Forever A Team: Transformers...

By Mira2Faith

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Book 2 of Forever Series Julie has awoken, finding herself asleep on the floor of a dark alley in the middle... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII

Chapter VIII

251 6 11
By Mira2Faith

Julie laid in Ratchet's cabin, in the medical bed of his vehicle mode. She jumped just a little bit when she woke up and found herself inside, not remembering at first how she was inside in the first place. "What the heck happened?" She groaned, as she slowly sat up.

"Ep, ep, ep. You need to relax." Ratchet cried.

"Why the heck do you have me resting in your cabin? I thought Bumblebee had some dents he wanted you to pound out." She replied, remembering them stopping Nanosec. "Exactly how long have I been out?"

Ratchet didn't reply, clearly knowing she would be upset for having rested for a long time, so she instantly sat up, before he could stop her and kicked open his back doors, before she flew out of his alt mode.

"You have been worrying about me this whole time? I wasn't even that bad, what did you do? Drug me?" Julie cried.

Ratchet transformed and looked at her, clearly upset, but worried at the same time.

"Julie, it's my fault." Bumblebee cried as everyone in the room was looking at her. "Don't blame Ratchet, he merely was worried about you?"

She looked at all the bots in the room, as they were looking at her, except for Ratchet. She instantly felt guilt pull at her gut, realizing she got mad at him for no reason. He was clearly worried about her, and obviously cared enough to try and help her out. He even had her resting in his alt mode where she didn't have to worry about any more metal burns. She hovered there, looking at Ratchet, before sighing. "I'm sorry Ratchet, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. If the other Ratchet from my world witnessed this he would definitely by scolding me for such a thing." Julie spoke up, as she looked at him, before looking down at the ground, feeling bad for the way she yelled at him. They sat there in an awkward silence, before Sari came rushing in.

"You clearly need a holiday. You need to calm down and relax." Sari cried, in such a boastful and cheerful mood that it made Julie feel awkward. She hadn't celebrated holidays for a long time. The only thing she ever had celebrated was her birthday, so many years ago and even that had a bad history.

"Sari, I don't like parties or celebrations. What makes you think a holiday is gonna get me to calm down and relax. The only holiday I have ever celebrated was my birthday, and I already told you guys how I feel about that." Julie replied, she felt the sadness start to seep into her as she thought about it. She floated down onto the ground in front of them, she looked at it as memories flooded into her head. She didn't know why, but the sudden instinct to leave and go outside filled her mind, even though she knew it would hurt the bot's feelings if she did.

"I need to be by myself for a minute." She sighed as she flew down the hall, leaving all of them behind.

Sitting in her hammock, it was just getting dark outside and she hadn't spoken to any of the others for a while. She had sat in Prowl's tree for a couple of hours, before she decided to shift invisible and fly up to her hammock where she was still nearby if anything happened. With her head hung over, looking down at the others, she saw Bumblebee and Bulkhead were dressing up for whatever the holiday was. Apparently whatever Halloween was, for the humans it was dressing up as something other than themselves for some odd reason.

Man, if she did dress up, it would have been as Optimus, from back in her old world. She would have transformed into a replica of him and probably surprised him to see his reaction.

Suddenly the sound of Optimus freaking out startled her out of her thoughts when she saw him slicing something up that was in midair.

"Whoa, take it easy big guy. It's just a little Halloween fun." Sari exclaimed.

"Somehow when the allspark powered your key, it had something more in mind than Halloween fun. You really shouldn't use it unless it's absolutely necessary." Optimus spoke, turning to her.

"Hello? How necessary was it to use your ax on a fake spider?" Sari replied before walking away with her key.

"Sari, I don't think you should mess with Optimus if he doesn't like spiders." Julie cried after the girl.

"It's just a little bit of fun, besides he doesn't mind." Sari replied before going down the hall. Not even looking up at her either.

Julie jumped out of the hammock and flew in front of her, startling the girl and the bots as she did. "I suggest you leave Optimus be, it is clear there is more to someone than meets the eye. Maybe there is a reason he doesn't like spiders. Have you thought of that? I'm pretty sure you yourself wouldn't like spiders or snakes, like most people. Am I wrong?"

"When did you come back in? You scared me." Sari cried. "Besides, I have more than a few spiders planned for Halloween."

"And you wonder why I don't like celebrations." Julie groaned, before flying back up to her hammock.

"Hey wait, Julie?" Bumblebee cried, but she didn't listen. She laid down in her hammock, leaving them to themselves as she fell back asleep.

