Slow Down *Taekook* [Hiatus]

By Masquerade16

5.1K 358 406

Jeon Jungkook feels left out from life. Senior year in college, twenty - one, and so far he has not done a s... More

1: Pop Up
2: Phone Interview

3: Meet Me

1.8K 115 163
By Masquerade16

Blue Moon Diner.

A popular place really. Jungkook has heard random talks about it around campus and even in some of his classes by a couple hockey players.

Yet, what he came across to was something he did not expect entirely.

At all.

Nothing to what Jungkook had in mind to what the place actually was like. He thought it was just a simple diner to eat, chat a bit - some old school type shit.

Not a damn night club with a tail line of people anxiously waiting to step inside.

And Jungkook looks anything but dressed for a club.

Well..... It's never too late to turn around -

What did he just get himself into...

No..... It's fine.

He can do this.

Just gotta go in and that's it.

Besides, he already told Tae he was coming.

Must stick to his end after all.

Jungkook gulps thickly and glances down to his outfit, which only consists of baggy jeans tucked in his combat boots and a loose oversized black hoodie.

Is this okay enough?

Shit it's too casual. Some people here are dressed too fancy or very revealing for this occasion, while he looks like he just woke up from bed and threw whatever on without too much care.

Ah fuck it.

Since when does he give a shit in the first place about these things?

Just go in and get this over with.

Nodding to himself, Jungkook takes out his phone and sends a text to Tae that he's outside but there's a line to get in.

Almost instantly he got a text back.

Go to the bouncer and say For Tae, Eleven o'clock. I told them beforehand that you were coming. - Tae

Once you get through, go to the bar and wait for me. I'm finishing up with a client. - Tae

Subconsciously Jungkook nods to this, as though the guy was telling him this verbally, before going up to the bouncer. Already he could feel his anxiety crawling up his throat and the warmth spreading his cheeks. Heart now slamming in his chest and hands twitching in the pocket of his hoodie, Jungkook recognizes this too well.

The social anxiety.

Should've taken a cigarette before coming here.

Well, too late now since he's already in front of the fucking body builder looking man, so guess the cigarette break will have to wait.

The bouncer eyed him when he approached him, but Jungkook in panic just blurts out, "Here for Tae. Eleven o'clock."

Well, at least he didn't say anything stupid.

Slightly accusingly, the bouncer eyed him, "I.D."

With hands fucking trembling, Jungkook fumbles with grabbing his I.D before showing it to the guy. One glance to the name and his date of birth and he nods, handing it back to him and moving aside.


Jungkook didn't even waste time in fumbling inside, ignoring the chorus of protest from the people waiting in line, and immediately going near deaf by the pounding club music he was suddenly greeted to.

It was hard not to flinch to the unbearable sound, even with his hood up, so Jungkook just sucked it up with a cringe as he looks around his surroundings to find the bar.

This is the first time he's ever been to a club before, and the first thing he could really notice was the dance floor filled with people. They're jumping around and dancing to the music, some even slipping their drinks by how intoxicated they are. He could catch a few people making out, others just talking and sitting around tables while eating food casually.

How can they even talk over the music like this?

Jungkook grimaces and just goes to the bar after finding it. Not long before the bartender approaches him, but Jungkook just shakes his head.

"Actually..... Can I smoke here?"

The woman blinks at him, as if he just asked the dumbest question she has heard all night, probably so, before she shakes her head, "No. Only in the VIP section."

Shit, he could literally barely hear her.

For fuck sakes-

"How can I get into the VIP section?"

All she did was rub her fingers together and Jungkook got the hint.

Money, right.

With a heavy huff, Jungkook only nods back, "Alright thanks, I'll let you know if I need anything."

The woman nods and moves to attend another customer along the row.

Jungkook stayed there for a good five minutes, responding back to the group chat message with him, Yoongi and Seokjin about their activities for today. Yoongi obviously is at the concert, and Seokjin went home for the weekend.

If Jungkook would've stayed home, no doubt he would likely be playing video games and avoid social gatherings in general - so unlike how his current setting is now.

