Only Time Will Tell - A Peaky...

By LozzaSturgessX

127K 2.7K 78

Casandra Shelby, or 'Cass', is the oldest female Shelby sibling. She was born in between Tommy and Ada, meani... More

Prelude - They day they came home
Chapter 1 - Readjusting
Chapter 2 - Choices can cause problems
Chapter 3 - Rumours and truths
Chapter 4 - Family meeting
Chapter 5 - Nightmares
Chapter 6 - Pain and regret
Chapter 7 - Secrets and promises
Chapter 8 - On the mend
Chapter 9 - Fun days and harsh nights
Chapter 10 - Royal fires
Chapter 11 - Stale shock
Chapter 12 - Lone bullet
Chapter 13 - Stirring the pot
Chapter 14 - Heart of stone
Chapter 15 - Curse
Chapter 16 - Billy Kimber
Chapter 17 - Side effects
Chapter 18 - Numb
Chapter 19 - Illness
Chapter 20 - Backlash
Chapter 21 - Smartest in the room
Chapter 22 - Surprise?
Chapter 23 - Disappointment from all sides
Chapter 24 - Grief without death
Chapter 25 - Rising anger
Chapter 26 - What a mess
Chapter 27 - Opening up
Chapter 28 - Battle prep
Chapter 29 - Plans change
Chapter 30 - What happens in battle, stays in battle
Chapter 31 - Decisions
Prelude - Birthday wishes
Chapter 1 - Explosive ends
Chapter 2 - Expansion plans
Chapter 3 - Some fucking holiday
Chapter 4 - Never drinking again
Chapter 5 - Telegrams and beatings
Chapter 6 - Boat trip
Chapter 8 - Polly's present
Chapter 9 - A literal fucking animal
Chapter 10 - Grand indeed
Chapter 11 - Welcome home, Michael
Chapter 12 - Camden Town
Chapter 13 - Finally
Chapter 14 - Beautiful moments
Chapter 15 - Bosses and their rules
Chapter 16 - Feeling the love
Chapter 17 - All the bitter, just not the sweet
Chapter 18 - Win win, bang bang
Chapter 19 - Confessions and decisions
Chapter 20 - Making the best of a bad situation
Chapter 21 - Worried for nothing
Chapter 22 - Michael's birthday
Chapter 23 - Friendly supporting alcoholism
Chapter 24 - Shouldn't be surprised
Chapter 25 - Ideas turn into plans
Chapter 26 - Self love comes from self doubt
Chapter 27 - Realisation
Chapter 28 - Plans in motion
Chapter 29 - Relief
Chapter 30 - Reunited and it feels so good
Chapter 31 - Good news, bad news
Chapter 32 - Family growth
Chapter 33 - A lifetime worth of pain
Chapter 34 - Empty
Chapter 35 - First signs of healing

Chapter 7 - Alfred, as in Alfred Solomons

2.1K 44 2
By LozzaSturgessX

Tommy told Cass to wait outside the office whilst he and Mr Solomons talked about business. The look in his eyes showed anger towards his sister since he never knew that the Alfred she was looking for was the big bad London gangster who was known particularly for his violent nature. She did as she was told, although was annoyed that her reunion with Alfred was rudely cut short.

She's been pacing outside the office for at least 15 minutes, and she thinks she might be going crazy. She can't even bring herself to look through the window to see what's going on. The man who had searched her at the door, who she now knows to be called Ollie, was stood watching her lazily. His back was leaning against the wall next to the door and an unlit cigarette was loosely hanging from his lips.

"So you're the one my boss has been looking for all this time?" Ollie asks, looking her up and down. "He's been looking for me?" Cass asks nervously, earning a nod in reply. "Were you looking for him?" Ollie then asks. "Yes." Cass replies plainly, anxiously biting her bottom lip as they continued to wait for the meeting to be over.

It was another 10 minutes before Tommy shuffled out of the room. He nods to Ollie before quickly grabbing his sister's arm and pulling her towards the exit. She stands her ground and looks immensely confused towards her older brother. "What are you doing?" she asks in shock. "We're going home." Tommy replies sternly, trying once again to drag her away. "Hold on a minute, mate. I think me and your sister have a few things to discuss." Alfred says from behind them, making Tommy sigh in annoyance.