When she woke back up, she found all of them, including Optimus, were gone. What the heck was going on? "Ratchet? Prowl? Are you two still here?"

"Julie?" Ratchet cried, "When did you come back?"

"I've been back this whole time. I never even left." Julie replied. "Where are the others?"

"Somewhere out celebrating this human holiday." Ratchet replied, "Is something wrong?"

"I think I owe Sari a little apology." Julie replied. "You wanna help me set this place up?"

"What are you up to?" Prowl asked, entering the room.

"We need to make this place dark and spooky, you guys in?" Julie asked.

Ratchet groaned. "I suppose."

"What are you planning?" Prowl asked.

"Just a little bit of a show for the others when they get back." Julie explained.

Optimus drove into the base, with Bumblebee and Bulkhead behind him. As they entered the room, Bumblebee let Sari hope out, and the three of them transformed, finding the base was pitch black.

"Where is everybody?" He asked as he examined the room with the others.

"Prowl, Doc bot?" Bumblebee cried as they walked into the dark room. As soon as they walked in, the entrance they came in slammed shut. Sari screamed as the sound of the garage door shut behind them.

"Team, turn your lights on, and keep an eye on Sari." Optimus ordered, but the second they turned their lights on, the lights just blared right back at them.

"Ahh, what is that?" Bumblebee cried.

"Turn them back off! That's too bright." Sari replied.

"Agreed, we will have to continue with our other senses." Optimus announced as he shut his lights off and continued to walk forward, with the other two behind him. He picked up Sari and held her close to his chest as he did. The other two shut their lights off, and as soon as they did, they saw a glowing orange light in front of them a few feet away. "Head towards the light." Optimus ordered as he started walking across the room, but as he walked the sound of crackling was heard with every step. "What is that?" Sari whispered as they continued to head towards the light.

"Eww!" Bumblebee cried as he fell backwards and landed on the floor, sending Bulkhead toppling over and falling down in the process. Opitmus turned around and saw more lights glowing behind them. Deciding to turn on his headlights at a much lower setting, he saw Bumblebee laying on top of Bulkhead with what looked like green coolant all over the floor.

"Slime?" Sari asked as they looked at the floor that also had what looked like small rocks all over the floor that they had been walking on. "Come on, guys. We gotta find the others." Optimus spoke up as he watched the two get up from the floor. As soon as they did, they looked right at him and froze still in their pedes.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he looked at them.

"You guys look like you have seen a ghost." Sari replied, before he felt her spinning around on her pedes and looked at something behind him. "Optimus turn around!" She cried, and he instantly did, before they saw what looked like a glowing white figure with no face floating in the air. Reaching up, he grabbed what turned out to be a cloth and pulled it down, to find a bucket falling toward him. Quickly shielding Sari with his other servo, he felt the bucket bounce off his shoulder, before a wet substance spilled off of him and dripped toward the floor.

"Is that blood?" Sari cried out, as she looked up at him, he looked at his shoulder to find a substance that was a darker red than himself, before he looked down and saw Sari touch some that dripped onto his blue servo. Revealing a red substance all over her hand.

"Bumblebee!" Bulkhead cried out of the blue. "Something got Bumblebee."

Optimus spun around to find Bulkhead by himself. "Where is Bumblebee? Did you see anything?"

"No! I turned around to find him gone." Bulkhead replied, "It's like he disappeared."

"Or somebody took him while we weren't watching." Optimus replied, just as the sound of a scream was heard.

"Bumblebee!" Sari cried, as he turned and looked in the direction of the scream. "We need to find Bumblebee." Optimus replied. "Turn your headlights on to the lowest setting, that way the light doesn't blare onto you."

Optimus walked toward the sound of where Bumblebee's scream came from. Taking quick, but quiet steps toward where the scream had come from. As they walked in that direction though, he felt something touch his pedes and he jumped.

"Optimus, what happened?" Bulkhead asked behind him, but was silenced when their lights lit up what was in front of them. In front of them, they saw him wrapped up in Ratchet's bandaging, along with several more bits of bandaging wrapped into a giant webbed mess in front of them. "Bee!" Sari cried, as they saw his optics looking right at them, but Bumblebee was unable to move or speak. Grabbing his ax, he cut the bandages in front of them, before he walked right over to Bee, pulling the bandages off of his intake. The second the bandaging came off of his dermas, he started rambling instantly. "Behind you!" Bumblebee cried, before Optimus spun around to see a giant spider falling from the ceiling towards them. Jumping up and trying to slice at it, the spider instantly disappeared, the substance that made up the spider instantly took off in a random direction into the dark. "We need to follow it, it may lead us to the others." Optimus cried as he pulled some of the bandages off of Bumblebee, with Bulkhead helping pull it off in the process.