Like how he has said before, he's always alone.

Even if he does have friends - Who asked about his plans tonight, and Jungkook just said he got out of work - he's still always alone.

Not like it's their business to what he does on his free time.

The second he sent that message; he also got another message notification.

I'm by the bar. Since I don't know how you look like, but you know how I do, come find me. - Tae

Jungkook looks around, instantly rolling his eyes because there's so many fucking people everywhere blocking his vision. So, he cranes his head down the counter of the bar instead and finally sees the recognizable face of the man from the computer screen.

Well, the side of his face that is.

Without even sparing a moment to take a good look at him, Jungkook moves down the bar after he got off his seat - shoving and sliding by drunken people along the way - before he finally reaches the man.

And he timidly taps his shoulder.

It earned him a head tilt back him and Jungkook instinctively flinched- since his eyes appeared so near a demon's glare than a friendly glance. Very unlike the man from the picture with this cute aura around him - this man is clearly not entertained. No doubt he gets called on by people often, so he has probably built a defensive mechanism towards anyone who approaches him.

Even when he made eye contact with Jungkook for the first time, he still didn't look amused or even say anything.

Oh right, he doesn't know how Jungkook looks like.

So, for him to be able to know who it is, Jungkook spoke, "Tae, right? Eleven o'clock?"

That's what he wanted to hear, confirming Jungkook's thoughts.

A familiarity.

His voice.

Evidently Tae relaxes and turns around officially, masking a professional smile with a hand extended out, "Yeah, Jungkook? Wow, you look a lot younger than what I expected."

Jungkook awkwardly nods and shakes his hand, only briefly because being touchy with someone isn't really exactly his..... Thing.

Tae didn't seem to have noticed it, only drinks up his shot glass that he was drinking and officially has all of his attention onto Jungkook.

"Alright, so let's discuss somewhere more private. Follow me."

Without a word, Jungkook shyly follows behind the intimidating man through the hectic crowd of people before coming up a pair of stairs. The bouncers by there didn't even stop him when they saw his presence, nor did they stop Jungkook because Tae sent them a look that clearly held them back.

The upper area is more excluded, obviously. A few groups of people here and there surrounding a table with drinks and food, a couple with strippers or giving each other a strip tease.

They didn't go to any of the open tables.

Instead, Tae lead them past these black curtains and down a barren hallway. Jungkook doesn't even have to guess what some people are doing in these rooms since the noise was loud enough to echo out the doors.

That's until they stepped in front of a door.

Jungkook's heart is thumping hard in his chest that he could barely hear himself breathing while Tae takes out a key and jambs the door, creaking it open.

He better not be thinking they're going to have sex upon the first meeting.

If that's the case, Jungkook is walking out without a second-

"Welcome to the VIP section."

Looking past Tae's shoulder and into the room, Jungkook was surprised himself to see it's not a bedroom.

But a lounge.

There's a wall glass that has the view of the dance floor, able to see everyone drinking and dancing from a perfect eye level. Inside there's people in dressed up business suits or formal attires, speaking amongst themselves or drinking at the bar with some calming jazz music in the background. There's a few people dancing in the dance floor with their partners, having a glass of champagne or wine in hand.

Well, this is definitely a way to make Jungkook feel more like shit than before.

Especially with how he's dressed.

"Don't be shy," Tae says calmly, closing the door behind Jungkook, "Want anything to drink? My treat."

Jungkook was still feeling incredible intimidated by the vintage classy aura pouring through this room to have grasped onto what Tae said, but after the man nudges his shoulder with his, he snaps his gaze to him.

"Hm? Oh drink - No. I-I'm okay."

Tae eyed him carefully, taking note into how Jungkook practically looks like he's scrunching up to the fancy environment, but he only nods to him.

"Okay, follow me then."

With a little motivation, Jungkook slowly pushes himself to follow behind Tae. No one sent him any looks or were curious about his appearance, as strange as it is.

Actually now looking at it, Tae doesn't seem to be so properly dressed up either. Only wears a pair of black jeans an a loose black blouse.

This is so awkward.

Should he even be doing this?

