I wish all of you the best of luck.

Victoria: Right this way!

We all followed the shaman, leaving Mia and the tribesmen behind. When entering the Hallowhorn Grounds, the tribesmen got out of the way to let us through. Upon arrival, the deer corpse that was rotting had antlers that had a blue aura.

I watched Rennala quickly dismount off of Leonard.

Rennala: Victoria, please do me a favor and watch Leonard for me.

Victoria: Of course!

The shaman grabbed the lead and brought Leonard towards her.

Rennala: Just spend some time with him to keep the steed company. Whatever you do, don't let him die.

Victoria: I'll prevent that from happening. You can count on me.

Melina: So this is the gateway to the Regal Ancestor Spirit, hm?

Victoria: Just reach your hands towards the corpse. It will immediately transport all of you to it.

Y/N: Very well.

We all walked towards the corpse and looked at its aura. After looking at each other, we nodded and reached out our hands towards the deer. We were now in a small cavern. I noticed a similar statue that I saw a long time ago, which resembled a woman.

Y/N: What's that doing there?

Melina: It's a stake of Marika, Y/N. In case any of you die, you'll be able to come back here. Us, on the other hand, probably can't.

Millicent: How unfortunate.

Y/N: Was wondering what it does. Then I must keep a closer eye on all of you.

We entered the small cavern to see the Regal Ancestor Spirit, roaming around in the marshy grounds, along with other spiritual animals. It noticed us and glared at us.

The deer roared at us. It galloped towards us slowly.

Nepheli: Doesn't look too aggressive to me.

It then did two hops in the air, but we all got out of the way once it crashed down.

Y/N: Now do you think it's aggressive?

Nepheli: Not yet!

The deer then spewed out blue vapor onto the ground from its mouth.

Millicent: It's attacks don't even look that severe-

I saw Millicent get rammed by the beast, causing her to get knocked back.

Millicent: *Yells in pain*

Nepheli: Okay, I take it back. It is aggressive!

Y/N: Millicent! Everyone, attack!

Rennala casted some of her powerful abilities towards the deer, while the rest of us rushed towards it to take the beast down. Strangely, it fell onto the ground and disappeared into thin air.

Rennala: Where did it go?

Melina: Not again!

Nepheli: Don't tell me it's doing another ambush like Radahn!

I looked around to see if any ambush was coming, but there wasn't. Instead, the Regal Ancestor Spirit just teleported away and was behind Rennala in the distance.

Y/N: *Points at Regal Ancestor Spirit* There!

The girls quickly looked at the deer, who galloped towards us. From its mouth came more blue vapor, which it galloped into the air and released it above us, but we got out of the way in time. Once it landed, I quickly rammed into it with my antlers, knocking the beast back.

Y/N: That's for Millicent, foul beast!

I quickly charged forward to attack, but was then kicked by the deer's legs, knocking me back towards the girls.

Girls: Y/N!

Y/N: So that's how you want to play it, huh?! Girls, get back!

I charged up Rotten Breath from my maw and unleashed a powerful attack onto the Regal Ancestor Spirit, dealing massive damage and the beast was now infected, which I was expecting for it to be dead, but it luckily survived.

Y/N: Hope you perish from the scarlet rot, beast!

Before the deer could collapse, it tried standing up and roared loudly, absorbing the life energy from the spiritual animals.

Melina: What is it doing?

Rennala: I don't know, but I know for sure that this isn't a good sign!

The Regal Ancestor Spirit was now back in full strength and roared at us again. Although it was still infected by the scarlet rot, the beast was back in full strength.

Nepheli: It healed itself?!

Millicent: Impossible!

Y/N: It sure did! Be prepared for what's coming!

The deer got on its legs and hopped towards us like a rabbit. After hopping towards us three times, it tried stomping us with its front hooves, but we got out of the way again.

Rennala: It's mimicking the animals!

The beast squealed loudly before charging straight towards Nepheli, who was charging up her axes. She quickly got out of the way before getting hit and attacked the deer with her axes. She almost got hit while rolling away when the beast attempted to attack her with its antlers.

Nepheli: Whoo, that was close!

Out of the blue, the Regal Ancestor Spirit curled into a ball and started rolling towards us.

Melina: It can do that?!

Y/N: Look out!

We all scattered across the area to avoid its attack, but when it stood back on its legs, it was in front of Rennala and was about to crush her with its hooves. I quickly ran towards the woman and pulled her away from it, causing the beast to miss.

Rennala: Thanks, darling.

Y/N: It's my pleasure-

Unexpectedly, I was then rammed by the beast and was moved around the area by its antlers. The Regal Ancestor Spirit kept charging at me, as I was being dragged across the ground.

Girls: Y/N!

Melina quickly rushed towards the deer with her dagger and leapt towards its back. She repeatedly stabbed it with her dagger.

Melina: Let Y/N go, you wretched beast!

The deer let go off me, causing me to fall onto the ground, as I watched it grab Melina by the jaws and threw her away. She screamed while flying. I quickly got up to catch Melina, and I successfully did with my hands.

Melina: Thank you, Y/N.

Y/N: You're welcome.

I placed her down and charged towards the beast, who did the same thing. We both crashed into each other, getting our antlers stuck. The two of us moved around, trying to get ourselves loose. The beast was about to breathe out the blue vapor onto me, until a giant laser hit the deer, causing it to get loose and roar in pain. I charged at the beast, who was standing on its legs again, but I knocked it down with my tail. I was about to breathe Dragonfire onto the beast, making it screech. The scarlet rot that was affecting the beast wore off.

