Caught in a Mousetrap OVA: Mi...

Por Gameboycolor242

1.9K 26 12

Nine years after the tower rose into the sky. Sarah Garcia is called by a familiar name to help Odin out wi... Más

A Wild Goose Chase
The Blind sheep
Deep Breaths
Old wounds
Bad Memories
Wake up
The Last Straw
Accept it
Hold your grudges

The Might Of The Subconscious

107 1 2
Por Gameboycolor242

Teapot is letting out steam in the kitchen. The two guest sit in the living chairs awaiting the host to come back with a cup of tea.

Doctor: You don't have to make us anything. We're holding up just fine.

Lily: No, its my pleasure. It's been awhile since I had guest over. Not too many people visit since my son's death.

Doctor: Where's your husband? It's your anniversary after all.

Lily: He had to work. It's not easy out here nowadays.

Doctor: You could say that again.

Doctor looks over to a photo. The photo seems to an image of Luther in a suit. Doctor inspects the photo.

Doctor: Damn, everyone here looks so much different.

Sarah: Um, doc?

Doctor: Yeah?

Sarah: It's rude to touch things when your a guest in someone's house.

Doctor: Oh your right I got a bit distracted.

Lily chuckles at their exchange.

Lily: I can't blame you. Its a good photo. Why is your still wearing that hoodie it's hot as hell in here.

Doctor: I'm sure she can handle the heat.

Lily sits down in front of them.

Lily: Well, explain.

Doctor: Alright, Try not to loose me.

A computer is left open inside of a bedroom. A young boy is outside the room on the floor panting for air.

Thomas: What....what was that?

Thomas looks back into his room and sees his computer screen is completely black.

?: Thomas?

Thomas: Oh mom, you scared me.

Thomas' Mother: Thomas, what's going on?

Thomas: Nothing.

Thomas' Mother: Nothing? You look pale and terrified.

Thomas: I said it's nothing mom.

Thomas' Mother: It's ok Thomas. I know your still a little jumpy about Kyle.

Thomas: I don't want to talk about that right now.

Thomas' Mother: I'm sorry, I won't

Thomas' Mother walks away from him.

Thomas peaks into his room again.

Thomas: Who is that woman....... I don't understand anything. Who else did she put in there?

Lily: Ok, let me get this straight. Your from a alternate universe from where my son and his best friend went missing. Correct

Doctor: Yup.

Lily: and my ex girlfriend is now basically the girl from ring. Where if you play this one sonic disc. You go missing without a trace.

Doctor: Yeah, I couldn't say it any better than that.

Lily: That's bullshit. Get the fuck out.

Doctor: What? That's the true!

Lily: Supposedly, however your missing one thing, and that's an logical explanation for you just said.

Doctor: Ok, then explain this photo.

Doctor shows a photo of his friends after they left the tower.

Doctor: If your son is dead. It should be impossible for him to take this photo. Along with the rest of the them.

Lily doesn't respond to Doctor.

Doctor: So I take that as an understanding.

Lily: Why? Why would she want him dead. He had nothing to do with that party.

Doctor: From what happened in our timeline, your son got a bit to close to the sun, and he got burned for it.

Lily: I feel sick, this can't be real. That was years ago, I didn't

Sarah: There's no use crying over spilled milk.

Lily: Sarah never hated anyone before. Yeah, people said some hurtful shit back in the day,but she paid no mind to it. How can she do this?
Lily starts to tear up and the pair can't even look at her.

Doctor: If there was any other way we could have told you. We would have told you so, but we couldn't. There is no better way to put it.

Lily: I'm scared

Sarah: Don't be. After all it's only natural. This is the first time your hearing something on the lines of this.

Doctor: That's not even, the real reason why were here. Everyone in that disc is in trouble. A really powerful being is coming for them, and if we don't get to them before he does. It's a possibility our timeline could be destroyed.

Lily is still losted about this

Sarah: There was a guy I met once. I didn't understand him at first. I still don't understand now, but one there was thing I understood about him fully. He accepted everything that happened to him. Even though he was scared, he still went along with everything. Maybe that's why I did?

Lily: Did what?

Sarah takes off the hoodie and reveals her true identity to Lily.

Sarah: I was the Sarah he talked about. Listen, if this universe's Sarah was like me. There not holding up well. As we speak your son is most likely having his entire body ripped in half. Not only him but everyone else as well. I'll spare you the details. We need to know where Thomas is? Before Sarah gets to him

Lily: Yeah,sleeve street second house on the le

Lily is cut off by her tv turning on. No one turned it on for it her. The tv starts to change channels quickly. Lily backs away from the tv. The channels keep moving. Someone knocks on the front door. Lily gets to peak hole.