He came this far. Besides, it's not for certain that Tae will even take what he said into a concrete consideration.

He'll just have to give it a go.

The two suddenly steps to a balcony, being brought back to the music of the club but not see unbearable as it is downstairs. There's a few small rectangle tables with leather chairs around it, and Tae takes home to one of them at the corner of the broad balcony.

There's a bit of people seated in the remaining tables, but more of them are inside the lounge instead.

Giving Tae and Jungkook a public yet private place to talk openly.

Especially about..... This.

Awkwardly Jungkook sits down on the chair beside Tae, glancing over the glass barrier to the dancing people with the DJ dancing along to his own music.

Do people genuinely enjoy these types of environments?

Is it even fun at all?

It's just dancing and listening to music...

"Not your type of scene right?"

Jungkook blinks his eyes to look at Tae, seeing him with a knee crossed and fingers interlaced over it, studying Jungkook with his gaze.

Slowly Jungkook shakes his head.

Tae slowly nods back, biting gently to his swollen bottom lip before glancing to Jungkook's attire, "Let's go into this talk as though we have accepted the terms. By the end of this meeting, I'll tell you whether we proceed or not as your consideration."

Jungkook gulps, but gives him back a subtle nod.

"As I said before, I provide sexual services to people. You have mentioned how your goal isn't sex, but are willing to come to terms for sexual activities while we do this. So my question here is, will you want to have sex eventually?"

Well..... Shit.

The bluntness of the man's words left Jungkook a little dazed, probably burned his skin more with heat than how it was before.

This is so humiliating.

So he shrugs, "I uh...... I don't know."

Tae suddenly tusks, shaking his head, "That won't cut it, I need a firm answer from you. But I believe I was too assertive, so let me rearrange my question. Your goal is to want to feel more fit into the world and not be see much of an outcast, correct? Want to be be able to party, be experienced, basically gain more confidence around people in social gatherings?"

Well...... That's spot on.

Jungkook nods.

"Okay, and with that experience, is sexual pleasures part of that?"

Jungkook hesitates for a second, but then he slowly nods, "I want to be more experienced in that, yeah."

"So I will ask you again," Tae now leans over, uncrossing his knees with elbows to his legs, staring right into Jungkook's eyes, "Will you want to have sex with me?"

Jungkook didn't answer immediately, and he took that time to study the man well. Tae no doubt is far more attractive than how he is in pictures. His skins glows under this electric blue lights of the club, and his wide eyes proactively glow in this professionalism as though he sliced his emotions to keep himself monotone.

His lips are pouty, but swollen - no doubt from being with his recent client.

Tracing his jaw, it's sharp and squared, yet somehow smooth. His neck on the other hand is muscular and thick, yet somehow thin enough that fits his features.

Broad chest with collarbones peaking out under his skin, tracing the smooth canvas of his body from the loose first few buttons of his shirt. Not much can be explained in details from there, but his legs are slim with wide hips.

No doubt tempting a lot of people to just grab them.

Jungkook tenderly bites the inside of his lip and trails his eyes back to Taehyung's face, shyly nodding, "Yeah."

Tae observed him with his sharp eyes, humming to himself, "How do you like your pace? Are you into slow paced kind of thing or quick?"

Once again was Jungkook clueless, not really knowing what to say, so he just shrugs.

So Tae clarifies, "Are you the type to fuck on the first date or gradually get to that?"

Jungkook quivers a little to this, the vulgar language doing something weird to his stomach.

"Um..... Gradually..... I'll freak out if we get to that too soon."

Tae nods, clearly keeping a mental note, "Since every time we meet, I will have to do some part of my service to you. Are you okay with that?"

"Well..... What would you be doing?"

"Since you said gradually, I would say the basics would be kissing and touching. It also depends what you would like for me to do."

Jungkook has never felt so awkward having a conversation with someone until now.

Especially since he's just not use to this..... Type of thing.


So Jungkook once again shrugs, "I uh.... The most I have experienced is just kissing."

"This isn't about your previous experience," Tae says, leaning back against the chair, "Would you be okay with me kissing you?"

