Fascination (Masky x Hoodie x...

By kissedbyagalaxy

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While searching for her missing friend, Y/N meets two masked males under very strange and scary circumstances... More



252 9 2
By kissedbyagalaxy

Y/N please, please help me! I'm scared, it's so dark... so cold. I don't want to die. Please come find me, I need you. He won't let me go, I need you to save me... PLEASE Y/N, HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!

Jezebel!? It's me, c-can you hear me? I'm coming for you. I promise things are going to be okay again. I just, I need to know where you are, I need to know why you were taken! Please stay alive, I need you!

Y/N! Is that you? Oh my God please help me! He's going to kill me... this wasn't supposed to happen! I never wanted this to happen, never wanted you to be involved! Y/N there's something you need to know...

Jezebel what is it!? Are you okay, what's going on? How did this happen? JEZEBEL, PLEASE DON'T GO! WHAT'S GOING ON!? WHERE ARE YOU!?


You were facing Masky, your hand gripping onto his shirt, your face buried in his chest. Jezebel's voice, her screaming, her cries for help plagued your mind.


His deep voice was guiding you out of your nightmare. Your grip tightens on his shirt as tears roll down your cheeks. Your eyes open to see Masky's worried expression.

"Hey it's alright, you were just having a nightmare."

You pull away from Masky and sit up, burying your face in your hands as you sobbed. Masky reaches toward you but pulls his hand away. He didn't know how to comfort someone, much less after they had a nightmare. He's been dealing with them for years now, his only comfort was cigarettes or pills, sometimes alcohol.

"We have to go, we have to find her! I can't stay in this shithole anymore, she was calling for help Masky, she was calling for me! I need to go save her, she needs me... I need her. I don't have anyone else in my life but her. I can't let her die, n-not if I can do something, anything to save her!"

Hoodie groans and rolls over, peaking over the pillow.

"What's going on?"

You wipe your tears away and climb over Masky to get out of bed. He watches as you pace the room, running your fingers through our hair, eyes filled with nothing but panic and worry. You could feel the cold sweat on your face and neck, everything felt so overwhelming.

Masky sits on the edge of the bed and runs his fingers through his messy hair.

"You have us."

You stop pacing and stare at him. You weren't sure if you heard him correctly.

"He's right for once."

Masky grabs the pillow behind him and hits Hoodie with it. You let out a quiet laugh. They were right, you do have them in your life, whether you wanted them or not. They were protecting you, they were going to help you find Jezebel.

You couldn't stop thinking about the dream, what it meant, how it was even possible to hear her voice, to see her. It felt so real.... but was it? It had to be, it had to be the universe pulling the two of you back together.


Masky taps his fingers along the steering wheel. Hoodie hums along to some random song on the radio that needs to be put out of its misery. You sat in the backseat, nervously playing with the sleeves of Jezebel's cardigan.

I don't understand. I don't know if that dream was real or not if I actually spoke to her. There has to be some reason why, somehow she was reaching out to me. Maybe I could speak to her in my dreams? Maybe figure out where she is or if she's okay. I hope she's alive, this is unbearable. I'm stuck with two idiots, feeling everything all at once yet nothing at the same time. Impulsive decisions, kissing a man I've only known for 4 days now... but it feels like I can indulge in these impulsive thoughts and foreign feelings... right? Logically speaking, no. But nothing about my life anymore is logical anymore, I'm so fucking lonely without Jezebel. Maybe these two will be a temporary source of comfort and company.

"Y/N, did you hear me?"

You glance up to see Hoodie leaning through the window, looking at you with concern. He waves his hand in front of you, his other hand filling the gas tank.

"Don't check out on us again princess. We stopped for gas, so if you gotta piss or something go do it now. Masky ran inside for cigarettes."

He rummages in his pocket and pulls out some cash.

"Grab a snack or something, you need to eat, you look like shit.... still hot though."

He winks playfully and you groan. You slip out the door on the other side and the cool breeze whips your hair across your face.


The light in the bathroom was dim, a stall door hung halfway off its hinges and paper towels littered the floor. And some sticky substance was sprayed across the bathroom mirror, graffiti decorated the walls.