Lily: It's just John.

Doctor: Wait, does he look exactly like your husband. There's nothing off with his facal features.

Lily: No...

Sarah: Why did you asked?

Doctor: Something's not wrong, I could feel it.

Lily opens the door to her husband.

John: Hey hun, who's these guys.

Lily: There um, Detectives

Sarah: Sarah Garcia

Doctor: Anton Gibson

John: Nice to meet you. What can I do you fellows.

Sarah: We're just leaving?
Doctor: Hold on, Sarah. I still want to ask him a question.

The tv channels are still rising.

Doctor: Tell me, it's your wife's anniversary and you didn't bring anything home. That's a bit strange isn't.

John: Your right, silly me.

Lily: Silly me? You never once forgot our anniversary.

Doctor: Yeah John, what happened today that made it so difficult.

TV channels Numbers: 234,235,236,237

John: I was a little bit busy.

Doctor: Doing what?

John: Um,

Lily: Um? You forgot where you work?

John: I'm just a little wasted.

Doctor: Your lying, I can't smell a bit of alcohol on you. Plus, the amount you need to forget that information is alot. Your standing up pretty fine if you ask me.

329,330, 331, 332, 333, 333, 333, 333

John: What's this all of sudden?

Doctor: What's your son's name, John?

John: What?

Lily: Answer the question?

Doctor: Or maybe is it by chance? YOUR NOT JOHN?

John: What do you mean, I'm not John.

Doctor puts out a pistol and shoots John in his forehead. Lily screams in fear of what Doctor did.

Doctor: That man isn't your husband.

The tv channels on the tv all show 333.

Doctor: Lily, Close your eyes and cover your eyes.

Lily does what Doctor tells what to do.

A face starts to appear on the tv. Two white circles and a mouth appear

Doctor: The false angel bears his fangs. How long has it been Gabriel?

The shapes on the t.v. starts to communicate with him.

Gabriel: Oh, it's you. Again.

Doctor: Mind explaining why you send an alternate to kill this woman.

The two circles open up who in a surprised look.

Gabriel: Originally, you weren't suppose to be hear, but I guess. I can kill two birds with one stone. Your business affairs have made it quite difficult for me to operate.

The TV screen turns off.

Sarah: Who was that?

Doctor: Satan.

Doctor walks over to John and observes his body.

Lily: Aaa, you mind telling what is that.

The corpse turns from a normal human being to a pale skinwalker.

Doctor: Their alternates. Demons from the underworld. They disguise themselves as people to take control of their love ones.

Sarah: Their clones then?

Doctor: Something like that.

Sarah: Then why won't they around in our timeline.

Doctor: That's because the water supply had chemicals placed in it to hide the spectrums they live on. They feed off of fear, but fear doesn't do much good when no-one believes you exist.

The corpse starts to move again. The alternate speaks in different voices ones of little child, and different kinds of people. Sarah approaches and cuts it head off with a blade.

Doctor: Where did you get that?

Sarah: I was the one who made Lucia's katana and Vera's sword. Making weapons are pretty easy for me now.

Lily: Is that it?

Doctor: No.

Lily: I'm going upstairs then.

Doctor: That's not a wise idea. Those things can appear right next to you, if you think about them.

Lily: What? Your serious.

Doctor: Your safer down here.

Lily: Why are none you freaked out by this?

Doctor: They feed off of fear. Once your not afraid of them. Their powerless.

Knock Knock.

Doctor: Watch over Lily.

Doctor checks the peephole and a hand flies through the door. The hand goes through his own stomach.

Doctor: Hmm, Guess Gabriel is actually trying this time.

Anton grabs the demons hand and pulls it right through the door. He pulls it head right off. The wound on his stomach heals up with no problems. Doctor walks outside to many alternates staring him down.

Alternate: You would fight against your own flesh and blood.

Doctor: Me and you things are not the same.

Gabriel: Your father always filled you with his indoctrinations.

A statue of the angel Gabriel stands across the street from Lily's house.

Gabriel: You would want to protect these weaklings.

Doctor: The self awareness is amazing. You rely on fear instead of raw strength to control things. Only a coward would rely on that.

Gabriel: I don't have raw strength? Let's put your theory to the test.

The alternates rush towards Doctor. The man takes one deep breath and let's out a storm of flames. The fire creates a silhouette with wings in it.

Doctor: To the ashes, you go.