"I mean..... Yeah?"

"Hand job?"

"I've never-"

Tae suddenly gets up from his chair and sits in the table in front of Jungkook, leaning over to him at eye level.

Jungkook's breath hitched.

"You do give me consent to touch you, correct?"

His pulses now accelerating, Jungkook could feel his skin under his hoodie start to boil in heat.


Awkwardly, Jungkook nods, "Yeah - I mean, didn't I give you that when I called you?"

"Verbal consent is valuable," Tae says calmly, suddenly laying a hand to Jungkook's knee, "So you're telling me no one has ever touched you?"

Jungkook eyed Tae's hand, his own hand gripping to each other tightly in his hood pocket, slowly shaking his head, "Not many people enjoy a guy without experience."

"But you want to change that, correct?"

Nodding, Jungkook agrees and tenses up when Tae's hand crawls up his thigh.

"Is there anyone specifically you would want to think of me as when we have our moments? Such as a teacher, best friend, possibly ex? In that way I can fit into the role to the best I possibly can."

Jungkook nearly stops breathing when Tae's hand got to his pelvis, fingers curving just over the outline of his dick.

"Um - I.... Ugh.... No. Just you is fine."

"You want to gain the sexual experience for yourself, correct?"


"Any zones you don't want to be touched?"

Jungkook teeth grinds together when Tae's fingers gently rubs the outside of his cock, resting his entire palm on the tip that instantly made Jungkook jolt on the spot by the pressure that sent all the way to the base of his abdomen.

Tae glances at him through his eyelashes, twitching a grin, just as Jungkook shakes his head, "No red zones."

"Any specific things you'd like me to do?"

"I don't know..... In general, perhaps just motivate me to get out or help me feel confident enough around people. I don't know. Help me get wild or something, anything to not feel like my life is meaningless," He says quietly, still feeling Tae's eyes on him, "Sexually..... I guess we'll find out."

The pressure of Tae's hand on his dick hardens, just like Jungkook's dick, especially when he took a soft stroke that shrivel Jungkook's spine with shivers.

Even with his hips to buckle.

That felt.... So good.

"I can make that work," Tae murmurs, leaning over to practically be hovered over Jungkook's face, "I'll repeat myself again, would you be okay with a hand job?"

Jungkook can barely think by this point because of how Tae is palming him, rubbing his length with his large hand that kept boosting this flares of heat up Jungkook's crotch.

Weakly he whines under his breath, making Tae sink in a breath when he just barely heard it.

"Would you be okay with me touching you like this, hyung?"

Jungkook quivers again, eyes squeezed shut for a second as Tae moved his hand a bit fast, so he quickly nods, "Yes."

"What about a blow job? Hm?" Tae sounds like he's almost out of breath, either from getting slight thrills by seeing the other man melt before his hand, or because of the extra work he has to do now, "Would you be okay with your cock in my mouth?"

One of Jungkook's hands shoots out to grip Tae's wrist, snapping his eyes wide open to meet Tae's dark gaze with his already sparkling chaotically.


"Say it."

Jungkook's eyes flutters to Taehyung's lips, licking his own with his his tongue piercing gliding over it.

The sight of the silver jewelry made a twinkle in Tae's eyes glitter.


"Can I touch your body?"

Jungkook attentively still watches his lips, face coiling by the unbearable pressure building up in his abdomen, burning his dick in twitches by how painfully hard it is.

"Yes..... Please."

A soft noise came out of Tae's lips, and his eyes snaps to Jungkook's, "What do you want me to be for you?"

"Addiction," Jungkook whispers, meeting Tae's eyes, "My new addiction."

Tae leans his face closer, now making Jungkook take in his scent of pine through his nose, "I usually don't do this on the first meeting, but I need to now what I can do for you," He mutters, abruptly stopping his movements when Jungkook felt like he was seconds away from exploding, "And we wouldn't want your pants to be a mess either. This was only a small sample. Just like this."

Softly Tae moves his lips to Jungkook's parted lips, just for a briefly moment to quickly pull away.

