Killer Instincts An Innocence...

By ghaadha

448 31 3

I was brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by my dad a serial killer himself He works daytime as a pr... More

Years Later.
Ice cream phase or so I am told
You need to leave now!
What should I do now?
Hi there miss me?
We need to set the record straight
Spill the beans
Sorry I am late. Had a thing
Now you know how i felt
Flashback Already
There has to be a mistake
We didn't ask for this but we still do it
Your dad really did a number on you
Proceed with caution
I think we should get married
What's he doing here?
Let start fresh. In your dreams
What just happened
Can things get any better? NO!
Finally thank you!
This is new
Can I think about it?
Shades of Gray
Get a life
Give me a break
Back To Work
Are You For Real?
Do I know you?

Take a break? Ok

1 1 0
By ghaadha

Mom called and said uncle Edward showed up for his annual visit. I hopped excitedly because that was usually something to look forward to. That was until I gazed into his eyes. He had changed drastically. I had a bad feeling that this will end bitterly. Like he had joined the family business. The serial killer business to be precise and I was proven right when he tried to attack us. We had a knife fight where he cut my arm and I cut his face. He managed to give me a haircut and I cut off a few of his fingers. He had me pinned down. I had to use both hands to push his knife away with mine. He decided he don't want to cut me any more he should stab me instead. He raised his knife and I saw things in slow motion. I saw the knife coming and I was inches away from being stabbed. Mom finally had the guts to knock him out with her favourite ceramic casserole dish. I managed get him off me and reach for my gun. I made sure I wasn't at arms length of him as I pointed the gun at his face and shouted my request that he should get on his hands and knees. He refused so I shot him in the knee before he could snatch the gun from me. I cuffed him to a pipe for good measure. Mom was kind enough to call the police while I got his fingerprints and had it sent to Jesse. There was something in his eyes that convinced me that I should do a DNA test. It was the first thing I made the Forensics department do when we reached the hospital. It turns out he wasn't Uncle Ed. He was an imposter who had plastic surgery done to look like him. His name is Brad Nolan he was someone that went to school with my uncle. He had brutally killed my uncle and taken his place. The police in Staten Island found Ed's rotting corpse in the basement of Nolan's house and identified him from his dental records. Turns out this creep was someone who was jealous of our family for being old money. He had kill and impersonate a police officer so his punishment was going to be different. The chief was about to explain how they were going to proceed.
The alarm buzzed and I jumped up and looked around to see that it was a dream but still it felt like a warning. I walked to the mirror and saw that my reflection was also shocked at the dream. Which meant that she had no hand what so ever in this dream. She gave me a nod to confirm. I called him and he answered on the fifth ring. He seemed to be his usual self. Humorous and caring. He promised to visit this new year with his wife and kids. He was touched that I called him because he wanted to tell me something. He said he will tell me face to face. I wished him well for his upcoming promotion and hung up and tried to sleep. But I couldn't nod off. The dream was not what I usually see. I tossed and turned till I decided that I need to blow off some steam. I got dressed and left for work.
I reached the office and found Dimka with his new girlfriend. I shook my head and managed to sneak past without being seen. I was busy typing when he came tried to flirt with me and I repeated what he said to the woman he was drooling over. He glared at me for a moment before he stormed off to his desk.
Van Pelt came and reminded me that I am on vacation. I reminded her that I have paperwork to finish before I am off the clock. I finished the reports and gave them to the boss as Henry arrived to take me away. He gave me a courteous nod and walked me to the Benz. It was the armored car I requested. He seemed very calm and collected.
I sat in the back and he drove me to the house I lived in before I was a widow. I burst into tears as the house came into view. He gave me a sad smile and I got out to see the old team. They greeted me with a smile. I sat down in the rocking chair on the porch when I got a call from Gus. He wanted to know if I could teach him how to cook dinner for a kid since he was babysitting his friend's daughter. I asked him to come over and I will help him with dinner. I gave him the address and explained to the others who was coming in case they might get territorial. They smiled and nod their approval.