The alternates recovers except their hands are cut off one by one from a figure. Before they can pinpoint Doctor's location, one of them gets their hand blew off.

Alternate: Master? We don't see him.

Gabriel: We weren't aiming from him.

Sarah stands in the doorway, and hears something move behind her. She throws a knife into the alternate approaching Lily.

Alternate: So you must be Sarah, the fallen God of creation. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Sarah: Get away from her.

Alternate: You truly think your going to save this woman.

The alternate grabs Lily and steals her appearance. Sarah slices the alternate in half. It's obvious stealing Lily's appearance more Sarah more pissed than before.

Sarah: No-one ever mocks her.

Lily: Good to see your still looking out.

Sarah: Lily?........... What's wrong with you face.

One side Lily's face looks brighter than the other.

Lily: What are you talking about?

Sarah grabs Lily by the throat and lifts her up.

Sarah: What did you do to her?

Lily: Sarah stop!

Sarah throws the alternate into the wall killing it instantly.

Sarah: Doc!

Doctor: Yeah!

Sarah: Lily's missing.

Doctor: Great.

One of the alternate his Doctor's arm breaking it. Doctor snaps it right back into place. The blue skinned demon continues his assault towards Gabriel. However, he holds Lily close to him.

Gabriel: Stop.

Sarah: Lily!

Doctor: Sarah wait.

Gabriel: Better listen to your friend. I assume you know what happens if I tell her the truth.

Sarah: What truth?

Doctor: Unwanted Knowledge, if he tells a human that information. They'll go insane.

Gabriel: See you get it.

Doctor: What's your game plan now Gabriel? Your not going to just reverts everything we already did. Even if everyone knows demons exist. There's hunters that make them disappear. You've lost Gabriel.

Gabriel: Not quite. If unwanted knowledge is transferred throughout the internet. Everyone will believe in alternates again, and...

Doctor: More of them will show up, and why would let you do that?

Gabriel: If you don't, Lord X will kill this version of Sarah.

Doctor is taken a back by this statement.

Doctor: Your bluffing. He has no idea where that disc is now.

Gabriel: Only a fool would gamble on power.

Doctor: Lily, Have you ever been stabbed before?

Lily: Why are you asking that?

Doctor: Because....... This is going to sting like a bitch. Sarah?

Sarah charges Gabriel holding Lily. She stabbed Gabriel straight through Lily and slice their guts open.

Gabriel: You would sacrifice your girlfriend for this.

Sarah: Yes, plus this isn't my girlfriend.

Doctor fist punches the head of the stone statue. The stone twitches after landing on the floor. All the corpses of the alternates go into the stone and it disappears as Gabriel lets out inhuman scream. Shouting out blasphemy against God before he fades away.

Doctor: Boy, that was rough.

Sarah: You could say that again.

Lily: S....a..r.ah....

Lily falls to the floor.

Sarah sighs

Sarah: Quit being a bitch. Doctor can you please heal her?

Doctor holds out his hands and casts a spell. Lily's guts go back her gut and her stomach closes up.

Lily: Don't do shit like without warning me!

Doctor: I thought I asked you if you've been stabbed for no reason.

Lily: What are you people?

Doctor: I did say we weren't human.

Doctor wings go back in his flesh.

Sarah: Are you alright?

Lily: Yeah, I'm fine.

Lily picks herself up and dusts off her clothes.

Lily: That would put a shock into you. Where did you even learn how to fight?

Sarah: I had a great mentor.

Lily: Really, you need to teach me some of those moves before you go.

Doctor: Which reminds me, We should get going.

Lily: What about my front door and Lawn.

The pair turn around to see the burned up grass and the missing front door of Lily's house.

Doctor: You have insurance right?

The tv in the living room explodes causing a fire to break out.

Lily: You might want to fix the house your sleeping in.

Doctor: Sleeping in?

Lily: Your not expecting to talk to him at 12AM in the night? Rebecca's not even going to let you in if you go there now.

Doctor: Look, we're on a time limit.

Lily: Thomas' a smart kid. I'm sure he can last until the morning.

Sarah: I am a bit tired, it's going to take awhile to get back into the swing of things.

Doctor: Ok, good as new.

The house and lawn are completely fine.

Lily: How....How did you do that?

Doctor: With Magic........... And some demonic powers.

Lily: I'm just glad my house is back.

Sarah: What about your husband, John?

John: Babe, some weird looking guy tried to jump me. He looked exactly like me.

Doctor: That answers your question. Good Afternoon, Mr Henderson.

John: Who are you?