Leaving Jungkook to only savor the taste and feeling against his buzzed lips.

Tae grins a little to Jungkook's dazed expressed and completely eases off him, still sitting on the coffee table, "Are you top or bottom?"

Jungkook needed a moment to recover from what just happened, but after a few breathing exercises, he managed to get his shit together.

"I don't know. Never tried bottom."

"Is it something you would like to experience?"

"..... Sure? I guess?"

" Interested in BDSM?"

"At this point," Jungkook huffs, calming himself down completely before sitting up, "I want to experience everything - Can I smoke here?"

Jungkook's anxiety could barely keep up with itself by this point, feeling unease by the loud music and his hard on still mellowing down.

He doesn't even know why he's so fucking anxious!

It's fucking annoying.

Taehyung eyed the way the boy rubs his hand repeatedly over each other, "Did I make you nervous?"

"No, it's not you - fuck," Jungkook rubs a hand down his face, "I'm just generally an anxious person, get panic episodes at random times so that's why I need this fucking cigarette - Can I smoke? If not, then I can just walk out and then come back in-"

"Smoke," Tae says calmly. waving a hand lazily and leans back, "You're in VIP area either way."

Like a fucking addicts unleashed from they're chains, Jungkook with craze fingertips digs into his pocket and takes out a cigarette with a quivering grasp. All it took was for a second for the lighter to spark it's light, igniting the end before Jungkook took a deep inhale.

And that right there.

That moment.

Single second where Jungkook took those chemicals in.

The nicotine.

That nicotine, man..... How powerful this simple little stick has to completely numb and ease down every single layer of Jungkook's entire fucking body - along with his vibrant panic when he feels at loss of control.

As though now he has some sort of connection to something.

To the ground, Earth, the world.


Just so.... Grounded.

"You weren't kidding about being an addict to cigarettes," Tae mutters, earning a side eye from Jungkook - who glances at his hand out stretched to him.

Jungkook narrows his eyes but then extends out his cigarette to the man's waiting fingertips, easing it away from his lips with the smoke escaping his mouth while he passes the cigarette to Tae's fingers.

The man smoothly takes a hit, expertly inhaling and exhales with eyes sliding to glance at Jungkook. The ravenette removes his hood from his head and runs his hand through the long strands of his hair away from his face - since he's still fucking sweaty like crazy.

"You have piercings," Tae points out of the blue, passing the cigarette back to Jungkook, "How many and where?"

Jungkook takes an intake of the cigarette before answering, pointing with his other hand to his ear, "Seven on one ear, five on the other," Then he stick his tongue out, revealing the silver piercing, "One on tongue. One on the nipple and a belly piercing."

Tae's eyes widen to the mention of the last two, but he didn't express much on his face, "Tattoos?"

"One on the spine of my back. Thinking of getting more, dunno though."

"Would you like for me to have tattoos and piercings too?"

Jungkook's eyebrow perks to the sudden question, confused, "I mean it's up to you-"

"I am quite literally at your service, since I have to be providing the pleasure to you," Tae says calmly, leaning back to his hands on the table, "You are free to design me up how you wish. Whatever makes your fantasies full filled. Want me to dress classy? Comfortable? Punk style? You have to decide on that."

Well.... Shit.

That's.... A lot of responsibility.

Jungkook eyed the man for a moment, humming, "I guess.... On a casual day that I see you, you can just wear something casual. Maybe outgoing, it just depends on what we would be doing that day."

"Do you like bright colors?

"Absolutely not."

"There's my answer," Tae chirps, extending his hand again. Jungkook passes him the cigarette, "And? What else?"

Closely Jungkook continues to observe him, shrugging, "I mean you don't have to have piercings or tattoos."

"I have tattoos and piercings, that's why I'm asking you so I can know whether to take them off or cover them up, or just leaving it be."

Now this raised a bit of Jungkook's curiosity, leaning over just as Tae exhales the smoke to his face, "Where?"