Gross. I hope no one walks in on me taking a piss, the damn door doesn't lock. Ugh, I feel so sick right now, I feel a headache coming on.

You splash cold water on your face and look at your reflection. Contemplating everything.

I should hurry up, they might think I'm taking a shit or something. But really I'm about to break down again in a shady-ass gas station bathroom. Hope the roaches don't mind me losing my fucking marbles.

The faucet groans when you turn the water off. You fixate on the crack in the mirror, your reflection blurring the more you stare. The lightbulb blew suddenly, the only source of light left came from the small dust-covered window above the stalls.


You turn to face the door, thinking Masky or Hoodie barged in. But no one was there, the door was still closed. You glance back up at your reflection and your heart stops, your hands grip the side of the sink.

"Help me."

Jezebel is standing behind you, her face pale and cheeks hollowed. The gray bags under her eyes put yours to shame. She reaches out for you, but she's pulled back by a black shadow on the wall behind her.

You quickly turn around and let out a choked scream. Your hands are shaking, and your heart was racing and breaking. You tried to form words, to call out for her. You hoped maybe she'd materialize again before you, step out of the wall and embrace you in a tight hug. Soothing you and telling you that she was okay, that the two of you could finally be together again. But it wasn't physically her, you knew that, but she couldn't have been a ghost.

You press your forehead against the wall, beating your fists against it, sobbing and cursing. 

The door creaks open and Hoodie notices your extremely distraught state. He quickly pulls you away from the wall, embracing you from behind. Your fists were red and sore now, your face stained with tears, body, and mind in a whirlwind of confusion, fear, and sadness.

"It was her, she was here! Something pulled her back into the wall, I don't know what the fuck it was, but she was here Hoodie! She was here!"

You sob even more now, your breathing becomes erratic, body shakes in Hoodie's arms. You lean forward attempting to sink down to the floor and drown in a puddle of your own tears. Hoping they would swallow you whole and pull you to where Jezebel went.

Hoodie pulls you up and flush against his chest. He crosses his arm across your stomach, the other one across your chest, his hand gripping your shoulder. This is his attempt at comforting you and keeping you from shaking. 

"S-She was here... she was here... she was here."

You repeated over and over again, a broken record of sobs and pleas now for her to come back.

"Y/N it's okay, it's okay, you're safe now. I'm right here princess, I won't let you go. Please don't check out on me again."

"I need her, I have to find her, she needs me... she needs me! Please, please, please!"

Hoodie rests his chin on top of your head and frowns. He rubs your side gently. He hated seeing you like this. His stomach churned at the thought that maybe Slender was behind this. That he was here to take you from him.

"Let's get you out of here okay? Masky is waiting in the car and we have to go."


Hoodie walks you back to the car, his arm wrapped around your waist keeping you upright.

"You're really trying to faceplant into the gravel again, aren't you? I don't mind giving you first aid again though."

He teases in hopes of making you smile, or at least showing some sign that you're not slipping away into your mind again.


He chuckles, still concerned, but putting effort into making sure you're okay and lightening the mood.

You're in the backseat now replaying what happened in your mind, over and over again, trying to remember her face.

Hoodie buckles you in, tugging on the seat belt gently. He glances at you, taking in your features, before moving out to close the car door.

"Stay please."

He ducks his head and looks at you confused.


He slides into the seat next to you and closes the door quickly. Masky gets in the car and sees your distraught face in the front view mirror.

"Why the fuck is she crying again! What did you do?"

"I didn't do shit to her. Some shit happened in the bathroom that scared her. I think Slender was the cause. So we need to get the fuck out here now."

Masky puts the car into drive, and pulls out of the parking lot, the speedometer reading 45.

"Don't ask. Just drive."

You shakily grab Hoodie's hand and slide your fingers into his.  His breath hitches from the sudden contact, but he squeezes your hand gently.

Masky keeps an eye on you in the front view mirror. You've got a melancholy expression now, your head resting on Hoodie's shoulder. You're watching the road and trees blur as the car eats more miles.

"She was there."

Those words barely escape your lips. Hoodie's grip on your hand squeezes a bit tighter in response. Masky clears his throat.

"We'll keep going until we find another motel, we'll figure out what to do from there.

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