Gus arrived half an hour later with the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. The little angel's name was Annie. She gave me a sad smile. Gus explained that her mom was hospitalized and her dad is taking a few hours of downtime. I smiled, "Hi sweetie wanna make spaghetti. We can play with our dinner as we cook it" She smiled at me sadly and sat on the counter. I gave her some garlic and asked her to crush it. I smiled, "When we were little we used to sit on the counter and watch our moms cook soup and we would throw stuff in. We threw mushrooms, spring onions, garlic." Gus laughed, "The pot used to be overfilled with stuff we threw in it. Our moms would say enough and we would still chuck things in there till water starts to slowly drip from the side. We would get the soup and we would squeeze a little lemon juice and crush the parsley with our bare hands. Then stir that in and drink the entire liquid and not eat the stuff we chucked in" I smiled, "Mom would always yell at us for doing that and refuse to give us ice cream till we ate the contents of the bowl." She smiled, "Can we make soup like that?" I laughed as I rolled up my sleeve, "Sure but I usually blend it so I would have to worry about the stuff I had chucked in it" Gus made a childish face and said boo. Annie did the same and I pretended to be insulted. Henry and the rest of the security laughed out loud. After much discussion we finally decided to make flying pizza. In a few minutes there was pizza dough jumping up and down in the air. She was laughing and finally we ate and Gus proposed to me again I said yes. The security smiled as he slipped the ring. She fell asleep and her dad called to tell Gus that her mom was awake. They drove off and I walked in with a smile.
I sat down to watch tv when Wendy called and said her father was killed and the doctors were covering it up. I took my badge and gun as I walked out the door. Some of them were surprised that I was a cop. When we reached the hospital I had to show them my badge and the nurses opened the door for me. I walked in and checked the corpse. It looked like the meds they gave didn't agree with him. After calling in a few favors I got the hospital records. I had it brought home and the security saw me do my thing. They watched as I went through hospital logs and other medical documents till I found the Angel of Death and the surgeon that used him to kill my friend's dad. I called Van Pelt and she took care of the rest. The security was smiling as I read through the cold case I collected from my penthouse. Wendy asked me why I would even get that apartment since I was almost killed there. I huffed at her "It was my property before I got married the first time. I felt it was where I should start making sense of my life. I also tried to get a studio apartment or a gray stone but I couldn't so this is what I got stuck with. DD's uncle is a paranoid idiot that decided to boot me out of my own house the very day my husband died. Now that he is dead my in laws are more involved in my life. I am going to ask them if I could have this house back. I always wanted this house and my second husband made that wish come true." She smiled, "He was your happily ever after till he died" I gave her a nod and walked to the fridge to get some ice tea. She thanked me for my help and walked out. Henry and the others asked me why I never have booze and I told him what I have told countless others. That my dad was a man who enjoyed beating mom whenever he got drunk. He said it was his right as a man to do so. He got drunk one night and got into an accident. He died instantly since he never wore a seatbelt. So when I see anything alcoholic I am reminded of those horrible days when my dad would be a literal monster. They gave me a sad smile. Then they asked me what I do in the police station and I explained that I am a homicide investigator. I find killers and put them away. Owen smiled, "You always wanted to help people. Dan always joked that if you don't find a cause to fight for you would lose sleep. He said you were involved in so much charity work that everyone nicknamed you Miss White. He said he loved that trait of yours. How you used to comfort him. How his ex-wives used to ill treat him. You were devoted to him. You inspired him to be a better person. Your ideas got him the best paying jobs. Not just filling his pocket with money but also a lot of mileage on his soul. I remember he used to take you traveling and it took very little to please you while with the others he would go into depression. I still remember the day you walked into his office. You explained to him about how he should build luxury homes for working class families. The day you told him you were pregnant. How you stood up to that crooked senator when he decided he can walk all over us any way he saw fit. You always advocated honesty. You always told the truth because you felt people deserve honesty." I blushed red and we spend the entire night talking.

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