Y/N: Die, you motherfu-

The Regal Ancestor Spirit spat out the vapor onto my face, causing me to roar in pain.

Y/N: Argh! Damn!

This caused me to go blind for a while. Before I was attacked once more, I heard glass shattering nearby. It must've been Rennala's moon spell.

Nepheli: Over here, you foul creature!

I then could hear the hooves of the beast going towards the girls, so I weakly opened my eyes and lunged towards the deer, landing on its back. The Regal Ancestor Spirit was moving around like crazy, trying to get me off and began galloping in the air.

Millicent: Don't let go, Y/N!

Rennala: You can do it!

When I had the chance, I breathed fire onto the beast's head, causing it to crash onto the ground once more. I quickly got off of the deer and took out my ugigatana. I now had full vision.

Y/N: Sorry, deer, but your time has finally ended!

I killed the Regal Ancestor Spirit by piercing the beast's head with my blade, which went through the skull. It made one last wail before disappearing into dust, receiving 24000 runes and the Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor.

Y/N: Yikes, that deer was truly a pain in the ass.

I drank some Crimson Tear Flasks to help myself feel better. When looking at the puddles on the floor, I can see a burn mark on my face.

Y/N: Damn, it really did something.

The girls walked closer towards me.

Melina: Y/N, your face!

Y/N: I know. Burn marks.

Nepheli: Are those going to become scars?

Y/N: Probably.

Rennala: Oh dear.

Millicent: Well, what matters is that all of us are still around. Things could've been bad.

Y/N: None of us have died. Yet.

I looked to my right to see a string of light. The girls saw what I was seeing.

Y/N: Melina, do you know what that is?

Melina: No, I don't.

Millicent: What is that?

Rennala: I'm guessing it's a gateway that could take us back.

3rd Person POV

While Y/N and the girls were out to fight the Regal Ancestor Spirit, Victoria and Mia were near Leonard, waiting for the group to return. However, they weren't the only ones who were waiting. The other tribesmen, shamans, and the wolves were also with them.

Mia: Why is the horse's mane orange?

Victoria: I don't know, Mia. It's probably because of the breed he was from.

Mia: Why is he also skinny?

Victoria: I don't know! I know for a fact that Leonard wasn't neglected by the woman who's riding him. It's probably because of the rider who came before her.

Everyone then saw the five return from the fight. All of them noticed Y/N's burn mark on his face and began talking to each other.

Victoria: My goodness, what happened to you?

Mia: I'm guessing the fight didn't go well, did it?

Y/N: I almost got killed by a deer. It was absolutely atrocious.

Rennala: But thanks to us, we managed to help him.

The red wolf walked towards Y/N and licked his face, causing him to groan. Rennala walked towards the horse and rubbed him.

Rennala: Is this fellow okay? He didn't get into anything, did he?

Mia: You're horse has perfectly all right, ma'am.

Victoria: He was just waiting here for all of you.

Rennala: Wonderful news.

Mia: So, is the Regal Ancestor Spirit alive or dead?

Y/N: It's dead. The beast is dead.

The tribesmen and the shamans gasped and began yelling angrily at the group.

Nepheli: Wha- Why are they so angry all of a sudden?!

Millicent: Did we do anything wrong?!

Mia: We should've said this sooner, but... All of us are the Ancestral Followers! They're angry because you five killed the Regal Ancestor Spirit! Now, they don't know who to worship!

Victoria: Everyone, please! Calm down! It was the group who wanted to face it!

Melina: They shouldn't have told us to fight it if it's going to be like this!

Rennala: Why didn't anyone say this sooner?

While everyone argued, Y/N began to grow furious once again and roared angrily, causing everyone to become silent.

Y/N: (Angry) Silence! All of you Ancestral Followers! You were all responsible for letting us fight that beast! If you never wanted us to fight it, then you shouldn't have told us about it!

Mia: Blame Victoria for that.

Victoria: You were a part of it, too! Y/N, please take these for our apology.

The shaman gave the dragon a handful of small stone swords, which Y/N gained ten Stonesword Keys.

Y/N: Oh, thank you, kindly. I was wondering what these looked like.

Y/N puts the stonesword keys away.

Victoria: I hope it will make use somehow. Been wanting to give those to someone.

Y/N: At least you're apologetic, Victoria, and you've been a guide to us all.

Mia: I kind of felt bad, as well. I've helped a little.

Y/N: Okay. The two of you are the only ones who were apologetic. The rest of you, though, shame on all of you. For attacking me and yelling at all of us. If any of you wanted to worship another Regal Ancestor Spirit, there's a deer corpse below this place. If you excuse us, we have a job to finish. We are done around here.

The dragon leaves the girls and out of the Hallowhorn Grounds.

Y/N: Holy shit.

Everyone was speechless from Y/N's rage. Rennala got on Leonard, slowly.

Mia: Never seen someone having a temper like that before.

Melina: Forgive my friend, ladies. He's been acting like that for a while now.

Millicent: Not sure why he gets angry easily.

Victoria: But we hope you had a fun time with us.

Nepheli: (Sarcastic) Yeah, we sure did.

The girls left, but the red wolf and the other wolves whimpered to see Rennala go.

Rennala: I'm sorry, friends. Hopefully, we see each other again.

She rode Leonard and followed the girls, leaving the tribesmen and the shamans behind, especially the wolves.

Tribesman: So, what do we do now? Do we stay or do we go?

To be continued...

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