Cass quickly pulls her arm out of his grip and steps away from him. Tommy sends her a death conjuring stare, which she completely ignores. "Ollie, why don't you take Mr Shelby outside? He looks like he could use some fresh air." Alfred then says, waving his hand in an attempt to shoo them away. "Come on, love." He then says in a softer tone, holding his arm out towards his office and letting Cass walk past him before closing the door to keep unwanted eavesdroppers out.

They stand in silence for a minute, literally staring at each other. Neither of them know what to say, and neither of them want to speak first. But, since Alfie has made a reputation for himself, he takes the leap.

"So, how've you been?" He asks meekly. "Good. Thanks." Cass replies. "How about you?" She then asks shyly, fiddling with her hands. "Alright, yeah. Missing you." Alfred says, his voice laced with something that Cass can't read. "I thought you were dead." Cass admits sadly. "I've been trying to find you." She then says, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Me too." Alfie also admits.

"I've missed you too, Alfred." Cass whispers as she steps closer to him. "Most people call me Alfie now." He says. "Right, sorry." Cass says, still feeling shy. She didn't actually plan what would happen when she found her soldier, but she definitely didn't want it to go like this.

The atmosphere is thick with tension, and Alfie slowly moving closer to his long-lost love doesn't help. His carefully lifts his hand towards her face, waiting for her to move. He sighs inwardly in relief when she doesn't. "What did that fucking wop do to you, ey?" He whispers, hints of sadness and anger in his eyes as he looks over the now fading bruises on her face. He slowly brings his lips to meet hers, having wanted to kiss her since the war ended. Cass instantly kisses him back, sliding her arms around his neck, wanting to make up for lost time.

Their kiss soon ends up more heated than they intended. Alfie walks her backwards until she is leaning against his desk. His right hand stays on her cheek, keeping her close, and his left hand grips her hip. The passion they share is just as they remembered, even if this current kiss is filled with desperation.

As much as Alfie doesn't want to, he pulls away from her. He watches as Cass tries to catch her breath and can't help but hold a smirk under his beard. The pair take a quiet moment to search each other's eyes for the same understanding. They still love each other, that's for sure. But what's going to happen next? Will they be able to have a future when Alfie's doing business with her brother?

"Who's this, Alfie?" A woman's voice sounds from the doorway, breaking their thoughts away. Alfie immediately jumps back from Cass, having forgotten about his sort-of girlfriend who was coming to meet him for lunch. "Well?" She asks since the room was filled with silence.

"Uhm, I'm Cass. Shelby. Casandra Shelby." Cass fumbles as she tries to compose herself. "Shelby." The woman tuts as she repeats her name. Alfie can't bring himself to look towards Cass, which almost breaks her heart. She should have known that he chose to move on. That's the kind of person he is.

"Well, I'd best be off." Cass then says sharply, making her way towards the door. "Wait!" Alfie yells as he grabs her hand to keep her there. "I can explain." Alfie says, almost in a rush. "You don't have to." Cass replies, carefully pulling her hand away from his and continuing to walk out of his office.

"Cass, please." Alfie practically begs as he follows her, ordering the other woman to stay in his office. "I had no idea when I'd find you again. That's if I found you at all. The loneliness got too much for me." He then explains after Cass stops walking. "I don't blame you. But what's going to happen now? I can't be the woman who takes you away from her. I know what it feels like to lose you, Alfred. I can't be the reason someone else feels that way." Cass says, her eyes filling with tears.

Before Alfie can say anything else, Cassie turns away and continues on her path towards the exit. She quickly wipes her eyes before pushing the door open, revealing Tommy and Ollie looking bored as hell. "Sorry about the wait, boys." She says as casually as she possibly can. "Time to go home?" She then asks her brother, who only nods as he takes in her emotional state. They thank Ollie before quickly making their way towards the train station. What a fucking day this turned out to be.

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