Doctor: I'm a stranger. Right, John.

Doctor's eyes grow blue when he says this.

John: Yeah, you....are.... A......stranger.

Doctor: Good, now this stranger and his friends is going to spent the night in your house, and you won't have a problem with it.

John nods his head, and goes inside.

Lily: Did you brainwash my husband?

Doctor: Yes, I did.

The trio head inside, and sit on the couch.

Doctor: Ok, you said he lived on Sleeve Street second house on the left.

Lily: Yeah, that's it.

Doctor: Well, then. It's time to hit the old trail.

Doctor falls asleep sitting down in his position.

Sarah: You have no shame.

Lily: So....... Sarah, how's life been for you?

Sarah: I'm not your Sarah.

Lily: You got that right. Sarah cared to much about her personal hygiene. You smell terrible.

Sarah: Well, it might be my slowly decaying soul.

Lily: It can't be that? How old are you

Sarah: I'm in my eighties.

Lily almost choke on her tea.

Lily: Your older than me, and your that young.

Sarah: Being a ghost has it's perks.

Lily: Yeah, I guess.

Lily stares down into her tea.

Lily: Sarah is still alive in that disc somewhere.

Sarah: That's right.

Lily: The day you went missing was the hardest I've cried in my life, and to think all that time. I sat down in front of the person who did for years.

Sarah: Don't hold it against them.

Lily: But, I'm never going to see my son again.

Doctor: Not quite....

Sarah: Aren't you supposed to be sleeping.

Doctor: I am, that doesn't I can't still hear you guys. As I was saying. Where is Kyle's body.

Lily: In the hospital, he was confirmed dead about a week ago.

Doctor: Then we still have sometime. You see, a human body can live for so long without a soul. However, you can still revive him with his soul. Unfortunately, we don't have that right now. We can still try something.

Lily: Like?

Doctor: Small amounts of a person's soul can be attached to items they care the most about. It won't be enough to bring him back, but it should be enough to get his heart beating again. Do you know anything he cared about alot?

Lily: This.

Sarah: A sonic charm?

Lily: Thomas give him this for his birthday. He never goes anywhere without it.

Doctor: That's a start.

Doctor goes back to being quiet.

Lily: Shouldn't you get some rest.

Sarah: I actually don't need to rest.

Lily: Then what was that about you being tired.

Sarah: I just lied. Honestly, I'm not in a mood right to deal with anything. Life was so much easier when I was locked in a box.

Lily: It's not that bad. You at least got to see me. My shitty day became a little more better because of you.

Sarah doesn't look at Lily.

Lily: Is there something you want to talk about?


Kyle: Then what about mom.

Sarah: Mom? It seems one of us must hit you a bit to hard.

Luther: Henderson. That's Kyle last name.

Sarah takes a moment to process what Luther said.

Sarah: Small world. Your her son then, I knew something looked familiar about you.

Kyle: You don't care at all.

Sarah laughs at Kyle.

Sarah: Kyle, That woman means nothing to me.

Sarah: It's nothing.

Lily: Did you forget, I technically dated you. I can tell when your thinking about something.

Sarah: It's not easy to talk about.

Lily: Well, I could try.

Sarah: I highly doubt it.

Lily: Why's that?

Sarah: Because I'm a terrible person. I spent years torturing everyone and never once for a moment hesitated. Even when knowing who Kyle was. I still tried to kill him.

Lily:...........You know, my dad always used to tell me this.

Sarah: What?

Lily: Lily, Anybody can be a good person, but only you can make yourself the greatest.

Doctor: That's corny as fuck.

Lily: No, it isn't!

Sarah: I mean, it kinda is.

Doctor: I hope you didn't write that down on your yearbook or something.

Lily: Ummm, noooooo.

Sarah: I get where your coming from. Thanks, but I'm going to sleep. That's if I can do that.

Lily: Well, good night


Lily opens her eyes slowly. Her blurred vision showed there is something besides her. A young woman wearing a hoodie.

Lily: Sarah, what did you to me?

Sarah: Nothing, I just had a nightmare alright. I couldn't sleep, so so came in here and I finally had dreams for the first time in years.

Lily: Oh.....Well, it's time for you guys to head out anyway.

Sarah: A few more minutes.

Lily: Get out.

Doctor opens Lily's bedroom door.

Doctor: Sarah, you might want to come look at this.

Lily: Can I see as well?

Doctor: No, stay here.

Doctor heads outside and shows Sarah what he found. Sarah's face turns into one of shock and horror.

Sarah: Is that.....


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