"Four on one ear, three on the other. Two on my lip, snake eye on my tongue. I have a tattoo sleeve on my right arm, one on the back of my neck, and on my back," Tae says casually, making Jungkook dart his eyes around the areas but obviously doesn't see anything since it's not on him, "Some clients don't like tattoos or piercings, so I have to take hours to prepare. So, what are your preferences?"

Jungkook studies him well for a moment, trying to imagine those jewelry on his face and feels himself evidently relax a bit more, "I think seeing you with piercings and tattoos will make me feel more comfortable. If that's okay with you?"

Tae tried not to smile. It was obvious by how the corner of his lips twitched, but he held it in and clears his throat instead, "Any diseases? HIV, AIDS, STDS?"


Slowly Tae nods, "Not that it matters, but I want to assure myself on how much protection we would need, so this is more of a health requirement for both of us. I'm clean too by the way," He says smoothly, "Can I know if you would want me to be your boyfriend, friend, whatever title, so I can know how to act around you? Would you want me to treat you like a friend or closer?"

A thick gulp slides down Jungkook's throat, eye twitching, "I don't - Well.... Can we just.... Take it slow? If you start acting all loving to me in public I will actually freak out, so please, go easy. I guess.... I want you to be like my friend but... Not? If that makes any sense."


Tae nods, staying silent for a very long time before he finally nods to himself and leans forward, "I see. So, to sum up everything that we're going to do; Two days a week, we will meet up and I will plan out something we could do that will help you out on not feeling like the odd one out in social or general gatherings. We will try everything out, in that way you can test out what you like and don't like. Thus giving you more experience, sounds good?"

Jungkook nods, rubbing the cigarette on the ashtray, leaning forward as well to rest his elbows on his legs.

"Okay so publicly, I will be someone that you're talking to. In that way if anyone sees us together, that can be some cover up. Not a relationship, but not just friends," Tae continues to say, "For now, in general, I'll just act like your friends with benefits kind of thing, but starting off slow for your comfort. Whenever we meet up, by the end of our appointment, I will perform my service. I won't do anything extreme unless you want me to. You're in control here, so you get to decide anything."

Okay, that sounds okay.

Tae waits to see Jungkook nod back to this, so he continues, "Now for a cover, we need to decide on that-"

"Wait," Jungkook suddenly interjects, "What about the pay?"

Why did Jungkook say that?


Tae seems to have realized that evident question, so he hums to himself and stays quiet into thought before he glances back to Jungkook, "I'll take your suggestion into consideration by cutting your pay in half. You will work for me in the meantime as my assistant. I get a lot of callers daily and it's hard to keep up with it at times, so you're going to help organize my clients by their likes, basically I'll tell you everything and you write it down. In that case when I go to my appointment, you give me a refresher so I can know what to expect. Hard to keep up with things at times."

A massive relief exhaled Jungkook's body, being able to work with that well.

"Okay, so how will this work?"

"Tomorrow we will meet up and I will talk to you about my clients of the week. I have most of the things written down, so you won't really have to do much, only keep me updated on when and what time I have my appointments. We will go into further details about this-"

"Are you busy tonight?" Jungkook suddenly asks, playing around with his tongue piercing, "Tomorrow I'm busy with homework and work.

And video games, but Jungkook was not about to tell him that.

Tae glances at his watch and then takes out his phone, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip before glancing at Jungkook, "I have an appointment at 12:30, but this client doesn't really take much time. If you're willing to stay up late, by owe means."

Not like Jungkook sleeps early in the first place.

So he nods, "Okay, so when you're done we can just meet up-"

"No, you're coming to my place," Tae says smoothly, now getting to his feet, "You can stay for the night. It would be too late for you to head back home."

Well- so soon?

But - Hm.... He doesn't even have extra clothes.

Se this point, does he really have anything to lose?

He's just going to be home by himself either way.

Mind as well make it productive on his weekend.

Jungkook thinks about it for a moment, "I mean, if that's okay with you. Just know I will have to leave early."

"That's fine," Tae says casually and nods to follow him, "Let's go. I'm not really feeling this ambient today."

Nothing more was said, and Jungkook leaves the club with the man who's about to change his life.

Oop- first impression!

Thoughts anyone?


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