"Okay, I have had enough of spiders." Sari cried out.

"You and all the rest of us." Bulkhead replied as Bumblebee was standing up onto his pedes.

"I am getting tired of this game." Bumblebee mumbled as he stood up behind me as I turned around and faced the darkness. "Where the heck are the others? Julie! Prowl! Doc Bot!" As soon as he stopped shouting a wrench came flying towards Optimus, but he quickly ducked and it hit Bumblebee in the face. "What!" Bumblebee cried as he fell onto the floor, on top of all the cut up bandages. "Where did the wrench come from?"

"Is that Ratchet over there? By that light?" Sari asked. Drawing his attention to see a glowing light causing a shadowy outline over something standing on the other side of the room. "Ratchet?" Optimus cried as he started to walk toward the figure, but as he saw it, it suddenly took off and disappeared into the darkness. "That is not Ratchet." Sari spoke up, "Since when does he play hide and seek?"

"Sari is correct, but for some reason I still question if the decepticon is back and somehow followed us back to base." Optimus spoke up.

"Should we split up?" Sari asked.

"Are you kidding? Did you forget that they tied me up?" Bumblebee cried.

"What did you see exactly when they kidnapped you?" Optimus asked. Before Bumblebee could reply another thing came flying toward them, except this time it hit Optimus. Optimus looked to find what was a wad of paper that bounced off him and landed in his servo next to Sari. Sari picked it up, before looking at them. "Maybe it is a note." Sari spoke up as she started to unravel it and looked down at the paper in her hand. "Happy Halloween?" Sari spoke up as she put the paper in her pocket. "Wait, I thought the others didn't even like Halloween." Bumblebee spoke up.

"You mean, we just got...." Bulkhead started to speak up.

"Scared out of pants by Julie, Ratchet, and Prowl?" Sari finished.

Optimus looked around the room to see several lights lighting up the dim room, but as he turned around there was Ratchet and Prowl looking right at them from the center of the room. "Where's Julie?" Optimus asked.

Sari suddenly screamed and he quickly looked down to find Julie hovering over his servo. "Julie!" Sari cried out.

"Happy Halloween! You should have seen the look on your face, Bee when Prowl grabbed hold of you and tied you up." Julie spoke up as she hovered and looked at them.

"That was Prowl?" Bumblebee cried.

"How did you get them to do this with you?" Optimus asked.

"I just asked them." Julie replied.

"You didn't notice your life drain out of you?" Sari asked.

"What...what do you mean? I have been here the whole time and I've been fine." Julie replied. "Did something happen? Is that why Bee and Bulk are no longer wearing their costumes?"

"Are you kidding?" Bumblebee cried, "There was this spider..."

"I think that is a story better to save for another time. Right now, I think we need to clean up the base from your fun for the night." Optimus cut in.

"You think I'm done already?" Julie asked. "I still had a little bit of ideas planned. I felt I had to make it up to Sari."

"But, I thought you hated holidays." Bulkhead cried out.

"I do, but I felt bad for the way I confronted you guys, especially Sari." Julie replied. "I don't see myself ever growing to appreciate or like celebrations, but I don't like to be leaving people feeling bad for the way I treated them. Especially since the way I yelled at Sari was unnecessary." Before any one of them expected it, Sari jumped out of his servo and grabbed hold of Julie in midair, sending her falling towards the floor in the process.

"Julie!" Ratchet cried behind him as Sari climbed off of her.

"Oh, Julie." Sari whispered.

"Julie?" Optimus asked as he slowly crouched down to examine her a little easier. "Are you okay?"

Julie laid there on the floor in front of them for a little while, before she suddenly sat up and hugged Sari. Laughing in the process as she let Sari go.

"Julie, you scared the crap outta me." Ratchet hissed as he held a wrench in his servo.

"Isn't that the point?" Julie asked, as she looked up at them. "Isn't that what Halloween is?" Before she subtly yawned in front of them, with her hand over her dermas, but he still managed to notice.

"I think it is about time we call it a night, and get Sari home." Optimus spoke up. "Thank you for the surprise Julie, but I think the rest of the fun could be saved for another night." 

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